Subscribe to a users My Matters via SDK - sdk

Using Autonomy WorkSite 8.5 SP2 SDK, I am attempting to programmicaly add a shortcut to another users My Matters which I have been told can be done by first subscribing to the other users My Matters, add the shortcut then unsubscribe.
I am therefore attempting to subscribe to another users My Matters however I am having issues with how to subscribe, with the below code I am able to locate the user's My Matters:
Dim objSFSP As IManSubscriptionFolderSearchParameters = oDms.CreateSubscriptionFolderSearchParameters
objSFSP.Add( imFolderAttributeID.imFolderOwner, sShortcutUser )
Dim objFolders As IManFolders = oMatters.FindRootSubscriptionFoldersNotSubscribedTo(oDatabaseList, objSFSP)
And from reading the COM Reference guide I should be able to subscribe to a users My Matters with the following code:
Dim objWorkArea As IManWorkArea = oSess.WorkArea
Dim oFolderShortcuts As IManSubscriptionFolderShortcuts = objWorkArea.SubscriptionFolder.SubFolders
Dim oFolderShortcut As IManFolderShortcut = oFolderShortcuts.AddNewSubscriptionFolderShortcutInheriting(objFolders)
The problem I am encountering is AddNewSubscriptionFolderShortcutInheriting() expects an object of the type IManSubScriptionFolder where FindRootSubscriptionFoldersNotSubscribedTo() returns a IManFolders object.
Can anyone point me in the direction of what I need to do to get an instance of the users My Matters as a IManSubscriptionFolder object?

Probably my response will be a bit late for you, but I hope that it will help anybody else who will have the same issue.
Answering your question, in order to get an instance of other users My Matters as a IManSubscriptionFolder object you just need to loop through the collection of objFolders and cast each folder to the IManSubScriptionFolder type.
Please find below my working solution:
ManDMS dms = new ManDMS();
string serverName = "";
IManSession session = dms.Sessions.Add(serverName);
string userID = "user";
string password = "password";
session.Login(userID, password);
ManStrings dblist = new ManStrings();
IManSubscriptionFolderSearchParameters searchParams = ndms.CreateSubscriptionFolderSearchParameters();
string folderOwner = "AnotherUser";
searchParams.Add(imFolderAttributeID.imFolderOwner, folderOwner);
IManFolders nonSubscribedRootSubscriptionFolders = session.WorkArea.SubscriptionFolder.FindRootSubscriptionFoldersNotSubscribedTo(dblist, searchParams);
foreach (var folder in nonSubscribedRootSubscriptionFolders)
//another user's subscription folder
var subscriptionFolder = folder as IManSubscriptionFolder;
if (subscriptionFolder != null)
//Current user's subscription folder shortcuts
var subscriptionFolderShortcuts = session.WorkArea.SubscriptionFolder.SubFolders as IManSubscriptionFolderShortcuts;
if (subscriptionFolderShortcuts != null)
Please note that code from above was included for reference purpose only and it is not a production code.


Listing WorkItem State Reasons programmatically

We have a customised TFS workflow, I want to be able to access the Reasons I can close a Bug (change the state from Active to Closed) from TFS so that we don't have to update our code every time we want to tweak our process.
This is what I have so far:
WorkItemType wiType = this.GetWorkItemStore().Projects[this.ProjectName].WorkItemTypes["Bug"];
var reason = wiType.FieldDefinitions["Reason"];
var state = wiType.FieldDefinitions["State"];
var filterList = new FieldFilterList();
FieldFilter filter = new FieldFilter(wiType.FieldDefinitions[CoreField.State], "Active");
var allowedReasons = reason.FilteredAllowedValues(filterList);
However I'm not getting any results. I'd like to get a list of all the reasons why I can close a bug (Not Reproduceable, Fixed etc)
There isn't any easy way to get the transition via API directly as I know since the API read the allowed values from database directly.
The alternative way would be export the workitemtype definition via WorkItemType.Export() method and then get the information from it. Vaccano's answer in this question provided the entire code sample you can use.
Edited to give an example of how I solved this using the above recommendation:
public static List<Transition> GetTransistions(this WorkItemType workItemType)
List<Transition> currentTransistions;
// See if this WorkItemType has already had it's transistions figured out.
_allTransistions.TryGetValue(workItemType, out currentTransistions);
if (currentTransistions != null)
return currentTransistions;
// Get this worktype type as xml
XmlDocument workItemTypeXml = workItemType.Export(false);
// Create a dictionary to allow us to look up the "to" state using a "from" state.
var newTransistions = new List<Transition>();
// get the transistions node.
XmlNodeList transitionsList = workItemTypeXml.GetElementsByTagName("TRANSITIONS");
// As there is only one transistions item we can just get the first
XmlNode transitions = transitionsList[0];
// Iterate all the transitions
foreach (XmlNode transition in transitions)
XmlElement defaultReasonNode = transition["REASONS"]["DEFAULTREASON"];
var defaultReason = defaultReasonNode.Attributes["value"].Value;
var otherReasons = new List<string>();
XmlNodeList otherReasonsNodes = transition["REASONS"].SelectNodes("REASON");
foreach (XmlNode reasonNode in otherReasonsNodes)
var reason = reasonNode.Attributes["value"].Value;
// save off the transistion
newTransistions.Add(new Transition
From = transition.Attributes["from"].Value,
To = transition.Attributes["to"].Value,
DefaultReason = defaultReason,
OtherReasons = otherReasons
// Save off this transition so we don't do it again if it is needed.
_allTransistions.Add(workItemType, newTransistions);
return newTransistions;

Unable to query SecKeyChain for identity

I'm adding identity to SecKeyChain and then I'm trying to get it back using SecKeyChain.QueryAsConcreteType. But with any SecRecord query I get SecStatusCode.Param. Looks like the problem is that when I use new SecRecord(SecKind.Identity) it doesn't put kSecClass to dictionary that is Ok for adding but fails querying.
public SecRecord(SecKind secKind) {
IntPtr num = SecClass.FromSecKind(secKind);
if (num == SecClass.Identity) this._queryDict = new NSMutableDictionary();
else this.queryDict = NSMutableDictionary.LowlevelFromObjectAndKey(num, SecClass.SecClassKey);
If I'm wrong, please explain me how to add identity to SecKeyChain and then retrieve it.
Thank you!
note: copy-pasted from bug report, it will be easier to google from here
Unlike other classes the API is not symmetric for SecIdentity. Furthermore in this case the return value (SecStatusCode) is not trustworthy.
The current best (not using too many IntPtr or reflection) way to retrieve a SecIdentity is to do the following:
using (SecRecord rec = new SecRecord (SecKind.Identity)) {
// the next line is the workaround
(rec.ToDictionary () as NSMutableDictionary) ["class"] = new NSString ("idnt");
SecStatusCode code;
var match = SecKeyChain.QueryAsConcreteType (rec, out code);
Assert.That (code, Is.EqualTo (SecStatusCode.Success), "QueryAsRecord-2");
Assert.NotNull (match, "match-2");
That will set back the class before doing the query and return the identify.
A future version of XI will ensure that a simpler
using (SecRecord rec = new SecRecord (SecKind.Identity)) {
can be used for both adding and querying SecIdentity to/from the key chain.

Merge an Object that wen outside the datacontext

I have the following question:
It is easy to insert an oBject in database with a form.
Just create an object
link it to the fields in your from.
Post back to controller,
create a new datacontext and do datacontext.InsertOnSubmit(object)
public static void AddPage(string lang, Page page)
using (var db = new CardReaderDataContext())
page.Lang = lang;
page.URL = UrlHelper.CreateValidSeoUrl(page.Name, "-");
But if you want to update an object, it is a tedious job.
You do the same flow,
you get the object,
link it to your form,
post it, but THEN !!!
because it went outside your datacontext, you have to reload the object from the datacontext,
transfer all the variables and save it,
this is a little complex explained so I give an example:
To update an object that you modified in a form:
public static void Update(Page page)
using (var db = new CardReaderDataContext())
var _page = db.Pages.Where(p => p.Guid == page.Guid).Single();
_page.ModificationDate = DateTime.Now;
_page.Title = page.Title;
_page.Description = page.Description;
_page.Content = page.Content;
_page.Keywords = page.Keywords;
_page.Name = page.Name;
_page.WTLang = page.WTLang;
_page.WTSKU = page.WTSKU;
_page.WTTi = page.WTTi;
_page.WTUri = page.WTUri;
_page.URL = UrlHelper.CreateValidSeoUrl(page.Name, "-");
// _page.Order = GetMaxOrderByMenuGuid(page.MenuGuid);
I don't know if it is clear, if it isn't comment me, I will edit
I think you're looking for DataContext.Attach, but you can only use that with linqtosql objects that have been serialised/deserialised.
Have a read of the answer to this question -
"It's also not a good idea to even
attempt to fetch the old version. By
doing that you are in effect turning
off optimistic concurrency, so unless
you intended that this is a bad
approach. What you need to do is
round trip both the original state and
the current state of the object."

Using Redemption, How can I add a default Signature to an outgoing Email Message?

Here is the code that I am using. I have spent some time looking at the Redemption objects, but, nothing jumps out at me:
public static bool PopEmail(string domainUserName, string mSubject, string mBody, string mTo, string mCc = "", string mBcc = "", List<String> fileAttachments = null)
log.Info("Starting to Pop Outlook Email Message");
RDOSession oSession = new RDOSession();
oSession.LogonExchangeMailbox(domainUserName, string.Empty);
if (oSession.LoggedOn)
RDOMail oMail = oSession.GetDefaultFolder(rdoDefaultFolders.olFolderOutbox).Items.Add("IPM.Note");
oMail.Subject = mSubject;
oMail.Body = mBody;
oMail.To = mTo;
oMail.CC = mCc;
oMail.BCC = mBcc;
if (fileAttachments != null)
foreach (string file in fileAttachments)
object newFile = file;
oMail.Attachments.Add(newFile, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
newFile = null;
oMail = null;
oSession = null;
log.Info("Outlook Email has been Popped.");
return true;
catch (Exception)
log.Error("Outlook Pop Email Failed.");
Thank you,
The signature is actually inserted by the Outlook inspector object on instantiation, so if your code is running inside an Outlook addin you could probably try saving the item and then reopening it from the OOM as a _MailItem via _Namespace.GetItemFromId and then calling its GetInspector method (you don't actually have to do anything with the returned inspector reference).
Note that I haven't tried this with an item initially created via RDO. I usually create the items in OOM and then create an RDO wrapper.
If your code is running outside of Outlook you'd have to use OLE to get a reference to its _Application object and then pull the _Namespace object from there. If you are using standalone MAPI without Outlook installed the signature functionality is completely unavailable.
I have added code to append to the oMail.HTMLBody which reads the signature from the C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Signatures folder. This file is generated via a plug in written by one of our developers that reads information from Exchange to determine User Name, Title, Phone, Fax, etc.

Get Properties from Member in Umbraco programmatically

I thought this would be really simple but ..
We've create a user and a member type with various properties
When we try to access the properties via the member object we got nothing.
//Member m is current User
Property s = m.getProperty("PreferdUserName");
is null
m.getProperties has a count of Zero..
have we missed something obvious?
Could there be a spelling error?
"PreferdUserName" may want to be "PreferredUserName".
Other than that it looks correct.
In the end i resorted to storing member properties in a separate db table, which anyhow is closer to what i need.
I presume it had something to do with the way I created the memberType from outside umbraco using a custom msbuild task.
You could create your own class and extend ProfileBase. The code below will expose the properties that you have created within Umbraco. e.g. umbraco alias is 'first_name'.
public string FirstName
var o = base.GetPropertyValue("first_name");
if (o == DBNull.Value)
return string.Empty;
return (string)o;
base.SetPropertyValue("first_name", value);
Then you can access properties like so...
string firstName = ((MemberProfile)HttpContext.Current.Profile).FirstName;
More info about how to set this all up can be seen here:
This might help someone else, if you need to get member details for someone other than the current user in Umbraco and have their Username.
var TheirUsername = "s12345";
Member MemberFind = new Member(Convert.ToInt32(Membership.GetUser(***TheirUsername***).ProviderUserKey));
//now use this value
var NameOfUser = MemberFind.Text;
var EmailAddress = MemberFind.Email;
Property s = m.getProperty("PreferdUserName").value;
If that still doesn't work, then check out this great post about member properties
