How to deal with checking for valid state in every method call - f#

I have encountered some code that looks like this.
member this.Send (data:array<byte>) =
if tcpClient.Connected then
// Send something.
member this.Open () =
if not tcpClient.Connected then
// Connect.
It's a potential bug hive with constantly checking to see if the TcpClient is connected before performing an operation on it.
A similar problem would be to check whether or not something is null before performing an operation on that something.
What is the general approach to dealing with this?
I was thinking along the lines of a monad that abstracts this boring checking away.
Potentially I can write many methods that each will have to check if we are connected.
member this.SendName name =
if tcpClient.Connected then
// Send name
member this.ThrottleConnection percent =
if tcpClient.Connected then
// Throttle
member this.SendAsTest text =
if tcpClient.Connected then
// Send as text.

So, it depends on whether you want to do the check inside the wrapper class or outside of it. Doing the check inside the class, I don't see how a computation expression is really relevant; you're not binding operations.
A workflow expression would only be useful if you're doing the check outside the wrapper class (i.e. from the calling function). If you create a connected builder together, the resulting code would look like
connected {
do! wrapper.Send(..)
do! wrapper.Throttle(..)
do! wrapper.SendAsTest(..)
However, that is really no simpler than
if wrapper.connected do
So, kind of, what's the point, right?
It'd make more sense if you had multiple tcpClient wrapper objects and needed them all to be connected within your workflow. That's more what the "monadic" approach is for.
connected {
do! wrapper1.Send(..)
do! wrapper2.Throttle(..)
do! wrapper3.SendAsText(..)
However, specific to your example of doing the checks inside the wrapper class, like I said earlier, monads would not be applicable. One neat approach to that specific problem would be to try mimicking some preconditions like the following link I don't know if it's much more intuitive than the if statements, but if you're looking for an fsharp-y way of doing things interestingly, that's the best I can come up with.
Ultimately your existing code is about as compact as it gets. Presumably not all of your functions would start with the same if statement, so there's nothing unnecessarily repetitive there.


D/Dlang: Lua interface, any way to force users to have no access to intermediate objects?

Status: Sort of solved. Switching Lua.Ref (close equivalent to LuaD LuaObject) to struct as suggested in answer has solved most issues related to freeing references, and I changed back to similar mechanism LuaD uses. More about this in the end.
In one of my project, I am working with Lua interface. I have mainly borrowed the ideas from LuaD. The mechanism in LuaD uses lua_ref & lua_unref to be able to move lua table/function references in D space, but this causes heavy problems because the calls to destructors and their order is not guaranteed. LuaD usually segfaults at least at the program exit.
Because it seems that LuaD is not maintained anymore, I decided to write my own interface for my purposes. My Lua interface class is here:
Usage examples can be found here:
And in case you need, the Lua script used by the example is here:
The interface works like this:
Lua.opIndex pushes global table and index key to stack, and return Top object. For example, lua["math"] pushes _G and "math" to stack.
Further accesses go through Top object. Top.opIndex goes deeper in the table hierarchy. Other methods (call, get, set) are "final" methods, which perform an operation with the table and key at the top of the stack, and clean the stack afterwards.
Close everything works fine, except this mechanism has nasty quirk/bug that I have no idea how to solve it. If you don't call any of those "final" methods, Top will leave table and key to the stack:
lua["math"]["abs"].call(-1); // Works. Final method (call) called.
lua["math"]["abs"]; // table ref & key left to stack :(
What I know for sure, is that playing with Top() destructor does not work, as it is not called immediately when object is not referenced anymore.
NOTE: If there is some sort of operator to be called when object is accessed as rvalue, I could replace call(), set() and get() methods with operator overloads.
Is there any way to prevent users to write such expressions (getting Top object without calling any of "final" methods)? I really don't want users to write e.g. luafunc = lua["math"]["abs"] and then later try to call it, because it won't work at all. Not without starting to play with lua_ref & lua_unref and start fighting with same issues that LuaD has.
Is there any kind of opAccess operator overloading, that is, overloading what happens when object is used as rvalue? That is, expression "a = b" -> "a.opAssign(b.opAccess)"? opCast does not work, it is called only with explicit casts.
Any other suggestions? I internally feel that I am looking solution from wrong direction. I feel that the problem reside in the realm of metaprogramming: I am trying to "scope" things at expression level, which I feel is not that suitable for classes and objects.
So far, I have tried to preserve the LuaD look'n'feel at interface user's side, but I think that if I could change the interface to something like following, I could get it working:["math", "abs"], 1); // call lua.math.abs(2)
lua.get(["table", "x", "y", "z"], 2); // lua table.x.y.z = 2
Syntactically that would ensure that reference to lua object fetched by indexing is finally used for something in the expression, and the stack would be cleaned.
UPDATE: Like said, changing Lua.Ref to struct solved problems related to dereferencing, and I am again using reference mechanism similar to LuaD. I personally feel that this mechanism suits the LuaD-style syntax I am using, too, and it can be quite a challenge to make the syntax working correctly with other mechanisms. I am still open to hear if someone has ideas to make it work.
The system I sketched to replace references (to tackle the problem with objects holding references living longer than lua sandbox) would probably need different kind of interface, something similar I sketched above.
You also have an issue when people do
auto math_abs = lua["math"]["abs"];;;
This will double pop.
Make Top a struct that holds the stack index of what they are referencing. That way you can use its known scoping and destruction behavior to your advantage. Make sure you handle this(this) correctly as well.
Only pop in the destructor when the value is the actual top value. You can use a bitset in LuaInterface to track which stack positions are in use and put the values in it using lua_replace if you are worried about excessive stack use.

Understanding Telegram iOS open source ASWatcher & ASHandle objects

Thanks to Telegram open source code, I'm trying to learn a good behaviour for my apps as Telegram guys do.
Like here:
Interesting 2 objects I noticed major use in objects ASWatcher & ASHandle.
I'm trying to understand what exactly it's suppose to do.
I tried to put a few logs and follow the methods.
So far what I understood is those object observe items on UIViewController and track changes, and return back the object and the new value from the object.
I don't know how I'm right or wrong but it looks to me a very interesting approach or objects to learn.
I'll glad to help here if someone does know.
I know it's too late answer But for one whom might still interested:
ASWatcher and ASHandle are implementation of Actor Model which is:
A conceptual model to deal with concurrent
computation. It defines some general rules for how the system’s
components should behave and interact with each other
The most famous language that uses this model is probably Erlang
An actor is the primitive unit of computation. It’s the thing that receives a message and do some kind of computation based on it
The idea is very similar to what we have in object-oriented languages: An object receives a message (a method call) and does something depending on which message it receives (which method we are calling).
The main difference is that actors are completely isolated from each other and they will never share memory. It’s also worth noting that an actor can maintain a private state that can never be changed directly by another actor
It’s important to understand that, although multiple actors can run at the same time, an actor will process a given message sequentially. This means that if you send 3 messages to the same actor, it will just execute one at a time. To have these 3 messages being executed concurrently, you need to create 3 actors and send one message to each.
as you can see in telegram code in ASHandle :
- (void)reset
_delegate = nil;
- (bool)hasDelegate
bool result = false;
result = _delegate != nil;
return result;
Further reading : Wikipedia and this

cannot traverse the nodes of an AST, while assigning each node an ID

This is more a simple personal attempt to understand what goes on inside Rascal. There must be better (if not already supported) solution.
Here's the code:
fileLoad = |home:///PHPAnalysis/systems/ApilTestScripts/simple1.php|;
//assign a simple id to each node
public map[value,int] assignID12(node N)
case node M:
myID[name] =999;
return myID;
gives me
|stdin:///|(92,4,<1,92>,<1,96>): Expected str, but got value
loadPHPFile returns a node of type: list[Stmt], where each Stmt is one of the many types of statements that could occur in a program (PHP, in my case). Without going into why I'd do this, why doesn't the above code work? Especially frustrating because a very simple example is worked out in the online documentation. See:
I started a new console, and it seems to work. Of course, I changed the return type from map[value,int] to map[str,int] as it was originally in the example.
The problem I was having was that I may have erroneously defined the function previously. While I quickly fixed an apparent problem, it kept giving me errors. I realized that in Rascal, when you've started a console and imported certain definitions, it (seems)is impossible to overwrite those definitions. The interpreter keeps making reference to the very first definition that you provided. This could just be the interpreter performing a type-check, and preventing unintentional and/or incompatible assignments further down the road. That makes sense for variables (in the typical program sense), but it doesn't seem like the best idea to enforce that on functions (or methods). I feel it becomes cumbersome, because a user typically has to undergo some iterations before he/she is satisfied with a function definition. Just my opinion though...
Most likely you already had the name ids in scope as having type map[str,int], which would be the direct source of the error. You can look in script at the function labelScript to see how this is done in PHP AiR (so you don't need to write this code yourself). What this will give you is a script where all the expressions and statements have an assigned ID, as well as the label state, which just keeps track of some info used in this labeling operation (mainly the counter to generate a unique ID).
As for the earlier response, the best thing to do is to give your definitions in modules which you can import. If you do that, any changes to types, etc will be picked up (automatically if the module is already imported, since Rascal will reimport the module for you if it has changed, or when you next import the module). However, if you define something directly in the console, this won't happen. Think of the console as one large module that you keep adding to. Since we can have overloads of functions, if you define the function again you are really defining a new alternative to the function, but this may not work like you expect.

Add a property to an object (or at least similar outcome)

First, the context of what I'm doing. I am running an HttpServer which is handling HttpRequests.
HttpServer.bind(ADDRESS, PORT).then((HttpServer server) {
listenSubscription = server.listen(onRequest);
void onRequest(HttpRequest request) {
//handle request here
I'd like to add some logging to all this, and due to the asynchronous nature of it all, want to add some identifying marker to the requests (so I can match up the request receipts with the responses, fer example). The code inside of onRequest() calls a bunch of other functions to do different things (handle GET vs POST requests, etc.), so simply generating an id at the top is a cumbersome solution as I'd have to pass it around through all those other function calls. I am, however, already passing around the HttpRequest object, so I thought it would be nice to throw an id field on it, just like you would in Javascript, except that Dart doesn't work that way.
Thoughts then went to subclassing the HttpRequest class, but converting the HttpRequest object the onRequest() method receives seemed like much more trouble and overhead than my needs required.
So I ask, is there any idiomatic Dart way attach some data to an existing object? If there isn't something idiomatic, what is the simplest (both in code and runtime complexity) way you can think of to accomplish this?
Well, there's an Expando, but I don't know the performance implications.
Something like:
// somewhere top level. Create this once.
final loggingId = new Expando();
// inside of onRequest
loggingId[request] = generateId();
// later inside log()
Expandos are like weak-reference maps, from my understanding.

Can a 'while loop' be used in actionscript to monitor an event dispatch?

I am creating an action script library.I am calling some APIs which parses some xml and gets me the result. It dispatches an Event.COMPLETE when the parsing is done. I want to monitor whether this event is dispatched in some while loop like "while(eventnotdispatched)"
is it possible? I know the other way would be to addeventlistener. But please let me know if the other thing is possible.
NO, it is not possible. Actionscript is single threaded. Thus while you are waiting in your while loop, that is the only thread running, and the process you are waiting for can never complete. This is why everything is done with events, so that's what you should use. If you need to update your display periodically while you are waiting for something to complete...again, use events. Create a Timer object which generates a TIMER event every so often, and use that to make your updates.
EDIT: Davr is right, you would not be able to use the while loop like this. You would need a timer.
Yes, it is possible to poll for it. BUT you will still need to create an event listener. It will work something like this:
private var loadCompleted = false;
private var timer:Timer= new Timer(1);
private function onInitCompleted(event:Event):void
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerHandler);
private function loadCompleteEventHandler(event:Event):void
loadCompleted = true;
private function timerHandler()
... // stop the timer or something.
Please note, this is VERY BAD code. I would NEVER use it in production because Actionscript is a event driven language. There should be absolutely NO REASON for you to need to do this. Whatever you are trying to do could be accomplished using another method much simpler. Tell me what you are trying to accomplish with this and I will present a better solution.
Sorry for yelling, it's late and I am sleepy.
Doing that means forcing a synchronous model of execution on the underlying asynchronous model (that works with callbacks).
What are you trying to achieve exactly, and why not use a callback?
I agree with the statements about it probably being a bad idea and a while loop will certainly not work this way in ActionScript. However, there may be legitimate reasons for doing what you are attempting to do. Only you can prevent bad code. Instead of judging, I'll just get to an answer for your question.
First I'm going to make an assumption, that what you really want to do is monitor a property and for some reason the API for this object does not dispatch an event when this property changes. I'm making this assumption because if you have the event available, I assume you would just use the event.
So... you have an object weirdXmlObj with a property loaded that defaults to false but goes to true when the XML is loaded.
In this case with slight modifications the code posted by CookieOfFortune would in fact work. You wouldn't need the loadCompleteEventHandler function (which was never attached anyway) and in the timer handler you would simply check if( weirdXmlObj.loaded ) and then branch however you wanted to.
Ah but there may be a simpler way, depending on what you are doing.
If you have a display object handy. (i.e. something that makes sense, not just some random object.) You can attach your code to the stage's EnterFrame event instead of using a timer.
A couple of things to be aware of:
You don't really even need to go to the stage level, all display objects support the EnterFrame event, but it's a nice place to attach the event listener.
You really should keep whatever the function calls to a minimum. In particular the actual frameEnterHandler function should do nothing more than do the if( weirdXmlObj.loaded ) check.
You are attempting to circumvent event-driven programming, which is not a good idea. This is often the case when someone approaches from an older model and does not yet have a good frame of reference to appreciate the elegance of event-driven programming.
Events are your friends. They work very well. Your loadCompleteHandler is all that is required. Want to do something else in response? Add the call in that handler:
private function loadCompletedHandler(event:Event):void
There is no need to make it any more complicated than that. No need for a semaphore or a loop to check the semaphore. Unnecessary environmental semaphores can break the encapsulation that could shield you from unwanted side effects.
