Oracle Hyperion Essbase - hyperion

A customer has a cube with 13 dimensions and the performance was fine. Now they have added two more dimensions in the existing cube and the performance becomes very very slow. Customer said logically nothing wrong with the two new dimensions they have added. What could be the reason for slowdown.

Slowdown can because of these reasons:
Cube is not optimized. Follow hourglass model with most dense dimension at the top then then least dense, least sparse and then maximum sparse at the bottom.
Don't use Dynamic Calc and Store because it causes fragmentation of database which slows down the performance
You can try de-fragmenting the database
I hope this helps.


What is wrong with my approach of using MLP to make a chess engine?

I’m making a chess engine using machine learning, and I’m experiencing problems debugging it. I need help figuring out what is wrong with my program, and I would appreciate any help.
I made my research and borrowed ideas from multiple successful projects. The idea is to use reinforcement learning to teach NN to differentiate between strong and weak positions.
I collected 3 million games with Elo over 2000 and used my own method to label them. After researching hundreds of games, I found out, that it’s safe to assume that in the last 10 turns of any game, the balance doesn’t change, and the winning side has a strong advantage. So I picked positions from the last 10 turns and made two labels: one for a win for white and zero for black. I didn’t include any draw positions. To avoid bias, I have picked even numbers of positions labeled with wins for both sides and even number of positions for both sides with the next turn.
Each position I represented by a vector with the length of 773 elements. Every piece on every square of a chess board, together with castling rights and a next turn, I coded with ones and zeros. My sequential model has an input layer with 773 neurons and an output layer with one single neuron. I have used a three hidden layer deep MLP with 1546, 500 and 50 hidden units for layers 1, 2, and 3 respectively with dropout regularization value of 20% on each. Hidden layers are connected with the non- linear activation function ReLU, while the final output layer has a sigmoid output. I used binary crossentropy loss function and the Adam algorithm with all default parameters, except for the learning rate, which I set to 0.0001.
I used 3 percent of the positions for validation. During the first 10 epochs, validation accuracy gradually went up from 90 to 92%, just one percent behind training accuracy. Further training led to overfitting, with training accuracy going up, and validation accuracy going down.
I tested the trained model on multiple positions by hand, and got pretty bad results. Overall the model can predict which side is winning, if that side has more pieces or pawns close to a conversion square. Also it gives the side with a next turn a small advantage (0.1). But overall it doesn’t make much sense. In most cases it heavily favors black (by ~0.3) and doesn’t properly take into account the setup. For instance, it labels the starting position as ~0.0001, as if the black side has almost 100% chance to win. Sometimes irrelevant transformation of a position results in unpredictable change of the evaluation. One king and one queen from each side usually is viewed as lost position for white (0.32), unless black king is on certain square, even though it doesn’t really change the balance on the chessboard.
What I did to debug the program:
To make sure I have not made any mistakes, I analyzed, how each position is being recorded, step by step. Then I picked a dozen of positions from the final numpy array, right before training, and converted it back to analyze them on a regular chess board.
I used various numbers of positions from the same game (1 and 6) to make sure, that using too many similar positions is not the cause for the fast overfitting. By the way, even one position for each game in my database resulted in 3 million data set, which should be sufficient according to some research papers.
To make sure that the positions I use are not too simple, I analyzed them. 1.3 million of them had 36 points in pieces (knights, bishops, rooks, and queens; pawns were not included in the count), 1.4 million - 19 points, and only 0.3 million - had less.
Some things you could try:
Add unit tests and asserts wherever possible. E.g. if you know that some value is never supposed to get negative, add an assert to check that this condition really holds.
Print shapes of all tensors to check that you have really created the architecture you intended.
Check if your model outperforms some simple baseline model.
You say your model overfits, so maybe simplify it / add regularization?
Check how your model performs on the simplest positions. E.g. can it recognize a checkmate?

Reduce dimensions of model's fully connected layer for image retrieval task

I'm working on a image retrieval task(not involving faces) and one of the things I am trying is to swap out the softmax layer in the CNN model and use the LMNN classifier. For this purpose I fine tuned the model and then extracted the features at fully connected layer. I have about 3000 images right now. The fully connected layer gives a 4096 dim vector. So my final vector is a 3000x4096 vector with about 700 classes(Each class has 2+ images). I believe this is an extremely large dimension size which the LMNN algorithm is going to take forever(it really did take forever).
How can I reduce the number of dimensions? I tried PCA but that didn't squeeze down the dimensions too much(got down to 3000x3000). I am thinking 256/512/1024 dim vector should be able to help. If I were to add another layer to reduce dimensions, say a new fully connected layer would I have to fine tune my network again? Inputs on how to do that would be great!
I am also currently trying to augment my data to get more images per class and increase the size of my dataset.
Thank you.
PCA should let you reduce the data further - you should be able to specify the desired dimensionality - see the wikipedia article.
As well as PCA you can try t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE). I really enjoyed Wattenberg, et al.'s article - worth a read if you want to get an insight into how it works and some of the pitfalls.
In a neural net the standard way to reduce dimensionality is by adding more, smaller layers, as you suggested. As they can only learn during training, you'll need to re-run your fine-tuning. Ideally you would re-run the entire training process if you make a change to the model structure but if you have enough data it may be OK still.
To add new layers in TensorFlow, you would add a fully connected layer whose input is the output of your 3000 element layer, and output size is the desired number of elements. You may repeat this if you want to go down gradually (e.g. 3000 -> 1024 -> 512). You would then perform your training (or fine tuning) again.
Lastly, I did a quick search and found this paper that claims to support LMNN over large datasets through random sampling. You might be able to use that to save a few headaches: Fast LMNN Algorithm through Random Sampling

For car detection, Shall the negative samples have the same size of positive samples?

I adjusted the size of all positive samples to be of same size, so shall negative samples have the same size of positive ones.
Generally, with object detection, you are sliding a search window of a fixed size across your image, producing feature responses. The classifier then compares the responses to a trained model and reports the proximity of the two. We are relying on the fact that the same kind of objects will produce similar feature responses. For this reason you want your positive data to be of the same size in each sliding window, otherwise the responses will be different and you won't get good matches.
When you are training on the negative data, you are giving the classifier examples of responses which generally won't have anything in common, this is how the algorithm learns to partition your data. It doesn't really matter what the size of your images because you will be using the same sliding window. What matters is the data captured by that window - it should represent the data you will use at runtime. What I mean is that the sliding window should not contain either too much or to little detail. You don't really want to take a full-landscape photo, reduce it to 320x240 and then train on it. Your sliding window will capture too much information. Same goes for taking a smaller subset of a scene and blowing it up to 1280x960. Now there's too little information.
With all that said, however, things are more complicated and simpler at the same time in the real world. You will encounter objects of different sizes; therefore you need to be able to handle them at different scales. So your classifier should be searching across multiple scales, thus making image sizes irrelevant. Remember, it's what's within the sliding window that counts. And: garbage in = garbage out. Make sure your data looks good.
But each image should be (but not necessarily) larger then a training window size, because these images are used to subsample negative image to the training size.

Why do we maximize variance during Principal Component Analysis?

I'm trying to read through PCA and saw that the objective was to maximize the variance. I don't quite understand why. Any explanation of other related topics would be helpful
Variance is a measure of the "variability" of the data you have. Potentially the number of components is infinite (actually, after numerization it is at most equal to the rank of the matrix, as #jazibjamil pointed out), so you want to "squeeze" the most information in each component of the finite set you build.
If, to exaggerate, you were to select a single principal component, you would want it to account for the most variability possible: hence the search for maximum variance, so that the one component collects the most "uniqueness" from the data set.
Note that PCA does not actually increase the variance of your data. Rather, it rotates the data set in such a way as to align the directions in which it is spread out the most with the principal axes. This enables you to remove those dimensions along which the data is almost flat. This decreases the dimensionality of the data while keeping the variance (or spread) among the points as close to the original as possible.
Maximizing the component vector variances is the same as maximizing the 'uniqueness' of those vectors. Thus you're vectors are as distant from each other as possible. That way if you only use the first N component vectors you're going to capture more space with highly varying vectors than with like vectors. Think about what Principal Component actually means.
Take for example a situation where you have 2 lines that are orthogonal in a 3D space. You can capture the environment much more completely with those orthogonal lines than 2 lines that are parallel (or nearly parallel). When applied to very high dimensional states using very few vectors, this becomes a much more important relationship among the vectors to maintain. In a linear algebra sense you want independent rows to be produced by PCA, otherwise some of those rows will be redundant.
See this PDF from Princeton's CS Department for a basic explanation.
max variance is basically setting these axis that occupy the maximum spread of the datapoints, why? because the direction of this axis is what really matters as it kinda explains correlations and later on we will compress/project the points along those axis to get rid of some dimensions

Machine learning algorithm for this task?

Trying to write some code that deals with this task:
As an starting point, I have around 20 "profiles" (imagine a landscape profile), i.e. one-dimensional arrays of around 1000 real values.
Each profile has a real-valued desired outcome, the "effective height".
The effective height is some sort of average but height, width and position of peaks play a particular role.
My aim is to generalize from the input data so as to calculate the effective height for further profiles.
Is there a machine learning algorithm or principle that could help?
Principle 1: Extract the most import features, instead of feeding it everything
As you said, "The effective height is some sort of average but height, width and position of peaks play a particular role." So that you have a strong priori assumption that these measures are the most important for learning. If I were you, I would calculate these measures at first, and use them as the input for learning, instead of the raw data.
Principle 2: While choosing a learning algorithm, the first thing to care about would be the the linear separability
Suppose the height is a function of those measures, then you have to think about that to what extent the function is linear. For example if the function is almost linear, then a very simple Perceptron would be perfect. Otherwise if it's far from linear, you might want to pick up a multiple-layer neural network. If it's far far far from linear....please turn to principle 1, and check out if you are extracting the right features.
Principle 3: More data help
As you said, you have around 20 "profiles" for training. In general speaking, that's not enough. Almost all of the machine learning algorithms were designed for somehow big data. Even they claimed that their algorithm is good at learning small sample, but usually not as small as 20. Get more data!
Maybe multivariate linear regression suffices?
I would probably use a combination of what you said about which features play the most important role, and then train a regression on that. Basically, you need at least one coefficient corresponding to each feature, and you need substantially more data points than coefficients. So, I would pick something like the heights and width of the two biggest peaks. You've now reduced every profile to just 4 numbers. Now do this trick: divide the data into 5 groups of 4. Pick the first 4 groups. Reduce all those profiles to 4 numbers, and then use the desired outcomes to come up with a regression. Once you have trained the regression, try your technique on the last 4 points and see how well it works. Repeat this procedure 5 times, each time leaving out a different set of data. This is called cross-validation, and it's very handy.
Obviously getting more data would help.
