Facebook sharing through UIActivityViewController doesnot show all activity items in share dialog - ios

I have added title, description,image and a URL link to client page in activity items of UIActivityViewController, but the share dialog shows only the image.
It used to work fine before, has there been any update in UIActivityViewController or facebook share dialog recently?

From https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/ios#ios-integration:
Use of the iOS share sheet is subject to Facebook Platform Policy, including section 2.3 which states that apps may not pre-fill. In the context of the share sheet, this means apps may not pre-fill the share sheet's initialText field with content that wasn't entered by people earlier in their use of the app.
Looks like we are out of luck.


Cannot post to Facebook via SLComposeViewController (Social Framework)

I am using SLComposeViewController for sharing in Facebook.
While I didnt have Facebook installed on the device, the controller was coming up with texts pre filled as expected. After i installed Facebook, the setPreText is not showing.
Moreover, I cannot post to Facebook. Twitter is working fine.
My device has iOS8.
A question related to your issue has already been asked here.
This bug report has more details on why the setInitialText: does not work. Basically it is against the Facebook platform policy to pre-fill the share sheet.
Pre-fill using the iOS share sheet. For apps pre-filling using the iOS
share sheet we recommend that you either remove all instances of
pre-fill from your app and submit an update to Apple's App Store or
use Facebook's share dialog for a more seamless experience.

How to disable extension sharing via excludedActivityTypes?

I've built a sharing method using UIActivityViewController but I only want Airdrop, Twitter, Facebook, Messenger, and E-Mail to show up when one presses the share button. I've managed to disable paste board, print, copy, reading list, etc. but apps like pinterest won't work for what I'm doing. How would I disable sharing via extensions?
That's currently not possible. You should file an enhancement request with apple explaining why this would be useful to the user/developer.

How can we add google plus in activity view controller

I am using the activity view controller to share message to SMS, Facebook, Twitter. Is it possible to add Google+ too. Please let me know how it is possible in Swift
By default in the iOS 8, we can see a more a button. If you click it, users can see the google pus app if he/she has installed in their phone. User can select from there if they want to send text message via google+ from there.

Share custom stories explicitly using share dialog

I'm using the Open Share Dialog from Facebook SDK for iOS in my iPhone App to share a custom story. I created open graph action and object which is already successfully approved by Facebook review team and live.
But if a user shares a story using my App, it's not shown on the news feed of his friends. So I googled a lot and looked here in stackoverflow and everyone writes to set the ExplicitlyShared flag to true. But this is not working for me using the share dialog. After setting this flag to true user stories will not be generated anymore and the post button is disabled.
Also in the Developer Docs Facebook provides this hint:
Anybody a solution?
I used exactly the same code as in the Facebook OpenGraph Share Dialog sample on GitHub: https://github.com/fbsamples/ios-howtos/tree/master/FBOGSampleSD

iOS Photo album "Open with..." Dialog API?

I was wondering if there is an API available for the "Open with" / share dialog. I see 3 social networks (Twitter, Facebook, and a JPN site) by default in iOS, but I was wondering if it was possible to register your own app to accept these options.
It's not quite clear what you're asking. If you just want to present that Open With dialog, it's the UIActivityViewController. You can even implement your own custom UIActivity to appear in the dialog, but that will only appear if the user summons the activity view in your app.
If you're asking how your app can appear when the activity view is summoned in another app, if you export a document type in your Info.plist, your app will appear in the Open With dialog if the user starts with a document of that type.
