Cannot access protected member 'Foundation.NSDictionary.NSDictionary(System.IntPtr)' - ios

We are trying to deploy our Xamarin built application to the Apple appstore and so we needed to migrate our application to the Unified Api to get 64-bit support. After upgrading to the latest version of Xamarin.iOS (Version: and migrating the app to the Unified Api, we now get the following compile error:
Cannot access protected member 'Foundation.NSDictionary.NSDictionary(System.IntPtr)' via a qualifier of type 'Foundation.NSDictionary'.
The error occurs on this line:
NSDictionary prefSpecification = new NSDictionary(preferences.ValueAt(i));
of this method call:
public static void RegisterDefaultsFromSettingsBundle()
string settingsBundle = NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource("Settings", #"bundle");
if(settingsBundle == null) {
System.Console.WriteLine(#"Could not find Settings.bundle");
NSString keyString = new NSString(#"Key");
NSString defaultString = new NSString(#"DefaultValue");
NSDictionary settings = NSDictionary.FromFile(Path.Combine(settingsBundle,#"Root.plist"));
NSArray preferences = (NSArray) settings.ValueForKey(new NSString(#"PreferenceSpecifiers"));
NSMutableDictionary defaultsToRegister = new NSMutableDictionary();
for (uint i=0; i<preferences.Count; i++) {
NSDictionary prefSpecification = new NSDictionary(preferences.ValueAt(i));
NSString key = (NSString) prefSpecification.ValueForKey(keyString);
if(key != null) {
NSObject def = prefSpecification.ValueForKey(defaultString);
if (def != null) {
defaultsToRegister.SetValueForKey(def, key);
Can anyone explain why this is happening and how I can work around this issue?

According to Apple docs, PreferenceSpecifiers is an Array of dictionaries, so instead of doing this:
NSDictionary prefSpecification = new NSDictionary(preferences.ValueAt(i));
You should be able to do this:
NSDictionary prefSpecification = (NSDictionary)preferences.ValueAt(i);
If you are using the new unified API, you will have to subclass the desired class (NSDictionary in this case) to have access to the NSDictionary(IntPtr) constructor as described on this Xamarin docs.
Hope it helps


From Airwatch SDK, how to I get the current logged in username/certificate

Airwatch documentation is gawdawful. So bear with me.
From Airwatch SDK, how to I get the currently logged in username/user certificate?
It's in the API
//setup authorization profile
var client = new RestClient("");
client.Authenticator=new HttpBasicAuthenticator("#####", "#######");
var request = new RestRequest("devices/search", DataFormat.Json);
request.AddHeader("aw-tenant-code", "##########");
//get the data as json
var response = client.Get(request);
if (response.IsSuccessful)
//serialize the data into the Devices[] array RootObject
RootObject ro = new RootObject();
ro = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObject>(response.Content);
//create a new DataTable with columns specifically required
DataTable dt = new DataTable("tblDevices");
//iterate through each device data and add it into a DataRow
foreach(Device d in ro.Devices)
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
dr["UserName"] = d.UserName.ToUpper(); //uppercase the userid
//add the row to the table
With godly help from the client
AWController.clientInstance().retrieveStoredPublicCertificates { payload, error in
if let _ = error {
guard let payload = payload as? [String : [PKCS12Certificate]] else {
processCertificates(payload) .awSDKCeritificatesReceived,
object: payload)

Default values from settings bundle are not loaded in Xamarin.iOS

In my project I have defined a settings.bundle containing a Root.plist with several settings, that all have default values.
However on first start on a new device these defaults are shown in the settings app, but not loaded.
What's going wrong here?
It turns out, that this intended. The DefaultValue specification in Settings.bundle serves only display purposes. Found on
There you also find a solution in Objective C to get the default values and write them to the settings dictionary if a value is not present already.
I rewrote it with inspiration from this answer to a similar question:
private static void RegisterDefaultsFromSettingsBundle()
var defaults = NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults;
var settingsBundle = NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource(#"Settings", #"bundle");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settingsBundle))
Console.WriteLine("Could not find Settings.bundle!");
var settings = NSDictionary.FromFile(settingsBundle + #"/Root.plist");
var preferences = settings[(NSString)"PreferenceSpecifiers"] as NSArray;
using (var defaultsToRegister = new NSMutableDictionary())
if (preferences != null)
foreach (var prefItem in NSArray.FromArray<NSDictionary>(preferences))
var key = prefItem[(NSString) "Key"] as NSString;
if (key != null)
var currentObject = defaults[key];
if (currentObject == null)
// Not yet set in the defaults
var defaultValue = prefItem[#"DefaultValue"];
defaultsToRegister.Add(key, defaultValue);
Console.WriteLine($"Setting value '{defaultValue}' for key '{key}'");
// Already set in the defaults: don't touch
Console.WriteLine($"Key '{key}' is readable (value: '{currentObject}'), nothing written to defaults.");
Hope this helps someone

How can i render a list of all iPhone contacts with Cordova (phone gap)

I am trying to create a Application which lists all contacts from the iPhone address book with the following code (coffeescript)
listContacts: ->
options = new ContactFindOptions()
options.filter = '';
options.multiple = true
fields = ["id", "photos", "name", "phoneNumbers"]
navigator.contacts.find(fields, #onSuccess, #onError, options)
onSuccess: (contacts) ->
console.log contacts.length
onError: (error) ->
console.log error
this seems to work nice for a bunch of contacts. but with 3000 the contacts will never return. the funny thing though this works perfectly on the iOsSimulator.
are there any limitations to the number of contacts which can be retrieved?
I had the same problem with 300 contacts, it took around 5 minutes. After I patched it only takes 10 seconds.
Here is my pull request :
They have to generate a temp file for each picture and they are using a crazy loop to find a free file path. Something like :
do {
filePath = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#/photo_%03d.jpg", docsPath, i++];
} while ([fileMgr fileExistsAtPath:filePath]);
Now I use mktemp and everything is faster.
If you don't need full res pictures, you can also replace :
CFDataRef photoData = ABPersonCopyImageData(self.record);
by :
CFDataRef photoData = ABPersonCopyImageDataWithFormat(self.record, kABPersonImageFormatThumbnail);
I hope that'll help you !
Edit :
IOS'll flush the temp directory each time you start the application:
You are responsible for deleting any temporary files that you created.
The system will clean them up at startup, but that could be a very
long time away.
If you don't want to slow down the bootstrap of your application, you should use always the same filepath based on the contact id. You'll save cleanup and write time if the file already exists :
- (NSObject*)extractPhotos
NSMutableArray* photos = nil;
if (ABPersonHasImageData(self.record)) {
//CFDataRef photoData = ABPersonCopyImageDataWithFormat(self.record, kABPersonImageFormatThumbnail);
CFDataRef photoData = ABPersonCopyImageData(self.record);
NSData* data = (__bridge NSData*)photoData;
// write to temp directory and store URI in photos array
// get the temp directory path
NSString* docsPath = [NSTemporaryDirectory ()stringByStandardizingPath];
NSError* err = nil;
int recordId = ABRecordGetRecordID(self.record);
NSFileManager* fileMgr = [[NSFileManager alloc] init];
NSString* filePath = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#/photo_%03d.jpg", docsPath, recordId];
BOOL hasImage = NO;
if ([fileMgr fileExistsAtPath:filePath]) {
hasImage = YES;
} else if ([data writeToFile:filePath options:NSAtomicWrite error:&err]) {
hasImage = YES;
if (hasImage) {
photos = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:1];
NSMutableDictionary* newDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:2];
[newDict setObject:filePath forKey:kW3ContactFieldValue];
[newDict setObject:#"url" forKey:kW3ContactFieldType];
[newDict setObject:#"false" forKey:kW3ContactFieldPrimary];
[photos addObject:newDict];
return photos;
Edit (08/01/2013):
FYI : merged in cordova :
First you have to add plugin from terminal command line
$ cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.contacts
onDeviceReady you can call a method to open contact list
function chooseContact() {
var options = new ContactFindOptions();
options.fields = ["displayName", "name", "emails", "phoneNumbers"];
navigator.contacts.chooseContact(onSuccess, options);
function onSuccess(id, contact) {

iOS5 - How to parse JSON response from Facebook [duplicate]

I am using Facebook Graph API...for fetching the data of news feed of the facebook profile..
and here is the response that i am getting in the console
application = {
id = 2309869772;
name = Links;
"created_time" = "2011-02-10T09:44:27+0000";
from = {
id = 1845195019;
name = "Paritosh Raval";
icon = "";
id = "1845195019_192144087475935";
likes = {
count = 1;
data = (
id = 1845195019;
name = "Paritosh Raval";
link = "";
name = "once you live in AHMEDABAD u cannot live anywhere else in the world..";
picture = "";
properties = (
name = Page;
text = "21,803 people like this.";
type = link;
"updated_time" = "2011-02-10T09:44:27+0000";
application = {
id = 2392950137;
name = Video;
"created_time" = "2011-02-02T04:18:22+0000";
description = "must watch and explore :))";
from = {
id = 1845195019;
name = "Paritosh Raval";
icon = "";
id = "1845195019_194836027209359";
likes = {
count = 1;
data = (
id = 100000701228096;
name = "Bhargav Jani";
link = "";
name = "It Happens Only in....";
"object_id" = 152586058110610;
picture = "";
properties = (
name = Length;
text = "0:54";
source = "";
type = video;
"updated_time" = "2011-02-02T04:18:22+0000";
And I want to show every data in the organized structure in the console. Can anyone help me with this?
it's unclear what you exactly asking but I try to answer.
First of all you need to parse this response in the method
- (void)request:(FBRequest *)request didLoad:(id)result of Facebook iOS SDK
result can be a string, a NSArray if you have multiple results and NSDictionary
In you console output we can see NSDictionary with included arrays and dictionaries in it.
I have little tutorial about it but it's on russian only and site is down today :( so i just copy one example from my article.
Let say we want to know what facebook user Likes
- (IBAction)getUserInfo:(id)sender {
[_facebook requestWithGraphPath:#"me/likes" andDelegate:self];
if we try this Graph API response in browser or output to console we can see what this request returns. It returns dictionary with one and only key - "data" and corresponded array to this key. This array contents dictionary objects again with keys -
«name»,"category","id","created_time". Dont forget request «user_likes» permission before.
So we have parsing method like that:
- (void)request:(FBRequest *)request didLoad:(id)result {
if ([result isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
result = [result objectAtIndex:0];
if ([result objectForKey:#"owner"]) {
[self.label setText:#"Photo upload Success"];
} else if ([result objectForKey:#"data"]){
NSArray *likes = [result objectForKey:#"data"];
NSString *text=#"You don't like Steve";
for (NSDictionary* mylike in likes) {
NSString *mylikeName = [mylike objectForKey:#"name"];
if ([mylikeName isEqualToString:#"Steve Jobs"]) {
text=#"You like Steve";
[self.label setText:text];
You can parse you result same way and fill your object's variables and then use it to display information in TableView for example. good luck!

Blackberry: Not able to get locations SDCard/Media Card as fileSystemRoot?

I want to openOrCreate database in SDcard / Media Card. When i run the application in device (BlackBerry Curve 8900), i find only one root i.e "system/" and running application in simulator (9500), i find three roots as shown in comment in code. I am getting error at;
_db = DatabaseFactory.openOrCreate(_uri);
(error: Method "toString" with signature "()Ljava/lang/String;" is not applicable on this object)
And i am not able to understand what is this error about.
Here is the code.
public void getValues() throws Exception
boolean sdCardPresent = false;
String root = null;
Enumeration e = FileSystemRegistry.listRoots();
while (e.hasMoreElements())
root = (String)e.nextElement();
System.out.println("Value of root::" +root); // value of root = "system/" when run in device and
// value of root = "store/" "SDCard/" "system/" when run in simulator
sdCardPresent = true;
URI _uri = URI.create(Global.DB_PATH + Global.DB_Main);
System.out.println("Valud of uri::" +_uri);
_db = DatabaseFactory.openOrCreate(_uri); //getting error here.
System.out.println("Valud of _db::" +_db);
I tried these three paths, getting output with "/store"(when run in simulator) but error with rest two paths.Even using "/store" in device is showing the same error.
Global.DB_PATH = "/MediaCard/databases/";
Global.DB_PATH = "/SDCard/databases/";
Global.DB_PATH = "/store/databases/";
Is there any way how to get SDCard/Media Card as root so that i can copy the database in there?
My guess is when you are running your app on a real device you have USB cable plugged in to the device. If this is the case, try to unplug the cable and rerun the app. You may use Dialog.inform() to quickly check what roots you get this time.
private ObjectListField getFileList() {
if (fileList == null) {
fileList = new ObjectListField();
String[] roots = new String[3];
Enumeration enum = FileSystemRegistry.listRoots();
int x = 0;
while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
if (x < 3) {
roots[x] = enum.nextElement().toString();
enum = FileSystemRegistry.listRoots();
fileList.set((roots[2] != null) ? roots : new String[]{"system/", "SDCard/", "store/"});
return fileList;
Try this code.
