iPhone 6 and 6 plus scaled up screen icons - ios

I am using scaled up views for iPhone 6 and 6 plus for my app i.e. I haven't added splash screen for iPhone 6 and 6 plus.
I would like to know will the iPhone 6 and 6 plus will use high definition images (#3x) or as it is only scaled up app so will use retina images (#2x).
Kindly let me know if anyone has came across this.

It will not use #3x images until you add launch screens.

Thanks all for your reply.
Today I created one POC using 1x, 2x and 3x image and tested it on simulator. Look like application is using high definition image for iPhone 6 plus. I have attached images for reference.
I don't have device to test this POC. Hope this will behave same on device.


iOS image resolution sizes with Sketch 3

I'm trying to understand the different image asset resolutions in Xcode/iOS development and I can't seem to wrap my head around it.
I use sketch 3 to develop the images I use in my apps.
So let's say I have an art board set up at the iPhone 5 size. I've used this art board to create my images at the sizes I want them to be when displayed on an iPhone 5. Would I export these images as 1x or 2x?
I've read that the iPhone 5 and 6 use the #2x resolution but this is where I start getting confused. If I've created the images at the iPhone 5 dimensions would I really want to up the pixel count?
Any clarification would be much appreciated!
All Artboards are in 1x resolution.
When you export you should be doing it at 2x. For iPhone 6, 5, 4.
You should really be exporting all your assets at all 3 sizes since iOS 9 still supports the older 1x on iPad 2 (should your app also support iPad)

iOS pictures 1x 2x 3x convert?

I coded an App, its done now but if I go to Images.xcassets, it looks like I need 1x 2x and 3x pictures. I tested the App on my iPhone 6 and everything runs fine. My pictures are all in the 1x Boxes.
( its an universal App ).
I guess if I test it on iPhone 4 now, the images will be too big or the other way, on an iPad the images will be too small. I think thats why I need those 1x 2x 3x, am I right?
Could somebody tell me, how I get my 1x pictures now converted to 2x and 3x?
Thanks for any help
Those images are for different screen DPI. E.g. Retina in iPhone 4 will use 2x images and Retina in iPhone 6 Plus will use 3x images, while 1x images will be used on old non-retina devices like iPad 2.
If you want to use different sized image on iPhone 5S and on iPhone 6 you need to provide it as different asset and set it in the code.

How does iOS handles different versions of image?

I am using three versions of image:
I just want to know that if I use abc.png wherever this image is used, does all the versions are automatically picked according to iPhone resolution or I have to make an image asset for this.
I did a Google search but nothing satisfactory found.
When we use any image in your app it pick the image according to the device resolution which set constraint by the APPle Inc.
The Asset is listed below for more clarity:
iPad 2 and iPad mini (#1x)
iPad (Air) and iPad mini (Retina) (#2x)
iPhone 4s (#2x)
iPhone 6 and iPhone 5 (#2x)
iPhone 6 Plus (#3x)
For all images and icons, the PNG format is recommended. You should avoid using interlaced PNGs.
I wish it'll help you.Let me know if further more concern.
only write #"abc".
it selects the desired image automatically

Screen Size Issue For an Image in iOS

I simply want to display a title page to a game. I want to use pre-rendered images. It needs to work with all iPhones and iPads. So far I am using these assets as screenshot below
I have used these sizes:
In 1x place image with resolution of 320 x 480.
In 2x place image with resolution of 640 x 960.
In Retina 4 2x place image with resolution of 640 x 1136.
In 3x place image with resolution of 1242 x 2207.
Only the iPhone 4 and 5's show correctly. Both 6 and 6Plus are completely wrong.
for iPad:
1x image of 760*1024
2x image of 1536*2048
Only the iPad 2 displays correct. The Air and Retina are completely wrong.
I have read through all the documentation I can find both on here and searching for hours on Google. I am unsure what simple thing I must be overlooking. Am I trying to do something that is not possible? I am only testing on the simulator and thinking it could be an issue with that?
Also I may have a misunderstanding then as I was under the impression that #3x was for iPhone 6 and 6+. If not, what are #3x for?
For some reason Image Sets in Asset Catalogs do not include a size for iPhone 6 or iPhone 6+, so when using a full screen image you may need to handle it manually via code.
What I'm doing (and it's not pretty but it works), is to include another Image Set for iPhone 6 (I all it imageName_47), and another one for iPhone 6+ (I call it imageName_55). Then in code, detect the screen size and swap the image to the best size. You'll only need the #2x version for the _47 one, and the #3x version for the _55 one.

Xcode 6 - xcassets for universal image support

Currently working on a universal SpriteKit project. I'll be supporting the following devices:
iPhone 4/s,
iPhone 5/c/s,
iPhone 6,
iPhone 6+
iPad non-ret,
iPad retina
I am confused on the iPhone part. I already have 4 versions for my background sprite for the 4 different screen resolutions of the iPhones. But which goes to which?
I know the 3x is for the 6+, and I think the 5/c/s goes to the Retina 4 2x, but I do not know where the iPhone4/s, and 6 go. Anyone know?
Side note, when I create a Launch Image inside my xcassets file, I am shown these options, which basically has all the device I am supporting. Just wondering why this is not also the case when creating an Image Set
Also how do you guys approach creating images/sprites for a universal application? Now that the new iPhone 6, and 6 plus are out, I have 2 more resolutions to support which is still confusing for me as I'm still a beginner.
This is a little confusing - here's how I understand it (this is in reference to the top image):
1x images are for the original iPhone through the 3GS - 'standard' resolution devices (3.5" screens)
2x images are for the iPhone 4 and 4S (3.5" Retina screens) and are also used for the iPhone 6.
Retina 4 2x are for the iPhone 5 and 5s (4" Retina screens)
3x images are for the new iPhone 6+ (5.5" super-Retina [3x] screen)
I believe that the iPhone 6 (4.7" screen) will use the Retina 4 2x images, but I would have to test it.
Side note, when I create a Launch Image inside my xcassets file, I am shown these options, which basically has all the device I am supporting. Just wondering why this is not also the case when creating an Image Set
If you compare the two images, the lower one has everything the upper one does, except for a 1x iPhone graphic. You don't need that if you're only supporting iOS 7 and above, since iOS 7 doesn't run on any non-Retina phone-form devices. To be honest, I don't understand why the top image has a 1x iPhone form graphic option - maybe because you checked the "iPhone" box in the sidebar?
Also how do you guys approach creating images/sprites for a universal application
For most non-fullscreen images (like a logo), you really only have 3 resolutions to support - standard (1x), Retina (2x), and the iPhone 6+ (3x). These are simply different quality of images, not really different sizes. So if you have a 10x10 image on a standard device, that would mean you need a 20x20 image on a Retina device and a 30x30 image on an iPhone 6+. On all devices, they would show up as a 10x10 image.
A great tool I used for managing different resolutions of icons is iConify.
I create them at the highest size I need (30x30 [#3x] for an image I want to be 10x10 on a device), then save it as a png and resize copies to 20x20 [#2x] and 10x10 [standard]. A better solution would be to create and use vector graphics, which would resize better to any size.
In 1x place image with resolution 320 x 480.
In 2x place image with resolution 640 x 960.
In Retina 4 2x place image with resolution 640 x 1136.
in 3x place image with resolution 1242 x 2208.
Images of Retina 4 2x will upscale to resolution 750 x 1334.
Images 3x will downscale to resolution 1080 x 1920.
You can also visit this links for launch screen images:
For all other images resolution and size:
How to use Image.xcassets:
Hope this will be more helpful.
If you have your launch images in an xcasset file, you can do the following in Xcode 6.
Select the launch image asset, select a specific resolution (1x, 2x, Retina 4, etc) and open the attributes inspector (see image below).
Under the "Image" section, you will have a "Expected Size" attribute.
Inside images.xcassets, you can add different devices support by right clicking as shown in the snap
Edit: Well, it doesn't seem working when I drag n drop images to placeholders. It gets messed up as shown next
I don't know why it is acting odd on my Xcode 6.4 though.
I see a bug from apple here. I can select 'Universal' along with any device upon right click as you can see in the first image above. But via attribute inspector I can correctly select either 'Universal' or specific devices as shown here
In Xcode 7 the attribute inspector has been changed and now it gives option same like the right click. So instead of either 'Universal' or specific devices, now it offers to select all.
There is one tool : AVXCassets Generator with which you can directly generate XCAssets file for all your icons and images just by one click.
hope you will like it.
