How to get youtube API 3 response as XML instead of JSON? - youtube

Currently I'm using youtube api v3 to retrive single video information as:[mykey]
Result is JSON.
How can I get the result in XML?

This is a duplicate question. Here is about the same question: How to get an XML response from the googleapi Youtube API
So it isn't possible through the API, you could try to convert the json object to XML but i don't know in which programming language you are working so can't help you any further.


Get JSON data from a specific URL in swift

What Im trying to do is get the data from this specific url
Once I get the JSON data, Im positive I know how to use it. Ive made several apps in class that touch on this, one was a weather app, the other pulled blog posts from the guardian. The guardian app was more of what I waned to learn than the weather app.
The problem Im running into is that I cannot figure out how to ask for the data. How to get this type of response
this is the link I want to get the data from again
What kind of request do I need to type in using Alamofire to get JSON data from that specific url? And please guide me in the right direction if Im not asking the right question.
The website you linked returns HTML data, not JSON.
There is no type of request you can make using Alamofire that will give you JSON from an arbitrary URL. The only URLs that return JSON are from sites that allow queries that return JSON. The good news is that JSON is widely supported as a data exchange protocol.

REST API support by survey monkey

I am planning to do a survey using survey monkey. I will require API support to automatically pull responses from your datasource. I looked into and it looks like I need to use services like curl to extract data. It also looks like I can extract data in json format. And the data that is extracted using get_responses api, returns only ids.
So my questions are:
1. Do you support REST APIs to download data?
2. Can I download data in csv format?
3. Can I download actual responses with questions and not just ids? What APIs will be return survey, questions asked and user responses?
3. Can you send me an example format of how data will look when downloaded using the APIs?
5. Finally, with $26/month subscription for one month, will I get API support? Is the API support available for free subscription?
SurveyMonkey does have a REST API
You can get all responses (just ids) doing:
GET /surveys/{survey_id}/responses
You can get the details and all answers to questions for a specific response by ID doing:
GET /responses/{response_id}/details
Or you can do this all at once by doing
GET /surveys/{id}/responses/bulk
Answered by akand074.
We only support JSON at this time.
You'll have to make a separate GET to /v3/surveys/{survey_id}/details to get the survey details, and then map it to the response data.
The format, along with response data examples can be found here.
You'll have to contact to find out.

Retrieving Text From Website

Is there any way to retrieve the text from a website such as a Wikipiedia site using Corona SDK without having to parse through all of the HTML?
You can use the MediaWiki api doc to get data from wikipedia. Just don't forget to use the format as json.

Get JSON version of a google image search page

I was watching this tutorial on using AFNetworking in iOS, and the guy instructed us to use a link to a twitter page that was displayed in JSON format. Now, I'm wondering how easy it is to get JSON from a given web page. Say, for example, this google image search for "beautiful fish".
I want to get all the images from this page using the AFNetworking framework, which would be a lot easier if I could have a JSON version of the page, but how do I get that?
After following the answer below, it appears that any image search can have its results displayed in JSON format, using this format:
More info here:
Take a look here:
You'll get results in JSON if you use that APi

Get Video Information from ChannelD

I am looking for the json from where i can get information of video falls in specific channel(ChannelId is given). I tried below to get the same, but page not found showing.***&channelId=UC39dDX5cE3WxN5ObmCBsCCQ
Or any other effective way to fetch the information?
Api version 3 returns only json in responses. You find information at
Channel information returns a playlist-id of the uploaded videos for a channel.
But using search can work too (Replace YourApiKey with your own key):
