Using weka to measure the quality of my classifier - machine-learning

I programmed my own classifier in python, I used a text corpus to test it using F1 measurement, but now I want to test it in other Data Mining tasks, so I have my classifier output file to a given corpus and I want to measure the quality using Weka different measures, how I can past to Weka the output file and get the quality?

I think the correct procedure should be some sort of n-fold validation: Divide your data set into training and test sets. Develop the model on the training set; calculate its sum of squared errors SSE(train).
The take the model and run the test data through it and calculate the SSE(test) using the predicted and actual response values. That'll help you assess the accuracy and bias of your model.
Have a look at Elements of Statistical Learning Using R.


Text Classification Technique for this scenario

I am completely new to Machine Learning algorithms and I have a quick question with respect to Classification of a dataset.
Currently there is a training data that consists of two columns Message and Identifier.
Message - Typical message extracted from Log containing timestamp and some text
Identifier - Should classify the category based on the message content.
The training data was prepared by extracting a particular category from the tool and labelling it accordingly.
Now the test data contains just the message and I am trying to obtain the Category accordingly.
Which approach is most helpful in this scenario ? Is it the Supervised or Unsupervised Learning ?
I have a trained dataset and I am trying to predict the Category for the Test Data.
Thanks in advance,
If your labels are exact then you can classify using ANN, SVM etc. But labels are not exact you have to cluster data with respect to the features you have in data. K-means or nearest neighbour can be the starting point for clustering.
It is supervised learning, and a classification problem.
However, obviously you do not have the label column (the to-be-predicted value) for your testset. Thus, you cannot calculate error measures (such as False Positive Rate, Accuracy etc) for that test set.
You could, however, split the set of labeled training data that you do have into a smaller training set and a validation set. Split it 70%/30%, perhaps. Then build a prediction model from your smaller 70% training dataset. Then tune it on your 30% validation set. When accuracy is good enough, then apply it on your testset to obtain/predict the missing values.
Which techniques / algorithms to use is a different question. You do not give enough information to answer that. And even if you did you still need to tune the model yourself.
You have labels to predict, and training data.
So by definition it is a supervised problem.
Try any classifier for text, such as NB, kNN, SVM, ANN, RF, ...
It's hard to predict which will work best on your data. You willhave to try and evaluate several.

Picking a training set from the larger application set

I'm trying to perform sentiment analysis on a dataset.But there is no existing corpus that my classifier can be trained on that is similar to the dataset that I want to analyze. My question is as follows: Can I use a randomly sampled subset of this data for training/validation phases and then use the trained classifier for performing analysis on the larger dataset? I plan to introduce some variability by adding data points to the training set that are similar to the application dataset but not from that set. Is this is a valid approach?
What you are looking for is the standard procedure of cross-validation. During cross-validation you split your data on (let's assume) 80%-20% training testing data and make 5-10 (depending on the size of data you have) different splits. So I would suggest that you keep a subset of the data and then perform cross-validation on this subset. This is the optimal way to train your model.

Input matches no features in training set; how much more training data do I need?

I am new to Text Mining. I am working on Spam filter. I did text cleaning, removed stop words. n-grams are my features. So I build a frequency matrix and build model using Naive Bayes. I have very limited set of training data, so I am facing the following problem.
When a sentence comes to me for classification and if none of its features match with the existing features in training then my frequency vector has only zeros.
When I send this vector for classification, I obviously get a useless result.
What can be ideal size of training data to expect better results?
Generally, the more data you have, the better. You will get diminishing returns at some point. It is often a good idea to see if your training set size is a problem by plotting the cross validation performance while varying the size of the training set. In scikit-learn has an example of this type of "learning curve."
Scikit-learn Learning Curve Example
You may consider bringing in outside sample posts to increase the size of your training set.
As you grow your training set, you may want to try reducing the bias of your classifier. This could be done by adding n-gram features, or switching to a logistic regression or SVM model.
When a sentence comes to me for classification and if none of its features match with the existing features in training then my frequency vector has only zeros.
You should normalize your input so that it forms some kind of rough distribution around 0. A common method is to do this tranformation:
input_signal = (feature - feature_mean) / feature_stddev
Then all zeroes would only happen if all features were exactly at the mean.

How to output resultant documents from Weka text-classification

So we are running a multinomial naive bayes classification algorithm on a set of 15k tweets. We first break up each tweet into a vector of word features based on Weka's StringToWordVector function. We then save the results to a new arff file to user as our training set. We repeat this process with another set of 5k tweets and re-evaluate the test set using the same model derived from our training set.
What we would like to do is to output each sentence that weka classified in the test set along with its classification... We can see the general information (Precision, recall, f-score) of the performance and accuracy of the algorithm but we cannot see the individual sentences that were classified by weka, based on our classifier... Is there anyway to do this?
Another problem is that ultimately our professor will give us 20k more tweets and expect us to classify this new document. We are not sure how to do this however as:
All of the data we have been working with has been classified manually, both the training and test sets...
however the data we will be getting from the professor will be UNclassified... How can we
reevaluate our model on the unclassified data if Weka requires that the attribute information must
be the same as the set used to form the model and the test set we are evaluating against?
Thanks for any help!
The easiest way to acomplish these tasks is using a FilteredClassifier. This kind of classifier integrates a Filter and a Classifier, so you can connect a StringToWordVector filter with the classifier you prefer (J48, NaiveBayes, whatever), and you will be always keeping the original training set (unprocessed text), and applying the classifier to new tweets (unprocessed) by using the vocabular derived by the StringToWordVector filter.
You can see how to do this in the command line in "Command Line Functions for Text Mining in WEKA" and via a program in "A Simple Text Classifier in Java with WEKA".

Algorithm for Multi-Class Classification of News Article

I want to classify the news article into the category it belongs to. I have 4 categories of news eg." Technology,Sports,Politics and Health." And i have collected around 50 documents for each category as a Training Set
**Is the Training data enough for classification ??? And Which Algorithm should i use for classification?? SVM, Random Forest,Knn, ??
I am using Scikit-learn [python] library for my task
There are many ways to attack this problem form CRFs to Random Forests.
With your limited training data, I would suggest going with a model with high bias such as the linear SVM. Start with training one vs all models for each class and predicting the class with the highest probably. This will give you a baseline for how hard your problem is with the given training data.
I prefer you to use Naive-Bayes classification. There is a tool called Ling-pipe where this is already implemented. What you want to do is just refer
There you have a small sample program Run that program by training the data and apply testing .A training data sample is given as "20 newsgroups"
Training can be applied by training the data and if needed you can build an intermediate model and then apply the test data into that model. Naive-Bayes is good for the cases where training data is small.
But its accuracy increases as the size of training data increases. So try to include more news groups. Good luck. Try this and let me know
