Internal Server Error with PayPal MPL - ios

I am trying to use PayPalMPL 2.1.7 for iOS to accept third party payments in my app. When I use this code to initialize the environment:
[PayPal initializeWithAppID:#"APP-80W284485P519543T" forEnvironment:ENV_SANDBOX];
I get this error in the log:
Checking Error********************
Posting Error: -1
and this error as an alert in the app:
internal server error
I would love to upgrade to the new PayPal iOS SDK, but it doesn't offer third party payments yet.
Any idea what will fix these errors?

However the question has an answer, I would like to add my two cents for future beginners like me who may found the same error.
Just add Bundle display name in your info.plist of your project as an empty.
Here's the screenshot.

Fixed this by adding Bundle Display Name in info.plist


'Open this page in "null"' Modal appearing from FacebookSDK login after iOS9 and Swift 2 upgrade

I'm in the process of updating projects to Swift 2 and iOS 9. One of the projects I'm doing relies heavily on Facebooks SDK. I use it to login, get user information, ect... Prior ot the update, once you logged in the Safari would redirect you directly to the app. Now I'm getting a fun little modal displaying the following (See Fig 1 at bottom)
I assume this has some connection to the new Info.plist key we add LSApplicationQueriesSchemes with a Item0 as fbauth2 now required by iOS 9.
I also noticed I'm getting a stack trace with my app saying:
failed for URL: "fbauth2:///" - error: "(null)"
I found the reoccurence of the new key data fbauth2 interesting, and I'm assuming that there is now a way to configure what this modal will say upon redirect. Does anyone have any idea how to configure this? I'm assuming this is a common issue for all those updating their apps. Thanks!
Fig 1
Make sure that you have updated to the newest version of the Facebook SDK at
You will also want to Whitelist the Facebook Servers for Network Requests.
More information on this can be found here.
Specifically look at steps #2 & #3.
From the documentation in Step #3 there were also changes to the canOpenURL method:
Why do I see console messages like 'canOpenURL: failed for URL: "fb...://' or ?
This is an Xcode warning indicating the the canOpenURL: call returned false. As long as you have configured the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes entry in your plist as described above, you can ignore this warning iOS [pod Parse] error

I'm building a simple app, as it is described on this tutorial: Instagram like app
However, I've made all the steps correctly, to the "Run the app" part, but when I ran it, the Xcode 7 (swift2) outputs this error every time I launch the app or pull to refresh:
2015-09-20 00:46:41.224 Paws2[1196:393571] [Error]: unauthorized (Code: 0, Version: 1.8.5)
I'm using the latest pod available and I don't know how to bypass this issue.
Note that I've made an exactly app as described in the tutorial with the version 1.7.5 and the error was the same, so I updated the pos version to the latest.
I've names the app Paws2 on purpose, it wasn't a error, as it says in the Tutorial to name it 'Paws'.
Thanks in advance
- Regards, Ivan.
EDIT 1: I've updated cocoapods and everything else related and the error continues.
I had a same error too.
My case was silly. I put wrong Application ID / Client Key in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method on AppDelegate.
[Parse setApplicationId:#“Your Application ID"
clientKey:#“Your Client Key"];
Make sure you put right keys.

non public selector in payload warning iOS [duplicate]

I am uploading my iOS application on app store and it is having some warning when i upload the app. warning is the app references non-public selectors in payload/ _terminateWithStatus I am using facebook sdk"facebook-ios-sdk-3.8" and parse sdk "parse-library-1.2.18". can anybody guide me what should i do to remove this warning?
You can't remove this warning. You may get this warning just for using a selector in your own code or third party code(may be because of facebook sdk) that has the same name as some selector that is marked as non-public. Happens to me all the time. Never got rejected for it. So you won't worry about this warning. See this Ref. , Ref2
And also see this stack question to avoid rejection, find and remove unwanted framework.
First time i got this error and then app was uploaded but with warnings but when i submitted the second version of the app at that time Apple didn't let me upload the app and was giving me error repeatedly "Your app contains non-public API usage. Please review the error, correct them and resubmit your app" after that i found my solution in this question Finding Private API Call _terminateWithStatus Answer was not very useful for me but solution in question was very useful for me. I just removed the GHUnitIOS.framework and it worked for me. May be this info can help someone else

Debug ios share error message

I have trouble with the Facebook iOS share method described here:
When I login with Facebook and share for the first time it works. After that I am getting the following error message:
I have no idea how to debug it and where I can look up this error code.
Anybody can help me out?
I found a bug report which states that you need to use the old deprecated headers for now.

Paypal MPL iOS error

I am trying to integrate the PayPal MPL library into an iOS app. I have a UIViewController that is creating the PayPal button like so:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[PayPal initializeWithAppID:SANDBOX_API_KEY
UIButton* paypalButton = [[PayPal getPayPalInst] getPayButtonWithTarget:self andAction:#selector(checkoutPayment) andButtonType:BUTTON_294x43];
[self.view addSubview:paypalButton];
[super viewDidLoad];
The app prints the following error message to the console a second or so after opening the ViewController.
Checking Error********************
Posting Error: 2147483647
DEVELOPER ERROR: This app isn’t using a supported version of the PayPal library.
I can't find anything about this error on Google, so here I am. Any ideas on how to fix it?
I am using xcode 4.5 and iOS 6 beta to test, and the 1_5_5_070_iPhone_DevelopersPackage version of the MPL library (the latest one on the website).
I also noticed that you have to have "bundle display name" in your info.plist
Without it you will get posting error as well
I know that this is very old, but there is one more requirement. It took me a while to find out. It must not be a very big integer. I've had a version string that was something like 20141014122113 (or YMdHms) and that also set this off. After having it shortened to 20141014 everything started working. So these appear to be the rules:
You must have a bundle display name
Just digits in build number
Build number must not be too long
The problem was that the Bundle Version in the Info.plist used alphanumeric characters. It seems the PayPal library reads it and expects it to be a number.
