Apple watch page based without arrow to go back - ios

I have a initial controller, that have a button with push segue to a dynamic page based navigation, when I do segue the go back arrow disappear, and I can not return to the initial view, how can I add a go back arrow to return?
when I go to the next controller with the button I have code to create dynamic page based
WKInterfaceController.reloadRootControllersWithNames(controllers as [AnyObject],contexts: contexts as [AnyObject])
these work well, and I have a page based navigation, but if I want to return I do not have the arrow.

You can't transition from a hierarchical navigation type to a page-based navigation type in a WatchKit app. They are exclusive - you have to use one or the other.
If you want to change from one to the other you have to present the new type as a modal.
Here's a link to the HIG explaining it:


Why does View Controller Shift in Storyboard on Button Segue

I am new to IOS App development and have a question. I'm trying to segue from one view controller to another. However, it seems that every time I ctrl+drag from the options button to the adjacent view controller and choose the 'show' option, the view controller "shifts" down(bottom picture). Why does that happen and if it is not the correct behavior, how can I do it right? Thanks!
You need to set fullscreen style manually if select model style,
a fullscreen option did not show in Push type, you must use Navigation Controller if you want to set fullscreen for Push
When you click on the segue(the line that connects view controllers) and open the Attribute Inspector in right panel, you will see the Kind is set to Present Modally. This means your view controller will popup on your current screen.
You can change the Kind to Push and it will start showing normally.
Also embed your controller in a navigation Controller
Option 2
If you dont want a navigation controller, you can also change the presentation to full screen.
If you're new to iOS
then I might suggest don't use show and don't use segue from storyboard
If you don't know the concept of navigation controller (push and pop methods), then have a look at it (You may not use show afterwards)
have a look at following link
Swift programmatically navigate to another view controller/scene

Xcode / Swift: How I implement a back button?

I just started with Xcode and Swift.
I try to build my first little App for iOS. But now I have the problem, that I don't know how to implement a the back button, so that i come back to the view before.
My Storyboard look like this:
When I open the A-Z view, I want to display the Back Arrow, which turn me back to the Item 2 view.
To open the A - Z view I connect the button "Medikamente A - Z" with the Navigation Controller.
When using storyboards the back button is usually implemented with unwind segue.
I usually like to follow raywenderlich toturials on UI related topics, like this -
It include a detailed example of how to implement back button in storyboards. Quoting from it -
Storyboards provide the ability to ‘go back’ with something called an unwind segue, which you’ll implement next.
There are three main steps:
1. Create an object for the user to select, usually a button.
2. Create an unwind method in the controller that you want to return to.
3. Hook up the method and the object in the storyboard.
When using UINavigationController, whenever you push to a new ViewController the back button will automatically appear, so you can jump back to the previous View Controller.
So it's works like:
UIViewController -> UIViewController -> UIViewController
A back button will appear on the last 2 so you can pop back the the previous ViewController.
You don't have to do any additional coding for the back button to appear, it'll do it on its own. I hope this clears it up. Let me know if you have any questions.
To implement a back button, your root view controller has to be a Navigation Controller.
The first view controller becomes the navigation root of the navigation controller.
If you want to present another view controller, you select a "Show Detail" relationship as the action for the button which should show the view controller. To do this, Ctrl-click and drag from the button to the destination view controller and select "Show Detail".
I had the same problem, even when on the storyboard the back button was visible at design time.
I deleted the segue, and recreated it with "Show" instead of "Show detail". Changing the segue to "Show" had no effect. I think this is a bug, so if you miss that back button delete and recreate the segue.

How to fix segue problems between ViewControllers using swift?

I got 3 view controllers. On first page user defines some variables and when he executes it, it goes to second page with segue.identifier. On second page a time counter starts and an item price is decreasing over time. Whenever user uses buy button, the program prints on third page item number, updated time and price. Then if user uses show items button, he will go to the third page and see printed lines. However, I put a navigation bar with a back button on top of the third page, when I use back button, it crashes.
Here is my question: How can I fix it without changing updated price and time counter? With segue.identifier? If yes, how?
Here is what you have to do. Select the 2nd view controller, go to the edit from top and follow the path: edit -> embed in -> navigation controller.
This will automatically adds the navigation bars and back button to the 3rd controller.
Hope this helps .
Don't add your own UINavigationBar. Like Kutay Demireren said, you want to embed your first view controller in a UINavigationController, and then the segues will work by pushing each destination controller onto the navigation controller's stack.

Use case for push versus modal segues?

Let's say, I have a scene (pushed view controller with a navigation bar), which displays some tabular data in a table view.
In the navigation bar of that scene I have a + sign, which should open a new scene, where the user can add a new item (row to a core data table).
In the table view, each row has an arrow on the right side of each cell, which opens a scene where the user can edit that particular item's details.
Should I use a push or modal segue for the +?
Should I use a push or modal segue for the arrow?
What is the "best practise"?
I understand the difference between push and modal segues, but I want to know which is better suited for the above use cases.
If you want to follow Apple's best practices, I would suggest the following :
For the "Add" functionality, use a modal segue.
For example look at the contacts app. Pressing + shows a modal view controller.
What's the logic ? for start, modal view controllers usually have a "cancel" button, as opposed to the "back" button on a pushed vc.
When the user presses "back" - he'd expect a way to come back to the vc. Usually "back" saves your data on iOS (auto-saved).
So by using a modal segue you force the user to submit the form , or cancel. The modal presentation hints that you really need to fill this screen.
For editing - push. but modal could work as well (and you could reuse the same VC).
Reasons for push :
you get a hierarchy of vc's , going back and forward while drilling down.
(you should implement) auto saving when going back (just like other iOS apps)
For adding a new entity to the core data table, on tapping the + button (I assume its a right bar bar button item on the navigation bar), use the modal segue.
The view for adding a new row for the enity has to be presented modally and once the save is completed, dismiss the modal view and reload the table view to display the newly added item.
Also for displaying the details of an entity row, use the push segue. A user expects a push action when he selects a table cell and it is the ideal way to do that.
I hope this quick summary will help you :
When you want to show a detail view of a summary view, use a navigation controller and Push Segues. If the "parent" view doesn't really relate as far as data is concerned to the "child" view, then use a modal. A good example for a modal view would be any entry view. This view doesn't really have any relationship as far as data is concerned to the "parent" view., the entry screen will just take data dat from user & will save & can go away & giving control back to parent

How can I make one Tab Bar button refer to two views/controllers in iOS

I'm developing an iOS app just now with a Tab Bar navigation.
I have two screens which show the same information but in different formats (say, list and grid).
The two screens are different enough that they require separate controllers.
Users can toggle between the two views from a shared control bar button (toggle) at the top.
User presses the 'Places' button for the first time and it shows the places as a list.
They press 'grid' to see the same places displayed as a grid.
The user presses another tab bar button to navigate to a different screen.
When they press the "Places" button again, the app remembers their last viewed screen for places was the grid so the grid view is shown.
The user may then toggle back to list view. etc...
Can anybody recommend the best approach to achieving this?
One approach is to use one view controller that manages both views. That way, you don't have to bother with synchronizing data or subverting the normal function of UITabBarController -- there's just one controller. Also, don't try to overload the meaning of the tab for that controller. Instead, add a button to both views that tells the controller to switch to the other view. That'll be easier for your to build, and (more importantly) easier for the user to understand. It's not nice to make familiar controls do unfamiliar tricks.
If your view controllers are such that combining them into one would be complicated, then you can use two controllers and simply swap them in and out of the tab bar by modifying the tab bar controller's viewControllers array. You can still avoid having to sync data between them by having both controllers refer to the same data model.
I was trying to achieve this same thing, and it can actually be done with a basic setup of a TabBarController, NavigationControllers, ViewControllers, push segues, and unwinds.
|==> NavigationController --> PlacesController(grid view) --(push segue from nav bar)--> PlacesController(list view)
|==> NavigationController --> OtherController
Make sure to have an unwind segue back from the list view controller to the grid view controller.
If you toggle between views then go to another tab (e.g. otherController) and come back, you'll return to the last view you were seeing because that's what is at the top of the stack of the NavigationController.
