PHP TCPdf prevent page break if content overflows - tcpdf

Is there any way to prevent page break when the contents overflows?
I want to hide the overflowed contents rather than creating new page.

You can turn automatic page breaking off using the TCPDF::SetAutoPageBreak() method:
from documentation:
SetAutoPageBreak( $auto, $margin = 0 )
Enables or disables the automatic page breaking mode. When enabling,
the second parameter is the distance from the bottom of the page that
defines the triggering limit. By default, the mode is on and the
margin is 2 cm.


Focus management behavior in tab and virtual cursor mode

I have an application which has a main section and a footer. the main section has a tabIndex="-1". The footer holds the copyright thing.The main section further holds some widgets which holds the buttons in a list.When the page loads, the screen reader announces the page load.The body is the default active element. On tab, the focus moves to the first button in the main section.This is the expected behavior. But i don't see this behavior in the virtual cursor mode. So the page loads, the live expression in chrome shows the body as the active element. when i press the down arrow, the screen reader starts reading the footer instead of traversing the dom from up.It entirely skips the main section.Not sure what the issue is. I can't share code as it is proprietary.
I have tried setting the tab index of the main section container to 0.
Expected: the screen reader(in virtual cursor mode/browse mode) NVDA + Chrome should read the dom structure from the top and not skip the main section.
Actual: It skips the main section and directly reads the footer.
You're using roles or semantic HTML elements, I suppose? These have a profound effect on screenreader behavior.
You mentioned that there are buttons in "main" - this might be throwing the screenreader into forms mode, so that the screenreader has nothing to 'read' except button labels, which you get with tabbing. In forms mode, any 'document-like' content will be ignored, unless it's mentioned in an aria-describedby attribute.
You should use tabindex="-1" sparingly - only in cases when you are going to call focus() on that element. It's not clear whether you're doing that. What happens when you remove the tabindex attribute entirely from main?
Also try separating the document part of "main" from the buttons part, with distinct roles for each (e.g. "document" and "application", but there are others you can try).

Vaadin's SplitLayout.setSplitterPosition(80) only works the first time; subsequent calls do not seem to respond

In Vaadin 12, I have created a button which, when clicked, sets the split layout position to some non-zero, non-100 value, as shown below:
btnHelp.addClickListener(event -> {"info pressed");
MainApp.iFrameHelp = new Html( "<iframe src=\"\"></iframe>");
//btnHelp.setIcon(new Icon(VaadinIcon.INFO_CIRCLE));
This works great. However, if I pretend to be a user and, via the Chrome browser, I adjust the split layout (by dragging the vertical layout) such that I "close" (or just reduce the size of) the second vertical "panel", and THEN I click on the button again, it does NOT seem to obey the command to reset the splitter position to 80. It only seems to obey the command on the first call. Is this a bug? If so, is there a workaround? (Or, should I do this differently?)
This is a side effect of What happens is basically that the server-side still believes that the split position is set to 80 which makes it ignore the setSplitterPosition(80) call.
You can work around this by using low-level APIs to set the position in a way that bypasses the server's dirty checking logic:

moving page number anywhere on a page in Latex

I want to print the current page number inside the defined textheight, textwidth frame on a Latex document, rather than at the page bottom.
How can I retrieve the current page number somehow for each page and then print it inside my text region? Can I call the page number up somehow on any given page? And insert it. Not as a \label or a \cite job ?
After long fumbling along trying to get that page number to show under \pagenumber or the like, I finally hit upon \thepage. If one is on p. 48, say, and wants to display that number anywhere in the text of p. 48, one simply types \thepage to have 48 appear where it is set in the text. So simple, but it stumped me.
Why did I want that? I made the page height and page width the exact dimensions of an 8.5 by 11 page. Then - unfortunately - page numbers are automatically set below the bottom edge of the printed window of every page. And become invisible!
Now I learnt how to print the current page number inside the visible page. Why did I use the full size of the paper? Because I was building a pdf file for a book and I wanted a seamless edges to edges picture on its front cover. Therefore the full size page width and page height ... Thanks!
\thepage, \thechapter etc was the answer. Sorry I asked.

How to make Filemaker textbox resizable according to content

I'd like to create a layout to show this table in list view, the point is to make the text field resizable according to content. I have try several method, but all fails. I am using FileMaker 12.
Any help much appreciated.
For Browse mode you can set layout objects to dynamically resize based on the layout size, but not on the object contents. If you need this functionality in Browse mode you will probably need to use a web-viewer.
In Preview mode you can use sliding left and sliding up for reduction of the size of the layout objects, but there is no option to expand.
In Browse and Find modes, if a field isn't set to have a scroll bar, the field will expand while the user is entering data, but only then. It will return to the default size when the user navigates to another field or another record.
In Preview mode, you can make the field larger than it could possibly need and set it to slide up and also reduce the size of the enclosing part. But the user won't be able to interact with the interface of the layout (can't click buttons, change data, etc.).
A workaround might be to use a tooltip. If you set the tooltip to the contents of the field itself, then the user can hover over the field to see any expanded contents.
If you really need exactly the functionality that you mention (which I would define as having field height and enclosing body part expand in list view based on the field's content length while in FileMaker), the only way I could see doing it would be to use custom web publishing to create a web page and use FileMaker's web viewer to show that web page. F 'n' web has an article that might be of some assistance if you go this route.

jquerymobile, update dynamically a page and reset scroll position

I'm trying to dynamically update the content of a page with jquery mobile ( $('#testpage').page('destroy').page(); ), and reset the scroll position ( $.mobile.silentScroll(0); ).
It works but for a few milliseconds, jquery shows the new content scrolled down at the old position. I wish to show the new content directly scrolled at the top of the page.
There must be a parameter in jquery that remembers the scroll position when you call $('#testpage').page('destroy').page();, and I wish to reset this parameter.
Maybe I'm having the wrong approach, and I should use 2 separated divs for the 2 pages.
The reason I'm doing this is because I want the hash in the url being the same for the 2 pages, and I don't want the user being able to go back to the previous page with the browser back action. If I can achieve this with 2 separated divs, that would be fine too.
Here is a jsfiddle to illustrate :
I replaced $.mobile.silentScroll(0); with $.mobile.changePage( $('#testpage') , {allowSamePageTransition:true} ); and it worked.
Note that I also tried to play with $.mobile.urlHistory.getActive().lastScroll. It was not necessary in my case to set it to zero (because it seems changePage on the same page already reset the scroll position), but that might be a useful value to play with if you want to change the scroll positions in your history.
