F# Observable - Converting an event stream to a list - f#

I was writing an unit test that verified the events fired from a class. I followed the standard "IEvent<_>, Publish, Trigger inside an FSharp type" pattern.
Can you recommend the "functional" way to achieve that?
Here are the options I can think of:
Convert the event stream into a list of strings and compare that list with an expected list
(not sure if there is a way) Convert the expected list into an event stream and compare the two streams.
Pointer to a code snipped will greatly help.
Edit 1: Answering Mark's question:
This is what I have as of now:
let expectedFiles = [ "c:\a\1"
"c:\a\2" ]
let ``Can find files from a folder`` () =
let ad = new FileSearchAdapter()
let foundFiles = ref []
|> Observable.scan (fun acc e -> e::acc) []
|> Observable.add (fun acc -> foundFiles := acc)
ad.FindFiles #"c:\a"
Assert.Equal<string list>(expectedFiles, !foundFiles)
The issues here I feel are the [a] use of reference cell [b] the observable.add is essentially overwriting the reference for each event.
Is there a functional way to achieve the same?

Events are all about side-effects, so it's limited how much sense it makes to try to be all Functional about it.
(Yes: you can build Reactive systems where immutable event data flows through a system, being filtered and aggregated along the way, but at the source, that an event is raised, is a side-effect.)
Given that a unit test tests a unit in isolation from its dependencies, testing that events are correctly raised, exercises the isolated, 'un-functional' part of a system, so I don't think you have to do it in a Functional way.
Here's a simpler alternative:
open System.Collections.Generic
let ``Can find files from a folder`` () =
let ad = new FileSearchAdapter()
let foundFiles = List<string>()
ad.FileFound.Add(fun (sender, args) -> foundFiles.Add args)
ad.FindFiles "c:\a"
let expectedFiles = [ "c:\a\1"; "c:\a\2" ]
expectedFiles = (foundFiles |> Seq.toList)
(This test function is just a normal function that returns bool, but I'm sure you know how to convert it to a unit test.)


mutable state in collection

I'm pretty new to functional programming so this might be a question due to misconception, but I can't get my head around this - from an OOP point of view it seems so obvious...
Assume you have an actor or micro-service like architecture approach where messages/requests are sent to some components that handle them and reply. Assume now, one of the components stores some of the data from the requests for future requests (e.g. it calculates a value and stores it in a cache so that the next time the same request occurs, no calculation is needed).
The data can be hold in memory.
How do you in functional programming in general, and especially in f#, handle such a scenario? I guess a static dictionary is not a functional approach and I don't want to include any external things like data stores if possible.
Or more precise:
If an application creates data that will be used later in the processing again, where do we store the data?
example: You have an application that executes some sort of tasks on some initial data. First, you store the inital data (e.g. add it to a dictionary), then you execute the first task that does some processing based on a subset of the data, then you execute the second task that adds additional data and so on until all tasks are done...
Now the basic approach (from my understanding) would be to define the data and use the tasks as some sort of processing-chain that forward the processed data, like initial-data -> task-1 -> task-2 -> ... -> done
but that does not fit an architecture where getting/adding data is done message-based and asynchronous.
My initial approach was this
type Record = { }
let private dummyStore = new System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag<Record>()
let search comparison =
let matchingRecords = dummyStore |> Seq.where (comparison)
if matchingRecords |> Seq.isEmpty
then EmptyFailedRequest
else Record (matchingRecords |> Seq.head)
let initialize initialData =
initialData |> Seq.iter (dummyStore.Add)
let add newRecord =
encapsulated in a module that looks to me like an OOP approach.
After #Gustavo asked me to provide an example and considering his suggestion I've realized that I could do it like this (go one level higher to the place where the functions are actually called):
let handleMessage message store =
// all the operations from above but now with Seq<Record> -> ... -> Seq<Record>
let agent = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox->
let rec messageLoop store = async{
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
let modifiedStore = handleMessage msg store
return! messageLoop modifiedStore
messageLoop Seq.empty
This answers the question for me well since it removed mutability and shared state at all. But when just looking at the first approach, I cannot think of any solution w/o the collection outside the functions
Please note that this question is in f# to explain the environment, the syntax etc. I don't want a solution that works because f# is multi-paradigm, I would like to get a functional approach for that.
I've read all questions that I could find on SO so far but they either prove the theoretical possibility or they use collections for this scenario - if duplicated please point me the right direction.
You can use a technique called memoization which is very common in FP.
And it consists precisely on keeping a dictionary with the calculated values.
Here's a sample implementation:
open System
open System.Collections.Concurrent
let getOrAdd (a:ConcurrentDictionary<'A,'B>) (b:_->_) k = a.GetOrAdd(k, b)
let memoize f =
let dic = new ConcurrentDictionary<_,_>()
getOrAdd dic f
Note that with memoize you can decorate any function and get a memoized version of it. Here's a sample:
let f x =
printfn "calculating f (%i)" x
2 * x
let g = memoize f // g is the memoized version of f
// test
> g 5 ;;
calculating f (5)
val it : int = 10
> g 5 ;;
val it : int = 10
You can see that in the second execution the value was not calculated.

What is the Erlang way to do stream manipulations?

Suppose I wanted to do something like:
.map(fun scrub/1)
.flatMap(fun split/1)
.groupBy(fun keyFun/1, fun count/1)
What is the most elegant way to achieve this in Erlang?
There is no direct easy way of doing that. All attempts I saw looked even worse than straightforward composition. If you will look at majority of open source project in Erlang, you will find that they use generic composition. Re-using your example:
groupBy(fun keyFun/1, fun count/1,
flatMap(fun split/1,
map(fun scrub/1,
This isn't a construct that's natural in Erlang. If you have a couple functions, regular composition is what I'd use:
lists:flatten(lists:map(fun (A) ->
For a longer series of operations, intermediary variables:
Dict = #{hello => world, ...},
Values = maps:values(Dict),
ScrubbedValues = lists:map(fun scrub/1, Values),
SplitValues = lists:flatten(lists:map(fun split/1, ScrubbedValues)),
GroupedValues = basil_lists:group_by(fun keyFun/1, fun count/1, SplitValues),
Dict2 = maps:from_list(GroupedValues).
That's how it'd look if you wanted all of those operations grouped in one shot together.
However, I'd more likely write this in a different way:
-spec remap_values(map()) -> map().
remap_values(Map) ->
-spec map_values(list()) -> map().
map_values(Values) ->
map_values(Values, [], []).
-spec map_values(list(), list(), list()) -> map().
map_values([], OutList, OutGroup) ->
%% Base case: transform into a map
Grouped = lists:zip(OutGroup, OutList),
lists:foldl(fun ({Group, Element}, Acc = #{Group := Existing}) ->
Acc#{Group => [Element | Existing]};
({Group, Element}, Acc) ->
Acc#{Group => [Element]}
map_values([First|Rest], OutList, OutGroup) ->
%% Recursive case: categorize process the first element and categorize the result
Processed = split(scrub(First)),
Categories = lists:map(fun categorize/1, Processed),
map_values(Rest, OutList ++ Processed, OutGroup ++ Categories).
The actual correct implementation depends a lot on how the code's going to be run -- what I've written here is pretty simple, but might not perform well on large amounts of data. If you're actually looking to process an endless stream of data you'll need to write that yourself (though you may find Gen Servers to be a very useful framework for doing so).

How do functional programmers test functions that return a unit?

How do functional programmers test functions that return a unit?
In my case, I believe I need to unit test an interface to this function:
let logToFile (filePath:string) (formatf : 'data -> string) data =
use file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(filePath)
file.WriteLine(formatf data)
What is the recommended approach when I'm unit testing a function with I/O?
In OOP, I believe a Test Spy can be leveraged.
Does the Test Spy pattern translate to functional programming?
My client looks something like this:
let ``log purchase``() =
[OneDollarBill] |> select Pepsi
|> logToFile "myFile.txt" (sprintf "%A")
|> should equal ??? // IDK
My domain is the following:
module Machine
type Deposit =
| Nickel
| Dime
| Quarter
| OneDollarBill
| FiveDollarBill
type Selection =
| Pepsi
| Coke
| Sprite
| MountainDew
type Attempt = {
type Transaction = {
Deposited:Deposit list
type RequestResult =
| Granted of Transaction
| Denied of Attempt
(* Functions *)
open System
let insert coin balance = coin::balance
let refund coins = coins
let priceOf = function
| Pepsi
| Coke
| Sprite
| MountainDew -> 1.00m
let valueOf = function
| Nickel -> 0.05m
| Dime -> 0.10m
| Quarter -> 0.25m
| OneDollarBill -> 1.00m
| FiveDollarBill -> 5.00m
let totalValue coins =
(0.00m, coins) ||> List.fold (fun acc coin -> acc + valueOf coin)
let logToFile (filePath:string) (formatf : 'data -> string) data =
let message = formatf data
use file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(filePath)
let select item deposited =
if totalValue deposited >= priceOf item
then Granted { Purchased=item
Price = priceOf item }
else Denied { Price=priceOf item;
Need=priceOf item - totalValue deposited }
Do not see this as an authoritative answer, because I'm not an expert on testing, but my answer to this question would be that, in a perfect world, you cannot and do not need to test unit-returning functions.
Ideally, you would structure your code so that it is composed from some IO to read data, transformations encoding all the logic and some IO to save the data:
|> someLogic
|> someMoreLogic
|> write
The idea is that all your important things are in someLogic and someMoreLogic and that read and write are completely trivial - they read file as string or sequence of lines. This is trivial enough that you do not need to test it (now, you could possibly test the actual file writing by reading the file back again, but that's when you want to test the file IO rather than any logic that you wrote).
This is where you would use a mock in OO, but since you have a nice functional structure, you would now write:
|> someLogic
|> someMoreLogic
|> shouldEqual expectedResult
Now, in reality, the world is not always that nice and something like a spy operation ends up being useful - perhaps because you are interoperating with a world that is not purely functional.
Phil Trelford has a nice and very simple Recorder that lets you record calls to a function and check that it has been called with the expected inputs - and this is something I've found useful a number of times (and it is simple enough that you do not really need a framework).
Obviously, you could use a mock as you would in imperative code as long as the unit of code takes its dependencies as a parameter.
But, for another approach, I found this talk really interesting Mocks & stubs by Ken Scambler. As far as I recall the general argument was that you should avoid using mocks by keeping all functions as pure as possible, making them data-in-data-out. At the very edges of your program, you would have some very simple functions that perform the important side-effects. These are so simple that they don't even need testing.
The function you provided is simple enough to fall into that category. Testing it with a mock or similar would just involve ensuring that certain methods are called, not that the side-effect occurred. Such a test isn't meaningful and doesn't add any value over the code itself, while still adding a maintenance burden. It's better to test the side-effect part with an integration test or end-to-end test that actually looks at the file that was written.
Another good talk on the subject is Boundaries by Gary Bernhardt which Discusses the concept of Functional Core, Imperative Shell.

Why does order matter in this usage of Observable.merge?

I am trying to write a basic "game loop" using Observables in F#. Basically I conceptualize the fundamental input stream of events as two streams merged together: the key presses of the user (game uses just keyboard to begin with), and the regular ticks of the game (say, 60 times per second).
My problem seems to stem from the fact that one of the observed sequences, i.e. the ticks, is also the loop that calls DispatchEvents() on the Window allowing it to process its inputs and fire key pressed events, so one stream of events is actually driven by the other, if that makes sense. Here is the code:
open System;
open System.IO
open SFML.Window
open SFML.Graphics
open System.Reactive
open System.Reactive.Linq
open System.Diagnostics
type InputEvent =
| Tick of TimeSpan
| KeyPressed of Keyboard.Key
let main _ =
use window = new RenderWindow(VideoMode(640u, 480u), "GameWindow")
let displayStream =
fun (observer:IObserver<TimeSpan>) ->
let sw = Stopwatch.StartNew()
while (window.IsOpen()) do
window.DispatchEvents() // this calls the KeyPressed event synchronously
window.Display() // this blocks until the next vertical sync
observer.OnNext sw.Elapsed
{ new IDisposable with member this.Dispose() = ()})
let onDisplay elapsedTime =
// draw game: code elided
let inputEvents = Observable.merge
(window.KeyPressed |> Observable.map (fun key -> KeyPressed(key.Code)))
(displayStream |> Observable.map (fun t -> Tick(t)))
use subscription =
inputEvents.Subscribe(fun inputEvent -> match inputEvent with
| Tick(t) -> onDisplay(t)
| KeyPressed(key) -> printfn "%A" key)
This works, however, if I change the order of parameters in Observable.merge:
let inputEvents = Observable.merge
(displayStream |> Observable.map (fun t -> Tick(t)))
(window.KeyPressed |> Observable.map (fun key -> KeyPressed(key.Code)))
Then the game renders (onDisplay is called), but I don't see KeyPressed events printed to the console. Why is that?
(If you're wondering what is SFML, here's the link).
In pseudo-code, what merge does is:
The subscribe function you pass to Observable.create is synchronous and never yields control back to the caller. This means that merge itself is blocked from trying to subscribe to any streams that come after displayStream. When you reorder the streams so that displayStream is first, you prevent it from ever subscribing to your KeyPressed stream. This is why you are seeing the behavior you see.
In some respects, your displayStream is behaving badly. Subscribe methods should not block.
So, either make sure displayStream is the last item in your list, or do some refactoring of your code. You could just use a Subject for displayStream. Then subscribe to everything and finally start the "display loop", where you execute the loop that is currently in your displayStream definition and each time through the loop, just call OnNext on the subject.

How do I register an Arbitrary instance in FsCheck and have xUnit use it?

I've got a type Average with a field count that's a positive int64 and a double field called sum.
I made an arbitrary that generates valid instances with
let AverageGen = Gen.map2 (fun s c -> Average(float(s),int64(int(c))) (Arb.Default.NormalFloat().Generator) (Arb.Default.PositiveInt().Generator) |> Arb.fromGen
How do I get this to be generate arguments with type Average in Property style tests in xUnit?
static member average_test(av:Average) = ...
type Generators =
static member TestCase() =
{ new Arbitrary<TestCase>() with
override x.Generator =
gen { ...
return TestCase(...) }}
I think Vasily Kirichenko's solution is the correct one, but just for completeness sake, I've also been able to make it work with this imperative function invocation style:
do Arb.register<Generators>() |> ignore
...if you assume a Generators class as in Vasily Kirichenko's answer.
Edit, much later...
While the above, imperative approach may work, I never use it because of its impure nature. Instead, I sometimes use the Arbitrary directly from within the test. With the AverageGen value above (which I'll rename to averageGen, because values should be camelCased), it could look like this:
let member average_test () =
Prop.forAll averageGen (fun avg ->
// The rest of the test goes here... )
