my checkbox pass value even unchecked - Grails - grails

I have lots of checkbox element on my Grails form, one is this:
<g:checkBox id="consolidate" name="consolidate" value="${true}" checked="${false}" />
Then on the receiving controller, I verify the value of the checkbox using this code:
println params?.consolidate
And it displays:
Regardless whether I've tick my checkbox or not. In other language, if the checkbox is not ticked, its value on the controller will be null or undefined. What should be its value when unchecked, and what is the right code to access its value on the grails controller?
Temporary Solution:
The following code (on JavaScript) is what I had used temporarily to accommodate my requirement. Though what I want is an explanation or maybe correction about this behavior.
var serialized_string = "";
$("#form input").each(function(i, j) {
var o = $(j);
if(o.val() !== undefined && o.val() !== "undefined" && o.val() !== "") {
if(serialized_string === "") {
serialized_string += o.attr("name") + "=";
else {
if(o.attr("name") === "consolidate") {
var val = "false";
if(o.prop("checked")) {
val = "true";
data += val;
else {
data += "&" + o.attr("name") + "=";

If checked, you see the on you're seeing; otherwise you see null, which is your false.


Angular 11 Custom ISBN Validator Reactive Forms

I'm doing a custom validation for an ISBN number, I already have the function that checks the number and works perfect giving me the response by console, but I need to do the custom validator to get the error in the view with the form control and in this step this error is showing in console when I write an ISBN number, It's like it checks the errors but it doesn't know when its right and it should take the null response as a right ISBN number, at least thats what I saw in some examples.
core.js:6210 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'CheckDigit')
at LibrosComponent_Template (libros.component.html:22)
at executeTemplate (core.js:9600)
at refreshView (core.js:9466)
at refreshComponent (core.js:10637)
at refreshChildComponents (core.js:9263)
at refreshView (core.js:9516)
at refreshEmbeddedViews (core.js:10591)
at refreshView (core.js:9490)
at refreshComponent (core.js:10637)
at refreshChildComponents (core.js:9263)
This is my typescript,
export class LibrosComponent implements OnInit {
//ISBN Validator
isbnValue: string = ""
firstFormGroup: FormGroup;
secondFormGroup: FormGroup;
private _formBuilder: FormBuilder,
) {}
ngOnInit() {
this.firstFormGroup ={
tituloControl: ['', Validators.required],
isbnControl: ['', Validators.required],
{ validator: this.isbnValidate });
isbnValidate(g: FormGroup) {
var isbnValue = g.get('isbnControl').value
var subject = isbnValue;
// Checks for ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 format
var regex = /^(?:ISBN(?:-1[03])?:? )?(?=[0-9X]{10}$|(?=(?:[0-9]+[- ]){3})[- 0-9X]{13}$|97[89][0-9]{10}$|(?=(?:[0-9]+[- ]){4})[- 0-9]{17}$)(?:97[89][- ]?)?[0-9]{1,5}[- ]?[0-9]+[- ]?[0-9]+[- ]?[0-9X]$/;
if (regex.test(subject)) {
// Remove non ISBN digits, then split into an array
var chars = subject.replace(/[- ]|^ISBN(?:-1[03])?:?/g, "").split("");
// Remove the final ISBN digit from `chars`, and assign it to `last`
var last = chars.pop();
var sum = 0;
var check, i;
if (chars.length == 9) {
// Compute the ISBN-10 check digit
for (i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
sum += (i + 2) * parseInt(chars[i], 10);
check = 11 - (sum % 11);
if (check == 10) {
check = "X";
} else if (check == 11) {
check = "0";
} else {
// Compute the ISBN-13 check digit
for (i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
sum += (i % 2 * 2 + 1) * parseInt(chars[i], 10);
check = 10 - (sum % 10);
if (check == 10) {
check = "0";
if (check != last) {
return null;
} else {
return g.get('isbnControl').setErrors( {CheckDigit: true} )
} else {
return g.get('isbnControl').setErrors( {Invalid: true} );
In my HTML I have some inputs that are included in the form:
<form class="form" [formGroup]="firstFormGroup">
<div class="container-1">
<mat-form-field class="width">
<input matInput formControlName="tituloControl" required>
<mat-form-field class="width">
<input matInput formControlName="isbnControl" required>
<mat-error *ngIf="firstFormGroup.controls['isbnControl'].pristine || firstFormGroup.controls.isbnControl.errors['CheckDigit']">Invalid ISBN check digit</mat-error>
<mat-error *ngIf="firstFormGroup.controls['isbnControl'].pristine || firstFormGroup.controls.isbnControl.errors['Invalid']">Invalid ISBN</mat-error>
I already found the solution to the error, replacing the .errors [''] with hasError (''), the .errors[] is to read the property of the object that contains the validation error. But first I have to evaluate with the hasError () method if that property exists to access it.

Google Sheets Script Error - Cannot read property '1' of null (line 7)

I'm using the following script to pull data from bulk json files:
function importRegex(url, regexInput) {
var output = '';
var fetchedUrl = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {muteHttpExceptions: true});
if (fetchedUrl) {
var html = fetchedUrl.getContentText();
if (html.length && regexInput.length) {
output = html.match(new RegExp(regexInput, 'i'))[1];
// Grace period to not overload
return output;
Then this formula with the desired URL in E3:
It worked completely fine to begin with, now I'm suddenly getting the error, seemingly without making any changes, any tips?
This error is because of lacking a null check.
You are now using the return value of html.match() whether it is null or not.
So you should check if the return value is null and if it has enough length.
Like this:
if (html.length && regexInput.length) {
let match = html.match(new RegExp(regexInput, 'i'));
if ( match != null && match.length > 1 ){
output = match[1];

checking all (visible) layers for crossorigin-parameter and return a variable depending on it

i'm trying to receive a variable after i checked the layers of the map on their crossOrigin-Property (if given).
In fact I want to set my variable printposs=true/false.
As soon as one visible layer doesnt have the proper CrossOrigin-Value the variable should become possible=true and the function/foreach-loop can quit, returning the value "outside"
Thats what i got alreay with my poor JS-knowledge. But it seems the variable always keeps the value of the last processed layer.
JSfiddle here: (I added browser console-logging)
map.getLayers().forEach(function (layer, idx, a) {
if (layer instanceof ol.layer.Group) {
layer.getLayers().forEach(function (sublayer, jdx, b) {
var origin = sublayer.getSource()['crossOrigin'];
var visible = sublayer.getVisible();
var title = sublayer.get('title');
if (visible === true && origin == 'anonymous') {
} else if (visible == false) {
printposs = true;
} else {
printposs = false;
//return printposs; can abort here as soon as one visible layer doesnt have Crossorigin
return printposs;
console.log('outer return:' + printposs + ' - It seems always the value of the last "processed" layer is returned')

Display result matching optgroup using select2

I'm using select2 with Bootstrap 3.
Now I would like to know whether it is possible to display all optgroup items if the search matches the optgroup name while still being able to search for items as well. If this is possible, how can I do it?
The above answers don't seem to work out of the box with Select2 4.0 so if you're hunting for that, check this out:
(Use the function like this: $("#example").select2({matcher: modelMatcher});)
function modelMatcher (params, data) {
data.parentText = data.parentText || "";
// Always return the object if there is nothing to compare
if ($.trim(params.term) === '') {
return data;
// Do a recursive check for options with children
if (data.children && data.children.length > 0) {
// Clone the data object if there are children
// This is required as we modify the object to remove any non-matches
var match = $.extend(true, {}, data);
// Check each child of the option
for (var c = data.children.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) {
var child = data.children[c];
child.parentText += data.parentText + " " + data.text;
var matches = modelMatcher(params, child);
// If there wasn't a match, remove the object in the array
if (matches == null) {
match.children.splice(c, 1);
// If any children matched, return the new object
if (match.children.length > 0) {
return match;
// If there were no matching children, check just the plain object
return modelMatcher(params, match);
// If the typed-in term matches the text of this term, or the text from any
// parent term, then it's a match.
var original = (data.parentText + ' ' + data.text).toUpperCase();
var term = params.term.toUpperCase();
// Check if the text contains the term
if (original.indexOf(term) > -1) {
return data;
// If it doesn't contain the term, don't return anything
return null;
Actually found the solution by modifying the matcher opt
matcher: function(term, text, opt){
return text.toUpperCase().indexOf(term.toUpperCase())>=0 || opt.parent("optgroup").attr("label").toUpperCase().indexOf(term.toUpperCase())>=0
Under the premise that the label attribute has been set in each optgroup.
Found a solution from select2/issues/3034
Tested with select2 v.4
matcher(params, data) {
const originalMatcher = $.fn.select2.defaults.defaults.matcher;
const result = originalMatcher(params, data);
if (
result &&
data.children &&
result.children &&
) {
if (
data.children.length !== result.children.length &&
) {
result.children = data.children;
return result;
return null;
A few minor changes to people suggested code, less repetitive and copes when there are no parent optgroups:
matcher: function(term, text, opt){
var matcher = opt.parent('select').select2.defaults.matcher;
return matcher(term, text) || (opt.parent('optgroup').length && matcher(term, opt.parent('optgroup').attr("label")));

jQuery input mask

I want the onBlur event of the input box to trigger the CheckMask() validation function to see whether the data entered by the user is correct or not. The data format is abc 123. If the input isn't in the correct format, I want to display an error message.
Can someone help me modify this code? I'm not getting the correct result.
function CheckMask() {
var value = $('.Mask-tttnnn').val();
if (value.length <= 3) {
char = value.substring(value.length - 1);
if (!(isNaN(char))) {
var newval = value.substring(0, value.length - 1);
$(Mask - tttnnn).val(newval);
if (value.length > 3) {
char = value.substring(value.length - 1);
if (isNaN(char)) {
var newval = value.substring(0, value.length - 1);
$(Mask - tttnnn).val(newval);
<input id="checkval" value="" type="text" class="Mask-tttnnn" onBlur="CheckMask()" />
Step 1: remove the onBlur from your HTML. Keep code and mark-up separate.
Step 2: construct a regular expression you would like to validate. See
Step 3: attach a function to the blur event of your input using jQuery
$('checkval').blur(function () {
// check $(this).val() against the regex
// alert if it fails or whatever you want to do
