I have created an image for textfield in my iOS app. But the text seems to overlap the image. Is there any way to prevent this or achieve the same design in another way. Below is the image of the problem I'm facing.
Is there any way to make the text start from a particular position in the text field?
One solution is to make your UITextField a subclass of UITextField. This will allow you to override textRectForBounds: - and now you are in charge of where the text will go.
In particular, in your override, call super to get the original rect. Now increase the x-component of the origin by some amount to allow room for your image, and decrease the width of the size by that same amount. Return the resulting modified rect and you're done.
This will allow you to change the rect where the text will go:
class MyCustomTextField : UITextField {
var leftMargin : CGFloat = 10.0
override func textRectForBounds(bounds: CGRect) -> CGRect {
var newBounds = bounds
newBounds.origin.x += leftMargin
return newBounds
override func editingRectForBounds(bounds: CGRect) -> CGRect {
var newBounds = bounds
newBounds.origin.x += leftMargin
return newBounds
I did also find another way to achieve this by adding offset to the textfield. But found out this would not be an ideal solution when you have multiple text fields in the same view. Just adding the solution as a reference to others so that someone finds it helpful.
let paddingView = UIView(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 60, self.yourTextField.frame.height))
yourTextField.leftView = paddingView
yourTextField.leftViewMode = UITextFieldViewMode.Always
I am trying to set an underline on my UITextFields. I have tried a couple of methods but none of them seem to work. After looking through a couple of websites, the most suggested method is the following:
extension UITextField {
func setUnderLine() {
let border = CALayer()
let width = CGFloat(0.5)
border.borderColor = UIColor.lightGray.cgColor
border.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: self.frame.size.height - width, width: self.frame.size.width-10, height: self.frame.size.height)
border.borderWidth = width
self.layer.masksToBounds = true
I can't think of any reason as to why the code above would not work, but all the answers I saw were posted a couple of years ago.
Could someone please let me know what I am doing wrong?
One problem I see with the code that you posted is that it won't update the layer if the text field gets resized. Each time you call the setUnderLine() function, it adds a new layer, then forgets about it.
I would suggest subclassing UITextField instead. That code could look like this:
class UnderlinedTextField: UITextField {
let underlineLayer = CALayer()
/// Size the underline layer and position it as a one point line under the text field.
func setupUnderlineLayer() {
var frame = self.bounds
frame.origin.y = frame.size.height - 1
frame.size.height = 1
underlineLayer.frame = frame
underlineLayer.backgroundColor = UIColor.blue.cgColor
// In `init?(coder:)` Add our underlineLayer as a sublayer of the view's main layer
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: coder)
// in `init(frame:)` Add our underlineLayer as a sublayer of the view's main layer
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
// Any time we are asked to update our subviews,
// adjust the size and placement of the underline layer too
override func layoutSubviews() {
That creates a text field that looks like this:
(And note that if you rotate the simulator to landscape mode, the UnderlineTextField repositions the underline layer for the new text field bounds.)
Note that it might be easier to just add a UIView to your storyboard, pinned to the bottom of your text field and one pixel tall, using your desired underline color. (You'd set up the underline view using AutoLayout constraints, and give it a background color.) If you did that you wouldn't need any code at all.
I created a Github project demonstrating both approaches. (link)
I also added a view-based underline to my example app. That looks like this:
Is it posible to change the placeholder text alignment in a MDCTextField that is using MDCTextInputControllerUnderline?
What I am looking for is despite the placeholder appears like this:
Place holder
I want it at the middle
Place holder
Thank you in advance!
yes you can if you can override this method of textfield
override func placeholderRect(forBounds bounds: CGRect) -> CGRect {
var rect = super.placeholderRect(forBounds: bounds)
rect.origin.x = rect.origin.x + CGFloat(paddingyouwant)
return rect
In Swift, i have a UITextField on a table view cell, and when it's text becomes too long I would like the font size to decrease. I want to make it very clear that I am talking about a UITextField, not a UILabel or a UITextView. The reason I say this is because I have seen this question pop up several times and the answers were all based on UILabel instead of UITextField.
I hoped, that can be done in IB, where i did this settinngs of Min Font Size and ajust to fit, but this didnĀ“t change anything:
Is there another way to resolve this?
extension UITextField {
internal func resizeText() {
if let text = self.text{
self.font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(14)
let textString = text as NSString
var widthOfText = textString.sizeWithAttributes([NSFontAttributeName : self.font!]).width
var widthOfFrame = self.frame.size.width
// decrease font size until it fits
while widthOfFrame - 5 < widthOfText {
let fontSize = self.font!.pointSize
self.font = self.font?.fontWithSize(fontSize - 0.5)
widthOfText = textString.sizeWithAttributes([NSFontAttributeName : self.font!]).width
widthOfFrame = self.frame.size.width
Based on the answer I linked, I created an extension to UITextField that automatically resizes text - to have it properly resize the text each time, it needs to be called in a number of locations:
override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) (I haven't found a better spot to call this as you have to wait until its bounds are set and the TVC lifecycle gets confusing)
textField(textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersInRange...
I have tried and failed to resize a UITextField that resides inside an UIView, that is set as the inputAccessoryView of that text field.
Now I have been trying to get the resizing to work. When the user enters text of 2 lines or more, the textfield should resize, and so should the surrounding view (inputAccessoryView).
I have the following code in my UITextFieldDelegate:
func textViewDidChange(textView: UITextView) {
println("textViewDidChange called")
sendButton.enabled = textView.hasText()
var oldHeight = textView.frame.height
var textWidth = textView.frame.width
var textFrame = textView.frame
textFrame.size.height = textView.contentSize.height
textFrame.size.width = textWidth
textView.frame = textFrame
var newHeight = textView.frame.height
moveToolbarUp(newHeight - oldHeight)
self.frame.size.height += newHeight - oldHeight
Now when I type too much in the textfield, this happens. How can I make sure this does not happen? Also, the complete inputAccessoryView resets when I press the return key. Should I be using another method in the delegate? Should I not be calculating these heights myself? Why doesn't my inputAccessoryView resize properly, but only my textView?
As I was using Autolayout, I should have used that... It works by setting a height constraint on the UITextField, which I then change with these calculations...
How do you create padding for text field (UITextField) in swift? I want it to be global scope so when the UIView load every Text field have this padding apply to it.
Current Swift Code:
class MyCustomTextField: UITextField {
// Custom Code that i can't figure out.
Steps i try to take:
Apple developer document, it doesn't talk about inset or padding
Search Stackoverflow and see they either relate to objective-c or the
hack is removed when Xcode become 6.1
Google, nothing came up about Swift padding (only objective-c)
Thank you in Advanced.
Swift Beginner :)
class MyCustomTextField : UITextField {
var leftMargin : CGFloat = 10.0
override func textRectForBounds(bounds: CGRect) -> CGRect {
var newBounds = bounds
newBounds.origin.x += leftMargin
return newBounds
override func editingRectForBounds(bounds: CGRect) -> CGRect {
var newBounds = bounds
newBounds.origin.x += leftMargin
return newBounds