Detect when user opens file in app - ios

I was reading this documentation on how to preview a file on my iOS app.
Is there any to detect which app did the user choose? Or any way to kno if he actually tapped on any option?
My problem: iBooks large file (> 700mb). User chooses preview, then taps on the top right corner and chooses to open on iBooks. It takes between 20 to 45 seconds until it jumps to iBooks. If I know that the user tapped any app I could at least show a loading or whatever so he knows something is about to happen.

You can use UIDocumentInteractionControllerDelegate methods to achieve this. Here are the list of methods:
Apple document link


How to open the companion app and go back in from a keyboard extension in iOS

So, I have this requirement where a keyboard extension must be able to open it's companion app and have the user take a specific action in there and then be able to go back to whatever previous app was opened and input some text in the previously selected text field.
Basically, if you take a look at Scandit Keyboard Wedge you'll see that behaviour: the user opens can press the "Scan" button on the custom keyboard and is taken in the companion app. Once a barcode is scanned the app automatically goes back to the previous opened app and inputs the barcode string into the text field that was being edited.
Now, reading through Apple's documentation I see a mention saying that a keyboard extension is not permitted to open another apps. Does this include it's own companion app?
Also, even so, I'm not really sure how I can have the keyboard extension open a custom URL since UIApplication.shared is not available in the keyboard extension.
Now, my second problem is, how does the companion app go back to the previously opened app?
Same goes for Google's own custom keyboard. Now, I found a question about this one here on SO. The answer suggests that this is using a private API to handle this thing. But then I'm curious: how did this even go throw Apple's review process? Am I expected to have my app rejected?

Create home screen quick actions that do not open app?

I have home screen quick actions for my iOS 9 app, but I don't need it to open the app. It actually schedule reminders and that's it. Is there a way to make the home screen quick action not to open the app?
Quick actions are designed to be used to quickly navigate to a section of your app, eg on the camera app there is selfie mode, box mode, panorama mode, timelapse mode etc. These are all sections of the app. To the best of my knowledge you cant have a quick action that just runs code without opening the app. Otherwise how will the user know that the code has worked and it has been executed?
This functionality would be cool but i believe it is impossible as of current. The closest you can get is make it so it opens the app to a ViewController that just says "Reminder Scheduled".

Create a floating GUI button on iOS home screen

I'm creating an iOS swift app that will allow users to play sounds while in another app. The app is hard to explain, but I would like to know how to create some thing like the assistive touch or the zoom controllers. Like this:
It's hard to explain, but as you can see there is a button on the screen (it's always on top) and the user needs to be able to open a menu from the button. The user will play the sounds from here.
Is there any way I can do this in swift in Xcode?

Is it allowed to add a UITabBarItem that opens up Safari?

I want to add a UITabBarItem on the TabBar which when clicked opens up Safari instead of loading its corresponding tab. (Not UIWebView but the app goes to background and opens up Safari instead)
I already know how to do this, but I was wondering if this is allowed by Apple. I know they're OK with using the TabBarItem to trigger other actions such as opening a modal in the app, etc. However I am not sure if it's OK to open a safari.
I am just being cautious because I don't want it to get rejected for this and wait another week.
I don't see a reason why it shouldn't be allowed.
But: it could lead to confusion amongst your users, because they would most likely not expect that touching an item on the TabBar leads to an app switch. I would rather open a webView and offer the additional possibility to open the page in Safari.
There is no harm doing such and it is also allowed by Apple.
But, I would personally suggest to use UIWebView, over Safari navigation. Because it will create unhealthy user experience, where he/she requires to jump around to swith in-between Safari and App. Rather you can open the same link in UIWebView, which will kepp our user in app only.

iOS7/iphone 5s home button tap API

So with this new fingerprint thing you only need to tap the home button and hold your finger for a few moments to unlock your phone. I was wondering if there's an API that lets us make use of the "Tap" functionality.
i.e. Let's say in my app, when the user taps the home button, my app does xyz.
Also, would it be possible for my app to read these taps when the screen is locked?
NOTE: By tap I do not mean pressing the button, just a tap, like when we unlock the iPhone 5s with the fingerprint scan.
I'm completely new to iOS development. So referencing libraries with links etc and basic tutorials might make things a bit clearer for me.
Nope. This API does not exist. File a feature request at I can't imagine that this will get implemented though, given the possibility of abuse.
No there is no public API for the Touch ID sensor... yet. And there may never be one.
