UCD equivalent for Groovy/Grails? - grails

In Java projects I use UCD for cleaning dead/unnecessary code, and I love it.
Is there an equivalent in Groovy/Grails land?

Given the highly dynamic nature of Groovy it would be very difficult (if at all possible) to do something similar to this.
I haven't seen any tools that are capable of what you are looking for and I doubt any exist for the reasons above.

The codenarc project (Static Analysis for Groovy) has some rules to detect unused and unnecessary code.


Building Rascal from source

I'm thinking it might be easiest if I modify the Java syntax used in Rascal to better fit our Java-like language.
Is there a way I can build Rascal from the source? I've cloned the repo from Github and imported it as a project into Eclipse but there are some compilation errors regarding org.eclipse.imp. Before I head down the rabbit-hole of trying to get this all to work in Eclipse I thought I would post here to see if there is an easy way to handle this.
Sure you could build Rascal from scratch; following the developer instructions at https://github.com/cwi-swat/rascal/wiki/Rascal-Developers-Setup---Step-by-Step
On the other hand, if you wish to simply adapt the Java syntax definition it would be better to clone it into your own files. Grammars may look modular, but in reality there are complex interactions between different parts of the grammar. Better to clone and manage the whole thing as your own than depend on two co-evolving definitions.
If you clone the Java grammar Rascal will generate new parsers for you on-the-fly. If this generation becomes cumbersome, a "cached parser" can help you to optimize the deployment of your tools. Please contact us if you need help with that.

Dart code instrumentation possible?

I know that Dart's VM is a "language VM" as opposed to a bytecode VM. Is there a way to do the equivalent of bytecode instrumentation on Dart code?
As far as I remember there was a similar question somewhere recently (Dart Google groups) in relation to profiling and the answer was no.
You can do code generation like Angular/DI does it to replace dynamic injection with static injection (Polymer transformer does something along this lines).
But that is only possible before the program is started.

What is the best plugin for code analysis in groovy?

I am using Grails 2.0.3 as platform and Netbeans 7.1 as an IDE. Which of the available plugins for code analysis in groovy works best? Codenarc and GMetrics are on my list.
Anyone who have tried these? Which one is better?
CodeNarc and GMetrics both analyze different things. CodeNarc checks code for style, best practices and other inconsistencies. GMetrics analyzes the complexity of your code and will tell you the cyclomatic complexity and line counts and whatnot.
If I was only going to use one of these plugins, I would use CodeNarc because it helps train you to follow best practices in your code and will improve your code quality. However, there is no reason why you shouldn't or can't use both.

Good alternative for ant for use on jenkins build server

Hy there. I have a number of software projects (also iOS and OSX) which I build with Apache ant`.
Although I quite like Ant it is often too verbose and some things which should be easy are quite tricky or I have to use shell scripts along with ant.
Is there a good alternative for which is extensible, easy to use and should work well on my jenkins build server.
Thanks for your input.
Have a look at Gradle - it's quite different from Ant and may take a little while to get your head around, but I think it's going to be the new standard for build systems. One nice thing is that it has full Ant support under the hood, so you can easily get your existing Ant builds running and then port them to Gradle.
Gareth's answer of Gradle is a good one. But do take a look at what you are doing that is hard with Ant. In my experience, a fair portion of the time its "non-build" stuff. Perhaps leave Ant for the pure build stuff, and use an alternate tool for and deploy or test stuff that's snuck in there.
Although gradle looks very promising I decided to use Rake instead.
I should say that this is a biased decision since I am already using ruby for other parts in my build setup. I found a good Article by Martin Fowler
Another point is that by doing OSX development the platform-independence-aspect of Ant (or Gradle) does not have such a big weight for me.
BTW Besi's Rake answer:
JRuby's Rake+Ant integration seems like a really powerful combo:
One big advantange there, it fully supports integration with Ant, allowing step-by-step migration.. which IMHO is only viable strategy for large, existing projects.
Gradle seems similar and while it looks good; I think learning Rake could be a better investment as it's more universal outside of Java.
(The other thing I'm seriously considering is BuildR http://buildr.apache.org, but Jenkins doens't explicitly support it yet, so have to use scripted build steps, which seems less preferable. TODO: a BuildR plugin).

FxCop/StyleCop for Delphi?

Does anyone know of an equivalent to FxCop/StyleCop for Delphi? I would really like to get the automatic checking of style, etc. into Continuous Integration.
There's Pascal Analyzer from Peganza: http://www.peganza.com/products_pal.htm
I don't know how the features compare to FxCop, since I haven't really used either one.
The closest I've seen is CodeHealer from SOCK software. We use it, and we have integrated it into our FinalBuilder build. It differs from FxCop in one important way: It analyzes the source code, rather than the produced executable. It also doesn't check quite as much as FxCop does. But I think it is the best thing which is available in this category for Delphi.
Delphi 2009 support isn't there just yet, but they say they're working on it.
Delphi Code Analyzer is another one that is open source.
The DGrok project started with something like FxCop some years ago. The parser and analysis parts are still available, read more at "DGrok 0.8.1: multithreading, default options, GPL" - The parser is a .Net project but
DGrok is a set of tools for parsing
Delphi source code and telling you
stuff about it. Read more about it on
the DGrok project page.
There is a new Delphi plugin for Sonar, which uses a Delphi grammar to run automatic tests over the source code.
I've heard of something called Delforex but haven't used it myself (yet)
Delforex is great for actually formatting the code. It does not do much more than that though. (we have/do use it).
I would second the votes for either Pascal Analyzer or Code Healer.
Doesn't Delphi output .net compatible IL code? I haven't used it in an age but I thought newer versions output .net assemblies.
If so then I would have thought FXcop would work and you could always add some of your own custom rules to it. Stylecop would not work but you could at least get FXCop running.
