index rows by year in F# - f#

i am reading my data as a frame on F# as follows
let myannual = Frame.ReadCsv("data/annual.csv")
My frame consists of time series columns and a year column, and I would like to index my time series by year. I cannot do it as follows
let myyears = [| for i in myannual.GetColumn<float>("yyyy").Values -> float i |]
let myindexedframe = myannual.IndexRows(myyears)
What should I do? Any feedback is appreciated!

The ReadCsv method takes an optional parameter indexCol that can be used to specify the index column - and you also need to provide a type parameter to tell Deedle what is the type of the index:
let myannual = Frame.ReadCsv<int>("data/annual.csv", indexCol="yyy")
Your approach would work too, but you'd need to use IndexRowsWith, which takes a sequence of new indices (and it is better to use int because float is imprecise for years):
let myyears = [| for i in myannual.GetColumn<float>("yyyy").Values -> int i |]
let myindexedframe = myannual.IndexRowsWith(myyears)
The IndexRows method takes just the name of a column (very similar to using the indexCol parameter when calling ReadCsv):
let myindexedframe = myannual.IndexRows<int>("yyyy")


Can't understand the logic of F# mutable variable inside function body

I'm learning F# and get stuck with the concept of mutable keyword.
Please see the below example:
let count =
let mutable a = 1
fun () -> a <- a + 1; a
val count: unit -> int
Which increases by 1 every time it's called with (). But next code does not:
let count =
let mutable a = 1
a <- a + 1
val count: int
Which is always 2.
In the book I'm studying with, it says with the first example, "The initialization of mutable value a is done only once, when the function has called first time."
When I started learning FP with haskell, the way it handled side effects like this totally burnt my brain, but F# mutable is destroying my brain again, with a different way. What's the difference between above two snippets? And, what's the true meaning and condition of above sentence, about the initialization of mutable value?
Your second example
let count =
let mutable a = 1
a <- a + 1
Defines a mutable variable initialised to 1, then assigns a new value (a + 1) to it using the <- operator before returning the updated value on the last line. Since a has type int and this is returned from the function the return type of the function is also int.
The first example
let count =
let mutable a = 1
fun () -> a <- a + 1; a
also declares an int a initialised to 1. However instead of returning it directly it returns a function which closes over a. Each time this function is called, a is incremented and the updated value returned. It could be equivalently written as:
let count =
let mutable a = 1
let update () =
a <- a + 1
fun () -> ... defines a lambda expression. This version returns a 1-argument function reflected in the different return type of unit -> int.
The first example of count initializes a mutable variable, and returns a closure around this variable. Every time you call that closure, the variable is increased, and its new value returned.
The second example of count is just an initialization block that sets the variable, increases it once, and returns its value. Referring to count again only returns the already computed value again.

Extracting the values from an IGroupedObservable

Reactive.Linq's GroupBy leaves you with an IObservable<IGroupedObservable<'TKey, 'TValue>>. How do you get the values from the IGroupedObservable? The key is accessible by x.Key, so I suppose the values could be projected by some transformation of sorts.
This is roughly what I want to do:
open System.Reactive.Linq
let doStuffWithEvenNumbers i = i*10
let doStuffWithOddNumbers i = i*3
let numbers = Observable.Range(0, 10)
let groups = numbers.GroupBy(fun i -> i % 2 = 0)
let subscription1 = groups.Where(fun i -> i.Key).Subscribe(doStuffWithEvenNumbers)
let subscription2 = groups.Where(fun i -> not i.Key).Subscribe(doStuffWithOddNumbers)
Of course, the two let subscriptionX = lines won't compile, since I need to get from IGroupedObservable<bool, int> to int.
IGroupedObservable<'TKey, 'TValue> extends IObservable<'TValue>, that's how you get to the values. In your case you can do that in many ways:
// you can use SelectMany to 'flatten' the observable
groups.Where(fun i -> i.Key).SelectMany(fun o -> o :> IObservable<int>).Subscribe(doStuffWithEvenNumbers)
Note that Subscribe call take an Action, whereas in your case you defined the method as a Func. You need to remove its returned value for the call to work.

Converting a row read with F#-data to array

I am trying to read a csv file (without headers) using F#-data. So far I have got:
let filename = #"data.csv"
let file = File.OpenText(filename)
let data = CsvFile.Load(file)
for row in data.Rows do
// ..
I would like to convert each row to an array of integers. How can I accomplish this?
The row value is an object that exposes all values of the row via row.Columns. This is an array of strings, so you can use and turn each value into a float using the float function.
for row in data.Rows do
let asFloatArray = float row.Columns
printfn "%A" asFloatArray // TODO: Do something useful here :-)

Converting from m/s to km/h using F# Units of Measure

I'm in the process of learning F# - and is currently looking into Units of Measure. I have a simple calculation returning meters per second, and I want to introduce a function converting it to kilometres per hour.
My code looks like this:
[<Measure>] type kg
[<Measure>] type s
[<Measure>] type m
[<Measure>] type km
[<Measure>] type h
let msToKmph(speed : float<m/s>) =
(float speed) * 3.6<km/h>
let gravityOnEarth = 9.81<m/s^2>
let heightOfJump = 3.5<m>
let speedOfImpact = sqrt (2.0 * gravityOnEarth * heightOfJump)
let speedOfImpactKmh = msToKmph(speedOfImpact)
This works - I get 8.28673639 m/s and 29.832251 km/h. What I am unsure of is if this is the best way to express the relationship between different units. Can this be done more elegantly?
For instance, the line doing (float speed) to remove the unit information from the speed parameter, to make the msToKmph return km/h. If I did not remove unit information before doing the calculation, the returned unit would be: km m/(h s)
First, your msToKmph is totally incorrect. Although it returns a correct return value, what it is actually doing, is it just drops the original <m/s> value by converting to a plain, measureless float and then multiplies the measureless value to a 3.6<km/h>.
To better express the relations between UoM's, consider this:
let kmToM = 1000.0<m/km> // relation between kilometers and meters
let hrToSec = 3600.0<s/h> // relation between seconds and hours
let msToKmph(speed : float<m/s>) =
speed / kmToM * hrToSec
Note, all "magic numbers" are encapsulated within UoM converters, hence your formulas remain clean, e.g. they simply operate values and constants, but the UoM are calculated by the compiler.
Update: The philosophy of UoM conversion is that the conversion formulas should be something that has physical sense. The rule of thumb is whether your conversion value presents in reference books. In plain English, 3.6<km/h> from above is useless, but 1000.0<m/km> just says, "there is 1000 m in 1 km", which makes sense.
You can even improve hrToSec like this:
let hrToSec2 = 60.0<s/minute> * 60.0<minute/h>
This will make every value a well-known value found in reference books.
You're right that removing unit information is a bad thing. You should create a few constants with appropriate units for conversion.
let mPerKm = 1000.0<m/km>
let secondPerHour = 3600.0<s/h>
// val msToKmph : float<m/s> -> float<km/h>
let msToKmph(speed : float<m/s>) =
speed / mPerKm * secondPerHour
For km and m, a generic solution is to define a unit prefix k so it works for many UoMs which have kilo as a metric:
[<Measure>] type k
let kilo = 1000.0<1/k>
let secondPerHour = 3600.0<s/h>
// val msToKmph : float<m/s> -> float<k m/h>
let msToKmph(speed : float<m/s>) =
speed / kilo * secondPerHour

'mutable' in type definition

Why is disabled types like
type t = A of int | B of string * mutable int
while such types are allowed:
type t = A of int | B of string * int ref
The question is, how would you modify the value of a mutable element of discriminated union case? For ref types, this is quite easy, because ref is a reference cell (a record actually) which contains the mutable value:
match tval with
| B(str, refNum) -> refNum := 4
We extract the reference cell and assign it to a new symbol (or a new variable) refNum. Then we modify the value inside the ref cell, which also modifies tval, because the two references to the cell (from discriminated union case and from refNum variable) are aliased.
On the other hand, when you write let mutable n = 0, you're creating a variable, which can be directly mutated, but there is no cell holding the mutable value - the variable n is directly mutable. This shows the difference:
let mutable a = 10
let mutable b = a
b <- 5 // a = 10, b = 5
let a = ref 10
let b = a
b := 5 // a = 5, b = 5 (because of aliasing!)
So, to answer your question - there is no way to directly refer to the value stored inside the discriminated union case. You can only extract it using pattern matching, but that copies the value to a new variable. This means that there isn't any way you could modify the mutable value.
To demonstrate limitations of mutable values in F#, here is one more example - you cannot capture mutable values inside a closure:
let foo() =
let mutable n = 0
(fun () -> n <- n + 1; n) // error FS0407
I think the reason is same as with discriminated union cases (even though it's not as obvious in this case). The compiler needs to copy the variable - it is stored as a local variable and as a field in the generated closure. And when copying, you want to modify the same variable from multiple references, so aliasing semantics is the only reasonable thing to do...
Ref is a type (int ref = ref<int>). Mutable is not a type, it's a keyword that allows you to update a value.
let (bla:ref<int>) = ref 0 //yup
let (bla:mutable<int>) = 3 //no!
