'500 Backend Error' on Google Fusion Table Insert Table - google-fusion-tables

I would like enable a user to create a new Fusion Table through my application.
gapi.client.load('fusiontables', 'v2').then(function() {
var request = gapi.client.fusiontables.table.insert({
'columns' : [{
'name': 'test'
'isExportable' : true,
'name' : 'Foobar',
request.then(function(resp) {
}, function(reason) {
alert('Error: ' + reason.result.error.message);
Everything appears to be working fine but my response continues to be status code 500 "Backend Error".
I went to https://developers.google.com/apis-explorer/#p/fusiontables/v2/fusiontables.table.insert and used the API explorer to execute the same. The result there was 500 as well. Does anyone know why this is happening/how I can succeed in creating a new Fusion Table for my users?

I think that columns need both a column name and a type to define it. That's why your request is failing:
gapi.client.load('fusiontables', 'v2').then(function() {
var request = gapi.client.fusiontables.table.insert({
'columns' : [{
"name": "TACOS",
"type": "STRING"
'isExportable' : true,
'name' : 'FoodBar',
request.then(function(resp) {
}, function(reason) {
alert('Error: ' + reason.result.error.message);


Extjs 6.7 TreeList load data infinite from remote store

I try to fill a treelist with remote data via a ajax proxy but the treelist shows only the first level and try to reload the sub levels even though the json response contain a complete tree structure. Fiddle link: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#view/editor&fiddle/33u9
When i try to expand the node 'SUB a' (or set the expanded property to true) the store trys to reload the node.
Why is the tree structure from the json response not honored?
Thanks in Advance.
The backend response looks like:
"data": {
"root": [
"leaf": true,
"text": "Server"
"leaf": true,
"text": "Storage"
"text": "SUB a"
"children": [
"leaf": true,
"text": "Modul A - 1"
"leaf": true,
"text": "Modul A - 2"
"leaf": true,
"text": "Modul B"
"success": true
The used reader config is
reader: {
type: 'json',
rootProperty: 'data.root',
successProperty: 'data.success',
After playing around i use the following workaround:
getNavigation: function() {
var me = this,
tree = me.getView().down('navigationtree'),
store = tree.getStore(),
node = store.getRoot();
url: '/getnav',
method: 'POST',
success: function(response) {
var obj = Ext.decode(response.responseText),
childs = obj.data.root;
childs.forEach(function(item) {
failure: function(response) {
console.log('server-side failure with status code ' + response.status);
}).then(function() {
The funny things is that only the first level of the tree has to be added all following sub-levels are added automaticaly.

Datatable - Change row data from html to plain text

The rails application is using the datatable to populate the data which is received from the remote system ( using ajax call) . the things were working fine till the remote system was sending plain text. But now the system is sending the response data as html. Because of that the whole page formating is disturbed. How to display the html returned as it is in the datatable row? The code is as below. The html returned from remote system is displayed in message field.
var logs = window.location.pathname + '/logs.json';
var logTable = $("table").DataTable({
"oLanguage": {
"sSearch": "Search"
"paging": false,
"dom" : 't',
"order": [[0, "desc"]],
"ajax": {
"url": logs,
'dataSrc': function ( json ) {
return json;
"drawCallback": function(){
columns: [
{data : "created_at"},
{data : "level"},
{data : "message"},

Telegram (simplest) inline bot send photo 2 times on iOS

I have an inline bot similar to #pic and it works ok, when I type query word I can see pictures appear so I can choose one and send to a chat. The problem is when I do - 2 copies of same result are sent. This happens only on iOS client. On Android, PC and other platforms only one picture is being sent. I have checked all logs (the bot is done in Node.js) and for every request I have a single response. It seems to be a iOS client bug, although #pic bot works fine. Has someone encountered this bug or have an idea of what can cause it?
Example of answerInlineQuery response object
"inline_query_id": "817150058382989968",
"results": [
"type": "photo",
"id": "se090",
"photo_url": "http://www.shadowera.com/secardbot361/se090.jpg",
"thumb_url": "http://www.shadowera.com/secardbot361/se090.jpg",
"photo_width": 344,
"photo_height": 480,
"title": "Tracking Gear",
"description": "You can view the hands of opposing players.",
"caption": "king"
So I have created a simplest possible inline bot in node.js #iosinlinebot (you can try it) AND you have the same exact behaviour: only on iOS devices you will send 2 images to the chat once tapped on the result.
Here is the code:
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
const https = require("https");
let answer = {
inline_query_id: event.inline_query.id,
results: [{
type: "photo",
id: "abcd",
photo_url: "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/jVXglyWWL5J2y1vRN-7Jy3_ozvvZc4w5486IAkbAIrWcNN_vn7YuIvhc1JDtGq43BqGl=s180",
thumb_url: "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/jVXglyWWL5J2y1vRN-7Jy3_ozvvZc4w5486IAkbAIrWcNN_vn7YuIvhc1JDtGq43BqGl=s180",
photo_width: 180,
photo_height: 180,
title: "title",
description: "description",
caption: "test"
let postBody = JSON.stringify(answer);
let options = {
hostname: "api.telegram.org",
port: 443,
path: "/bot" + process.env.TOKEN + "/answerInlineQuery",
method: "POST",
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Content-Length': postBody.length
let postreq = https.request(options, (res) => {
const body = [];
res.on('data', (chunk) => body.push(chunk));
res.on('end', () => {
let j = body.join('');
this is an event object (coming from telegram):
"update_id": 12345678,
"inline_query": {
"id": "123456789123456789",
"from": {
"id": 123456789,
"is_bot": false,
"first_name": "Firstname",
"username": "username",
"language_code": "it-IT"
"query": "test",
"offset": ""
Thanks to Sedric Heidarizarei we were able to find the problem. It is a telegram iOS client bug. If InlineQueryResultPhoto object contains caption field, you user will post 2 images to the chat.
It is very important to close the Begin and the End of your regex with ^ and $.
For example a user with this regex /^[/]start/ can use start and start a and start b as Bot command And will allow Them to receive your photo, But with /^[/]start$/, The user must enter the exact /start Command.
1: Use This Module: node-telegram-bot-api
2: And Send Your Photo:
bot.onText(/^[/]start$/, (msg) => {
const opts = {
parse_mode: 'Markdown',
reply_markup: {
inline_keyboard: [[{
text: '🔙',
callback_data: 'back'
bot.sendPhoto(msg.chat.id, 'AgADBAADn64xBoABCx8L8trMV9eMqgDAAEC', opts); // Your Photo id
Open an empty project and just use and check your InlineQueryResultPhoto.
That is a Telegram bug for For temporary use, remove caption from your let answer ={}

JIRA API after POST returns { errorMessages: [ 'Internal server error' ], errors: {} }

I am trying to create a new issue utilizing the JIRA REST API and whenever I try, I get back the following generic error:
{ errorMessages: [ 'Internal server error' ], errors: {} }
I can successfully GET from the API, and the credentials I'm connecting with have full Admin access to JIRA (so it's not an Auth issue), but I get this error every time with POST. Below is a snippet of the JSON data I'm sending. Am I missing anything obvious?
Below is my JavaScript code. Note I'm using jira-connector from npm. (Real domain replaced with mydomain for this sample code)
const JiraClient = require('jira-connector');
const dotenv = require('dotenv').config();
function createNewIssue(fields) {
const encoded = process.env.JIRA_ENCODED_PW;
const jira = new JiraClient({
host: 'mydomain.atlassian.net',
basic_auth: {
base64: encoded
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
jira.issue.createIssue(fields, (error, issue) => {
if (error) {
} else {
Below is the JSON that's being passed into fields in the JS above. Note customfield_17300 is a radio button, and customfield_17300 is a multi-select box. For both cases, I've tried using the "id" and also the actual string "name" value. All IDs below were taken straight from a API GET of the same issue in question:
"fields": {
"project": {
"id": "13400"
"summary": "TEST API TICKET - 01",
"issuetype": {
"id": "11701"
"customfield_14804": { "id": "13716" },
"customfield_14607": "Hardware",
"customfield_17300": [
"id": "18322"
] ,
"customfield_16301": "Customer PO",
"customfield_14800": "LA, California",
"customfield_16302": "FEDEX 234982347g"
sigh I figured it out... other posts that said this cryptic error was due to a malformed JSON were correct.
In my route, I passed fields as coming from req.body.fields which actually dove into the fields values instead of passing it straight through. This made it so that when the JSON was sent to JIRA the fields outer wrapper was missing. I changed my route to pass along req.body instead of req.body.fields and all was well.
...that was a fun 4 hours...

how to get value from json file using jquery autocomplete

This is my jquery code
$('.typeahead', this).autocomplete({
source: function(request, response) {
url: 'includes/stations.json',
dataType: 'json',
data: request,
success: function(data) {
response($.map(data, function(item, i) {
return {
label: item.name,
value: item.code
minLength: 3
My Json File is
"code": "9BP3",
"name": "9Bp No3"
"code": "AA",
"name": "Ataria"
"code": "BILA",
"name": "Bheslana"
"code": "BILD",
"name": "Bildi"
"code": "HRI",
"name": "Hardoi"
"code": "HRM",
"name": "Hadmadiya"
When i typing any three letter its returns whole json file values
q: request.term this is the string for filter returned values from stations.json. You must pass variable like this to filter results. stations.json must be dynamically generated file like php with json header. q is $_GET parameter and must be parsed. Try to change the code like this:
url: "includes/stations.json",
dataType: "json",
data: {
q: request.term // here is the string for filter returned values from stations.json. You must pass variable like this to filter results. stations.json must be dynamically generated file like php with json header. q is $_GET parameter and must be parsed.
success: function(data) {
$.map(data, function(item, i) {
return {
label: item.name,
value: item.code
minLength: 3,
