The below code snippet came from here and from the context I understand what it is doing via pattern matching, but how it is doing it and that operator(s) has me for a loop. MSDN was not helpful. If that is an operator, does it have a name? Sorry if there is some missing google fu on my part.
let (>=>) f1 f2 arg =
match f1 arg with
| Ok data -> f2 data
| Error e -> Error e
Indeed it might be the case that the operator is overloaded, and thanks for the link to the other SO question, I guess the core of my question was what is that overloaded operator's semantics. Looking at the other links (>>=) seems to be the typical bind operator.
That's the Kleisli composition operator for monads. It allows you to compose functions with signatures like 'a -> M<'b> and 'b -> M<'c'> where M is monadic: in your case the Result<'t> from the linked article.
>=> is really just a function composition, but >> wouldn't work here since the return type of the first function isn't the argument of the second one - it is wrapped in a Result<'t> and needs to be unwrapped, which is exactly what >=> implementation does.
It could be defined in terms of >>= as well:
let (>=>) f1 f2 arg =
f1 arg >>= f2
It seems that Haskell's Control.Monad package uses this definition. The full type signature might also be helpful (taken from here):
-- | Left-to-right Kleisli composition of monads.
(>=>) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> (a -> m c)
f >=> g = \x -> f x >>= g
Yet another fun fact is that Kleisli composition makes the three monad laws easier to express by only using functions (and in my opinion it makes them much clearer):
Left identity: return >=> g ≡ g
Right identity: f >=> return ≡ f
Associativity: (f >=> g) >=> h ≡ f >=> (g >=> h)
I am learning F# and the use cases of the |>, >>, and << operators confuse me. I get that everything if statements, functions, etc. act like variables but how do these work?
Usually we (community) say the Pipe Operator |> is just a way, to write the last argument of a function before the function call. For example
f x y
can be written
y |> f x
but for correctness, this is not true. It just pass the next argument to a function. So you could even write.
y |> (x |> f)
All of this, and all other kind of operators works, because in F# all functions are curried by default. This means, there exists only functions with one argument. Functions with many arguments, are implemented that a functions return another function.
You could also write
(f x) y
for example. The function f is a function that takes x as argument and returns another function. This then gets y passed as an argument.
This process is automatically done by the language. So if you write
let f x y z = x + y + z
it is the same as:
let f = fun x -> fun y -> fun z -> x + y + z
Currying is by the way the reason why parenthesis in a ML-like language are not enforced compared to a LISP like language. Otherwise you would have needded to write:
(((f 1) 2) 3)
to execute a function f with three arguments.
The pipe operator itself is just another function, it is defined as
let (|>) x f = f x
It takes a value x as its first argument. And a function f as its second argument. Because operators a written "infix" (this means between two operands) instead of "prefix" (before arguments, the normal way), this means its left argument to the operator is the first argument.
In my opinion, |> is used too much by most F# people. It makes sense to use piping if you have a chain of operations, one after another. Typically for example if you have multiple list operations.
Let's say, you want to square all numbers in a list and then filter only the even ones. Without piping you would write.
List.filter isEven ( square [1..10])
Here the second argument to List.filter is a list that is returned by You can also write it as square [1..10]
|> List.filter isEven
Piping is Function application, this means, you will execute/run a function, so it computes and returns a value as its result.
In the above example is first executed, and the result is passed to List.filter. That's true with piping and without piping. But sometimes, you want to create another function, instead of executing/running a function. Let's say you want to create a function, from the above. The two versions you could write are
let evenSquares xs = List.filter isEven ( square xs)
let evenSquares xs = square xs |> List.filter isEven
You could also write it as function composition.
let evenSquares = List.filter isEven << square
let evenSquares = square >> List.filter isEven
The << operator resembles function composition in the "normal" way, how you would write a function with parenthesis. And >> is the "backwards" compositon, how it would be written with |>.
The F# documentation writes it the other way, what is backward and forward. But i think the F# language creators are wrong.
The function composition operators are defined as:
let (<<) f g x = f (g x)
let (>>) f g x = g (f x)
As you see, the operator has technically three arguments. But remember currying. When you write f << g, then the result is another functions, that expects the last argument x. Passing less arguments then needed is also often called Partial Application.
Function composition is less often used in F#, because the compiler sometimes have problems with type inference if the function arguments are generic.
Theoretically you could write a program without ever defining a variable, just through function composition. This is also named Point-Free style.
I would not recommend it, it often makes code harder to read and/or understand. But it is sometimes used if you want to pass a function to another
Higher-Order function. This means, a functions that take another function as an argument. Like, List.filter and so on.
Pipes and composition operators have simple definition but are difficult to grasp. But once we have understand them, they are super useful and we miss them when we get back to C#.
Here some explanations but you get the best feedbacks from your own experiments. Have fun!
Pipe right operator |>
val |> fn ≡ fn val
Building a pipeline, to chain calls to functions: x |> f |> g ≡ g (f x).
Easier to read: just follow the data flow
No intermediary variables
Natural language in english: Subject Verb.
It's regular in object-oriented code :
In F#, the "subject" is usually the last parameter: f list. Using |>, we get back the natural "Subject Verb" order: list |> f
Final benefit but not the least: help type inference:
let items = ["a"; "bb"; "ccc"]
let longestKo = List.maxBy (fun x -> x.Length) items // ❌ Error FS0072
// ~~~~~~~~
let longest = items |> List.maxBy (fun x -> x.Length) // ✅ return "ccc"
Pipe left operator <|
fn <| expression ≡ fn (expression)
Less used than |>
✅ Small benefit: avoiding parentheses
❌ Major drawback: inverse of the english natural "left to right" reading order and inverse of execution order (because of left-associativity)
printf "%i" 1+2 // 💥 Error
printf "%i" (1+2) // With parentheses
printf "%i" <| 1+2 // With pipe left
What about this kind of expression: x |> fn <| y ❓
In theory, allow using fn in infix position, equivalent of fn x y
In practice, it can be very confusing for some readers not used to it.
👉 It's probably better to avoid using <|
Forward composition operator >>
Binary operator placed between 2 functions:
f >> g ≡ fun x -> g (f x) ≡ fun x -> x |> f |> g
Result of the 1st function is used as argument for the 2nd function
→ types must match: f: 'T -> 'U and g: 'U -> 'V → f >> g :'T -> 'V
let add1 x = x + 1
let times2 x = x * 2
let add1Times2 x = times2(add1 x) // 😕 Style explicit but heavy
let add1Times2' = add1 >> times2 // 👍 Style concise
Backward composition operator <<
f >> g ≡ g << f
Less used than >>, except to get terms in english order:
let even x = x % 2 = 0
// even not 😕
let odd x = x |> even |> not
// "not even" is easier to read 👍
let odd = not << even
☝ Note: << is the mathematical function composition ∘: g ∘ f ≡ fun x -> g (f x) ≡ g << f.
It's confusing in F# because it's >> that is usually called the "composition operator" ("forward" being usually omitted).
On the other hand, the symbols used for these operators are super useful to remember the order of execution of the functions: f >> g means apply f then apply g. Even if argument is implicit, we get the data flow direction:
>> : from left to right → f >> g ≡ fun x -> x |> f |> g
<< : from right to left → f << g ≡ fun x -> f <| (g <| x)
(Edited after good advices from David)
Being relatively new to functional programming, I am still unfamiliar with all the standard operators. The fact that their definition is allowed to be arbitrary in many languages and also that such definitions aren't available in nearby source code, if at all, makes reading functional code unnecessarily challenging.
Presently, I don't know what <*> as it occurs in WebSharper.UI.Next documentation.
It would be good if there was a place that listed all the conventional definition for the various operators of the various functional languages.
I agree with you, it would be good to have a place where all implicit conventions for operators used in F# are listed.
The <*> operator comes from Haskell, it's an operator for Applicative Functors, its general signature is: Applicative'<('A -> 'B)> -> Applicative'<'A> -> Applicative'<'B> which is an illegal signature in .NET as higher kinds are not supported.
Anyway nothing stops you from defining the operator for a specific Applicative Functor, here's the typical definition for option types:
let (<*>) f x =
match (f, x) with
| Some f, Some x -> Some (f x)
| _ -> None
Here the type is inferred as:
val ( <*> ) : f:('a -> 'b) option -> x:'a option -> 'b option
which is equivalent to:
val ( <*> ) : f: option<('a -> 'b)> -> x: option<'a> -> option<'b>
The intuitive explanation is that it takes a function in a context and an argument for that function in the context, then it executes the function inside the context.
In our example for option types it can be used for applying a function to a result value of an operation which may return a None value:
let tryParse x =
match System.Int32.TryParse "100" with
| (true, x) -> Some x
| _ -> None
Some ((+) 10) <*> tryParse "100"
You can take advantage of currying and write:
Some (+) <*> tryParse "100" <*> Some 10
Which represents something like:
(+) (System.Int32.Parse "100") 10
but without throwing exceptions, that's why it is also said that Applicatives are used to model side-effects, specially in pure functional languages like Haskell. Here's another sample of option applicatives.
But for different types it has different uses, for lists it may be used to zip them as shown in this post.
In F# it's not defined because .NET type system would not make it possible to define it in a generic way however it would be possible using overloads and static member constraints as in FsControl otherwise you will have to select different instances by hand by opening specific modules, which is the approach used in FSharpx.
Just discovered elsewhere in the documentation on another subject...
let ( <*> ) f x = View.Apply f x
where type of View.Apply and therefore ( <*> ) is:
View<'A * 'B> -> View<'A> -> View<'B>
Ok, so I'm basically trying to add the bind operator to the option type and it seems that everything I try has some non-obvious caveat that prevent me from doing it. I suspect is has something to do with the limits of the .NET typesystem and is probably the same reason typeclasses can't be implemented in user code.
Anyways, I've attempted a couple of things.
First, I tried just the following
let (>>=) m f = ???
realizing that I want to do different things based on the type of m. F# doesn't allow overloads on function but .NET does allow them on methods, so attempt number two:
type Mon<'a> =
static member Bind(m : Option<'a>, f : ('a -> Option<'b>)) =
match m with
| None -> None
| Some x -> f x
static member Bind(m : List<'a>, f : ('a -> List<'b>)) = f m |> List.concat
let (>>=) m f = Mon.Bind(m, f)
No dice. Can't pick a unique overload based on previously given type info. Add type annotations.
I've tried making the operator inline but it still gives the same error.
Then I figured I could make the >>= operator a member of a type. I'm pretty sure this would work but I don't think I can hack it in on existing types. You can extend existing types with type Option<'a> with but you can't have operators as extensions.
That was my last attempt with this code:
type Option<'a> with
static member (>>=) (m : Option<'a>, f : ('a -> Option<'b>)) =
match m with
| None -> None
| Some x -> f x
"Extension members cannot provide operator overloads. Consider defining the operator as part of the type definition instead." Awesome.
Do I have any other option? I could define separate functions for different monads in separate modules but that sounds like hell if you want to use more than one version in the same file.
You can combine .NET overload resolution with inline/static constraints in order to get the desired behaviour.
Here's a step by step explanation and here's a small working example for your specific scenario:
type MonadBind = MonadBind with
static member (?<-) (MonadBind, m:Option<'a>, _:Option<'b>) =
fun (f:_->Option<'b>) ->
match m with
| None -> None
| Some x -> f x
static member (?<-) (MonadBind, m:List<'a>, _:List<'b>) =
fun (f:_->List<'b>) -> f m |> List.concat
let inline (>>=) m f : 'R = ( (?<-) MonadBind m Unchecked.defaultof<'R>) f
[2; 1] >>= (fun x -> [string x; string (x+2)]) // List<string> = ["2"; "4"; "1"; "3"]
Some 2 >>= (fun x -> Some (string x)) // Option<string> = Some "2"
You can also specify the constraints 'by hand', but when using operators they're inferred automatically.
A refinement of this technique (without the operators) is what we use in FsControl to define Monad, Functor, Arrow and other abstractions.
Also note you can use directly Option.bind and List.collect for both bind definitions.
Why do you need to (re-define) "bind"? For starters, Option.bind is already defined.
You can use it for defining a "computational expression builder" (F# name for monadic "do" syntax sugar).
See previous answer.
This is my code in C#
Observable.Zip(ob1, ob2, (a, b) => a + b);
I am trying to convert this to F# using Pipe-Forwarding operator
ob1 |> Observable.Zip(ob2, Func<_,_,_> (fun a b -> a + b))
It won't compile because it can't get which overload I am trying to use.
Any clue ?
The following works just fine, I am just curious if I could make the pipe-forwarding operator work here. Technically it should take ob1 on left hand side as first parameter and take the two supplied parameters as 2nd and 3rd right ?
Observable.Zip (ob1,ob2 ,Func<_,_,_>(fun a b -> a + b))
As mentioned in the comment you can implement a simple wrapper like this:
open System.Reactive.Linq
let zipWith (f : 'T -> 'U -> 'R)
(second: IObservable<'U>)
(first: IObservable<'T>)
: IObservable<'R> =
Observable.Zip(first, second, f)
and with this just do as you wanted:
ob1 |> zipWith (fun a b -> a+b) ob2
PS: it looks even nicer if you do it like this:
ob1 |> zipWith (+) ob2
You seem to have some wrong impressions of how pipe operator works, so I'll try to clear those up.
Let's make things simpler to type out and say we have functions foo and bar:
let foo (a, b, f) = f a b
let bar a b f = f a b
foo has more or less the same shape as Observable.Zip and takes a tuple as an argument (this is how C# functions are seen in F#), bar is the same but is curried.
This works:
foo (ob1, ob2, fun a b -> a + b)
bar ob1 ob2 (fun a b -> a + b)
This doesn't work:
ob1 |> bar ob2 (fun a b -> a + b)
That's because what pipe operator does, is taking the value on the left, and passing it as the last argument to the function on the right. You'd need bar to be defined like this:
let bar b f a = f a b
That's why the functions in for example the List module are defined in a way that the actual list is passed in as the last argument - that makes pipelining work in a nice way.
This also doesn't work:
ob1 |> foo (ob2, fun a b -> a + b)
Apart from the previous problem, it would also require pipe operator to look inside a tuple and attach a value there, and that's really not how it works. A tuple is a single value in F#. The function that would work for that example would be this one:
let foo (b, f) a = f a b
But clearly that's not what we want.
You can still use Observable.Zip in a pipeline fashion like this:
ob1 |> fun x -> Observable.Zip(x, ob2, Func<_,_,_> (fun a b -> a + b))
Or simply go with the wrapper the other answer suggests.
I'm following Gentle introduction to Haskell tutorial and the code presented there seems to be broken. I need to understand whether it is so, or my seeing of the concept is wrong.
I am implementing parser for custom type:
data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a)
printing function for convenience
showsTree :: Show a => Tree a -> String -> String
showsTree (Leaf x) = shows x
showsTree (Branch l r) = ('<':) . showsTree l . ('|':) . showsTree r . ('>':)
instance Show a => Show (Tree a) where
showsPrec _ x = showsTree x
this parser is fine but breaks when there are spaces
readsTree :: (Read a) => String -> [(Tree a, String)]
readsTree ('<':s) = [(Branch l r, u) | (l, '|':t) <- readsTree s,
(r, '>':u) <- readsTree t ]
readsTree s = [(Leaf x, t) | (x,t) <- reads s]
this one is said to be a better solution, but it does not work without spaces
readsTree_lex :: (Read a) => String -> [(Tree a, String)]
readsTree_lex s = [(Branch l r, x) | ("<", t) <- lex s,
(l, u) <- readsTree_lex t,
("|", v) <- lex u,
(r, w) <- readsTree_lex v,
(">", x) <- lex w ]
[(Leaf x, t) | (x, t) <- reads s ]
next I pick one of parsers to use with read
instance Read a => Read (Tree a) where
readsPrec _ s = readsTree s
then I load it in ghci using Leksah debug mode (this is unrelevant, I guess), and try to parse two strings:
read "<1|<2|3>>" :: Tree Int -- succeeds with readsTree
read "<1| <2|3> >" :: Tree Int -- succeeds with readsTree_lex
when lex encounters |<2... part of the former string, it splits onto ("|<", _). That does not match ("|", v) <- lex u part of parser and fails to complete parsing.
There are two questions arising:
how do I define parser that really ignores spaces, not requires them?
how can I define rules for splitting encountered literals with lex
speaking of second question -- it is asked more of curiousity as defining my own lexer seems to be more correct than defining rules of existing one.
lex splits into Haskell lexemes, skipping whitespace.
This means that since Haskell permits |< as a lexeme, lex will not split it into two lexemes, since that's not how it parses in Haskell.
You can only use lex in your parser if you're using the same (or similar) syntactic rules to Haskell.
If you want to ignore all whitespace (as opposed to making any whitespace equivalent to one space), it's much simpler and more efficient to first run filter (not.isSpace).
The answer to this seems to be a small gap between text of Gentle introduction to Haskell and its code samples, plus an error in sample code.
there should also be one more lexer, but there is no working example (satisfying my need) in codebase, so I written one. Please point out any flaw in it:
lexAll :: ReadS String
lexAll s = case lex s of
[("",_)] -> [] -- nothing to parse.
[(c, r)] -> if length c == 1 then [(c, r)] -- we will try to match
else [(c, r), ([head s], tail s)]-- not only as it was
any_else -> any_else -- parsed but also splitted
author sais:
Finally, the complete reader. This is not sensitive to white space as
were the previous versions. When you derive the Show class for a data
type the reader generated automatically is similar to this in style.
but lexAll should be used instead of lex (which seems to be said error):
readsTree' :: (Read a) => ReadS (Tree a)
readsTree' s = [(Branch l r, x) | ("<", t) <- lexAll s,
(l, u) <- readsTree' t,
("|", v) <- lexAll u,
(r, w) <- readsTree' v,
(">", x) <- lexAll w ]
[(Leaf x, t) | (x, t) <- reads s]