Keep an app active in the background? - ios

I have a volume control app in the iOS store, but one problem that my users have frequently is that the device kicks it for memory control. Is there any way to either force it to stay active (by permission) or to at least alert the user when its no longer active or in danger?

All the answers are under Background Execution in the iOS Developer Library.
Of course, here's the philosophy:
Always try to avoid doing any background work unless doing so improves
the overall user experience.
See Table 3-1 for the types of background execution. There's a category for audio but it requires audio to be played from the app. It does not sound like your app fits in here. So you'll want to look at notifying the user.
You could send a notification to the user when the app falls to background with applicationDidEnterBackground(), or just before it quits with applicationWillTerminate(), supposedly time-permitting.

Running in the background is permitted. I have an app that does it and while the rules have changed and adapting to it has been gut wrenching at times, it is pretty straightforward. In your case, I would think that you could setup to be notified and then just disappear, no? waking from a notification is part of the state changing protocol and you should be able to do that.
As a point of comparison, in Android, background operations like yours would be implemented as services and would have no fear of being terminated. The strangest thing about the way ios chooses to allow background activity is that you are applying for status one time. In Android, I was able to indicate that a single activity should be kept alive when the app is backgrounded, all others could be terminated. There is no way to do that in ios.
I take it my disappear and wait for notifications is probably not going to work for you because there is no way to be notified of volume changes. You must be polling? In which case, you probably are going to have to ask to be kept alive. Would be nice if you could just piggyback on other services, e.g. keep me alive while music is playing.
To answer your other question, yes you will get notified if/when you really are going to get termed, so you could send a notification at that point.


Monitor app and lock state changes in the background on iOS

I’m trying to make a focus timer app like Forest, that detects if you leave the app, either by going to the home screen, switching to another app or by first locking the phone and later proceeding to a different app through notifications, widgets, camera etc..
What I can’t figure out is how to monitor such state changes even after the phone has been locked for a while. There are no “background modes” covering this use case, so I would expect the app to get suspended after a while in the background. Nevertheless, apps like Forest do this successfully. Do I need a workaround to keep the app awake, or am I missing some approach that doesn’t require background execution at all?
Help much appreciated!
If I had to guess, it's probably a combination of a few things:
Use the normal app delegate callbacks for app state transitions to determine if the app is still able to execute code. That's the easy part.
You could do something with string and regex processing of console logs to detect when other apps open, close, etc. and other activity which would allow you to detect activity on the device coming from places other than your app.
You need to use some sort of framework that Apple says can get data even in background state. One such framework is Core Motion. There may be others as well that suit your app's specific needs better.
See Execution States for Apps.
See Background Execution.
See Cocoanetics: Accessing the iOS System Log.
See Keep iOS App Awake To Monitor Movement.
See Apple System Log Facility.

Handling server being aware if iPhone app is running (heartbeat)

I am not sure how to best implement keeping our server informed that our iPhone application is currently running (even when in the background). There are a few different options but there is some concern as to what is allowed by the Apple approval process as well as what is the most reliable. The application does have the ability to play music in the background, if that factors into what is approved by Apple.
The first option, is to continually send some sort of heartbeat to the server at a set interval through a simple GET/POST; however, the concern is whether or not this is allowed as a background task. In a very roundabout way it can be argued that it is necessary for the playback but I'm not so sure whether or not that is acceptable. If the server does not hear from them in a set amount of time it will assume the app is no longer running.
The second option involves using a presence channel socket connection and have the server just handle when users enter and leave that channel. With this option the main concern is how reliable is a socket connection like this while an app is in the background. Similarly, whether or not this is allowed by Apple. In this case when the app dies, connection closes and server knows app is not running.
Third option can be used in tandem with either of the other options but to use some sort of APNS push to query the phone as to whether or not it has died and have it respond with some data to let us know; however, this seems somewhat counterintuitive as the push itself wakes the app up.
Any other suggestions or input are also welcome.
Not sure if this should be a comment or answer, but let me put my 2 cents here.
Firstly, Can you please elaborate your needs further, because in case you are playing an Audio in background with AVPlayer/AVPlayerItem you would hand over your content URL to iOS and it will make the calls as and when necessary to keep the playback running, you dont need to know about apps' state.
Let me assume, for whatever reasons you want to achieve what the question asks:
There are 3 states your app can be in when it is "Not Running"
i. Suspended State: your app is not killed but its not receiving any CPU time to execute your code.
ii. Killed by OS: Your app can be terminated by iOS to free up the memory or any other resources.
iii. Force Killed by User: If user swipes up your app from app switcher it gets force killed.
Now when your app is Not Running, you CAN NOT query it, but you can move it to Running State. You can achieve this transition by using following methods (Not exhaustive list, but mentions common ways)
i. Background Fetch : You can configure your app to be invoked periodically, so that it can synchronise with the server and updates its state.
ii. Push Notifications (APNS) : You can ping the app from server so that iOS invokes it for some short period of time (few seconds) to update its state.
iii. VOIP Pushes: If your App is VOIP app you can use PushKit to send Silent Pushes which will launch even the Force-Killed Apps, the above two methods does not transition the app to Running state if it was force killed by user
The above point can be helpful in devising overall strategy but does not answer the question, "How to keep syncing the RUNNING state"
i. When your app is Running(Forground/Background), you can do almost anything that is publicly documented, you can keep calling a URL every minute or every 5 seconds, you need to worry about UX on the device rather than approval process, (People will delete app if they see your app in top battery drainers in the settings section)
ii. For making an HTTP call while your app is in background, you can look at Background URL Session, which off loads the HTTP calls to another process so that the call completes even if app gets killed.
iii. For the socket based approach please refer this technical note. The main issue is that you do not/can not know when your app moves from Running to Not Running State.
iv. As you mentioned that your app uses background audio, it will be always be in Running state if the user plays an audio and puts app in background, in such case you can use Periodic Observer to do some Heartbeat call periodically when the content is being played out.

How to check whether force quit has disabled notifications

I am working on an app that, among other things, provides alarms in emergencies. Users can toggle a setting to have alarms be put through even if their iPhone is muted, but this service has another hurdle to leap: when the app has been force quit, it cannot receive (content-available) notifications until the app is relaunched by the user.
There is a geofencing event in place which buys me some processing time even if the app has been force quit, and in that time, I would like to check if such a block is in place, and if so, request the user to open their app again, and not aggressively force-quit in the future. (Many people still think it's just a way to keep things clean, even though it actually costs you battery life to not just leave apps in the background)
SO THE CORE OF THE PROBLEM: I need an (API call? Something else?) that will tell me whether the app is in such a 'force quit, cannot receive notifications' state, assuming that I do have processing time to do this check.
Anything is welcome, I have not been able to find proper Apple documentation on the notifications block.
Thank you very much.
While there is no API I am aware of to find state after, you can infer the state just before the application is terminated, and record that.
will be called when an app has received a terminate signal.
More Info
This question describes what lifecycle functions to use, and

Is there a way to prevent iOS6 to kill the specific task process?

I know that iOS has its own task management method and users may never need to care about the processes background. But my requirement is to ALWAYS keep a program alive, it cannot be killed under any circumstance.
Is there a way to do this like "LOCK" or something else function already existed? I'm using iPad4 ios6.01 system.
No, that's not possible. (Nor should it be if you think about it. What's to stop every app from saying that it can't be killed?)
The closest you can get is for things like VoIP apps that do run in the background and automatically respawn when they die.
The alternative is to work like every other app: when your app goes into the background you save state so you can restore if it gets killed. iOS 6 even has the state restoration functions.
Short and simple
No, there is no way to make your App "unkillable".
A bit longer
If your App requires to receive location updates while it is running in background, you can use the standard way Apple offers to do so.
Two other options are: your App is an VoIP application (afaik they also get autostarted on system boot) or you're playing audio in the background. Without knowing too much details about how iOS handles such Apps, they might get killed if the iDevice runs out of memory (or the user kills it). But you probably already knew that.
However, as you already mentioned, iOS manages everything on it's own and will kill Apps that run in background to free memory. Additionally as we all know, a user might kill your App at any time using the task switcher of iOS.
And don't try to use the described methods just to run tasks in the background. If Apple finds out about it, your App will be rejected/removed from the App Store quickly.

How to rise Reminder through PeriodicTask in WP7 Mango?

I'm developing wp7 Mango application. I run PeriodicTask and want to notify user according to some conditions. I'm using ShellToast for notification. But to my mind its isn't enough for my purpose. First of all ShellToast disappears after some time and user can easy miss this notification. Secondary that doesn't work when application runs. And minor issue - notification's sound is very quiet.
Reminder is more suitable for me. It is loud and doesn't disappear till user close it. But it isn't possible to create Reminder from background thread, so I've created Reminder on foreground side and set BeginTime = DateTime.MaxValue. On the background I just use ScheduledActionService.Find("ReminderName") for extracting Reminder and change BeginTime property to DateTime.Now. Unfortunately without success.
Does anybody has idea how to rise Reminder through PeriodicTask?
As you've discovered, it's not permitted to set a reminder from a BackgroundTask.
I think you would benefit by considering things from the users persective. As a user:
- would you an app that kept raising notifications that you had to respond to?
- would you want an app ignored the conventions of the platform
- would you want an app that always made loud noises? even if you turned the volume down?
If it's really vital to your app that you notify the user in a more prominent way you coudl send an SMS via an external service.
Or you could have the user subscribe to a web based calendar and then add your events to that calendar from the background thread. But when you get to this point it probably makes sense to move more functionality out of the background task and put that on the server too.
