Linkedin retrieve full profile details? - ios

I want to integrate the Linkedin API and fetch all the details (Education ,detail..)
But When I pass r_fullprofile in the grant access. I am getting following error.
authorization failed Error Domain=LIALinkedInERROR Code=1
I have done the code as below :
- (LIALinkedInHttpClient *)client {
LIALinkedInApplication *application = [LIALinkedInApplication applicationWithRedirectURL:#""
return [LIALinkedInHttpClient clientForApplication:application presentingViewController:nil];

May be you are not aware of the developer programe changes done by LinkedIn as explained in


Failed to fetch full profile details from LinkedIn API

I tried to fetch full profile details from LinkedIn API. I referred a sample app also. In my app I tried,
[LISDKSessionManager createSessionWithAuth:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:LISDK_FULL_PROFILE_PERMISSION, LISDK_EMAILADDRESS_PERMISSION, nil] state:nil showGoToAppStoreDialog:YES successBlock:^(NSString *returnState) {
[self.delegate didSuccessfullyLogIntoLinkedIn];
} errorBlock:^(NSError *error) {
[self.delegate fetchingFailedWithError:error];
This code gives me an error
The operation couldn’t be completed. (LISDKAuthError error 5.)
But in the sample app which is provided by the LinkedIn, This same code is working. I went through my app authentications. It has only following fields. I think the problem is, In this list there is no r_fullprofile field.
Is this the problem? Is it possible to add r_fullprofile field to this list?
Although basic access gives you only 4 fields, an answer is "Yes, it is possible". If you subscribe to LinkedIN Partnership Programs.

ADALiOS seems to be redirecting my login to

I'm trying to use ADALiOS framework v1.2.4 to acquire a token with a specific resource and clientId. I'm using a custom authority hosted on ''.
I create an authentication context from within a VC thusly:
ADAuthenticationError *error = nil;
ADAuthenticationContext context = [[ADAuthenticationContext alloc] initWithAuthority:#""
context.parentController = self;
And then I proceed to acquire a token thusly:
[context acquireTokenWithResource:#"someResource"
redirectUri:[NSURL URLWithString:#"someAppScheme://moreStuff"]
completionBlock:^(ADAuthenticationResult *result) {
NSLog(#"Was here!");
What I would expect to happen is that a UIWebView would open and redirect me to my custom authority sign-in page where I can enter my credentials. To confirm, that's what I see when I type in my custom authority URL into any old browser.
However, instead what I see happening is that the code redirects me to that (A) looks different and (B) doesn't recognize my login credentials.
When I turn verbose logging on, I see the following line in the logs:
VERBOSE: HTTP Protocol. Additional Information: HTTPProtocol::connection:willSendRequest:. Redirect response: New request: ErrorCode: 0.
I'm guessing I'm doing something very wrong, but I can't figure out what it is. Any suggestions?
For building iOS apps with Azure AD B2C, I'd recommend starting with this tutorial: The version of ADAL you are using doesn't support B2C.
For automatically redirecting to custom authority sign-in page instead of common Microsoft landing page, I use extraQueryParameters while getting the token as:
[context acquireTokenWithResource:#"someResource"
redirectUri:[NSURL URLWithString:#"someAppScheme://moreStuff"]
completionBlock:^(ADAuthenticationResult *result) {
NSLog(#"Was here!");
Hope this helps someone.

Unauthenticated user to authenticated user on AWS Cognito

My code is here: code
Reposted because I wanted to ask a more direct question. How do I switch between unauthenticated user and authenticated? My unauthenticated seems cached and I've used these methods:
[credentialsProvider clearCredentials];
[credentialsProvider clearKeychain];
before the rest of my api code and it still doesn't work. Any help is appreciated
Note: I know it's not working because I make a call using lambda right after I switch up my configuration/credentials provider and only authorized users should be able to call this method.
EDIT #behrooziAWS answer:
id<AWSCognitoIdentityProvider> identityProvider = [[DeveloperIdentityProviderClass alloc] initWithRegionType:AWSRegionUSEast1
[credentialsProvider setIdentityProvider:identityProvider];
[credentialsProvider setLogins:#{#"MYIDENTITYPROVIDERNAME": #"MYUSERNAME"}];
[[credentialsProvider refresh] continueWithBlock:^id(BFTask *task){
[self testAuth];
return [BFTask taskWithResult:nil];
Full Error:
BusyTime[27043:7097936] AWSiOSSDKv2 [Verbose] AWSURLResponseSerialization.m line:87 | -[AWSJSONResponseSerializer responseObjectForResponse:originalRequest:currentRequest:data:error:] | Response body: [{"message":"The security token included in the request is invalid."}]
2015-10-20 08:51:17.280 BusyTime[27043:7097936] Error: Error Domain=com.amazonaws.AWSLambdaErrorDomain Code=0 "The operation couldn’t be completed. UnrecognizedClientException" UserInfo=0x7ff27ab41150 {NSLocalizedFailureReason=UnrecognizedClientException, responseStatusCode=403, message=The security token included in the request is invalid., responseHeaders={type = immutable dict, count = 6,
IMPORTANT EDIT: I've hardcoded my refresh to use a working token and identityId. so:
self.identityId = #"someID";
self.token = #"someToken";
return [super getIdentityId];
and then ALL my code is working. But obviously this isn't sustainable, I need to be able to make a call to aws lambda to refresh my credentials. But when I set my identity provider, and set my login, I think it's changing me to my authenticated version, but I need to be in unauthenticated to call aws lambda. Please refer to my code link above and take a look at my refresh method to understand what I'm poorly trying to describe. Also please let me know if this should go in a new thread as this is a slightly different question. Not so familiar with stackoverflow's policies on questions.
Another error: [{"Message":"User: arn:aws:sts::445291524102:assumed-role/Cognito_BusyTimeAuth_Role/CognitoIdentityCredentials is not authorized to perform: lambda:InvokeFunction on resource: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:445291524102:function:login"}], SO now I'm assuming my auth provider for my refresh which is incorrect login flow. I'm thinking that I switch this up so that I login in my API class. When I return my identity ID and token, I save them to keychain. Finally, I use the above API code to switch my logins and in my refresh method, I simply return what I found in my keychain. The only problem is I'm not sure if this flow is correct because it doesnt actually "refresh" as I'm not calling my backend. I was wondering if I could wrap the refresh by changing back and forth from my unauth role to my auth role but this seems messy.
[credentialsProvder clearKeychain] will clear the identityId, credentials and any logins, so clearCredentials is unnecessary: clearKeychain Documentation
Normally you don't want to clear your identity id when you transition to an authenticated user. If you simply add your provider and valid login token to the logins map and call [credentialsProvider refresh], you will become authenticated with the same identity id. From that point forward, you will only be able to access that identity if you provide a valid login token. If you want to switch identities by logging out and then login as a authenticated user, that is when you use clearKeychain.

Office 365 AD Authentication with ADAL: missing parameter 'client_secret or client_assertion'

I'm trying to authenticate in Microsoft Office 365 Azure AD. For the purpose I'm using Microsoft ADAL library for Objective-C version 1.0. Here is a sample code:
ADAuthenticationError *error;
ADAuthenticationContext *authContext = [ADAuthenticationContext authenticationContextWithAuthority:#"" error:&error];
[authContext acquireTokenWithResource:#""
redirectUri:[NSURL URLWithString:#"https://localhost:11111"];
completionBlock:^(ADAuthenticationResult *result) {
if (AD_SUCCEEDED != result.status){
NSLog(#"%#", result.error.errorDetails);
} else {
NSLog(#"%#", result.accessToken);
I get
Error -- AADSTS90014: The request body must contain the following parameter: 'client_secret or client_assertion'.
ADAL for ObjC only works for public clients, which do not use secrets - and in any case, adding it via extraqueryparameters wouldn't help. How did you register your application in Azure AD? I suspect you might have registered it as a web app (which is a confidential client, requiring client creds when requesting tokens) while it needs to be registered as a native client.

Facebook iOS SDK: authorize with permissions requires 2 attempts

I have an app that still uses the deprecated Facebook class to connect with Facebook. If I authorize with no extended permissions, everything works fine. But if I do include permissions, the first round trip to authorize always fails (even though it gets a valid token!). Am I missing a step?
Here's the code to initiate Facebook authorization for the app
- (IBAction) doConnect:(id)sender
NSArray* permissions = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[self.facebook authorize:permissions];
Here's the code that gets invoked after the user has granted permissions and control returns to my app. The url always includes a nice looking token, even the first time through.
// handle the incoming url from app switching
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url
sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation
return [self.facebook handleOpenURL:url];
And here's the FBSessionDelegate method that gets invoked after a successful connect. Even though the url above contained a token, it's gone the first time we get here. But if I invoke the doConnect method above, the token will be present when we get here.
// FBSessionDelegate
- (void)fbDidLogin
if( [self.facebook accessToken] == nil )
NSLog(#"Had an access token above, but not now!");
// If I reinvade the doConnect: method again, it will work!!!
// ...
Looking deep in the sdk code in FBSession.m, it seems that the requested permissions haven't been associated with the new token first time through, causing the session to ignore the new token. First time through, cachedPermissions is always an empty list
// get the cached permissions, and do a subset check
NSArray *cachedPermissions = [tokenInfo objectForKey:FBTokenInformationPermissionsKey];
BOOL isSubset = [FBSession areRequiredPermissions:permissions
You are asking for two types of permissions, a read type (email) and a write type (publish_actions).
You should be using the latest Facebook SDK, v3.1.1 and you'll have to split up read and writes separately - especially if you wish to support iOS6. You can only ask for reads initially. See the note in and the section on asking for read and writes separately.
For Facebook SDK 3.1, use [FBSession activeSession]'s
reauthorizeWithPublishPermissions: defaultAudience:completionHandler:
For Facebook SDK 3.2, use [FBSession activeSession]'s
requestNewPublishPermissions: defaultAudience:completionHandler:
we can authorise user in single request. It does not need two times attempt. To achieve this what we need do is "We need to ask for publish permission first". Call the below method
let fbLoginMngr = FBSDKLoginManager();
it will ask first profile details then asks for requested publish permission. Once we get a call back we query to Graph api to extract the profile data like below.
let fbRequest = FBSDKGraphRequest(graphPath:"me", parameters:self.FB_REQ_PARAMS);
fbRequest.startWithCompletionHandler { (connection : FBSDKGraphRequestConnection!, result : AnyObject!, error : NSError!) -> Void in
if error == nil {
} else {
