How do you construct a generic union case in an F# quotation? - f#

The following code fails:
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
let (empty,cons) =
|> (fun cases ->
cases |> Array.find (fun c -> c.Name = "Empty"),
cases |> Array.find (fun c -> c.Name = "Cons"))
let valuesToList values =
|> (fun v -> Expr.Value(v))
|> List.fold
(fun l v -> Expr.NewUnionCase(cons, [v;l]))
<## List.empty<int> ##>
|> valuesToList
with the exception:
System.ArgumentException: Type mismatch when building 'sum': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected 'System.Object', but received type 'System.Int32'.
How do I specify the generic parameter type of the Cons union case?

The problem is with GetUnionCases(typeof<List<_>>). The wildcard is being inferred as obj. Thus the error
Expected 'System.Object', but received type 'System.Int32'.
Here's a working version.
let valuesToList (values: list<'a>) =
let empty, cons =
|> (fun cases ->
cases |> Array.find (fun c -> c.Name = "Empty"),
cases |> Array.find (fun c -> c.Name = "Cons"))
|> Expr.Value
|> List.fold
(fun l v -> Expr.NewUnionCase(cons, [v;l]))
<## List.empty<'a> ##>


F# find all elements present in another array

this solution
d1 |> Array.filter (fun t -> d2 |> Array.exists (fun t2 -> t=t2))
from this so answer
Finding the difference between two arrays in FSharp
gives this error
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Type mismatch. Expecting a
unit -> bool
but given a
'a [] -> bool
The type 'unit' does not match the type ''a []' ParseLibs
Program.fs 25
Full code:
// Learn more about F# at
// See the 'F# Tutorial' project for more help.
open System
open System.IO
open FSharp.Collections
let main argv =
let path = "data1.txt"
let lines = use reader = new StreamReader(path) in reader.ReadToEnd().Split('\n')
let n = 5
let d1 = lines
|> Array.takeWhile (fun e -> not (e.Equals "\r"))
let d2 = lines
|> Array.skipWhile (fun e -> not (e.Equals "\r"))
|> Array.skip 1
|> Array.mapi (fun i e -> e, i)
|> Array.filter (fun (e, i) -> i % n = 0)
|> Array.iter (fun (e, i) -> printfn "%s" e)
d1 |> Array.filter (fun t -> d2 |> Array.exists (fun t2 -> t=t2))
//let writer = new StreamWriter(path)
ignore (Console.ReadKey())
0 // return an integer exit code
Is the answer there wrong? What is the real answer? I am simply trying to filter all the elements that are in both arrays. In most functional languages this is as trivial as they come.
d1 |> Array.filter (fun t -> d2.contains(t))
The problem is that d2 has type unit.
As array.iter returns ()
I would change to
let d2 = lines
|> Array.skipWhile (fun e -> not (e.Equals "\r"))
|> Array.skip 1
|> Array.mapi (fun i e -> e, i)
|> Array.filter (fun (e, i) -> i % n = 0)
|> Array.filter (fun t -> d2 |> Array.exists (fun t2 -> t=t2))
|> Array.iter (fun (e, i) -> printfn "%s" e)
Using the actual answer from the above link: and adding the information at
the following code is an example of the three first concepts with same sets/values as in wiki article.
let d1= [|"1";"2";"3";|] //pretend this to be the filtered/skipped/mapped
//whatever but otherwise "clean" structure/datatypes
let d2 = [|"2";"3";"4";|] //pretend this to be the filtered/skipped/mapped
//whatever but otherwise "clean" structure/datatypes
//equal to d1
let s1 = d1
|> Set.ofArray
let s2 = d2
|> Set.ofArray
let all = s1 + s2 //Union
let inBoth = Set.intersect s1 s2 //Intersection
let onlyIn_d1 = s1 - s2 //Set difference
let onlyIn_d2 = s2 - s1 //Set difference the other way ;-)
I have removed your other code to simplify the concepts, so the initial filter, skippings and mappings you are doing must of course be done ahead of the above code. And you must also "realign" the types to be equal again:
|> Array.mapi (fun i e -> e, i)
|> Array.filter (fun (e, i) -> i % n = 0)
|> (fun (e,i) -> e)
|> Set.ofArray

How to get the AST of functions in a [<ReflectedDefinition>] tagged module?

module Foo =
let x = 5
let y () = 6
let z a = a
I tried to find out how to get the AST in this situation a couple of times now and keep failing. Time to ask the question here.
So far, I thought that a module would be mappped to a class with static members internally and as such, it should be the equivalent of:
type Foo =
static member x = 5
static member y () = 6
static member z a = a
let bar_members =
|> Array.filter (fun mi -> match mi with | MethodWithReflectedDefinition x -> true | _ -> false)
|> (fun m -> sprintf "%s: %A" (m.Name) (Expr.TryGetReflectedDefinition(m :> MethodBase) ) )
In the latter case, I could use typeof<Foo>.GetMembers() (or GetMethods()?!), cast it to Reflection.MethodBase and use this as an argument for Expr.TryGetReflectedDefinition().
But unfortunately, this is not working with the module version.
So, how to do it?
If you want to play with the code, you might want to open some namespaces:
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.DerivedPatterns
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
open System.Reflection
The problem comes go down to actually getting the type of the Module. In order to do that, there's a great answer here by Phillip Trelford:
Basically, you add a helper value to your module which returns the type of that module:
module Foo =
type internal IMarker = interface end
let fooType = typeof<IMarker>.DeclaringType
let x = 5
let y () = 6
let z a = a
You can then use fooType to retrieve the reflected definitions.
let foo_members =
|> Array.filter (fun mi -> match mi with | MethodWithReflectedDefinition x -> true | _ -> false)
|> (fun m -> sprintf "%s: %A" (m.Name) (Expr.TryGetReflectedDefinition(m :> MethodBase) ) )
I can then, e.g. print the results:
[|"get_fooType: Some PropertyGet (Some (Call (None, TypeOf, [])), DeclaringType, [])";
"get_x: Some Value (5)";
"y: Some Lambda (unitVar0, Value (6))";
"z: Some Lambda (a, a)"|]
For the use case, when the reflected definitions are in another assembly (like an F# dll, for example), you can do without the marker interface trick, as shown below:
open System
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.DerivedPatterns
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
open System.Reflection
open FSharp.Reflection.FSharpReflectionExtensions
let tryGetReflectedModules (a : Assembly) : seq<TypeInfo> =
|> Seq.filter
(fun dt ->
|> (fun cad -> cad.AttributeType)
|> Seq.filter ((=) (typeof<ReflectedDefinitionAttribute>))
|> Seq.isEmpty
|> not
let astFromReflectedDefinition (mi : MethodInfo) : Expr option =
mi :> MethodBase |> Expr.TryGetReflectedDefinition
let reflectedMethodsOfAModule (m : System.Type) : (MethodInfo * Expr) [] =
|> (fun m -> (m,astFromReflectedDefinition m))
|> Array.filter (snd >> Option.isSome)
|> (fun (x,y) -> (x, Option.get y))
let reflectAssembly (assemblyPath : string) =
let a = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile(assemblyPath)
|> tryGetReflectedModules
|> (fun x -> (x,reflectedMethodsOfAModule (x.AsType())))
Where, for example, the assembly I used for testing the code above looked like this:
namespace Input
module Api =
let trace s =
for _ in [0..3] do System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine s
module Foo =
let foobar (x : string) : string =
You get the top level types in the assembly, which just so happen to be the (static) classes, representing the modules of the Fsharp assembly and test for the ReflectedDefinitionAttribute presence. Then, you take it from there.

Converting None to 0 (F#)

This expression correctly evaluates to 225.58:
let alfki = ctx.``[dbo].[Customers]``.Individuals.ALFKI
let changeNoneToZero x = match x with | Some v -> v | None -> 0m
let freights = alfki.FK_Orders_Customers |> (fun x -> changeNoneToZero x.Freight) |> Seq.sum
corresponding to the following database query:
select SUM(freight)
from dbo.Orders
where CustomerID = (
select CustomerID from Customers
where CustomerID = 'ALFKI')
Is there some built in equivalent or close analogue of the changeNoneToZero function? Could I be seeking to Seq.sumBy something instead?
#ildjarn's approach of using Seq.choose works. Instead of converting None to 0m and then summing everything, the following selects only those values that are not None and pipes them into Seq.sum:
let freights = alfki.FK_Orders_Customers
|> Seq.choose (fun x -> x.Freight)
|> Seq.sum
Thanks #ildjarn!
You can also use Option.fold:
alfki.FK_Orders_Customers |> Option.fold (fun _ a -> a) 0m
And you can make it generic:
let inline valOrZero ov = ov |> Option.fold (fun _ a -> a) LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero

Get a list of invalid drive letters

let private GetDrives = seq{
let all=System.IO.DriveInfo.GetDrives()
for d in all do
//if(d.IsReady && d.DriveType=System.IO.DriveType.Fixed) then
yield d
let valid={'A'..'Z'}
let rec SearchRegistryForInvalidDrive (start:RegistryKey) = seq{
let validDrives=GetDrives |> (fun x -> x.Name.Substring(0,1))
let invalidDrives= Seq.toList validDrives |> List.filter(fun x-> not (List.exists2 x b)) //(List.exists is the wrong method I think, but it doesn't compile
I followed F#: Filter items found in one list from another list but could not apply it to my problem as both the solutions I see don't seem to compile. List.Contains doesn't exist (missing a reference?) and ListA - ListB doesn't compile either.
open System.IO
let driveLetters = set [ for d in DriveInfo.GetDrives() -> d.Name.[0] ]
let unused = set ['A'..'Z'] - driveLetters
Your first error is mixing between char and string, it is good to start with char:
let all = {'A'..'Z'}
let validDrives = GetDrives |> (fun x -> x.Name.[0])
Now invalid drive letters are those letters which are in all but not in validDrives:
let invalidDrives =
all |> Seq.filter (fun c -> validDrives |> List.forall ((<>) c))
Since validDrives is traversed many times to check for membership, turning it to a set is better in this example:
let all = {'A'..'Z'}
let validDrives = GetDrives |> (fun x -> x.Name.[0]) |> Set.ofSeq
let invalidDrives = all |> Seq.filter (not << validDrives.Contains)

Yet Another Value Restriction Question

In the following code Seq.generateUnique is constrained to be of type ((Assembly -> seq<Assembly>) -> seq<Assembly> -> seq<Assembly>).
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Reflection
module Seq =
let generateUnique =
let known = HashSet()
fun f initial ->
let rec loop items =
seq {
let cachedSeq = items |> Seq.filter known.Add |> Seq.cache
if not (cachedSeq |> Seq.isEmpty) then
yield! cachedSeq
yield! loop (cachedSeq |> Seq.collect f)
loop initial
let discoverAssemblies() =
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() :> seq<_>
|> Seq.generateUnique (fun asm -> asm.GetReferencedAssemblies() |> Assembly.Load)
let test() = printfn "%A" (discoverAssemblies() |> Seq.truncate 2 |> (fun asm -> asm.GetName().Name) |> Seq.toList)
for _ in 1 .. 5 do test()
System.Console.Read() |> ignore
I'd like it to be generic, but putting it into a file apart from its usage yields a value restriction error:
Value restriction. The value
'generateUnique' has been inferred to
have generic type val
generateUnique : (('_a -> '_b) -> '_c
-> seq<'_a>) when '_b :> seq<'_a> and '_c :> seq<'_a> Either make the
arguments to 'generateUnique' explicit
or, if you do not intend for it to be
generic, add a type annotation.
Adding an explicit type parameter (let generateUnique<'T> = ...) eliminates the error, but now it returns different results.
Output without type parameter (desired/correct behavior):
["mscorlib"; "TEST"]
["FSharp.Core"; "System"]
["System.Core"; "System.Security"]
And with:
["mscorlib"; "TEST"]
["mscorlib"; "TEST"]
["mscorlib"; "TEST"]
["mscorlib"; "TEST"]
["mscorlib"; "TEST"]
Why does the behavior change? How could I make the function generic and achieve the desired behavior?
generateUnique is a lot like the standard memoize pattern: it should be used to calculate memoized functions from normal functions, not do the actual caching itself.
#kvb was right about the change in the definition required for this shift, but then you need to change the definition of discoverAssemblies as follows:
let discoverAssemblies =
let generator = Seq.generateUnique (fun (asm:Assembly) -> asm.GetReferencedAssemblies() |> Assembly.Load)
fun () ->
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() :> seq<_>
|> generator
I don't think that your definition is quite correct: it seems to me that f needs to be a syntactic argument to generateUnique (that is, I don't believe that it makes sense to use the same HashSet for different fs). Therefore, a simple fix is:
let generateUnique f =
let known = HashSet()
fun initial ->
let rec loop items =
seq {
let cachedSeq = items |> Seq.filter known.Add |> Seq.cache
if not (cachedSeq |> Seq.isEmpty) then
yield! cachedSeq
yield! loop (cachedSeq |> Seq.collect f)
loop initial
