before, i was using protractor version 1.5.0 and now i am updated with protractor 2.0.0 and the code that works in 1.5.0 is not working in 2.0.0,
anyone please help me to sort out this.
let me show you my code that i wrote in 1.5.0:
var path = browser.driver.findElement(by.xpath('/xpathforelement/'));
Now, same is not working in 2.0.0.
I want to install jekyll, for that purpose i have installed ruby (ruby version 2.3.3) but the error I am facing the error given above:
jekyll sass-converter requires ruby version 2.4
Download Ruby from Links:
I have tried solving the problem by downloading other versions (i.e., 2.4 and 2.5) as well but got the same error. How should I tackle this please guide me in this regard?
Thanks in Advance
Ruby and Ruby-on-Rails are two separate projects.
Ruby is a programming language and Rails is a web framework based on Ruby.
RailsInstaller is an outdated project. Ruby 2.3 has reached end-of-life and the latest rails version is v6.0.0.
If you're installing Ruby just to use Jekyll, then you should perhaps look into installing via RubyInstaller instead.
More details in the following link to Jekyll documentation:
P.S. If you are not working on any other Ruby projects, uninstalling existing outdated versions of Ruby will ensure a smoother installation of the more recent versions.
I am pretty new in Ruby in Rails, I was trying to follow and learn a bit. I tried rails _5.0.1_ new toy_app command but all the time I was getting 5.1.1 version and I had some compatibility problems because of that.
So as I wrote in comment, the solution for that was to install gem install rails -v 5.0.2 and then start project rails _5.0.2_ new toy_app, still weird cause that installed me 5.0.3 version, but it works fine now, I solved all compatibility issues.
My command prompt keeps bringing up Ruby Interpreter(CUI) 2.2.4p230 [i386-mingw32] has stopped working this message when I try to access all my ruby projects. I'm currently using ruby version 2.2.4, rails version 5.0.0 and windows version 10 (recently updated to windows 10 from 8.1). On my git bash every thing seems to work fine,I don't know what went wrong to my command prompt.
Relevant Things :
I used railsinstaller to install my ruby, recently updated to windows 10 and recently tried to install ANSICON but it failed somehow.
I set up a rails project, it all works fine, but I can't get it running through IntelliJ.
I have rails 4.2.6 and ruby 2.2.0 (had 2.3.0 and I've read that it may not be supported by IntelliJ). I'm using vagrant. In my configuration I have:
Ruby SDK: Use other SDK: Remote:ruby-2.2.0-p0 (vagrant:\C:\some-app\usr\local\rvm\rubies\ruby-2.2.0\bin\ruby)
The following commands in vagrant give me:
which ruby -> /usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-2.2.0/bin/ruby
which rails -> /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.0/bin/rails
I keep getting the No Rails found in SDK error. How can I solve this? I did not find anything that works for me.
I am using Ruby version 2.2.3 which I've upgraded from 2.1.5. The problem is when I try to execute any Rails command it won't execute and give me this error
the rails' command exists in these ruby versions 2.1.5
So when I switched back to my previous version by rbenv global 2.1.5, it is working again. Can anyone tell me whats going on here? Why I can't do anything with newer version of ruby?
Maybe try to do a gem install rails with your new version.