Data is Null error in GetDateTime() -

Still.I get an error on this part.(another part of my codes where I really want to do is to put IsDBNull on it)
But the I know it'll not work in GetDateTime. Is there any possible solution?
new Approver() {
RequestID = key,
FullName = reader.IsDBNull(27) ? null : reader.GetString(27),
ApproveDate = reader.GetDateTime(28)
same as the
FullName with reader.IsDBNull(27) ? null : reader.GetString(27)
how about
ApproveDate = reader.GetDateTime(28)
What will be in here?

Try this
DateTime? startingDate;
if !reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("STARTINGDATE"))
startingDate = reader.GetDateTime(reader.GetOrdinal("STARTINGDATE"));
startingDate = null;
I know you are leaving ..


Showing Error Value Cannot be null. While Adding Task from Gantt Chart for ASP.NET MVC with dhtmlxGantt

Showing Error Value Cannot be null. While Adding Task from Gantt Chart for ASP.NET MVC with dhtmlxGantt.
An exception of type ‘System.ArgumentNullException’ occurred in mscorlib.dll but was not handled in user code.
Additional Information :Value cannot be null
LINK : dhtmlx Link for Gantt Chart
Heres My Code :
public static List<GanttRequest> Parse(FormCollection form, string ganttMode)
// save current culture and change it to InvariantCulture for data parsing
var currentCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
var dataActions = new List<GanttRequest>();
var prefixes = form["ids"].Split(',');
foreach (var prefix in prefixes)
var request = new GanttRequest();
// lambda expression for form data parsing
Func<string, string> parse = x => form[String.Format("{0}_{1}", prefix, x)];
request.Mode = (GanttMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(GanttMode), ganttMode, true);
request.Action = (GanttAction)Enum.Parse(typeof(GanttAction), parse("!nativeeditor_status"), true);
request.SourceId = Int64.Parse(parse("id"));
// parse gantt task
if (request.Action != GanttAction.Deleted && request.Mode == GanttMode.Tasks)
request.UpdatedTask = new GanttTasks()
GanttTaskId = (request.Action == GanttAction.Updated) ? (int)request.SourceId : 0,
Text = parse("text"),
StartDate = DateTime.Parse(parse("start_date")),
Duration = Int32.Parse(parse("duration")),
Progress = Decimal.Parse(parse("progress")),
ParentId = (parse("parent") != "0") ? Int32.Parse(parse("parent")) : (int?)null,
SortOrder = (parse("order") != null) ? Int32.Parse(parse("order")) : 0,
Type = parse("type")
// parse gantt link
else if (request.Action != GanttAction.Deleted && request.Mode == GanttMode.Links)
request.UpdatedLink = new GanttLinks()
GanttLinkId = (request.Action == GanttAction.Updated) ? (int)request.SourceId : 0,
SourceTaskId = Int32.Parse(parse("source")),
TargetTaskId = Int32.Parse(parse("target")),
Type = parse("type")
// return current culture back
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = currentCulture;
return dataActions;
I Referred to link provided above and done as stated. But while adding value its shows value cannot be null.
Try setting a default value for task.progress on the client side,
gantt.attachEvent("onTaskCreated", function(task){
task.progress = 0;
return true;
Client doesn't set the default value for progress property of a newly created task, so when you insert task on a backend progress value is null.
And since backend code doesn't validate the value, probably the error fires on this line:
Progress = Decimal.Parse(parse("progress")),
Setting a default value on the client, as shown above, or checking for null on the server should fix the issue

Why does the error method return an error?

I want to validate input corresponding to the following grammar snippet:
name = ID "=" brCon=BracketContent
decCon=DecContent (comp+=COMPARATOR content+=DecContent)*
(neg=("!"|"not"))? singleContent=VarContent (op+=OPERATOR nextCon+=VarContent)*
My validation looks like that:
def checkNoCycleInHierarchy(Declaration dec) {
if(dec.decCon.singleContent.reference == null) {
var names = newArrayList
var con = dec.decCon.singleContent
while(con.reference != null) {
con = getThatReference(con).singleContent
if(names.contains(getParentName(con))) {
val errorMsg = "Cycle in hierarchy!"
But when I test this validation with a testCaseit returns me an error message:
Expected ERROR 'raven.sqf.CycleInHierarchy' on Declaration at [-1:-1] but got
ERROR (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EClassImpl#5a7fe64f (name: Declaration) (instanceClassName: null) (abstract: false, interface: false).0) 'Error executing EValidator', offset null, length null
ERROR (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EClassImpl#5a7fe64f (name: Declaration) (instanceClassName: null) (abstract: false, interface: false).0) 'Error executing EValidator', offset null, length null
I just can't figure out what's wrong with it so I hope that someone of you might have an idea.
Greetings Krzmbrzl
You test utility tells you that the validator did not produce the expected validation error ("CycleInHierarchy").
Instead, the validator produced the error "Error executing EValidator".
Which means an exception has been thrown when your validator was executed.
It turned out it was an internal error...I'm still not exactly sure what went wrong but I have rewritten my validation method and now it works as expected.
Now the method looks like this:
enter code here#Check
def checkNoCycleInHierarchy(Declaration dec) {
if(dec.varContent.reference == null) {
//proceed only if there is a reference
var content = dec.varContent
var names = newArrayList
while(content.reference != null && !names.contains(getParentName(content))) {
content = content.reference.varContent
if(names.contains(getParentName(content))) {
val errorMsg = "Cycle in hierarchy!"
I have the suspicion that there was a problem with the usage of my "getThatReference" in this case.
Greeting Krzmbrzl

EF4 update navigation property An entity object cannot be referenced by multiple instances of IEntityChangeTracker

I am trying to implement a let's say "change my account email address" fonctionality.
I want to keep backup of all user emails in (R_EmailAddressHistory table).
Here are some of my project's code.
public bool ChangeEmailAddress(string username, string newEmailAddress, string callbackUrl)
DateTime currentUtcTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
R_User currentUser = UserRepo.GetSingle(whereCondition: w=>w.Username == username);
currentUser.UpdateDate = currentUtcTime;
if (currentUser.HasPendingNewEmail)
R_EmailAddressHistory currentPendingRequest = EmailHistoRepo.GetSingle(whereCondition: w => w.StatusID == (int)Reno.Common.Enums.RecordStatus.Pending && w.R_User.GId == currentUser.GId);
currentPendingRequest.NewEmail = newEmailAddress;
currentPendingRequest.UpdateDate = currentUtcTime;
currentUser.HasPendingNewEmail = true;
R_EmailAddressHistory newEmail = new R_EmailAddressHistory();
newEmail.UserId = currentUser.GId;
newEmail.R_User = currentUser;
newEmail.NewEmail = newEmailAddress;
newEmail.InsertDate = currentUtcTime;
newEmail.StatusID = (int) Reno.Common.Enums.RecordStatus.Pending;
IdentityResult idtResult = UserRepo.Update(currentUser);
if(idtResult == IdentityResult.Succeeded)
//Send notification to current email address for validation before proceeding change email process
bool sendResult = Communication.EmailService.SendChangeEmailValidation(username,currentUser.Email, newEmailAddress, callbackUrl);
return sendResult;
return false;
The previous method is use to change an email address. Each of my tables (R_User and EmailAddressHistory ) has Repository (UserRepo and EmailHistoRepo). The implement the same IRepositoryBase class, here is the Update methode
public IdentityResult Update(T entity)
if (_currentContext.DbContext.Entry(entity).State == EntityState.Detached)
_currentContext.DbContext.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Modified;
return IdentityResult.Succeeded;
return IdentityResult.Failed;
When a user has already a non validate new email address, when he request to change his current email address, I show him the pending new email address and he can change it, in this case I whant to update my historical table instead of creating a new one, cause only one pending new email address is allow. In such a case, my code failed in the line EmailHistoRepo.Update(currentPendingRequest) throwing the error : An entity object cannot be referenced by multiple instances of IEntityChangeTracker.
Can anyone help me?
I am using MVC(4) with a unitOfWork. My UOW is initialized in a the Controller the first time the DB is queried and the Commit is done in the global.asax file in Appalication_EndRequest (see below).
protected void Application_EndRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
private void CommitChanges()
Reno.BLL.Services.Singleton.UnitOfWork unitOfWork = Reno.BLL.Services.Singleton.UnitOfWork.GetCurrentInstance(false);
if (unitOfWork != null)
Your currentUser is modified before updating the emailaddress. Save the changes to currentUser first.
Something like this:
R_User currentUser = UserRepo.GetSingle(whereCondition: w=>w.Username == username);
currentUser.UpdateDate = currentUtcTime;
bool pendingNewEmail = currentUser.HasPendingNewEmail;
if (pendingNewEmail)
R_EmailAddressHistory currentPendingRequest = EmailHistoRepo.GetSingle(whereCondition: w => w.StatusID == (int)Reno.Common.Enums.RecordStatus.Pending && w.R_User.GId == currentUser.GId);
currentPendingRequest.NewEmail = newEmailAddress;
currentPendingRequest.UpdateDate = currentUtcTime;
I finally found the answer. The problem was that when I first get the user in line
R_User currentUser = UserRepo.GetSingle(whereCondition: w=>w.Username == username);
The currentUser variable hold a refrence of all of its R_EmailAddressHistory.
And then after, I queried the DB (2nd time) to get the pending email change request (or type R_EmailAddressHistory) to modify its new email and its update date, in line
R_EmailAddressHistory currentPendingRequest = EmailHistoRepo.GetSingle(whereCondition: w => w.StatusID == (int)Reno.Common.Enums.RecordStatus.Pending && w.R_User.GId == currentUser.GId);
currentPendingRequest.NewEmail = newEmailAddress;
currentPendingRequest.UpdateDate = currentUtcTime;
But te last code updates only currentPendingRequest while another reference of the same object which is in currentUser.R_EmailAddressHistory is not update and was already tracked by the context. Therefore, by doing an update on the new instance (EmailHistoRepo.Update(currentPendingRequest)), the code failed: the same object if referenced in 2 places.
So, the solution was (the only thing I modified):
R_User currentUser = UserRepo.GetSingle(whereCondition: w=>w.Username == username);
currentUser.UpdateDate = currentUtcTime;
if (currentUser.HasPendingNewEmail)
R_EmailAddressHistory currentPendingRequest = currentUser.R_EmailAddressHistory.Where(h => h.StatusID == (int)Reno.Common.Enums.RecordStatus.Pending).First(); // EmailHistoRepo.GetSingle(whereCondition: w => w.StatusID == (int)Reno.Common.Enums.RecordStatus.Pending && w.R_User.GId == currentUser.GId);
currentPendingRequest.NewEmail = newEmailAddress;
currentPendingRequest.UpdateDate = currentUtcTime;
I decided to modify the instance in currentUser variable.

How to query multiple 'Split' in linq?

I am trying to execute the following call ("api/test/sin=2129VAH99,8974922&sip=108124AG3") from the code below, but I cannot seem to get the call to work, as it keeps responding with 'no data' error.
public HttpResponseMessage Get([FromUri] Query query)
var data = db.database_Items.AsQueryable();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(query.sip))
var ids = query.sip.Split(',').ToList();
data = data.Where(c => ids.Any(i => (c.SIP != null && c.SIP.Contains(i))));
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(query.sin))
var ids = query.sin.Split(',').ToList();
data = data.Where(c => ids.Any(i => (c.SINs != null && c.SINs.Contains(i))));
if (!data.Any())
return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, message);
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, data);
Any help/guidance would be very much appreciated. Many thanks.
Try to change your Url to :

Entity Framework Newbie - Save to DB

I have 3 joined tables; ValidationRun has many Result which has many Error
The following code succeeds in saving to the Result and Error tables but not the ValidationRun.
Can you see the problem please?
private void WriteResultsToDB(SqlDataReader dr, XMLValidator validator)
using (var context = new ValidationResultsEntities())
var run = new ValidationRun { DateTime = DateTime.Now, XSDPath = this.txtXsd.Text };
//loop through table containing the processed XML
while (dr.Read())
var result = new Result
AddedDateTime = (DateTime)dr["Added"],
CustomerAcc = (string)dr["CustomerAcc"],
CustomerRef = (string)dr["CustomerRef"]
if (this.rdoRequest.Checked)
result.XMLMsg = (string)dr["RequestMSG"];
result.XMLMsg = (string)dr["ReplyMSG"];
if (validator.Validate(result.XMLMsg))
foreach (string error in validator.Errors)
result.Errors.Add(new Error { ErrorDescription = error });
//validator caught an error
result.Errors.Add(new Error { ErrorDescription = "XML could not be parsed" });
if (result.Errors.Count == 0) result.ValidFile = true; else result.ValidFile = false;
You don't appear to be adding the run to any part of the context. If it were referenced by the result you are adding, perhaps, the change tracker would know it was supposed to be saved, but as it is written it is just some orphaned object that doesn't get attached anywhere.
