with the help of below link i have implemented
How to convert Salesforce rich text editor to a "full mode" editor?
But Having an issue ,either i am in dev mode or not the page is keep on refreshing and the rich text is flickering.
Any idea why it is happening
Is it possible to read the contents of the spyder code analysis message box in the editor without have to use the mouse?
It would be nice to read the messages as one scrolls through the editor with the arrow keys
I'm currently developing a custom text box for a word processing uwp app and, while I have seen the Windows.Ui.Core.Text library for text input managing, I can't understand how do the default textbook and richeditbox controls render their text? I suppose that they use a low level library, instead of using textblock controls, but I can't find which they use.
You may render text using Win2D. Check here: https://microsoft.github.io/Win2D/html/T_Microsoft_Graphics_Canvas_Text_CanvasTextLayout.htm
And samples here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/p/win2d-example-gallery/9nblgggxwt9f
Scroll bar: browser scrolling up automatically when user selects or writing some text in CK Editor, using chrome.
I am using Full feature CK Editor as well, this issue not in Firefox or IE, but in chrome.
Please anyone have idea about this issue.
I am using EXTJS 3.2.1, and am wondering if the user inputs a URL such as www.stackoverflow.com into a TextArea and submits. Then when the page reloads, if I can display it as a clickable hyperlink?
Thanks for the help.
It's a rich text editor (rtf), so yes.
The editor I am using to type this answer is a rich text editor. I can format the text, add links, etc. The Rich Text Editor is a UI control that replaces a standard HTML textarea.
I have an issue with inplace with Editor i.e the rich text editor.
When a user stores html text with editor (the rich text editor), the text is escaped in the inplace label.
How do I set escape to false in the inplace so it does not escape html. Which is the point of the rich text editor in the first place.
The second issue is that when I try to save the editor.the next time the inplace label is clicked , the editor ( the rich text editor) disappears.
Any help will be appreciated.
The point of rich text editor is that it provides simple tools for users to format their text without direct markup. This is the reason why your markup is escaped. The component you need is codeMirror from primefaces-extensions which is a simple code-editor interface for javascript, html, etc.
I was able to reproduce this behavior. You should take a look to primefaces bug tracker and report this issue.