In ol.control.ZoomToExtent,Openlayers3 use 'E' character for view (
But i want to add image.How to do this ?
When you set up the control you can pass it several options, one of those is label (ZoomToExtent Documentation).
Set that label to '' and set a className to a particular style, style the element in CSS, adding an image as required.
I want to the sub label will change when the properties changes. Of source, I will set name of lable in event update.
You can find how the label and sub label is put together in the docs.
Since I don't think it's possible to change of the root component label in the Roomle script, the label cannot be changed on demand.
I am creating a set of nodes and would like to incorporate the concept of a Tag in Neo4j. When I create a node and use the specific word "Tag" for the label, it never shows up with "Tag" as the label. I can create the node exactly the same, but use a different word other than "Tag" and it will work. This only happens with the word "Tag", "tag", "TAG"
create (a:Product{name:'VirusScan Enterprise'})
create (b:Product{name:'Norton'})
create (c:Vendor{name:'Clam'})
create (d:Vendor{name:'McAfee'})
create (e:Vendor{name:'Symantec'})
create (n:Tag{name:'Antivirus'})
To point out, the "Tag" label is right there, in gray in the lower left of your screenshot.
But if you're talking about the caption instead, there's nothing that enforces what property should be used as a default caption in the graph result view, and sometimes no property is chosen as a caption by default.
To choose it yourself, click on the "Tag" label (the labels are shown in the upper-left of the graph results view), and that should reveal some options at the bottom of the results view for the color and size of the nodes, and which property to use as a caption.
A node's label won't be an option for the caption, so if you want the caption to be the label, add a property whose value is the string of the label, and select that as the caption.
What I want to implement
I am looking for a way to display a title label and a detail text label in a NSMenuItem.
Preferably it would look something like this:
The Title Label is left aligned with all the other NSMenuItem's
The Detail Text Label is right-aligned
The Detail Text Label has a different text color than the title
Selection/Submenus etc. work as expected
What have I tried already
By reading the documentation I found the following possible implementations:
Create a custom NSView and set NSMenuItem.view
Use a default NSMenuItem and use a NSAttributedString
First I tried to use a custom NSView. However I could not get the NSMenuItem to size correctly in order to display all the available text. I guess some autoresizing masks do not work correctly but I am not sure. Also this way I would need to re-implement selection/arrow for the submenu, ...
Then I started to experiment with NSAttributedString. I calculate the title with the most characters and then pad the string with title += string.padding(toLength: maxTitleLength, withPad: " ", startingAt: 0). The NSAttributedString colors the title and the detail label differently. However this does not seem to work since the detail labels are not correctly aligned although the title is padded to the same length. I guess this makes sense since characters have different widths?
TL;DR - Question
So is there any other way to implement the desired design which I did not find? Do you have any advice for me on how to implement this?
Nevermind I found the answer myself. Actually it works for me now by using the view property of the NSMenuItem to set a custom view. This answer lead me to the right direction: Highlighting a NSMenuItem with a custom view?.
I would like to show options to choose in my View. I did not found a control for that. Any suggestion howto do that ?
You must use 3 different buttons for the check box,now set different tag for the buttons and set default and selected image for the button.
Have a pass with Store Card style. How can I add 2nd row with data and change the label position (label should be below the value)? When I add second item in secondaryFields array it inserts the item in the 2nd column, the same row. Thanks.
Image as example:
If you have a look here "Pass Style Sets the Overall Visual Appearance":
It gives an overview of what fields are allowed on the different pass types.
To achieve what you describe you want to make the pass a generic pass and specify both secondary and auxiliary fields.
To switch the label to be below the data, you need to flip the values when specifying them, so set label ="Gold" and the value="Level". However it will still have the same formatting (the top one will still be smaller text)