Sharing an object in simperium, write_access doesnt do anything - simperium

I have created two users, and if i create a bucket for one user and an object inside that bucket i can share it using the HTTP api at the moment.. see here
However, even when i sent through "write_access" = true and get a 200 as a result, it doesnt seem to let me write to it.
Its only if i enable sharing back the other way that it allows data to sync both ways, am i doing something wrong?
Has collaboration got any further yet? i can see there is a long but no docs as yet? anyone know?

After some more trial & error, I found the solution:
to edit the shared object, the target user (ie the user that the object was shared with) needs to use an objectId that is equal to: <original_user_simperiumId>/<original_objectId> to edit the object.
If you just use <original_objectId> it won't work.
So the full command for editing a shared object, using curl:
curl -H 'X-Simperium-Token: {auth_token_of_target_user}'{appID}/{entity}/i/{original_user_simperiumId>/{original_objectId} -d '{"data_key" : "new_data_value"}'


How to delete assets/participants using REST API on Hyperledger Composer?

I have deployed my business network using composer-rest-server and am able to call the API using postman.
For now I have hard coded ID's for participants/assets, so I cannot make another POST call as objects with the ID already exist.
Where can I delete the existing participants/assets? On composer playground there was a delete button on the testing page that provided this functionality.
If you are using POSTMAN, you can use the DELETE request to remove your test data.
Using the Trade sample from the Composer tutorials, you would use the following curl command to remove the Commodity COAL:
curl -X DELETE --header 'Accept: application/json' 'http://localhost:3000/api/Commodity/COAL'
If you want to remove all the data in you Business Network, you could investigate the composer network reset command. (described here in the Composer docs.)
using javascript composer-client you can do the following:
const { BusinessNetworkConnection } = require('composer-client');
const participantRegistry = await BusinessNetworkConnection.getParticipantRegistry(registry name space, type);
await participantRegistry.remove(registry name space#participantId);
const assetRegistry = await BusinessNetworkConnection.getAssetRegistry(registry name space);
await assetRegistry.remove(registry name space#asset id);
or even you can perform more
await assetRegistry.removeAll(registry name space);
however before deleting participant from registry you should revoke the bounded identity to it by doing the following:
const IdentityRevoke = require('composer-cli').Identity.Revoke;
let options = {
card: 'admin#tutorial-network',
identityId: 'f1c5b9fe136d7f2d31b927e0dcb745499aa039b201f83fe34e243f36e1984862'
you can find more information in the documentation about revoking identity in the following link
Since you have deployed the API, use its Swagger interface to look at what you can do. It is a RESTful api which means each endpoint accepts the HTTP verbs that make sense for it.
Each asset and participant endpoint, for example, accepts DELETE requests where all you have to do is pass the ID of the entity you want to delete.
You can issue POST requests to create new data and PUT requests to update the data.
One thing to be aware of is that each request will create a new block on the ledger. DELETE doesn't mean the previous block disappears, it simply means it's in a deleted state and your block count keeps increasing for each transaction you issue.
If you want to run tests and make sure your assets get created properly then you can start using the feature files, there is a sample feature to get you started. It uses a specific composer cucumber package, you can see that if you look inside the package.json. This would be the preferred method to run tests, as this isn't a normal environment where you create test data and then delete it, you have to be careful as your block count will keep increasing.

Is it possible to unlink a linked record using the Relay Modern imperative mutation API?

I would like write a mutation updater that unlinks a linked record from another record.
For example, suppose I have the following in my store:
client:root {
user: {__ref: "someid"}
I am looking for a way to unlink user and client:root. user is a nullable field. I would like subscribers that are interested in the user field to see it has gone null.
Right now the only way I am seeing to unlink this field is to delete the node from the store. I've tried setting the link to null using setLinkedRecord but that throws an error.
.setLinkedRecored() expects the first argument to be an instance of RecordProxy. Use .setValue() for unlinking nodes, as whitep4nther commented above.
store.getRoot().setValue(undefined, 'user');
I was just fighting with this as well, and after digging through the relay codebase, I decided there isn't an appropriate way to go about this right now. I've opened an issue here.

How can I retrieve deleted objects from Active Directory with Ruby?

From the research I've done, it appears I need to send a special OID with my request (1.2.840.113556.1.4.417) in order to access the Deleted Objects container.
I couldn't find a way to send a specific control with a request using the "net-ldap" gem. Does anyone know if this is possible?
There is another gem, ruby-ldap, which appears to be more flexible and it seems I can send controls with my request (e.g. using the search_ext2() method).
However, no matter what I try, I am not getting back any objects, even though I know they haven't been garbage collected yet.
I'm including the filter "isDeleted=TRUE" with my requests as well.
OK, I finally figured it out. One will need to use the ruby-ldap gem. The reason my controls were not being sent was because the LDAP Protocol Version (LDAP::LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION) had defaulted to v2 and apparently it must be v3.
The following is a snippet that works:
require 'ldap'
conn ='', 389)
conn.bind("CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com", "sekritpass")
# controlType: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.417 (LDAP_SERVER_SHOW_DELETED_OID)
control ='1.2.840.113556.1.4.417')
conn.search_ext2('CN=Deleted Objects,DC=example,DC=com', LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(isDeleted=*)", nil, false, [control], nil)
The filter (isDeleted=*) isn't necessarily required, you could also simply use (objectClass=*). You can also use the scope LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL if desired.
Have you tried isDeleted=* instead?

Asana tag API query often misses newly created Tags

when we create projects via API the newly created project is immediately returned in both the webApp and in the API.
But a tag created using API "" is often returned only after two or three GET requests. Also in the webApp it needs a refresh, online application sync does not update new tags like Projects.
This late returns really affects the user interaction. I follow the same workflow thats used for creating and adding project, but tags feels a bit laggy. Am I missing anything?
The answer is that tags which aren't associated with any tasks are - unfortunately - hidden in the app, and consequently also in the API. As you discovered, you can get the ID back from the POST to create and then associate it with a task from there (since there's little purpose in creating a tag if you're not associating it with something that shouldn't typically be a problem, but it is clunky). We are looking at changing our data model for tags to be a bit more intuitive in future, but that's still a ways off, so this is the reality for the foreseeable future.
the newly created tag is missed in the GET /tags API from time to time. But the http response returned after creation of the new tag by POST /tags, will contain the id, name and other properties of the newly created tag. So we can add the new tag from this response.
POST-> \
-u "name=fluffy" \
-u "workspace=14916"
# Response
HTTP/1.1 201
"data": {
"id": 1771,
"name": "fluffy",

Set up multiple Facebook applications in one solution and fan page tap url problem

I have looked and searched for an answer for that question and I found an answer in Nathan Totten blog you can find the answer here:
The problem is I am trying to get the application settings according to the application which the user uses, which comes from the url by seeing your app name or id if you were in fan page.
It works with me within the user profile context by using:
var CurrentUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer;
and i can get the application name but within facebook fan page when using the same way it gives me a strange url :
However, it is supposed to give me:
Any help will be great and any new way to get which app id or tap url the user clicked will be even better.
this problem was exist within the user profile before ,and i think that you use the ifacebookapplication current method that will not give you the chance to get any thing about the context it only take you to an infinite loop ,i think that you have to send to Nathan Totten him self may be he has an answer because in the article he mentioned :
private IFacebookApplication GetCurrent()
var url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url;
// Get the settings based on the url or whatever
var simpleApp = new DefaultFacebookApplication();
// Set the settings
return simpleApp;
may be he has a way to get the url within fan page or another way which i am sure it is not exist at least in my mind now .
Thanks ,I found an answer to my case :) now i can get my application id the way is i have to applications i try to decode the sign request with the app secret of each one if the decode result was clear then it is my target app if not then i will try the other one
