swift error self. used before super.init() call [closed] - ios

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I tried to use the super.init before initializing the objects and tried placing self in front of my objects. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
This is the code I currently have:
// RecordController.swift
// TuneUpV2
// Created by Don Nijssen on 05-05-15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Don Nijssen. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import AVFoundation
class RecordController: NSObject {
var audioEngine: AVAudioEngine
var audioInputNode : AVAudioInputNode
var audioPlayerNode: AVAudioPlayerNode
var audioMixerNode: AVAudioMixerNode
var audioBuffer: AVAudioPCMBuffer
override init(){
audioEngine = AVAudioEngine()
audioPlayerNode = AVAudioPlayerNode()
audioInputNode = AVAudioInputNode()
audioMixerNode = AVAudioMixerNode()
audioBuffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer()
audioMixerNode = audioEngine.mainMixerNode
let frameLength = UInt32(256)
audioBuffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(PCMFormat: audioPlayerNode.outputFormatForBus(0), frameCapacity: frameLength)
audioBuffer.frameLength = frameLength
audioInputNode = audioEngine.inputNode
audioInputNode.installTapOnBus(0, bufferSize:frameLength, format: audioInputNode.outputFormatForBus(0), block: {(buffer, time) in
//let channels = UnsafeArray(start: buffer.floatChannelData, length: Int(buffer.format.channelCount))
//let floats = UnsafeArray(start: channels[0], length: Int(buffer.frameLength))
for var i = 0; i < Int(self.audioBuffer.frameLength); i+=Int(self.audioMixerNode.outputFormatForBus(0).channelCount)
// doing my real time stuff
//self.audioBuffer.floatChannelData.memory[i] = floats[i];
// setup audio engine
audioEngine.connect(audioPlayerNode, to: audioMixerNode, format: audioPlayerNode.outputFormatForBus(0))
func start()
// play player and buffer
audioPlayerNode.scheduleBuffer(audioBuffer, atTime: nil, options: .Loops, completionHandler: nil)
func stop()

Where exactly did you call super.init()?
This works in my playground:
override init(){
audioEngine = AVAudioEngine()
audioPlayerNode = AVAudioPlayerNode()
audioInputNode = AVAudioInputNode()
audioMixerNode = AVAudioMixerNode()
audioBuffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer()
// Call super.init() immediately after all subclass properties are initialized
audioMixerNode = audioEngine.mainMixerNode
let frameLength = UInt32(256)
audioBuffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(PCMFormat: audioPlayerNode.outputFormatForBus(0), frameCapacity: frameLength)
audioBuffer.frameLength = frameLength
audioInputNode = audioEngine.inputNode
audioInputNode.installTapOnBus(0, bufferSize:frameLength, format: audioInputNode.outputFormatForBus(0), block: {(buffer, time) in
//let channels = UnsafeArray(start: buffer.floatChannelData, length: Int(buffer.format.channelCount))
//let floats = UnsafeArray(start: channels[0], length: Int(buffer.frameLength))
for var i = 0; i < Int(self.audioBuffer.frameLength); i+=Int(self.audioMixerNode.outputFormatForBus(0).channelCount)
// doing my real time stuff
//self.audioBuffer.floatChannelData.memory[i] = floats[i];
// setup audio engine
audioEngine.connect(audioPlayerNode, to: audioMixerNode, format: audioPlayerNode.outputFormatForBus(0))
Hope this helps

If your class is a subclass and you have non optional properties then you have to have give initial value to all properties. Since it is a sub class of NSObject and you are overriding the init method from its parent class you have to provide super.init() call before initialising properties.
class RecordController: NSObject {
var audioEngine: AVAudioEngine
var audioInputNode : AVAudioInputNode
var audioPlayerNode: AVAudioPlayerNode
var audioMixerNode: AVAudioMixerNode
var audioBuffer: AVAudioPCMBuffer
override init(){
self.audioEngine = AVAudioEngine()
self.audioPlayerNode = AVAudioPlayerNode()
self.audioInputNode = AVAudioInputNode()
self.audioMixerNode = AVAudioMixerNode()
self.audioBuffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer()
audioMixerNode = audioEngine.mainMixerNode
let frameLength = UInt32(256)
audioBuffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(PCMFormat: audioPlayerNode.outputFormatForBus(0), frameCapacity: frameLength)
audioBuffer.frameLength = frameLength
audioInputNode = audioEngine.inputNode
audioInputNode.installTapOnBus(0, bufferSize:frameLength, format: audioInputNode.outputFormatForBus(0), block: {(buffer, time) in
//let channels = UnsafeArray(start: buffer.floatChannelData, length: Int(buffer.format.channelCount))
//let floats = UnsafeArray(start: channels[0], length: Int(buffer.frameLength))
for var i = 0; i < Int(self.audioBuffer.frameLength); i+=Int(self.audioMixerNode.outputFormatForBus(0).channelCount)
// doing my real time stuff
//self.audioBuffer.floatChannelData.memory[i] = floats[i];
// setup audio engine
audioEngine.connect(audioPlayerNode, to: audioMixerNode, format: audioPlayerNode.outputFormatForBus(0))
func start()
// play player and buffer
audioPlayerNode.scheduleBuffer(audioBuffer, atTime: nil, options: .Loops, completionHandler: nil)
func stop()
As per Apple documentation.


Swift AVFoundation timing info for audio measurements

I am creating an application that will take an audio measurement by playing some stimulus data and recording the microphone input, and then analysing the data.
I am having trouble accounting for the time taken to initialise and start the audio engine, as this varies each time and is also dependant on the hardware used, etc.
So, I have an audio engine and have installed a Tap the hardware input, with input 1 being the microphone recording, and input 2 being a reference input (also from the hardware). The output is physically Y-Split and fed back into input 2.
The app initialises the engine, plays the stimulus audio plus 1 second of silence (to allow propagation time for the microphone to record the whole signal back), and then stop and close the engine.
I write the two input buffers as a WAV file so that I can import this into an an existing DAW. to visually examine the signals. I can see that each time I take a measurement, the time difference between the two signals is different (despite the fact the microphone is not moved and the hardware has stayed the same). I am assuming this is to do with the latency of the hardware, the time taken to initialise the engine and the way the divice distributes tasks.
I have tried to capture the absolute time using mach_absolute_time of the first buffer callback on each installTap function and subtracting the two, and I can see that this does vary quite a lot with each call:
class newAVAudioEngine{
var engine = AVAudioEngine()
var audioBuffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer()
var running = true
var in1Buf:[Float]=Array(repeating:0, count:totalRecordSize)
var in2Buf:[Float]=Array(repeating:0, count:totalRecordSize)
var buf1current:Int = 0
var buf2current:Int = 0
var in1firstRun:Bool = false
var in2firstRun:Bool = false
var in1StartTime = 0
var in2startTime = 0
func measure(inputSweep:SweepFilter) -> measurement {
initializeEngine(inputSweep: inputSweep)
while running == true {
let measureResult = measurement.init(meas: meas,ref: ref)
return measureResult
func initializeEngine(inputSweep:SweepFilter) {
buf1current = 0
buf2current = 0
in1StartTime = 0
in2startTime = 0
in1firstRun = true
in2firstRun = true
in1Buf = Array(repeating:0, count:totalRecordSize)
in2Buf = Array(repeating:0, count:totalRecordSize)
engine = AVAudioEngine()
let srcNode = AVAudioSourceNode { _, _, frameCount, AudioBufferList -> OSStatus in
let ablPointer = UnsafeMutableAudioBufferListPointer(AudioBufferList)
if (Int(frameCount) + time) <= inputSweep.stimulus.count {
for frame in 0..<Int(frameCount) {
let value = inputSweep.stimulus[frame + time]
for buffer in ablPointer {
let buf: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Float> = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(buffer)
buf[frame] = value
time += Int(frameCount)
return noErr
} else {
for frame in 0..<Int(frameCount) {
let value = 0
for buffer in ablPointer {
let buf: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Float> = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(buffer)
buf[frame] = Float(value)
return noErr
let format = engine.outputNode.inputFormat(forBus: 0)
let stimulusFormat = AVAudioFormat(commonFormat: format.commonFormat,
sampleRate: Double(sampleRate),
channels: 1,
interleaved: format.isInterleaved)
do {
try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(.playAndRecord)
let ioBufferDuration = 128.0 / 44100.0
try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setPreferredIOBufferDuration(ioBufferDuration)
} catch {
assertionFailure("AVAudioSession setup failed")
let input = engine.inputNode
let inputFormat = input.inputFormat(forBus: 0)
print("InputNode Format is \(inputFormat)")
engine.connect(srcNode, to: engine.mainMixerNode, format: stimulusFormat)
if internalRefLoop == true {
srcNode.installTap(onBus: 0, bufferSize: 1024, format: stimulusFormat, block: {(buffer: AVAudioPCMBuffer!, time: AVAudioTime!) -> Void in
if self.in2firstRun == true {
var info = mach_timebase_info()
let currentTime = mach_absolute_time()
let nanos = currentTime * UInt64(info.numer) / UInt64(info.denom)
self.in2startTime = Int(nanos)
self.in2firstRun = false
do {
let floatData = buffer.floatChannelData?.pointee
for frame in 0..<buffer.frameLength{
if (self.buf2current + Int(frame)) < totalRecordSize{
self.in2Buf[self.buf2current + Int(frame)] = floatData![Int(frame)]
self.buf2current += Int(buffer.frameLength)
if (self.numberOfSamples + Int(buffer.frameLength)) <= totalRecordSize{
try self.stimulusFile.write(from: buffer)
self.numberOfSamples += Int(buffer.frameLength) } else {
self.running = false
} catch {
print(NSString(string: "write failed"))
let micAudioConverter = AVAudioConverter(from: inputFormat, to: stimulusFormat!)
var micChannelMap:[NSNumber] = [0,-1]
micAudioConverter?.channelMap = micChannelMap
let refAudioConverter = AVAudioConverter(from: inputFormat, to: stimulusFormat!)
var refChannelMap:[NSNumber] = [1,-1]
refAudioConverter?.channelMap = refChannelMap
//Measurement Tap
engine.inputNode.installTap(onBus: 0, bufferSize: 1024, format: inputFormat, block: {(buffer2: AVAudioPCMBuffer!, time: AVAudioTime!) -> Void in
if self.in1firstRun == true {
var info = mach_timebase_info()
let currentTime = mach_absolute_time()
let nanos = currentTime * UInt64(info.numer) / UInt64(info.denom)
self.in1StartTime = Int(nanos)
self.in1firstRun = false
do {
let micConvertedBuffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(pcmFormat: stimulusFormat!, frameCapacity: buffer2.frameCapacity)
let micInputBlock: AVAudioConverterInputBlock = { inNumPackets, outStatus in
outStatus.pointee = AVAudioConverterInputStatus.haveData
return buffer2
var error: NSError? = nil
//let status = audioConverter.convert(to: convertedBuffer!, error: &error, withInputFrom: inputBlock)
let status = micAudioConverter?.convert(to: micConvertedBuffer!, error: &error, withInputFrom: micInputBlock)
let floatData = micConvertedBuffer?.floatChannelData?.pointee
for frame in 0..<micConvertedBuffer!.frameLength{
if (self.buf1current + Int(frame)) < totalRecordSize{
self.in1Buf[self.buf1current + Int(frame)] = floatData![Int(frame)]
if (self.buf1current + Int(frame)) >= totalRecordSize {
self.running = false
self.buf1current += Int(micConvertedBuffer!.frameLength)
try self.measurementFile.write(from: micConvertedBuffer!)
} catch {
print(NSString(string: "write failed"))
if internalRefLoop == false {
if self.in2firstRun == true{
var info = mach_timebase_info()
let currentTime = mach_absolute_time()
let nanos = currentTime * UInt64(info.numer) / UInt64(info.denom)
self.in2startTime = Int(nanos)
self.in2firstRun = false
do {
let refConvertedBuffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(pcmFormat: stimulusFormat!, frameCapacity: buffer2.frameCapacity)
let refInputBlock: AVAudioConverterInputBlock = { inNumPackets, outStatus in
outStatus.pointee = AVAudioConverterInputStatus.haveData
return buffer2
var error: NSError? = nil
let status = refAudioConverter?.convert(to: refConvertedBuffer!, error: &error, withInputFrom: refInputBlock)
let floatData = refConvertedBuffer?.floatChannelData?.pointee
for frame in 0..<refConvertedBuffer!.frameLength{
if (self.buf2current + Int(frame)) < totalRecordSize{
self.in2Buf[self.buf2current + Int(frame)] = floatData![Int(frame)]
if (self.numberOfSamples + Int(buffer2.frameLength)) <= totalRecordSize{
self.buf2current += Int(refConvertedBuffer!.frameLength)
try self.stimulusFile.write(from: refConvertedBuffer!) } else {
self.running = false
} catch {
print(NSString(string: "write failed"))
assert(engine.inputNode != nil)
running = true
try! engine.start()
So The above method is my entire class. Currently each buffer call on installTap writes the input directly to a WAV file. This is where I can see the two end results differing each time. I have tried adding the startTime variable and subtracting the two, but the results still vary.
Do I need to take into account my output will have latency too that may vary with each call? If so, how do I add this time into the equation? What I am looking for is for the two inputs and outputs to all have relative time, so that I can compare them. The different hardware latency will not matter too much, as long as I can identify the end call times.
If you are doing real-time measurements, you might want to use AVAudioSinkNode instead of a Tap. The Sink Node is new and introduced along with AVAudioSourceNode you are using. With installing a Tap you won't be able to get precise timing.

MTAudioProcessingTap EXC_BAD_ACCESS , doesnt always fire the finalize callback. how to Release it?

Im trying to implement MTAudioProcessingTap and it works great. The problem is when Im done using the Tap and I reinstaniate my class and create a new Tap.
How Im supposely releasing the tap
1- I retain the tap as a property when created, hoping I can access it and release it later
2- In deinit() method of the class, I set the audiomix to nil and try to do a self.tap?.release()
The thing is.. sometimes it works and calls the FINALIZE callback and everything is great, and sometimes it doesn't and just crashes at the tapProcess Callback line:
let selfMediaInput = Unmanaged<VideoMediaInput>.fromOpaque(MTAudioProcessingTapGetStorage(tap)).takeUnretainedValue()
Here's the full code: https://gist.github.com/omarojo/03d08165a1a7962cb30c17ec01f809a3
import Foundation
import UIKit
import AVFoundation;
import MediaToolbox
protocol VideoMediaInputDelegate: class {
func videoFrameRefresh(sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer) //could be audio or video
class VideoMediaInput: NSObject {
private let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.GenerateMetal.VideoMediaInput")
var videoURL: URL!
weak var delegate: VideoMediaInputDelegate?
private var playerItemObserver: NSKeyValueObservation?
var displayLink: CADisplayLink!
var player = AVPlayer()
var playerItem: AVPlayerItem!
let videoOutput = AVPlayerItemVideoOutput(pixelBufferAttributes: [String(kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey): NSNumber(value: kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA)])
var audioProcessingFormat: AudioStreamBasicDescription?//UnsafePointer<AudioStreamBasicDescription>?
var tap: Unmanaged<MTAudioProcessingTap>?
override init(){
convenience init(url: URL){
self.videoURL = url
self.playerItem = AVPlayerItem(url: url)
playerItemObserver = playerItem.observe(\.status) { [weak self] item, _ in
guard item.status == .readyToPlay else { return }
self?.playerItemObserver = nil
player.replaceCurrentItem(with: playerItem)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NSNotification.Name.AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTime, object: nil, queue: nil) {[weak self] notification in
if let weakSelf = self {
Setting actionAtItemEnd to None prevents the movie from getting paused at item end. A very simplistic, and not gapless, looped playback.
weakSelf.player.actionAtItemEnd = .none
weakSelf.player.seek(to: CMTime.zero)
selector: #selector(applicationDidBecomeActive(_:)),
name: UIApplication.didBecomeActiveNotification,
object: nil)
func stopAllProcesses(){
self.queue.sync {
self.player.isMuted = true
self.player.currentItem?.audioMix = nil
self.playerItem.audioMix = nil
self.playerItem = nil
print(">> VideoInput deinited !!!! 📌📌")
if let link = self.displayLink {
public func playVideo(){
if (player.currentItem != nil) {
print("Starting playback!")
public func pauseVideo(){
if (player.currentItem != nil) {
print("Pausing playback!")
#objc func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ notification: NSNotification) {
func setupProcessingTap(){
var callbacks = MTAudioProcessingTapCallbacks(
version: kMTAudioProcessingTapCallbacksVersion_0,
clientInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer(Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque()),
init: tapInit,
finalize: tapFinalize,
prepare: tapPrepare,
unprepare: tapUnprepare,
process: tapProcess)
var tap: Unmanaged<MTAudioProcessingTap>?
let err = MTAudioProcessingTapCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, &callbacks, kMTAudioProcessingTapCreationFlag_PostEffects, &tap)
self.tap = tap
print("err: \(err)\n")
if err == noErr {
print("tracks? \(playerItem.asset.tracks)\n")
let audioTrack = playerItem.asset.tracks(withMediaType: AVMediaType.audio).first!
let inputParams = AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters(track: audioTrack)
inputParams.audioTapProcessor = tap?.takeRetainedValue()//tap?.takeUnretainedValue()
// tap?.release()
// print("inputParms: \(inputParams), \(inputParams.audioTapProcessor)\n")
let audioMix = AVMutableAudioMix()
audioMix.inputParameters = [inputParams]
playerItem.audioMix = audioMix
let tapInit: MTAudioProcessingTapInitCallback = {
(tap, clientInfo, tapStorageOut) in
tapStorageOut.pointee = clientInfo
print("init \(tap, clientInfo, tapStorageOut)\n")
let tapFinalize: MTAudioProcessingTapFinalizeCallback = {
(tap) in
print("finalize \(tap)\n")
let tapPrepare: MTAudioProcessingTapPrepareCallback = {
(tap, itemCount, basicDescription) in
print("prepare: \(tap, itemCount, basicDescription)\n")
let selfMediaInput = Unmanaged<VideoMediaInput>.fromOpaque(MTAudioProcessingTapGetStorage(tap)).takeUnretainedValue()
selfMediaInput.audioProcessingFormat = AudioStreamBasicDescription(mSampleRate: basicDescription.pointee.mSampleRate,
mFormatID: basicDescription.pointee.mFormatID, mFormatFlags: basicDescription.pointee.mFormatFlags, mBytesPerPacket: basicDescription.pointee.mBytesPerPacket, mFramesPerPacket: basicDescription.pointee.mFramesPerPacket, mBytesPerFrame: basicDescription.pointee.mBytesPerFrame, mChannelsPerFrame: basicDescription.pointee.mChannelsPerFrame, mBitsPerChannel: basicDescription.pointee.mBitsPerChannel, mReserved: basicDescription.pointee.mReserved)
let tapUnprepare: MTAudioProcessingTapUnprepareCallback = {
(tap) in
print("unprepare \(tap)\n")
let tapProcess: MTAudioProcessingTapProcessCallback = {
(tap, numberFrames, flags, bufferListInOut, numberFramesOut, flagsOut) in
print("callback \(bufferListInOut)\n")
let selfMediaInput = Unmanaged<VideoMediaInput>.fromOpaque(MTAudioProcessingTapGetStorage(tap)).takeUnretainedValue()
let status = MTAudioProcessingTapGetSourceAudio(tap, numberFrames, bufferListInOut, flagsOut, nil, numberFramesOut)
//print("get audio: \(status)\n")
if status != noErr {
print("Error TAPGetSourceAudio :\(String(describing: status.description))")
selfMediaInput.processAudioData(audioData: bufferListInOut, framesNumber: UInt32(numberFrames))
func processAudioData(audioData: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioBufferList>, framesNumber: UInt32) {
var sbuf: CMSampleBuffer?
var status : OSStatus?
var format: CMFormatDescription?
// var audioFormat = self.audioProcessingFormat//self.audioProcessingFormat?.pointee
guard var audioFormat = self.audioProcessingFormat else {
status = CMAudioFormatDescriptionCreate(allocator: kCFAllocatorDefault, asbd: &audioFormat, layoutSize: 0, layout: nil, magicCookieSize: 0, magicCookie: nil, extensions: nil, formatDescriptionOut: &format)
if status != noErr {
print("Error CMAudioFormatDescriptionCreater :\(String(describing: status?.description))")
print(">> Audio Buffer mSampleRate:\(Int32(audioFormat.mSampleRate))")
var timing = CMSampleTimingInfo(duration: CMTimeMake(value: 1, timescale: Int32(audioFormat.mSampleRate)), presentationTimeStamp: self.player.currentTime(), decodeTimeStamp: CMTime.invalid)
status = CMSampleBufferCreate(allocator: kCFAllocatorDefault,
dataBuffer: nil,
dataReady: Bool(truncating: 0),
makeDataReadyCallback: nil,
refcon: nil,
formatDescription: format,
sampleCount: CMItemCount(framesNumber),
sampleTimingEntryCount: 1,
sampleTimingArray: &timing,
sampleSizeEntryCount: 0, sampleSizeArray: nil,
sampleBufferOut: &sbuf);
if status != noErr {
print("Error CMSampleBufferCreate :\(String(describing: status?.description))")
status = CMSampleBufferSetDataBufferFromAudioBufferList(sbuf!,
blockBufferAllocator: kCFAllocatorDefault ,
blockBufferMemoryAllocator: kCFAllocatorDefault,
flags: 0,
bufferList: audioData)
if status != noErr {
print("Error cCMSampleBufferSetDataBufferFromAudioBufferList :\(String(describing: status?.description))")
let currentSampleTime = CMSampleBufferGetOutputPresentationTimeStamp(sbuf!);
print(" audio buffer at time: \(currentSampleTime)")
self.delegate?.videoFrameRefresh(sampleBuffer: sbuf!)
How I use my class
self.inputVideoMedia = nil
self.inputVideoMedia = VideoMediaInput(url: videoURL)
self.inputVideoMedia!.delegate = self
the second time I do that.. it crashes (but not always). The times it doesnt crash I can see printed in the console the FINALIZE print.
If VideoMediaInput is deallocated before the tap is deallocated (which can happen as there seems to be no way to synchronously stop a tap), then the tap callback can choke on a reference to your deallocated class.
You can fix this by passing (a wrapped, I guess) weak reference to your class. You can do it like this:
First delete your tap instance variable, and any references to it - it's not needed. Then make these changes:
class VideoMediaInput: NSObject {
class TapCookie {
weak var input: VideoMediaInput?
deinit {
print("TapCookie deinit")
func setupProcessingTap(){
let cookie = TapCookie()
cookie.input = self
var callbacks = MTAudioProcessingTapCallbacks(
version: kMTAudioProcessingTapCallbacksVersion_0,
clientInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer(Unmanaged.passRetained(cookie).toOpaque()),
init: tapInit,
finalize: tapFinalize,
prepare: tapPrepare,
unprepare: tapUnprepare,
process: tapProcess)
let tapFinalize: MTAudioProcessingTapFinalizeCallback = {
(tap) in
print("finalize \(tap)\n")
// release cookie
let tapPrepare: MTAudioProcessingTapPrepareCallback = {
(tap, itemCount, basicDescription) in
print("prepare: \(tap, itemCount, basicDescription)\n")
let cookie = Unmanaged<TapCookie>.fromOpaque(MTAudioProcessingTapGetStorage(tap)).takeUnretainedValue()
let selfMediaInput = cookie.input!
let tapProcess: MTAudioProcessingTapProcessCallback = {
(tap, numberFrames, flags, bufferListInOut, numberFramesOut, flagsOut) in
print("callback \(bufferListInOut)\n")
let cookie = Unmanaged<TapCookie>.fromOpaque(MTAudioProcessingTapGetStorage(tap)).takeUnretainedValue()
guard let selfMediaInput = cookie.input else {
print("Tap callback: VideoMediaInput was deallocated!")
I'm not sure if the cookie class is necessary, it exists only to wrap the weak reference. Cutting edge Swift experts may know how to mash the weakness through all the teenage mutant ninja raw pointers, but I don't.
The audio context runs in its own real-time thread. So audio processes don't stop synchronously with a stop or cancel function call, but some unknown time later (on the order of the duration of some number of audio samples in some internal audio buffers), after the real-time thread drains.
Thus, audio buffers, objects, and callbacks should not be released (or reallocated) until some (unknown, but less than a couple seconds) time after stopping any real-time audio stream.
Depending on deallocation object messages or instance variable states (including weak references) betweens real-time threads is reported to be currently unsafe in Swift (see WWDC 2018 session on audio). Thus, I recommend using semaphores (outside of a real-time context, such as audio), or posix memory barriers (inside a bridged call to a C function). (...until some future version of Swift figures out a real-time concurrency mechanism.) (...especially on iOS or Apple Silicon (M1) devices which can re-order memory writes).

Unable to play a very simple tone

I was following this question, but the tone that I try to play with an AVAudioPCMBuffer does not play. The code is pretty simple:
class Player: NSObject {
var engine = AVAudioEngine()
var player = AVAudioPlayerNode()
var mixer: AVAudioMixerNode!
var buffer: AVAudioPCMBuffer!
override init() {
mixer = engine.mainMixerNode
buffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(pcmFormat: player.outputFormat(forBus: 0), frameCapacity: 100)
buffer.frameLength = 100
let sr = mixer.outputFormat(forBus: 0).sampleRate
let nChannels = mixer.outputFormat(forBus: 0).channelCount
var i = 0
while i < Int(buffer.frameLength) {
let val = sin(441 * Double(i) * Double.pi / sr)
buffer.floatChannelData?.pointee[i] = Float(val * 0.5)
i += Int(nChannels)
engine.connect(player, to: mixer, format: player.outputFormat(forBus: 0))
func play() {
do {
try engine.start()
} catch {
player.scheduleBuffer(buffer, at: nil, options: .loops) {
For some reason, though, the iPhone does not make any sound. In my ViewController, I have this:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var player = Player()
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
As you can see, player is a class variable, so it should not be deallocated from memory.
When I run the app on my physical device (iPhone 6s iOS 11), it does not work, yet it does work on the simulator. Why is this not making any sound, and how can I fix it?
Thanks in advance!
Make sure your device is not on silent mode.
I just created a project that you can download for testing by yourself: https://github.com/mugx/TestSound

Details on using the AVAudioEngine

Background: I found one of Apple WWDC sessions called "AVAudioEngine in Practice" and am trying to make something similar to the last demo shown at 43:35 (https://youtu.be/FlMaxen2eyw?t=2614). I'm using SpriteKit instead of SceneKit but the principle is the same: I want to generate spheres, throw them around and when they collide the engine plays a sound, unique to each sphere.
I want a unique AudioPlayerNode attached to each SpriteKitNode so that I can play a different sound for each sphere. i.e Right now, if I create two spheres and set a different pitch for each of their AudioPlayerNode, only the most recently created AudioPlayerNode seems to be playing, even when the original sphere collides. During the demo, he mentions "I'm tying a player, a dedicated player to each ball". How would I go about doing that?
There are audio clicks/artefacts every time a new collision happens. I'm assuming this has to do with the AVAudioPlayerNodeBufferOptions and/or the fact that I'm trying to create, schedule and consume buffers very quickly each time contact occurs, which is not the most efficient method. What would be a good work around for this?
Code: As mentioned in the video, "...for every ball that's born into this world, a new player node is also created". I have a separate class for the spheres, with a method that returns a SpriteKitNode and also creates an AudioPlayerNode every time it is called :
class Sphere {
var sphere: SKSpriteNode = SKSpriteNode(color: UIColor(), size: CGSize())
var sphereScale: CGFloat = CGFloat(0.01)
var spherePlayer = AVAudioPlayerNode()
let audio = Audio()
let sphereCollision: UInt32 = 0x1 << 0
func createSphere(position: CGPoint, pitch: Float) -> SKSpriteNode {
let texture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "Slice")
let collisionTexture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "Collision")
// Define the node
sphere = SKSpriteNode(texture: texture, size: texture.size())
sphere.position = position
sphere.name = "sphere"
sphere.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(texture: collisionTexture, size: sphere.size)
sphere.physicsBody?.dynamic = true
sphere.physicsBody?.mass = 0
sphere.physicsBody?.restitution = 0.5
sphere.physicsBody?.usesPreciseCollisionDetection = true
sphere.physicsBody?.categoryBitMask = sphereCollision
sphere.physicsBody?.contactTestBitMask = sphereCollision
sphere.zPosition = 1
// Create AudioPlayerNode
spherePlayer = audio.createPlayer(pitch)
return sphere
Here's my Audio Class with which I create AudioPCMBuffers and AudioPlayerNodes
class Audio {
let engine: AVAudioEngine = AVAudioEngine()
func createBuffer(name: String, type: String) -> AVAudioPCMBuffer {
let audioFilePath = NSBundle.mainBundle().URLForResource(name as String, withExtension: type as String)!
let audioFile = try! AVAudioFile(forReading: audioFilePath)
let buffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(PCMFormat: audioFile.processingFormat, frameCapacity: UInt32(audioFile.length))
try! audioFile.readIntoBuffer(buffer)
return buffer
func createPlayer(pitch: Float) -> AVAudioPlayerNode {
let player = AVAudioPlayerNode()
let buffer = self.createBuffer("PianoC1", type: "wav")
let pitcher = AVAudioUnitTimePitch()
let delay = AVAudioUnitDelay()
pitcher.pitch = pitch
delay.delayTime = 0.2
delay.feedback = 90
delay.wetDryMix = 0
engine.connect(player, to: pitcher, format: buffer.format)
engine.connect(pitcher, to: delay, format: buffer.format)
engine.connect(delay, to: engine.mainMixerNode, format: buffer.format)
try! engine.start()
return player
In my GameScene class I then test for collision, schedule a buffer and play the AudioPlayerNode if contact has occurred
func didBeginContact(contact: SKPhysicsContact) {
let firstBody: SKPhysicsBody = contact.bodyA
if (firstBody.categoryBitMask & sphere.sphereCollision != 0) {
let buffer1 = audio.createBuffer("PianoC1", type: "wav")
sphere.spherePlayer.scheduleBuffer(buffer1, atTime: nil, options: AVAudioPlayerNodeBufferOptions.Interrupts, completionHandler: nil)
I'm new to Swift and only have basic knowledge of programming so any suggestion/criticism is welcome.
I've been working on AVAudioEngine in scenekit and trying to do something else, but this will be what you are looking for:
It explains the process of:
1-Instantiating your own AVAudioEngine sub-class
2-Methods to load PCMBuffers for each AVAudioPlayer
3-Changing your Environment node's parameters to accomodate the reverb for the large number of pinball objects
Edit: Converted, tested and added a few features:
1-You create a subclass of AVAudioEngine, name it AudioLayerEngine for example. This is to access the AVAudioUnit effects such as distortion, delay, pitch and many of the other effects available as AudioUnits.
2-Initialise by setting up some configurations for the audio engine, such as rendering algorithm, exposing the AVAudioEnvironmentNode to play with 3D positions of your SCNNode objects or SKNode objects if you are in 2D but want 3D effects
3-Create some helper methods to load presets for each AudioUnit effect you want
4-Create a helper method to create an audio player then add it to whatever node you want, as many times as you want since that SCNNode accepts a .audioPlayers methods which returns [AVAudioPlayer] or [SCNAudioPlayer]
5-Start playing.
I've pasted the entire class for reference so that you can then structure it as you wish, but keep in mind that if you are coupling this with SceneKit or SpriteKit, you use this audioEngine to manage all your sounds instead of SceneKit's internal AVAudioEngine. This means that you instantiate this in your gameView during the AwakeFromNib method
import Foundation
import SceneKit
import AVFoundation
class AudioLayerEngine:AVAudioEngine{
var engine:AVAudioEngine!
var environment:AVAudioEnvironmentNode!
var outputBuffer:AVAudioPCMBuffer!
var voicePlayer:AVAudioPlayerNode!
var multiChannelEnabled:Bool!
//audio effects
let delay = AVAudioUnitDelay()
let distortion = AVAudioUnitDistortion()
let reverb = AVAudioUnitReverb()
override init(){
engine = AVAudioEngine()
environment = AVAudioEnvironmentNode()
voicePlayer = AVAudioPlayerNode()
voicePlayer.volume = 1.0
outputBuffer = loadVoice()
voicePlayer.scheduleBuffer(self.outputBuffer, completionHandler: nil)
func startEngine(){
try engine.start()
print("error loading engine")
func loadVoice()->AVAudioPCMBuffer{
let URL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("art.scnassets/sounds/interface/test", ofType: "aiff")!)
let soundFile = try AVAudioFile(forReading: URL, commonFormat: AVAudioCommonFormat.PCMFormatFloat32, interleaved: false)
outputBuffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(PCMFormat: soundFile.processingFormat, frameCapacity: AVAudioFrameCount(soundFile.length))
try soundFile.readIntoBuffer(outputBuffer)
print("somethign went wrong with loading the buffer into the sound fiel")
print("returning buffer")
return outputBuffer
return outputBuffer
func wireEngine(){
engine.connect(voicePlayer, to: distortion, format: self.outputBuffer.format)
engine.connect(distortion, to: delay, format: self.outputBuffer.format)
engine.connect(delay, to: environment, format: self.outputBuffer.format)
engine.connect(environment, to: engine.outputNode, format: constructOutputFormatForEnvironment())
func constructOutputFormatForEnvironment()->AVAudioFormat{
let outputChannelCount = self.engine.outputNode.outputFormatForBus(1).channelCount
let hardwareSampleRate = self.engine.outputNode.outputFormatForBus(1).sampleRate
let environmentOutputConnectionFormat = AVAudioFormat(standardFormatWithSampleRate: hardwareSampleRate, channels: outputChannelCount)
multiChannelEnabled = false
return environmentOutputConnectionFormat
func loadDistortionPreset(preset: AVAudioUnitDistortionPreset){
func createPlayer(node: SCNNode){
let player = AVAudioPlayerNode()
engine.connect(player, to: distortion, format: outputBuffer.format)
engine.connect(distortion, to: environment, format: constructOutputFormatForEnvironment())
let algo = AVAudio3DMixingRenderingAlgorithm.HRTF
player.renderingAlgorithm = algo
player.reverbBlend = 0.3
player.renderingAlgorithm = AVAudio3DMixingRenderingAlgorithm.HRTF

Swift 2 : AVAssetReader and NSInputStream Audio Graph

I'm trying to convert an example from Bob McCune's Learning AVFoundation book and having some issues using AVAssetReader and NSInputStream. The graph should be a pure sine wave but the values seem reflected on the X-axis somehow.
I've tried every iteration of byte swapping I could think of and that didn't work.
Playground posted to github here:
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
import AVFoundation
import XCPlayground
func plotArrayInPlayground<T>(arrayToPlot:Array<T>, title:String) {
for currentValue in arrayToPlot {
XCPCaptureValue(title, value: currentValue)
class SSSampleDataFilter {
var sampleData:NSData?
init(data:NSData) {
sampleData = data
func filteredSamplesForSize(size:CGSize) -> [Int]{
var filterSamples = [UInt16]()
if let sampleData = sampleData {
let sampleCount = sampleData.length
let binSize = CGFloat(sampleCount) / size.width
let stream = NSInputStream(data: sampleData)
var readBuffer = Array<UInt8>(count: 16 * 1024, repeatedValue: 0)
var totalBytesRead = 0
let size = sizeof(UInt16)
while (totalBytesRead < sampleData.length) {
let numberOfBytesRead = stream.read(&readBuffer, maxLength: size)
let u16: UInt16 = UnsafePointer<UInt16>(readBuffer).memory
var sampleBin = [UInt16]()
for _ in 0..<Int(binSize) {
totalBytesRead += numberOfBytesRead
//plotArrayInPlayground(filterSamples, title: "Samples")
return [0]
let sineURL = NSBundle.mainBundle().URLForResource("440.0-sine", withExtension: "aif")!
let asset = AVAsset(URL: sineURL)
var assetReader:AVAssetReader
assetReader = try AVAssetReader(asset: asset)
fatalError("Unable to read Asset: \(error) : \(__FUNCTION__).")
let track = asset.tracksWithMediaType(AVMediaTypeAudio).first
let outputSettings: [String:Int] =
[ AVFormatIDKey: Int(kAudioFormatLinearPCM),
AVLinearPCMIsBigEndianKey: 0,
AVLinearPCMIsFloatKey: 0,
AVLinearPCMBitDepthKey: 16,
AVLinearPCMIsNonInterleaved: 0]
let trackOutput = AVAssetReaderTrackOutput(track: track!, outputSettings: outputSettings)
var sampleData = NSMutableData()
while assetReader.status == AVAssetReaderStatus.Reading {
if let sampleBufferRef = trackOutput.copyNextSampleBuffer() {
if let blockBufferRef = CMSampleBufferGetDataBuffer(sampleBufferRef) {
let bufferLength = CMBlockBufferGetDataLength(blockBufferRef)
var data = NSMutableData(length: bufferLength)
CMBlockBufferCopyDataBytes(blockBufferRef, 0, bufferLength, data!.mutableBytes)
var samples = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int16>(data!.mutableBytes)
sampleData.appendBytes(samples, length: bufferLength)
let view = UIView(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 375.0, 667.0))
//view.backgroundColor = UIColor.lightGrayColor()
if assetReader.status == AVAssetReaderStatus.Completed {
let filter = SSSampleDataFilter(data: sampleData)
let filteredSamples = filter.filteredSamplesForSize(view.bounds.size)
//XCPShowView("Bezier Path", view: view)
Here's what the graph should look like (taken from Audacity)
Here's what the graph looks like in the playground
Unfortunately your playground doesn't render anything for me in Xcode7b5, however you're asking the AVAssetReaderTrackOutput to give you signed 16bit ints, yet your code treats them as unsigned UInt16s (and your Audacity file uses floats).
Changing all instances of UInt16 to Int16 in your playground seems to print sensible looking sinusoidal data.
