We have a pipeline that looks like:
BigQuery -> ParDo -> BigQuery
The table has ~2B rows, and is just under 1TB.
After running for just over 8 hours, the job failed with the following error:
May 19, 2015, 10:09:15 PM
S09: (f5a951d84007ef89): Workflow failed. Causes: (f5a951d84007e064): BigQuery job "dataflow_job_17701769799585490748" in project "gdfp-xxxx" finished with error(s): job error: Sources are too large. Limit is 5.00Ti., error: Sources are too large. Limit is 5.00Ti.
Job id is: 2015-05-18_21_04_28-9907828662358367047
It's a big table, but it's not that big and Dataflow should be easily able to handle it. Why can't it handle this use case?
Also, even though the job failed, it still shows it as successful on the diagram. Why?
I think that error means the data you are trying to write to BigQuery exceeds the 5TB limit set by BigQuery for a single import job.
One way to work around this limit might be to split your BigQuery writes into multiple jobs by having multiple Write transforms so that no Write transform receives more than 5TB.
Before your write transform, you could have a DoFn with N outputs. For each record randomly assign it to one of the outputs. Each of the N outputs can then have its own BigQuery.Write transform. The write transforms could all append data to the same table so that all of the data will end up in the same table.
i have a case as below:
1) use pubsub as input in dataflow and load the stream data to bigquery
2) select aggregated result from bigquery and load to pubsub as output
3) client that listen to pubsub for display
e.g. i have sales transaction and want to see regional (aggregated) sales figure real-time. i knew that i can use 2 pipelines for load data to bigquery (1) and other dataflow pipeline to get aggregated result and push to pubsub.
Is there any way to do in a single pipeline? as i don't want to build a orchestration layer (i.e. after 1st pipeline finished, call 2 pipeline). and initialing pipeline is costly.
I think this can be done with a single dataflow pipeline with pubsub as input and bigquery and pubsub as sinks.
1. PubsubIO -> PCollection A.
2. A -> BigQueryIO
3. A -> Window.into(...) -> PCollection B.
4. B -> GroupBy(...) -> ParDo -> C
5. C -> PubsubIO
In case you are loading/streaming raw transaction into BigQuery you may also consider using BigQuery itself to build real-time aggregates in a cost-effective way, with semi unbounded stream
I would like to know, how JdbcIO would execute a query in parallel if my query returns millions of rows.
I have referred https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-2803 and the related pull requests. I couldn't understand it completely.
ReadAll expand method uses a ParDo. Hence would it create multiple connections to the database to read the data in parallel? If I restrict the number of connections that can be created to a DB in the datasource, will it stick to the connection limit?
Can anyone please help me to understand how this would handled in JdbcIO? I am using 2.2.0
Update :
new ReadFn<>(
The above code shows that ReadFn is applied with a ParDo. I think, the ReadFn will run in parallel. If my assumption is correct, how would I use the readAll() method to read from a DB where I can establish only a limited number of connections at a time?
The ReadAll method handles the case where you have many multiple queries. You can store the queries as a PCollection of strings where each string is the query. Then when reading, each item is processed as a separate query in a single ParDo.
This does not work well for small number of queries because it limits paralellism to the number of queries. But if you have many, then it will preform much faster. This is the case for most of the ReadAll calls.
From the code it looks like a connection is made per worker in the setup function. This might include several queries depending on the number of workers and number of queries.
Where is the query limit set? It should behave similarly with or without ReadAll.
See the jira for more information: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-2706
I am not very familiar with jdbcIO, but it seems like they implemented the version suggested in jira. Where a PCollection can be of anything and then a callback to modify the query depending on the element in the PCollection. This allows each item in the PCollection to represent a query but is a bit more flexible then having a new query as each element.
I created a Datasource, as follows.
ComboPooledDataSource cpds = new ComboPooledDataSource();
cpds.setDriverClass("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); // loads the jdbc driver
There is a better way to set this driver now.
I set the database pool size as 5. While doing JdbcIO transform, I used this datasource to create the connection.
In the pipeline, I set
I used a query which would return around 3 million records. While observing the DB connections , the number of connections were gradually increasing while the program was running. It used at most 5 connections on certain instances.
I think, this is how we can limit the number of connections created to a DB while running JdbcIO trnsformation to load bulk amount data from a database.
Maven dependency for ComboPoolDataSource
**please feel free to correct the answer if I missed something here.*
I had similar task
I got count of records from the database and split it into ranges of 1000 records
Then I apply readAll to PCollection of ranges
here is description of solution.
And thanks Balu reg. datasource configuration.
We're loading data in a Neo4j Server which represents mainly (almost) k-ary trees with k between 2 and 10 in most case. We have about 50 node types possible, and about same amount of type of relationships.
The server is online and data can be loaded from several instances (So, unhappily, we can't use neo4j-import)
We experience very slow loading for about 100 000 nodes and relationships, which take about 6mn to load in a good machine. Sometimes we experience loading of the same datas which takes 40mn ! Looking at the neo4j process, it sometime doing nothing....
In this case, we have messages like :
WARN [o.n.k.g.TimeoutGuard] Transaction timeout. (Overtime: 1481 ms).
Beside we don't experience problems with query which execute quickly despite very complex structures
We load data as follow :
A cypher file is loaded like this :
neo4j-shell -host localhost -v -port 1337 -file myGraph.cypher
The cypher file contains several sections :
Constraints creations :
Index on very little set of Nodes (10 at more)
We carefully select these to avoid counter performance behaviours.
CREATE INDEX ON :MyNodeType1(uid);
Nodes creations
USING PERIODIC COMMIT 4000 LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:////tmp/my.csv" AS csvLine CREATE (p:MyNodeType1 {Prop1: csvLine.prop1, mySupUUID: toInt(csvLine.uidFonctionEnglobante), lineNum: toInt(csvLine.lineNum), uid: toInt(csvLine.uid), name: csvLine.name, projectID: csvLine.projectID, vValue: csvLine.vValue});
Relationships creations
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:////tmp/RelsInfixExpression-vLeftOperand-SimpleName_javaouille-normal-b11695.csv" AS csvLine Match (n1:MyNodeType1) Where n1.uid = toInt(csvLine.uidFather) With n1, csvLine Match (n2:MyNodeType2) Where n2.uid = toInt(csvLine.uidSon) MERGE (n1)-[:vOperandLink]-(n2);
Question 1
We experienced, sometimes, OOM in Neo4j server while loading datas, difficult to reproduce even with the same datas. But having recently added USING PERIODIC COMMIT 1000 to relationships loading commands, we never reproduced this problem. Could it is possibly the solution for OOM problem ?
Question 2
Is the Periodic Commit parameter good ?
Is there another way to speed up data loading ? Ie. another strategy to write the data loading script ?
Question 3
Is there ways to prevent timeout ? With another way to write the data loading script or maybe JVM tuning ?
Question 4
Some months ago we splited the cypher script in 2 or 3 parts to launch it concurrently, but we stoped that because the server messed up the data frequently and became unusable. Is there a way to split "cleanly" the script and launch them concurrently ?
Question 1: Yes, USING PERIODIC COMMIT is the first thing to try when LOAD CSV causes OOM errors.
Question 2&3: The "sweet spot" for periodic commit batch size depends on your Cypher query, your data characteristics, and how your neo4j server is configured (all of which can change over time). You do not want the batch size to be too high (to avoid occasional OOMs), nor too low (to avoid slowing down the import). And you should tune the server's memory configuration as well. But you will have to do your own experimentation to discover the best batch size and server configuration, and adjust them as needed.
Question 4: Concurrent write operations that touch the same nodes and/or relationships must be avoided, as they can cause errors (like deadlocks and constraint violations). If you can split up your operations so that they act on completely disjoint subgraphs, then they should be able to run concurrently without these kinds of errors.
Also, you should PROFILE your queries to see how the server will actual execute them. For example, even if both :MyNodeType1(uid) and :MyNodeType2(uid) are indexed (or have uniqueness constraints), that does not mean that the Cypher planner will automatically use those indexes when it executes your last query. If your profile of that query shows that it is not using the indexes, then you can add hints to the query to make the planner (more likely to) use them:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:////tmp/RelsInfixExpression-vLeftOperand-SimpleName_javaouille-normal-b11695.csv" AS csvLine
MATCH (n1:MyNodeType1) USING INDEX n1:MyNodeType1(uid)
WHERE n1.uid = TOINT(csvLine.uidFather)
MATCH (n2:MyNodeType2) USING INDEX n2:MyNodeType2(uid)
WHERE n2.uid = TOINT(csvLine.uidSon)
MERGE (n1)-[:vOperandLink]-(n2);
In addition, if it is OK to store the uid values as strings, you can remove the uses of TOINT().This will speed up things to some extent.
I am wondering whether Google Dataflow can do something that is equivalent of like SQL
I know that Dataflow has very standard programming paradigm to do join. However, the part I am interested in. is this LIMIT 1000. Since I don't need all of the joined result but only any 1000 of them. I am wondering whether I can utilize this use case to speed up my job (assuming the join are between very expansive tables and will produce very large result on a fully join)
So I assume that a very naive way to achieve the above SQL result is some template code as follows:
PCollection A = ...
PCollection B = ...
PCollection result = KeyedPCollectionTuple.of(ATag, A).and(BTag, B)
.apply(ParDo.of(new DoFn<KV<...,CoGbkResult>, ...>() {
However my concern is that how is this Sample transformation hooking up with ParDo internally handled by dataflow. Will dataflow able to optimize in the way that it will stop processing join as long as it know it will definitely have enough output? Or there is simply no optimization in this use case that dataflow will just compute the full join result and then select 1000 from the result? (In this way, Sample transform is will only be an overhead)
Or long question short, it is possible for me to utilize this use case to do partial join in dataflow?
Or in essentially, I am wondering does Sample.any() transform will able to hint any optimization to upstream PCollection? For example if I do
Will dataflow first load all data in and then select N or will it able to take advantage of Sample.any() and do some optimization and prune out some useless read.
Currently neither Cloud Dataflow, nor any of the other Apache Beam runners (as far as I'm aware) implement such an optimization.
I'm calculating a large number of top-n reports from a single data set. My very small scale tests work fine. But when I increase the number of top-n reports, the job is rejected as too large.
The job JSON (via --dataflowJobFile) is 19 MB.
This experiment was for 200 top-n reports, and that doesn't even cover all the report types. At production scale, we'll be processing 10,000+ top-n reports from multiple data sets.
Running concurrent jobs is impractical because work units would need to be split in awkward ways, and the concurrent job limit is only 25.
I can share job ids and job files privately with the GCDF team.
What you want to do is move the size concerns into your data, rather than in the size of your pipeline. From the "control plane" to the "data plane", if you like.
For each subset of your data on which you want to run a report, assign that subset a key. Assuming each of the reports is already per-key, you'll want to build a compound key that includes both the original key as well as the report key. Then you can calculate all top-n reports (for a particular n) together as a Top.largestPerKey(n) on a single PCollection.
Suppose you have multiple top-n reports for different thresholds, such as top-10, top-100, etc, and the relationship between the n and the subset of your data is too complex to just run the largest and prune to get the others. Then you can either run a separate transform for each n (still shouldn't be too many) or assemble a composed combine that calculates them all together.