facebook sdk for iOS no longer functional - ios

so as of about the end of april, my app no longer can post to Facebook. It appears that they have deprecated the original "facebooksdk.framework" for the "fbsdk" framework.
I have tried searching across various sites, and cannot find a good example of modifying my code to the new Facebook sdk. I am getting stuck on allowing 'publish_actions'. I get an error stating that i do not have them?
In the new version, is it mandatory that my app go through review before getting publish actions, and is it true that it was not mandatory under the older SDK?
I can post code related to this if needed, but right now I just have these general questions.

thank you Librarian coder for the link.
I found it as i was continuing my search, and it turns out you DO NEED to submit the app for facebook approval in order to post statuses and pictures (after conforming to the new SDK).


Facebook SDK Without Login - App Install Tracking Only

I just want the Facebook SDK for conversion tracking. I need the SDK to verify downloads when running Facebook "App Install" campaigns. However, I do not want my users to have to Login to Facebook when they open my app!
Can I just install part of the SDK, skip the login steps, and still get the conversion tracking? Maybe even event tracking?
I've watched several tutorials on how to install the SDK BUT they all include steps for login functionality:
Thanks for the help.
The answer to my question was "yes'. In other words, I was able to get the conversion tracking function without adopting the login feature. Here's the guide.
In another question I outlined the steps to do it. Same steps as the guide but explained in different words / images.
Here is the link that explains caching that you can use for the purpose...

After update Facebook IOS SDK generated dialogs we are consistently getting CAPTCHA's

After Facebook IOS SDK update, our app generates a message "A Link in Your Post Might Be Unsafe" and then "Security Check Failed" when our user try to post to Facebook from the app. We never had this before Facebook SDK update. Are there any peculiarities in Facebook SDK update that we should take into account to avoid this situation in future?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Best regards,
Awem Games
Can you post an example of the full url that is blocked? That way we can check what is happening.
There can be various reasons why the content you want to share is blocked. This is very unlikely linked to using a new SDK. It can be due to having testing; is that URL shared a very high amount of times since testing the new SDK?
You can use the following form to appeal for any blocked content: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/244560538958131

iOS Facebook API/SDK Wrapper?

I've been looking for a good iOS Facebook API/SDK Wrapper, can't find any.
I need to be able to (with a few lines of code, not the insanely needed by Facebook's API):
Login user
Logout user
Get user's likes
Invite Friend to app
Maybe post to user's wall (this has been causing problems to other apps so not sure will actually implement)
Get user's friends
Get user's basic info (e-mail, name, etc.)
Is there any wrapper simplifying the absurd vanilla API?
This should help and it is Facebook's official api.
Here's the documentation: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ios/
You might be able to use portions of ShareKit for this (be sure to abide by their license): https://github.com/ShareKit/ShareKit/tree/master/Classes/ShareKit/Sharers/Services/Facebook
This doesn't do everything you asked, but it's a (clean) starting point at least: https://github.com/mobitar/Zuckerkit
This does a bit more, but hasn't been updated in a year: https://github.com/sinnerschrader-mobile/S2M-Facebook-iOS
I found this lib: https://github.com/lucascorrea/SCFacebook
It seems to use a not that outdated version of the iOS SDK (3.18 vs. current 3.21), is available on cocoapods and seems to cover many of your required API features.
I haven't used the lib my self, but i am considering it next time i have to develop an iOS App which needs to connect to facebook.

How to get approval for an open graph action, used in an unpublished ios app?

As part of action submission, facebook requires a detailed step-by-step explanation of the required steps for publishing a story on facebook. But since the IOS app is not yet published, its not available on App Store, and therefore facebook cannot test it.
Am i mising something here? Or is it necessary o have a working WEB app in order to publish an action?
A simple but thorough explanation of the process that will result in your app registering a particular action should be sufficient, given that it fits their criteria including: "Simple," "Genuine" and "Non-abusive." Facebook simply needs to understand the why, how and when (how often) within the context of your app.
Most new actions for existing apps do not have the complete flow available until they are tested and released, so a basic understanding of how the action will be used within the context of the app should be all that is necessary for facebook approval.
I'm not sure how an app that is completely unavailable will be vetted, but any supporting online documentation (links to screenshots etc?) you could provide wouldn't hurt but shouldn't be necessary. Hopefully a thorough description of usage and context should be sufficient for them to make a determination so you can proceed with development.

Submitting actions for unreleased iOS app?

The Open Graph "Submit for Approval" documentation page says that the team evaluating the Actions will follow our instructions to trigger them. Our iOS app uploads a document to our backend server, and then posts the action with the unique url that was just generated.
What's the best way to get our actions approved by Facebook, given that they can only be triggered from an iOS app that's not available in the app store yet?
The procedure is simple as stated on the comments.
Create a web app that simulates the same behavior used by the iOS
App to post to Open Graph.
Give that link to Facebook and explain them your case.
In my case a previous version of the app (that didn't use Open Graph API) was already published so I sent them a link to that App explaining that this is an additional feature.
I suggest in your case sending a video of the app if you don't have a previous version already published.
