Can I use a circular iPhone app icon? - ios

Obviously the image file itself is 120x120, but the inside would be a circle in a fully transparent square.
Should I ask for full square icon?
I don't want to share my icon because of the client.

The answer is a "soft no" -- from the HIG:
Avoid transparency. An app icon should be opaque. If the icon’s
boundaries are smaller than the recommended sizes—or you use
transparency to create “see-through” areas—the resulting icon can
appear to float on a dark background, which tends to look especially
unattractive on the beautiful wallpapers that users choose.
Basically, it's going to look very wrong and bad. An option would be to choose a solid background field color for the app icon, and put the circle on that.


I need to adjust the border of this ios icon

My app icon is showing with white borders, how do I remove it?
this is happening only when I try to build the application for ios, on the android system this does not happen
I tried modifying the alpha channel but it didn't work.
image link:
It looks like your image has some white (or transparant) color on the edges. If that's the case I would open the image in a image program, zoom in, find these spots and fill them with the background color.

For a white & transparent UIView, make just the white darker

Imagine you have Icon:UIView which is mainly transparent, but there is some pure white drawing or pixels (say an icon of a "arrow").
Icon sits on top of other material (a photo - whatever)
You want to class Darken:Icon
You want it so that in Darken, quite simply, the arrow is the same but a bit darker - a gray.
(And to be clear, the photo behind, the superview, is totally unaffected. All that changes is the white lines of the "arrow" become gray. The transparent parts of Icon are totally unaffected.)
Obviously you could do this by modifying the code in Icon (of just changing the PNG, if the case) but you don't want to, you want "Darken" to be able to darken any other UIView.
How to do?
I think it's done by adding a CALayer, but I am damned if I can figure out wtah the blend mode (or other issue) would be ..... how to?

Changing of app icon layout in iOS

I want to change the app icon's layout to circle in iOS. Can you please help me with a solution to this.By default, it is a square with rounded corners. I want to make it in a custom format. Is it possible to do so?
All about App Icons can be found here.
From this guidelines:
Note: All icon images must be in PNG format. Icon images may include an alpha channel but should not include any transparent regions.
So it is not possible to make circular app icons on iOS.

tab bar icons appear as blue squares

Well, the title says most of it. I've tried with icon sets of 75/50/25 px and 72/48/24 px, as stated by different guides, but when I run the app in Xcode, the icons appear as (appropriately sized) blue squares. The icons are all black and white .png files, with negative images for the selected images. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
This might not fix your issue, and also may seem very obvious. But I'll put it here just in case it helps anyone.
First of all, I'm going to point out scenarios to check that can get you in this state that may or may not apply to everyone:
The asset's render type is set to Template Image
You are changing the tabBar.tintColor
If either of these are true and you are getting a solid colored square as your icon, the first thing I would check is the actual image you are using. It is probably an image/icon sitting on a white background or something like that rather than a transparent background.
If you are using a .png, .pdf, or .svg icon and want to tint the icon, you will need a transparent background. Transparency doesn't exist for .jpegs so they just won't work for tinting the icons.
This is because changing the tint will tint the whole image. If there isn't transparency, Xcode will have no idea what is icon and what is background. So a 40x40 icon just becomes a colored square.
Another benefit of using a transparent background will be now instead of having multiple images for selected/unselected states, you can just set the desired colors for .selected and .normal states and use one image.
Okay, the solution is NOT to set the image to render as image, but to use an alpha 0 background instead of a white background on the icon image.
Another tip. Don't name your image assets the same name as iOS System icons/glyphs. I had a download icon labeled download(.png). After renaming the issue disappeared. Very inconsistent behavior.

iPhone App Icon shows white background

I'm working on a iOS application. My app icons has transparent background but when app installed on iPhone it shows white background.
Here is my app icon you can see the white borders:
How I can fit this icon?
You shouldn't have transparent background for app icons.
I suggest you to read the guidelines about icons. Explanation from these guidelines about transparency :
Avoid transparency. An app icon should be opaque. If the icon’s
boundaries are smaller than the recommended sizes—or you use
transparency to create “see-through” areas—the resulting icon can
appear to float on a dark background, which tends to look especially
unattractive on the beautiful wallpapers that users choose.
Pre-rendered icons on iOS
By default, iOS will modify the icon graphic you supply to add rounded corners, a drop shadow, and a reflective shine. The graphics here shows the before (left) and after (right) effects of this transformation. Apple recommends that your icon graphic have 90-degree corners, does not apply any shine or gloss, and does not use any alpha transparency.
You cannot prevent the rounded corners or drop shadow from being applied. But you can override the reflective shine by providing a "prerendered" icon and making a change in the tiapp.xml file. You might do so to apply your own shine effects. To prevent the default shine from being applied, update the following key in the tiapp.xml to have the value true.
Please read more from appc Doc!/guide/Icons_and_Splash_Screens-section-29004897_IconsandSplashScreens-Pre-renderediconsoniOS
That is expected. You can see this Apple Documentation that explains how you should design your icon to avoid this white background
For the icon sizes, please check the first row of this table.
