Sync all Documents directory into iCloud - ios

Is there a way to make my Documents directory synchronized with iCloud?
I have setup all permissions and entitlements, but have no idea what to do next.
Could you please provide a swift code snippet or point into a direction I should look to?

You can use iCloud's CloudKit services for this.
Have a look at the Quick Start Guide for iCloud's Cloudkit here.

When I needed to keep NSUserDefaults in sync via iCloud in simple apps, I used: MKiCloudSync by Mugunth Kumar. While still Objective-C, it's pretty straightforward to use.
If you need iCloud Documents sync, you might check out iRareMedia/iCloudDocumentSync. Of course, this is a bit more work, but still easier than implementing all the methods by yourself.
Have a nice day,

You can use iCloudDrive of iOS 8 to store documents in iCloud Drive..
Refer below links for iCloud set up for your app.
Refer below for saving document to iCloudDrive.
Save iOS 8 Documents to iCloud Drive
Refer below to view the documents which you have saved in iCloudDrive
Hope all the above links are useful to get the task done..!

The following 3 steps should get you going:
Step 1: Preparing the app to use iCloud Storage
Step 2: Learing to manage your files using the UIDocument Class
Step 3: Using iCloud Storage in your app


Save audio file to a user-friendly location swift 3 avfoundation

I am writing a simple recorder application which can record/play audio (via. AVFoundation) and save it locally to the iOS device. I've found several sources de
Initially, I would have liked to send out multiple of these saved audio files via email (MessageUI) such as with this simple example: - though recently I have felt maybe I should forego this in favor of simply saving to the device and allowing the user to send out the file somehow.
Considering this, I feel it might be best to try to save the audio file to a more user-friendly destination. Is there any way I can save these files locally that might allow the user to 'share' them via iOS (outside of my application)? Maybe even to their iTunes library? This seemed promising: iOS - Save audio files to iTunes music library - but looks like the solution provided is actually for saving images to the 'photo album'
When I print the audio file's URL I get something like
I am a serious noob w/ Swift 3 and definitely with AVFoundation - I'd really appreciate any and all help/advice. Thanks in advance!
The URL 'file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/AA3E5177-A8C8-4FFA-8EBC-85A2A6844A88/Documents/recording-2017-03-06-12-54.m4a' may look elaborate to you, but in fact it is totally "user-friendly". It's a file in the app's Documents folder! Nothing could be simpler than that.
The URL in question would never be seen by the user; in fact, it won't even be the same between runs of your app.
Your app can certainly provide interface for the user to select one or more files, and can make them available for sharing out by means of UIActivityViewController or UIDocumentInteractionController.
You might also want to look into UIDocumentPickerViewController or even
iOS apps are heavily sandboxed. The app's Documents directory (at the path you posted) is the typical place for files like this. You can enable file sharing from the app in iTunes (on the user's computer) by adding the UIFileSharingEnabled key (Application supports iTunes file sharing) to your Info.plist file.
The typical way to enable sharing within the app is by using UIDocumentInteractionController or UIActivityViewController.

App Groups and iCloud in iOS

I am familiar with iCloud syncing, but I am new to app groups. There may be a simple answer to this question, but I haven't found it yet. Basically, I have an app in which I have iCloud integration, and now I want to try to add a today extension. I am currently using Core Data as a backend and would like to continue to do so. However, from what I have read, I need to move my data store to a shared location by defining an "App Group". ( and Accessing Core Data SQL Database in iOS 8 Extension (Sharing Data Between App and Widget Extension)) I haven't been able to find out if this location is synced using iCloud or not. Or, because I"m using iCloud, do I need an App Group at all? I appreciate any and all help/suggestions.
If you're already using iCloud, you don't need to use app groups, because your extension can access the same iCloud container as your app does. As long as your entitlements and provisioning are configured correctly, you can literally just use the same Core Data stack setup in the extension as in the app.
Apple's Lister demo project does this, but there's nothing special about it. Just use iCloud as usual.
App groups are usually necessary to share data between apps and extensions. But a big exception is when the data is already stored external to the app-- as with iCloud.

(iCloud) How to programmatically Backup/Restore data for all Apps like iTunes does?

I'd like to backup and restore files (or other type of informations like key-value, SQL-like transaction based info.) for NOT ONLY my app but also all the other Apps using iCloud.
I'm just new to iCloud and read only a few documents but it seems iCloud APIs are just for single App boundary (of course I understand there is an option for sharing information between 'Group' of applications).
What I want to do is backup and restore almost everything. How can I do that?
(There some apps doing this like
I checked that the some of the Mobile App files are stored inside the "~/Library/Application\ Support/MobileSync/Backup" directory but there are only some of the files from all the files actually stored in iCloud.
And I tested CloudKit, but it just takes control over App's own data only.
Thanks in advance.
One thing to keep in mind when thinking about this is that iTunes actually doesn't backup or restore anything to/from iCloud. iOS device does it on its own: there's a daemon process running and if iCloud Backup is enabled, it will backup directly to iCloud, without talking to iTunes. Restore is also done without interaction with iTunes.
Next, as #rmaddy pointed out, your app on the device cannot access files of other apps, so you won't be able to do what you want from the device. If you want to do this via companion app running on PC/Mac then it might be possible, but will depend on what exactly do you need/want.
Re: contacts. Apps can access AddressBook and thus can sync/upload its contents. Apps can also access some other shared data, such as Photo Library. This is still a far cry from your original request to "Backup/Restore data for all Apps".
Re: downloading iCloud backups. Downloading isn't a big deal those days (Disclosure: I am the author of that forensic tool to download iCloud backups you're mentioned). There is even an open-source code for that. However, downloading and restoring are two very different processes. Specifically, you can download, but your app won't have enough permissions to write files in place.
Hope this helps and clears things up.

iOS Data Storage Guidelines issues for a backwards-compatible app

I'm developing an iOS app that has to support iOS 5+. I've read the iOS Data Storage Guidelines in order to prepare the app for the submission and read several questions and solutions about those guidelines here in Stackoverflow, but I still have some doubts about how I should handle this.
I have an sqlite database whose tables are defined in an .sqlite file. I copy this file into \Documents folder when app starts, and I keep such file always there in \Documents. This database firstly contains some collections of fixed data that app may need (lists of cities to select and things like that), and the rest is user-dependent data that will be downloaded. I've read this post: Apps must follow the iOS Data Storage Guidelines or they will be rejected in app that contains .sqlite3, but I still don't know what criteria should I apply. The .sqlite is not downloadable, it is included in Supported Files of the Xcode project, and some of the initial data is inserted from inside the app and it is neither downloadable. The user-dependent data, well, I can download it whenever I need. I've not integrated any iCloud stuff in my app. So, should it be correct to keep the .sqlite file always in Documents? AFAIK, you need the file to be there for performing all database operations...
As I said, I've not included any iCloud related code in my app, and in fact I donĀ“t know how iCloud is managed because I've never told to do it, are backups of the app made anyway? Should I use the flags the iOS Data Storage Guidelines says in order to prevent files to be backuped? I need some guidence regarding backups and iCloud considerations.
And there is another thing: my app also downloads some user-dependent images. I show them in several views throughout the app, so I need them to persist while the normal working of the app. However, it is downloadable content. So, where should I place them?
Thanks a lot!
I believe your .sqlite file should be in Documents, this is the correct place for it.
You downloaded images should probably be in Caches, but you could also get away with them in documents as long as you set the "do not backup" attribute.
You can set the skip backup attribute like this:
BOOL success = [url setResourceValue: [NSNumber numberWithBool: skip]
forKey: NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey error: &error];

turn off iCloud backup for my application iOS sdk

I have some problems because of iCloud and i want to turn off its for my app,how can i do it in the code of my application,i thought about my problem and the decision can be turning off the iCloud, thanks for help
If you store files in Documents, they will be backed up to iCloud automatically. If you don't want that, the easiest way is to just store them somewhere else. Library/Caches is a good choice. If you really MUST store in Documents but you want to disable iCloud backup you can use the technique outlined here:
