h:commandLink inside h:dataTable not invoked [duplicate] - jsf-2

I am trying to execute an action through commandButton inside a dataTable, but the action is not invoked when the commandButton is placed inside the datatable as shown below
<h:dataTable value="#{bean.list}" var="item">
<h:commandButton value="submit" action="#{bean.submit}" />
When I move the commandButton out of dataTable, the action is successfully executed. What is the problem when commandButton is inside datatable? The commandLink has the same problem.

This problem can happen when the list behind #{bean.list} is not exactly the same during the HTTP request of processing the form submit as it was during the request of displaying the form. JSF will namely re-iterate over the list to locate the button pressed and invoke its action.
If the bean is request scoped and the list is not repopulated during bean's (post)construction, or the list's population depends on a request scoped variable which was lost during the form submit, then JSF will retrieve an empty or a completely different list while processing the form submit and thus won't be able to locate the button pressed and won't invoke any action.
The best fix is to put the bean in the view scope and ensuring that you're loading the data model the proper way.
public class Bean implements Serializable {
private List<Item> list;
private ItemService service;
public void init() {
list = service.list();
// ...
See also:
commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not updated - point 4
Benefits and pitfalls of #ViewScoped


JSF 2 + Primefaces: Need to update bean property on menu click before rendering dialog

I have a p:menuitem that needs to (1) update a backing bean property when clicked, and then (2) show a p:dialog.
This is the set up I have:
<p:menuitem value="Show Dialog"
<p:dialog widgetVar="dialog_widget" id="dialog" dynamic="true">
<p:inputText value="#{bean.record.text} />
// the proper rendering of this dialog form depends on bean.currentAction
// being set during JSF Phase 4 Update Model Values
And the backing bean:
public R getRecord() {
if (currentAction == null) {
return null;
return currentAction == NEW ? newRecord : selectedRecord;
The problem is that actionListeners and actions are only executed during Phase 5 and I need the bean.currentAction to be set before that so the dialog can be properly updated and rendered.
** A little background on what I'm trying to achieve: the dialog form is used to Create new records as well as Update exsiting records (Add and Edit Dialog). So the "currentAction" on the bean indicates which action the user is doing. Depending on which action, the form needs to use different model objects ("newRecord" or "selectedRecord") to pull and save the form data to.
Although not a very elegant solution you can use PrimeFaces' RequestContext's update method to set update target and use the execute method to show your dialog in your actionListener after setting the needed property.
If you requirement is to call the backing bean method before the dialog opens then you can go for a ajax function (i don't know whether you are allowed to use ajax in your application). for p:menuItem there is a function called onclick, where you can call a a4j:ajax function through which you can call a backing bean method and update the model before dialog opens.
By default action is called during "Invoke Application" phase. You can add immediate="true" attribute in p:menuitem tag. This will call action in "Apply Request Values" phase.

JSF: setting a property in a wizard form with multiple submit actions

I have this scenario: in the first tab of a primefaces wizard component, I have some fields and a button. The button saves some data, does some business logic and, with the results, sets some properties of the form bean (which is in ViewScope) that are not related to a specific field of the form. I have checked that in the invoke application phase, the values are set properly.
In the second tab I have another button that has to do some business logic using the values set by the first one but, doing some debug, I noticed that the values, even if not related to any field of the form, are overwritten I think during the update model phase invoked when I click the second button.
How can I avoid this? Is there a way to obtain the correct behaviour?
I looked around but I couldn't find any example of a wizard form with multiple submissions. Thanks for help!
<p:wizard widgetVar="wiz" render="true" id="wizard" showNavBar="false">
<p:tab id="step0" title="Step0" step="0">
<!-- Some other fields-->
<p:commandButton value="Save and do some business logic"
oncomplete="wiz.loadStep (wiz.cfg.steps [1], false)">
<p:tab id="step1" title="Step1" step="1">
<!-- Some other fields-->
<p:commandButton value="Second button: use the previous informations"
oncomplete="wiz.loadStep (wiz.cfg.steps [2], false)">
To show an example I can say that my bean contains a business logic object. During the first submission, this object is being saved so the database (Mysql and Hibernate), assigns to it a progressive id.
During the second submission, when I try to read this id, the value is zero so, obviously, I get an error.
Something like:
public class FormBean{
private BLObject object;
// Constructor Getters and setters
// Method executed during the first submission
public void save(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
//Save the object and set his id
// Method executed during the second submission
public void doSomethingWhitTheId(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
//Access the id... id=0 returned
int id = object.getId();
The problem was that, navigating from one page to another, Primefaces wizard, uses a String to identify the tab. Returning the value of this String, which is not null nor void, makes the view bean go out of scope. It is ok when you have a simple form but, if you wanna set some properties not related to a form element during the flow, they get overwritten during the tab changes.
I solved the problem adding to the form an hidden parameter linked to the property I wanted to preserve.
<h:inputHidden value="formBean.idToPreserve" id="inputHidden" />

JSF2: commandLink action method not always called

I have two very similar usecases, one works, and another one does not. I have checked the basic things mentioned in other answers (JSF2.1 on JBoss 7.1.1 with PrimeFaces 3.3).
First the sample which works:
<h:form id="processInstanceList">
<p:dataTable id="instances" var="processInstance" value="#{processInstanceList}">
<h:commandLink value="#{msg.deleteButtonLabel}"
action="#{runtimeService.deleteProcessInstance(processInstance.id, 'Cancelled by user')}">
with the action methods signature:
void deleteProcessInstance(String processInstanceId, String deleteReason);
and now the sample which does not work:
<h:form id="taskGrouplist">
<p:dataTable id="groupTasks" value="#{groupTaskList}" var="v_task">
<h:commandLink value="Übernehmen" action="#{taskList.claimTask(v_task)}"/>
with the action methods signature:
public class TaskList {
public String claimTask(Task task);
on the second sample the task passed to the action method is always NULL. If I just pass an attribute of the task to the method, e.g. with #{taskList.claimTask(v_task.id)} (Task has a getId() method returning a String) and changing the action methods signature to public String claimTask(String id) ... everything I pass in is NULL.
Why doesn't this happen in the first sample? There I pass in two Strings and it works fine...
What is the scope of your RuntimeService bean?
Try to change your TaskList bean scope to ViewScoped or SessionScoped, here is why:
#RequestScoped: A request scoped bean has a lifetime of exactly one HTTP request/response.
So once your dataTable with commandLinks gets rendered (the HTTP request/response is over) you lose all the references for v_task parameters in your action="#{taskList.claimTask(v_task)}" calls.
#ViewScoped: A view scoped bean lives as long as you're interacting with the same JSF view.
Even after the rendering is over, because of the #ViewScope you still have your references on v_task object.

<h:commandButton> does not invoke action

During some tests made using JSF 2 (mojarra on Glassfish 3.1.1) I've faced with strange behavior I can't explain.
This is my managed bean:
public class TestBean {
private int id;
public void hideButton() {
id = 0;
public int getId() {
return id;
public void setId(int id) {
this.id = id;
Here is my xhtml page
<h:inputHidden value="#{testBean.id}"/>
<h:outputText value="#{testBean.id}"/>
<h:commandButton value="set 1"
<h:commandButton value="hide button"
action="#{testBean.hideButton}" rendered="#{testBean.id > 0}">
I expected, the button "hide button" is not visible on initial load of the page and this is really the fact. After a click on the button "set 1", the button "hide button" appeares and that is also to expect.
Really not understandable thing to me is the fact the subsequent click on the button "hide button" does not invoke the method testBean.hideButton and set the id to 0.
I've read the very useful answer from BalusC (thanks a lot really) here
commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not updated
and recognize, the problem is related to the attribute "rendered", if I remove it, the action is invoked.
But as far as I aware, the class member must be initialized during the UPDATE MODEL VALUES phase and the condition mentioned in the attribute rendered should be evaluated to true during INVOKE APPLICATION phase and the action should be invoked.
The example works if I change the scope of the bean to View/Session.
But it also works fine if I remove the render attribute from the "hide button"
Would somebody explain such behavior?
In other words, at what phase the expression of the rendered attribute is evaluated to make decision not to invoke the action?
The rendered attribute is also evaluated during apply request values phase, at the moment when JSF needs to identify which action needs to be invoked. If it evaluates false, then the action can't be identified and will thus also not be invoked.
The problem is caused by the too narrow managed bean scope. As your managed bean is request scoped, it get trashed by end of response and recreated (with all properties set to default) on any subsequent request. The model value on which the rendered attribute depends will only be updated during update model values phase, which is too late. You should be placing the managed bean in view scope instead.
Apart from changing the bean scope to view scope, another way is to check the request parameter map value instead in the rendered attribute.
<h:form id="form">
<h:inputHidden id="id" ... />
<h:commandButton ... rendered="#{param['form:id'] gt 0}" />
(by the way your usage of > instead of gt indicates that you're using the deprecated JSP view technology instead of Facelets, I would strongly recommend to migrate to Facelets)
See also:
commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not updated
How to choose the right bean scope?
I've found myself the reason of the problem.
The method UIComponentBase.processDecodes (at the Apply Request Values phase) calls isRendered, which returns false, because it is before the Update Model Values. Which skips the decode of the component.
There are some workarounds possible, all of them imho are not cool, but nevertheless it works
It is possible manually to set necessary value in managed bean in (post)constructor from request parameters.
Or to use

viewscoped bean doesn't save session parameter

I have a page with datatable with product information from which at a product selection action I redirect to product info page passing a parameter:
configurableNavigationHandler.performNavigation("productInfo?faces-redirect=true&prId=" + selectedCpl.getP().getPrId());
In my viewscoped bean in my init method I get the request parameter and fill the objects needed:
public class ProductInfo implements Serializable {
private Product p;
private Integer prId;
private void init() {
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest();
if (request.getParameter("prId") != null) {
prId = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("prId"));
p = pf.find(prId);
On my productInfo.xhtml I have a product info view and a dialog to edit the product info but when I press submit my the request parameter is null:
<p:commandButton styleClass="button-edit" value="Submit" actionListener="#{productInfo.saveProduct()}" update="prodInfo" oncomplete="dlg.hide();"/>
I'm using jsf 2.0 with primefaces elements.
Can anyone help me? Thank you.
That's not a session parameter. That's a request parameter. That it's null is because you are not sending it along with the submit request. Send it by <f:param>.
<p:commandButton ...>
<f:param name="prId" value="#{productInfo.prId}" />
Unrelated to the concrete problem, there are several other potential problems. First, the view scoped bean should not be recreated when you submit the form. Perhaps you're using tag handlers in the view. Second, you should absolutely avoid hauling the raw javax.servlet API from under the JSF covers as much as possible. Use ExternalContext#getRequestParameterMap() instead. Third, the <f:viewParam> is much cleaner than that postconstruct. Fourth, redirecting by a navigation handler smells like a design problem in the view, e.g. why not use just a GET link?
The in-depth explanations on all of those issues are available in Communication in JSF 2.0.
