How to declare a global variable in Jenkins and use it in an MSBuild task within each individual project - jenkins

I am converting our CI platform from CruiseControl to Jenkins, and can't seem to figure something out that seems like it should be relatively simple to do (Disclaimer - I'm no CI or build automation expert, but this was dumped into my lap and I find it interesting)
In CruiseControl, I am able to declare variables like this:
<cb:define rootdir="J:\SOURCES\" />
<cb:define logdir="J:\SOURCES\buildlogs" />
<cb:define iisdir="J:\IIS\" />
<cb:define artifacts="artifacts\" />
Then use them as part of an MSBuild task
<logger>C:\Program Files (x86)\CruiseControl.NET\server\ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.MsBuild.dll</logger>
If the root or IIS directories change, it can easily be applied to all projects at once. We have ~60 projects setup, so doing this project by project would be very time consuming. Migrating this to Jenkins, the MSBuild command line arguments now look like this (partial sample but includes what is relevant):
The IIS directory is hard coded. I need that to be something more like this:
Is there a way to do that? I tried the configuration slicing plugin, which is useful, but doesn't fit this need from what I see

You can do this with built-in Jenkins' functionality:
Then you need to expand your variable. This, actually, depends on where you would use it.
For example: %MSBuild% and %IIS_DIR% for "Execute windows batch command" build step. Other build steps (and plugins) may use it differently.

For global variables, you need EnvInject plugin. This allows you (among other things) to setup variables at the Global (node) level, at job level or as a step. You can set variables directly, or from properties file, or from scripts.
Once set, the variables are available as environment variables to the rest of Jenkins and its steps (within scope).
For passing arguments to MSBuild, when you configure an MSBuild step, there is an option to pass "Command line arguments" in the format /p:Param=Value.
The "value" could be an environment variable. On Windows environment you would reference it as %myvar%
So, if you configure a global GLOBAL_IIS_DIR=C:\path\to\IIS using EnvInject, you can then reference it on command line with /p:IIS_DIR=%GLOBAL_IIS_DIR%


Referencing BuildNumber in 2015 Xaml Builds

We are moving from tfs 2012 to tfs 2018 and converting our XAML build templates to 2015.
For the most part, using the default build template TfvcTemplate12 work well. However when a project references the build number, it fails.
One example is when we use the windows service publish task.
<WindowsServicePublishTask Publish="$(DeployFileService)" ServiceDisplayName="$(ServiceDisplayName)" Destinations="$(ServiceDestinations)" SourcePath="$(OutDir)" BuildNumber="$(BuildNumber)" CreateDropFolder="$(CreateDropFolder)" />
I get the following error
The "WindowsServicePublishTask" task was not given a value for the required parameter "BuildNumber".
How can I reference the build number using TfvcTemplate12?
You are using the wrong environment variables. For XAML build:
TF_BUILD_BUILDNUMBER The build number of the build. For example: CIBuild_20130613.6.
More details please refer TF_BUILD environment variables
You can use the TF_BUILD environment variables to get key bits of data that you need for your build process logic. For example, you can get the path to the source folder or the path to the folder that contains the outputs you want to drop.
TF_BUILD environment variables
Use environment variables in MSBuild
Use environment variables in programs or scripts
Use environment variables in a custom build process
A sample of adding something like the following options to the MSBuild arguments:
/p:DeployOnBuild=true;DeployMethod=Package /p:DefaultPackageOutputDir=”$(TF_BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY)”\WebPackage

Retrieval of Jenkins environment variables while invoking ANT

I am invoking a windows batch command from Jenkins, after i get the latest version of my project from SVN. the windows batch command just performs certain file copying, after the all the files are retrieved from SVN and runs an ANT build. In the ANT build process, i am generating a JSP file where i have tried to capture the in the following fashion.
Unfortunately none of this information is understood by the build process and it just writes %BUILD_TAG%-%BUILD_NUMBER%-%BUILD_ID%-%SVN_REVISION% into the file.
Could you please let me know if there is a way to capture these information into a file in the way i am trying to do? if not, could you direct me on how these information could be captured into a JSP file during the process that we are following?
BUILD_TAG, SVN_REVISION, etc are all environment variables that are present during a Jenkins build, and to use them in Ant, you would use them as any other environment variable from Ant
First, add a line:
<property environment="env"/>
Then you can reference any environment variable with this prefix, like:
So in your case, you'd do:

Using Environment Variables for MsDeploy package

I'm trying to setup something with WebDeploy that will allow configuration of Environment Variables to set the "parameters.xml" parameters in a web deploy package.
From what I've read so far, this should be possible, but I've not had any success yet.
Essentially, it's TeamCity that I'm using to do it, but the concept is beyond a usage in TeamCity.
I'm using the generated cmd that you get from using the /t:Package target.
So my question is, is this possible? or is there another solution for iterating the teamcity variables and updating the SetParameters.xml (rather than manually coding an XML Poke foreach, or using /property syntax on the raw MsDeploy.exe).
You should be able to reference environment variables from the command line when you run the msdeploy command. I don't have experience with TeamCity but I suspect you give it a msdeploy.exe command to run.
This post gives more details -

Jenkins - How to access BUILD_NUMBER environment variable

Are Jenkins parameters case-sensitive? I have a parametrized build which needs an ant parameter named "build_parameter" to be set before the build. When I try to access the ${BUILD_NUMBER} set by Jenkins, I get the value set for the ant parameter. If the build parameters are not case sensitive, can anyone suggest me a work around to this issue? I cannot change the build parameter name as I will have to change my build scripts (which is not an option). Thanks!
To Answer your first question, Jenkins variables are case sensitive. However, if you are writing a windows batch script, they are case insensitive, because Windows doesn't care about the case.
Since you are not very clear about your setup, let's make the assumption that you are using an ant build step to fire up your ant task. Have a look at the Jenkins documentation (same page that Adarsh gave you, but different chapter) for an example on how to make Jenkins variables available to your ant task.
Hence, I will need to access the environmental variable ${BUILD_NUMBER} to construct the URL.
Why don't you use $BUILD_URL then? Isn't it available in the extended email plugin?
Assuming I am understanding your question and setup correctly,
If you're trying to use the build number in your script, you have two options:
1) When calling ant, use: ant -Dbuild_parameter=${BUILD_NUMBER}
2) Change your script so that:
<property environment="env" />
<property name="build_parameter" value="${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"/>
For Groovy script in the Jenkinsfile using the $BUILD_NUMBER it works.
Use $env:BUILD_NUMBER in PowerShell script

Set a Jenkins variable after reading console log line / value --OR-- using the variables used by scripts / commands what Jenkins calls

I DONT need the following:
How to set a Jenkins env variable or
How to use a environment variables in Jenkins / windows shell / ant / etc scripts.
What I need is opposite of that.
1. I have a Jenkins job: ABC_Build
2. This job calls a .bat file (which calls an ANT code / target for packaging / building a
build). As we are creating a build, this job know what's the new build label name and
ANT is storing it in a variable called "". File used is build.xml.
(A NOTE to novice users: If you want to call many Windows commands (.bat / .cmd or
commands which creates a windows shell) then, you should call it using "call
script.bat -Dparam1 -Dparam2...." way).
Now, this job calls an another .bat file (which calls an ANT code /target) and uses one
of the parameter value which gets generated by first .bat file / ANT package target
call (i.e. ""). As this is a separate .bat command call to call a new
session of ANT code/target, I need to pass the value of "" during the
call of this step. File used here is deploy.xml.
Basically, I'm trying to see how can I set a variable in Jenkins, either by using:
a. reading the console output of my Jenkins job as I'm echoing the value of
new build label in the standard output / console output.
b. any other way, where I can set a jenkins variable using "" ANT
variable (once first .bat / ANT package target is finished) and I'm ready to call
the 2nd .bat / .cmd / ANT call for doing deployment. Unfortunately, I can't do both
package / deploy at the same time.
I'm also not interested in knowing WHY CAN'T I call target deploy from first ANT
session when I already know the value of "" as my main request is:
HOW TO set a jenkins variable using a "variable" which was used by one of the scripts (ANT/Jelly/Groovy/Maven/etc) that Jenkins called.
You can pass environment variables among Jenkins build steps via EnvInject plugin. In your particular case the following is probably the best way:
The first ANT should echo into a properties file that can be read by EnvInject plugin, e.g.:
<echo message="${}" file="envars.props" />
Create an Inject environment variables build step and set "Properties File Path" to envars.props (make sure you are dealing with paths correctly). Then will be available as an environment variable to the rest of your build steps.
By the way, I think it is not a good practice to call ANT from batch files in Jenkins. Use ANT build step instead.
