Unrestricted web access option in iTunes Connect app submission process query - ios

I am looking to submit an app for review by the Apple team - the app is geared towards schoolchildren upto the ages of 17 - when I attempt to submit I see an option called Unrestricted Web Access Yes or No.
If I select Yes it states my app age rating is 17+, if I select no this changes to 4+.
My app doesn't have any ability to load a browser within the app so I would presume I can simply set this to No?
I obviously don't want to get the app rejected especially as it seems to take Apple forever to review it

Unrestricted Web Access means user can browse any url like a web browser. If you are simply using a UIWebView to display your web contents loading through a url that will be called "Restricted Web Access" I think.
You can simply set "Unrestricted Web Access" to "No"

If you provide an internal web browser or UIWebView which allows to the user access to any URL you have to select YES or your app will be Metadata Rejected.


Problem with magic link in iOS when opening within mobile in-app browser

So the usual flow for magic link is:
User clicks on the link in their email (e.g. www.domain.com/auth/:token)
Page is opened in the email’s in-app browser.
Token is stored in the in-app browser’s local storage and token is removed from the URL (either by redirection or some other method).
User is logged-in (in the in-app browser).
The problem happens if the user then clicks the “Open this app in Safari” (or another browser) in a mobile's in-app browser. The user will be logged-out since the local storage state is not carried over and the token was already removed from URL parameter. Unless the token is present as a query / parameter on every page URL which is unsecure and defeats the purpose of using local storage.
What is the best solution for this use case without providing a typical login flow (username/pw)? (Or is that the only way?) Seems like you cannot browse any app in iOS using a magic link via an actual browser app since the magic link will always come from your email app (and hence, will always be opened using the in-app browser).
To use a magic link in order to open your App from an anchor clicked into an email client, you need definitely to setup Universal Links.
That said, things are not always that simple. In some circumstances Universal Links won't work and will open directly into some in-app browsers instead opening your app, this occurs sometimes with the SafariViewController embedded into email clients as you noticed.
So what to do to make it work in all cases?
As you know an Universal Link should open your app if it is installed, but it should also open a fallback web-page in any other circumstances when your app cannot be opened. This is where you will make it bulletproof: on the fallback web-page make sure you put an obvious button with a "safety" second/backup Universal Link that will do the exact same action into your app.
It will work because if your Universal Link fails to open directly from the email client and opens a browser window by mistake, it will most probably open your app when triggered from the in-app browser fallback web-page.
At the end, you might want to focus and put an extra effort to setup a very nice design for your fallback web page, making it look like your app, to provide a good UX so that your users may not even notice that they went thru an extra-step…
I'm in the same boat with our webapp's passwordless login authentication. Did you end up using Universal Links to successfully overcome the issue?

Mobile deep linking behavior on desktop OS

Would like to know if expected behavior on deep linking using branch.io so when clicked on should check for app availability and prompt customer on iOS device to
Prompts to download app in App Store if not installed
Open in iOS app seamlessly if installed
If customer declines app download it will open in iOS mobile browser
My concern is this deep link behavior on a desktop experience. When a user clicks the same url I am being told this will take them to the iTunes app store resulting in a poor experience. Is this a correct statement? Is there any way to provide a better experience to the end user.
Thanks in advance!
I am being told if the same url is opened in Windows10 it will take me to the App
For example
1. Users opens email with deeplink url
2. what is expected behavior on mobile device with app installed that deep link
For iOS redirects, you'll have to set yourself up for Universal Linking per the documentation here:
This is very important for redirect behavior on iOS 9 and later. Please note that not all 3rd party apps and browsers support Universal Linking functionality yet, so you should test on iOS from iMessage or Notes initially.
As for Desktop, you can set your Desktop redirect on the Link settings page - this will not take users to the App store/Play store on Desktop, but to the page you set. You can use the Branch hosted text-me-the-app page if you want to have this as your default for Branch redirects, or your site homepage, or any other page of your choosing. You can add Deeplink data that will be used for all redirects by adding key/value pairs in the SDK or manually when creating a marketing link from the Branch Dashboard. You can also set a $deeplink_path value that will be honored for a specific link, and you can further set a $desktop_url that will override defaults if you want a different redirect for a specific link.
There are many options and ways for you to configure how your redirects work - all of this is up to how you set your Link Settings on the Dashboard, and if you choose to override these defaults for any particular link. For example, you might have default redirects to the App store set for iOS and a desktop URL set to your main webpage on Link Settings. In this case, a link created without modifying these values will take the user to the App store on iOS (or the App if installed), and to the desktop URL specified in Link settings if clicked from Desktop. If, however, you want to override and set $desktop_url as something else for a given link, say, to a specific page on your webpage using the $desktop_url key, on iOS the redirects will be the same but on desktop you will be taken to the set $desktop_url. For any of these scenarios you can specify Deeplink Data to be passed through.

Can i get Internet Cookies in Apple WatchKit?

I'm making WatchKit app and really really need help...
My Project Flow likes this
There are company Lists in DB
Each Companies get there own URL
Each Web sites have same design, but save different Cookies
ex) company A's URL --> save cookies like "company_name" , "A"
company B's URL --> save cookies like "company_name" , "B"
After Save Cookies, WebSite redirects to AppStore
Download App and start App.
When App is Started, App Check Cookies
According to Cookies, App change App's Splash Label
For Step 6 and 7, I have to check cookies...
Is it Possible?? and then, How?
Short answer: no, it's not possible.
Each app manages it's own cookies and you can't access cookies set by other apps unless they indirectly allow it.
Mobile Safari, the default iOS browser doesn't provide any way of reading the cookies to other apps, nor should it, for privacy and security purposes.
See similar question here Can an iPhone xcode application read cookies previously stored by Safari Mobile?

What does Unrestricted Web Access mean in iTunes Connect

When you are submitting your app to Apple app store, there is a section named "Rating" where you should rate your content based on the chart and identify how frequently the content appears.
There is one option called "Unrestricted web access" which there are no further details available about this on the Internet nor iTunes Connect Developer Guide. All you can find everywhere is:
Select Yes if your app allows users to navigate and view web pages, such as with an embedded browser.
What does this mean? Does this mean your app can open links in embedded or Safari browser? Or does this mean your app features a browser where users can enter URLs and navigate through the web unrestricted? Because saying yes to this question will make your app 17+!
If this means opening links from your app (Safari or embedded), how come other apps that have embedded browser capability have 4+ rating (like Twitter and Facebook)? As it can be seen in screenshots, there is no way to select this one and not be rated 17+
Update: My app was approved with embedded WebView (TOWebViewController) with the answer "No" (4+). As the answer mentions, any way you let users navigate through the internet such as dynamic address bar that means it should be "Yes" (17+) because it is not possible to do Parental Control on your WebView.
Update 2: Since the release of iOS 9, Apple has introduced SFSafariViewController which is a way of opening any URLs on the internet. This feature also has an address bar but read-only. So users can't surf the Web without parental control. It also inherits content blocking from Safari (ads, explicit content, etc.). I am highly positive by using SFSafariViewController in iOS 9 or above you still can choose 4+ as the device with parental control can't open any URLs anyway. (Let me know if I am wrong)
Update 3: Twitter now is 17+ based on the followings:
You must be at least 17 years old to download this application.
Infrequent/Mild Profanity or Crude Humor
Frequent/Intense Mature/Suggestive Themes
Infrequent/Mild Sexual Content and Nudity
Update 4: It is possible to use Twitter content inside your app without inheriting its rating (17+). My app is displaying Tweets, but since the users are verified and trusted public figures I could go down to 12+:
Infrequent/Mild Sexual Content and Nudity
Infrequent/Mild Profanity or Crude Humour
Infrequent/Mild Mature/Suggestive Themes
It means that a user of the app can access any URL. The issue is parental controls. If the parent has restricted web access an app that allows unlimited access, that is access to any site the user chooses then the parental controls are subverted.
Once Apple provided parental controls that caused a ripple effect on the capabilities of apps and also required Apple to review all apps for parental control violations. It also means that alternate app stores could not be allowed, they could contain apps that did not properly honor parental controls. Hence:"The Walled Garden."
I think if you use default WebView control it is ok and you don't need to set Unrestricted web access to YES. My app has defaut WebView control with dynamic address bar and if i turn ON restrictions (limited websites access) embedded default WebView control does not display restricted content. It behaves the same as Safari app. So i would say you only need to set this to YES if your app has third party WebView control which can not be controlled by Apple.
TO CORRECT MY OWN ANSWER: sorry, but not true. If your app uses any kind of WebView (default or third party) with option to access any website you have to set Unrestricted Web Access to Yes otherwise your app will be Metadata Rejected. It just happend with my apps!
If you provide an internal web browser or UIWebView which allows to the user access to any URL you have to select YES or your app will be Metadata Rejected.
My app just got rejected because it has a link to the corresponding article on wikipedia. My guess is that because wikipedia allows you to search for other articles on wikipedia then it is considered "Unrestricted Web Access" and resulting 17+ app rating.
Kind of extreme in my opinion.
Hope, You have got your answer.
Let me ADD some more specific question, I think it will help.
Does a link that opens in an external browser (like iOS Safari) constitute "Unrestricted Web Access?"
Does an embedded browser in an app without a URL bar constitute "Unrestricted Web Access?"
If your app uses the embedded browser (which does not display a URL bar) and the link does not reference objectionable content, then you should not need to label it "Unrestricted Web Access."
If your app calls up an external web browser (like iOS Safari) and the link does not reference objectionable content, then you should not need to label it "Unrestricted Web Access."
Apple has not specifically addressed these questions and leaves it to the review process to determine whether the rating is correct. Through my own investigation, I have observed the above.
I use the Ionic/Cordova In-App browser plugin and no issues here with that. i.e. user cannot change the URL of it. So the answer here is NO

Add a link to my iPhone app before submission ("Catch 22")

I use the Facebook API for iOS, which enables posting content to the Facebook wall. The API allows custom links to be added next to "Like" and "Comment". I would like to add "Get App" here which links to my app on App Store, but how do I do this when my App ID will not be known to be before the app is actually approved? ("Chicken-and-egg" situation)
Possible solutions:
A) Link to a temporary URL which is changed to the App Store link after approval
B) Wait until version 1.1 to add this, when the App ID is known
Is there any other way to accomplish this?
You get an App ID once you create an app in iTunes Connect. That means you get the ID before you publish the app and it doesn't change when the app goes trough review or publishing process. I'm not able to make a screenshot right now, but it's easily found in top left corner when you click on manage apps > your app.
Some ISPs and independent providers offer domain name services that would help here, possibly.
I use EasyDNS, but there are other options.
The idea is that you register a domain name with them and purchase a plan that includes web forwarding. Web forwarding lets you send any web traffic for your domain to a specific URL.
You temporarily forward to any URL you like (presumably a page on your regular site, maybe a "Coming soon" page). Then, when you receive the real URL, change the forwarding to point there.
It might take a day or so for the change to percolate across the while interweb, but generally you can see and test results fairly quickly yourself, or at least that's been my experience.
