My server gets overloaded even though I keep a limit on the requests I send it - ruby-on-rails

I have a server on Heroku - 3 dynos, 2 processes each.
The server does 2 things:
It responds to requests from the browser (AJAX and some web pages), based on data stored in a postgresql database
It exposes a REST API to update the data in the database. This API is called by another server. The rate of calls is limited: The other server only calls my server through a queue with a single worker, which makes sure the other server doesn't issue more than one request in parallel to my server (I verified that indeed it doesn't).
When I look at new relic, I see the following graph, which suggests that even though I keep the other server at one parallel request at most, it still loads my server which creates peaks.
I'd expect that since the rate of calls from the other server is limited, my server will not get overloaded, since a request will only start when the previous request ended (I'm guessing that maybe the database gets overloaded if it gets an update request and returns but continue processing after that).
What can explain this behaviour?
Where else can I look at in order to understand what's going on?
Is there a way to avoid this behaviour?

There are whole lot of directions this investigation could go, but from your screenshot and some inferences, I have two guesses.
A long query—You'd see this graph if your other server or a browser occasionally hits a slow query. If it's just a long read query and your DB isn't hitting its limits, it should only affect the process running the query, but if the query is taking an exclusive lock, all dynos will have to wait on it. Since the spikes are so regular, first think of anything you have running on a schedule - if the cadence matches, you probably have your culprit. The next simple thing to do is run heroku pg:long-running-queries and heroku pg:seq-scans. The former shows queries that might need optimization, and the latter shows full table scans you can probably fix with a different query or a better index. You can find similar information in NewRelic's Database tab, which has time and throughput graphs you can try to match agains your queueing spikes. Finally, look at NewRelic's Transactions tab.
There are various ways to sort - slowest average response time is probably going to help, but check out all the options and see if any transactions stand out.
Click on a suspicious transaction and look at the graph on the right. If you see spikes matching your queueing buildups, that could be it, but since it looks to be affecting your whole site, watch out for several transactions seeing correlated slowdowns.
Check out the transaction traces at the bottom. Something in there taking a long time to run is as close to a smoking gun as you'll get. This should correlate with pg:long-running-queries.
Look at the breakdown table between the graph and the transaction traces. Check for things that are taking a long time (eg. a 2 second external request) or happening often (eg, a partial that gets rendered 2500 times per request). Those are places for caching or optimization.
Garbage collection—This is less likely because Ruby GCs all the time and there's no reason it would show spikes on that regular cadence, but if there's a regular request that allocates a ton of objects, both building the objects and cleaning them up will take time. It would only affect one dyno at once, and it would be correlated with a long or highly repetitive query in your NewRelic investigation. You can see some stats about this in NewRelic's Ruby VM tab.
Take a look at your dyno and DB memory usage too. Both are printed to the Heroku logs, and if you add Librato, they'll build some automatic graphs that are quite helpful. If your dyno is swapping, performance will suffer and you should either upgrade to a bigger dyno or run fewer processes per dyno. Processes will typically accumulate memory as they run and never quite release as much as you'd like, so tune it so that right before a restart, your dyno is just under its available RAM. Similarly for the DB, if you're hitting swap there, query performance will suffer and you should upgrade.
Other things it could be, but probably isn't in this case:
Sleeping dynos—Heroku puts a dyno to sleep if it hasn't served a request in a while, but only if you have just 1 dyno running. You have 3, so this isn't it.
Web Server Concurrency—If at any given moment, there are more requests than available processes, requests will be queued. The obvious fix is to increase the available dynos/processes, which will put more load on your DB and potentially move the issue there. Since some regular request is visible every time, I'm guessing request volume is low and this also isn't your problem.
Heroku Instability—Sometimes, for no obvious reason, Heroku starts queueing requests more than it should and doesn't report any issues at Restarting the dynos typically fixes that temporarily while Heroku gets their head back on straight.


How to profile inconsistent H12 timeouts on Heroku

My users are seeing occasional request timeouts on Heroku. Unfortunately I can not consistently reproduce them which makes them really hard to debug. There's plenty of opportunity to improve performance - e.g. by reducing the huge number of database queries per request and by adding more caching - but without profiling that's a shot in the dark.
According to our New Relic analytics, many requests take between 1 and 5 seconds on the server. I know that's too slow, but it nowhere near the 30 seconds needed for the timeout.
The error tab on New Relic shows me several different database queries where the timeout occurs, but these aren't particularly slow queries and it can be different queries for each crash. Also for the same URL it sometimes does and sometimes does not show a database query.
How do I find out what's going on in these particular cases? E.g. how do I see how much time it was spending in the database when the timeout occurred, as opposed to the time it spends in the database when there's no error?
One hypothesis I have is that the database gets locked in some cases; perhaps a combination of reading and writing.
You may have already seen it, but Heroku has a doc with some good background about request timeouts.
If your requests are taking a long time, and the processes servicing them are not being killed before the requests complete, then they should be generating transaction traces that will provide details about individual transactions that took too long.
If you're using Unicorn, it's possible that this is not happening because the requests are taking long enough that they're hitting up against Unicorn's timeout (after which the workers servicing those requests will be forcibly killed, not giving the New Relic agent enough time to report back in).
I'd recommend a two-step approach:
Configure the rack-timeout middleware to have a timeout below Heroku's 30s timeout. If this works, it will terminate requests taking longer than the timeout by raising a Timeout::Error, and such requests should generate transaction traces in New Relic.
If that yields nothing (which it might, because rack-timeout relies on Ruby's stdlib Timeout class, which has some limitations), you can try bumping the Unicorn request handling timeout up from its default of 60s (assuming you're using Unicorn). Be aware that long-running requests will tie up a Unicorn worker for a longer period in this case, which may further slow down your site, so use this as a last resort.
Two years late here. I have minimal experience with Ruby, but for Django the issue with Gunicorn is that it does not properly handle slow clients on Heroku because requests are not pre-buffered, meaning a server connection could be left waiting (blocking). This might be a helpful article to you, although it applies primarily to Gunicorn and Python.
You're pretty clearly hitting the issue with long running requests. Check out and upgrade to NewRelic RPM - the wait time measuring will be accurately reported.

Scaling Dynos with Heroku

I've currently got a ruby on rails app hosted on Heroku that I'm monitoring with New Relic. My app is somewhat laggy when using it, and my New Relic monitor shows me the following:
Given that majority of the time is spent in Request Queuing, does this mean my app would scale better if I used an extra worker dynos? Or is this something that I can fix by optimizing my code? Sorry if this is a silly question, but I'm a complete newbie, and appreciate all the help. Thanks!
== EDIT ==
Just wanted to make sure I was crystal clear on this before having to shell out additional moolah. So New Relic also gave me the following statistics on the browser side as you can see here:
This graph shows that majority of the time spent by the user is in waiting for the web application. Can I attribute this to the fact that my app is spending majority of its time in a requesting queue? In other words that the 1.3 second response time that the end user is experiencing is currently something that code optimization alone will do little to cut down? (Basically I'm asking if I have to spend money or not) Thanks!
Request Queueing basically means 'waiting for a web instance to be available to process a request'.
So the easiest and fastest way to gain some speed in response time would be to increase the number of web instances to allow your app to process more requests faster.
It might be posible to optimize your code to speed up each individual request to the point where your application can process more requests per minute -- which would pull requests off the queue faster and reduce the overall request queueing problem.
In time, it would still be a good idea to do everything you can to optimize the code anyway. But to begin with, add more workers and your request queueing issue will more than likely be reduced or disappear.
with your additional information, in general I believe the story is still the same -- though nice work in getting to a deep understanding prior to spending the money.
When you have request queuing it's because requests are waiting for web instances to become available to service their request. Adding more web instances directly impacts this by making more instances available.
It's possible that you could optimize the app so well that you significantly reduce the time to process each request. If this happened, then it would reduce request queueing as well by making requests wait a shorter period of time to be serviced.
I'd recommend giving users more web instances for now to immediately address the queueing problem, then working on optimizing the code as much as you can (assuming it's your biggest priority). And regardless of how fast you get your app to respond, if your users grow you'll need to implement more web instances to keep up -- which by the way is a good problem since your users are growing too.
Best of luck!
I just want to throw this in, even though this particular question seems answered. I found this blog post from New Relic and the guys over at Engine Yard: Blog Post.
The tl;dr here is that Request Queuing in New Relic is not necessarily requests actually lining up in the queue and not being able to get processed. Due to how New Relic calculates this metric, it essentially reads a time stamp set in a header by nginx and subtracts it from when the New Relic method gets a hold of it. However, New Relic gets run after any of your code's before_filter hooks get called. So, if you have a bunch of computationally intensive or database intensive code being run in these before_filters, it's possible that what you're seeing is actually request latency, not queuing.
You can actually examine the queue to see what's in there. If you're using Passenger, this is really easy -- just type passenger status on the command line. This will show you a ton of information about each of your Passenger workers, including how many requests are sitting in the queue. If you run with preceded with watch, the command will execute every 2 seconds so you can see how the queue changes over time (so just execute watch passenger status).
For Unicorn servers, it's a little bit more difficult, but there's a ruby script you can run, available here. This script actually examines how many requests are sitting in the unicorn socket, waiting to be picked up by workers. Because it's examining the socket itself, you shouldn't run this command any more frequently than ~3 seconds or so. The example on GitHub uses 10.
If you see a high number of queued requests, then adding horizontal scaling (via more web workers on Heroku) is probably an appropriate measure. If, however, the queue is low, yet New Relic reports high request queuing, what you're actually seeing is request latency, and you should examine your before_filters, and either scope them to only those methods that absolutely need them, or work on optimizing the code those filters are executing.
I hope this helps anyone coming to this thread in the future!

Unicorn CPU usage spiking during load tests, ways to optimize

I am interested in ways to optimize my Unicorn setup for my Ruby on Rails 3.1.3 app. I'm currently spawning 14 worker processes on High-CPU Extra Large Instance since my application appears to be CPU bound during load tests. At about 20 requests per second replaying requests on a simulation load tests, all 8 cores on my instance get peaked out, and the box load spikes up to 7-8. Each unicorn instance is utilizing about 56-60% CPU.
I'm curious what are ways that I can optimize this? I'd like to be able to funnel more requests per second onto an instance of this size. Memory is completely fine as is all other I/O. CPU is getting tanked during my tests.
If you are CPU bound you want to use no more unicorn processes than you have cores, otherwise you overload the system and slow down the scheduler. You can test this on a dev box using ab. You will notice that 2 unicorns will outperform 20 (number depends on cores, but the concept will hold true).
The exception to this rule is if your IO bound. In which case add as many unicorns as memory can hold.
A good performance trick is to route IO bound requests to a different app server hosting many unicorns. For example, if you have a request that uses a slow sql query, or your waiting on an external request, such as a credit card transaction. If using nginx, define an upstream server for the IO bound requests, forward those urls to a box with 40 unicorns. CPU bound or really fast requests, forward to a box with 8 unicorns (you stated you have 8 cores, but on aws you might want to try 4-6 as their schedulers are hypervised and already very busy).
Also, I'm not sure you can count on aws giving you reliable CPU usage, as your getting a percentage of an obscure percentage.
First off, you probably don't want instances at 45-60% cpu. In that case, if you get a traffic spike, all of your instances will choke.
Next, 14 Unicorn instances seems large. Unicorn does not use threading. Rather, each process runs with a single thread. Unicorn's master process will only select a thread if it is able to handle it. Because of this, the number of cores isn't a metric you should use to measure performance with Unicorn.
A more conservative setup may use 4 or so Unicorn processes per instance, responding to maybe 5-8 requests per second. Then, adjust the number of instances until your CPU use is around 35%. This will ensure stability under the stressful '20 requests per second scenario.'
Lastly, you can get more gritty stats and details by using God.
For a high CPU extra large instance, 20 requests per second is very low. It is likely there is an issue with the code. A unicorn-specific problem seems less likely. If you are in doubt, you could try a different app server and confirm it still happens.
In this scenario, questions I'd be thinking about...
1 - Are you doing something CPU intensive in code--maybe something that should really be in the database. For example, if you are bringing back a large recordset and looping through it in ruby/rails to sort it or do some other operation, that would explain a CPU bottleneck at this level as opposed to within the database. The recommendation in this case is to revamp the query to do more and take the burden off of rails. For example, if you are sorting the result set in your controller, rather than through sql, that would cause an issue like this.
2 - Are you doing anything unusual compared to a vanilla crud app, like accessing a shared resource, or anything where contention could be an issue?
3 - Do you have any loops that might burn CPU, especially if there was contention for a resource?
4 - Try unhooking various parts of the controller logic in question. For example, how well does it scale if you hack your code to just return a static hello world response instead? I bet suddenly unicorn will be blazlingly fast. Then try adding back in parts of your code until you discover the source of the slowness.

Speeding up web service by writing to redis first, disk after?

I have a web service that runs multiple DB queries and takes roughly ~500ms-1,000ms (depending on how much I/O EC2 decides to give me at the given junction if invocation). Users want stuff faster than 1,000ms, and understandably so. What I'm thinking of doing is taking the request parameters, stuffing them into a redis queue without writing to disk, and then running a job in an asynchronous queue which does the disk writes. Does something like this happen normally in practice? am I insane for suggesting it?
So long as your Redis is persisting to disk on regular intervals, this should work. You want to limit the number of scenarios where you might lose data. A sufficiently aggressive persistence schedule for Redis should work for most cases.
Try to give feedback to the user immediately that their action has been received and is being processed. Nothing is more confusing than a slight delay before it appears that might prompt people to attempt the upload again.

Executing large numbers of asynchronous IO-bound operations in Rails

I'm working on a Rails application that periodically needs to perform large numbers of IO-bound operations. These operations can be performed asynchronously. For example, once per day, for each user, the system needs to query to fetch the user's current list of accounts (companies) that he's tracking. This results in huge numbers (potentially > 100k) of small queries.
Our current approach is to use ActiveMQ with ActiveMessaging. Each of our users is pushed onto a queue as a different message. Then, the consumer pulls the user off the queue, queries, and processes the results. But this approach gives us horrible performance. Within a single poller process, we can only process a single user at a time. So, the queries become serialized. Unless we run literally hundreds of poller processes, we can't come anywhere close to saturating the server running poller.
We're looking at EventMachine as an alternative. It has the advantage of allowing us to kickoff large numbers of queries concurrently within a single EventMachine process. So, we get great parallelism and utilization of our server.
But there are two problems with EventMachine. 1) We lose the reliable message delivery we had with ActiveMQ/ActiveMessaging. 2) We can't easily restart our EventMachine's periodically to lessen the impact of memory growth. For example, with ActiveMessaging, we have a cron job that restarts the poller once per day, and this can be done without worrying about losing any messages. But with EventMachine, if we restart the process, we could literally lose hundreds of messages that were in progress. The only way I can see around this is to build a persistance/reliable delivery layer on top of EventMachine.
Does anyone have a better approach? What's the best way to reliably execute large numbers of asynchronous IO-bound operations?
I maintain ActiveMessaging, and have been thinking about the issues of a multi-threaded poller also, though not perhaps at the same scale you guys are. I'll give you my thoughts here, but am also happy to discuss further o the active messaging list, or via email if you like.
One trick is that the poller is not the only serialized part of this. STOMP subscriptions, if you do client -> ack in order to prevent losing messages on interrupt, will only get sent a new message on a given connection when the prior message has been ack'd. Basically, you can only have one message being worked on at a time per connection.
So to keep using a broker, the trick will be to have many broker connections/subscriptions open at once. The current poller is pretty heavy for this, as it loads up a whole rails env per poller, and one poller is one connection. But there is nothing magical about the current poller, I could imagine writing a poller as an event machine client that is implemented to create new connections to the broker and get many messages at once.
In my own experiments lately, I have been thinking about using Ruby Enterprise Edition and having a master thread that forks many poller worker threads so as to get the benefit of the reduced memory footprint (much like passenger does), but I think the EM trick could work as well.
I am also an admirer of the Resque project, though I do not know that it would be any better at scaling to many workers - I think the workers might be lighter weight.
I've used AMQP with RabbitMQ in a way that would work for you. Since ActiveMQ implements AMQP, I imagine you can use it in a similar way. I have not used ActiveMessaging, which although it seems like an awesome package, I suspect may not be appropriate for this use case.
Here's how you could do it, using AMQP:
Have Rails process send a message saying "get info for user i".
The consumer pulls this off the message queue, making sure to specify that the message requires an 'ack' to be permanently removed from the queue. This means that if the message is not acknowledged as processed, it is returned to the queue for another worker eventually.
The worker then spins off the message into the thousands of small requests to SalesForce.
When all of these requests have successfully returned, another callback should be fired to ack the original message and return a "summary message" that has all the info germane to the original request. The key is using a message queue that lets you acknowledge successful processing of a given message, and making sure to do so only when relevant processing is complete.
Another worker pulls that message off the queue and performs whatever synchronous work is appropriate. Since all the latency-inducing bits have already performed, I imagine this should be fine.
If you're using (C)Ruby, try to never combine synchronous and asynchronous stuff in a single process. A process should either do everything via Eventmachine, with no code blocking, or only talk to an Eventmachine process via a message queue.
Also, writing asynchronous code is incredibly useful, but also difficult to write, difficult to test, and bug-prone. Be careful. Investigate using another language or tool if appropriate.
also checkout "cramp" and "beanstalk"
Someone sent me the following link: This is a system that's somewhat similar to ActiveMessaging except that it is built on top of EventMachine. It's almost exactly what we need. The only problem is that it seems to only work with Amazon's queue, not ActiveMQ.
