I have the following code (inside a larger function, but that shouldn't matter):
let ordersForTask = Dictionary<_, _>()
let getOrdersForTask task =
match ordersForTask.TryGetValue task with
| true, orders -> orders
| false, _ ->
let orders =
|> Seq.filter (fun (order : Order) -> order.Tasks.Contains(task))
|> Seq.cache
ordersForTask.Add(task, orders)
From what I understand, that should lead to order.Tasks.Contains() being called exactly once for each pair of order and task values, no matter how often getOrdersForTask is called with the same task value, because the input sequence is only iterated (at most) once. However, that does not appear to be the case; if I call the function n times for all the values of task that I have, profiling shows n * number of orders * number of tasks calls to Contains().
Replacing Seq.cache with Seq.toList has the effect I expected, but I want to avoid incurring the cost for Seq.toList.
What am I misunderstanding about Seq.cache or doing wrong in its usage?
I've looked at a few examples in Stack Overflow etc and I can't seem to get my specific scenario working.
I want to iterate a list of 1500 items,but each item will hit the API so I want to limit the number of concurrent threads to about 6.
Is this the right way to do this? I'm just afraid it won't limit the actual threads I need to.
let fullOrders =
orders.AsParallel().WithDegreeOfParallelism(6) |>
Seq.map (fun (order) -> getOrderinfo(order) )
You can easily test this by using something like:
let orders = [ 0 .. 10 ]
let getOrderInfo a =
printfn "Starting: %d" a
printfn "Finished: %d" a
The first issue here is that AsParallel does not work with Seq.map (which is just normal synchronous iteration over a collection), so the following runs the tasks sequentially with no parallelism:
let fullOrders =
|> Seq.map (fun (order) -> getOrderInfo(order) )
fullOrders |> Seq.length
To make it parallel, you'd need to use the Select method on ParallelQuery instead, which does exactly what you wanted:
let fullOrders =
[0 .. 10].AsParallel().WithDegreeOfParallelism(6).Select(fun order ->
getOrderInfo(order) )
fullOrders |> Seq.length
Note that I added Seq.length to the end just to force the evaluation of the (lazy) sequence.
What are the essential functions to find duplicate elements within a list?
Translated, how can I simplify the following function:
let numbers = [ 3;5;5;8;9;9;9 ]
let getDuplicates = numbers |> List.groupBy id
|> List.map snd
|> List.filter (fun set -> set.Length > 1)
|> List.map (fun set -> set.[0])
I'm sure this is a duplicate. However, I am unable to locate the question on this site.
let getDuplicates numbers =
numbers |> List.groupBy id
|> List.choose (fun (k,v) -> match v.Length with
| x when x > 1 -> Some k
| _ -> None)
Simplifying your function:
Whenever you have a filter followed by a map, you can probably replace the pair with a choose. The purpose of choose is to run a function for each value in the list, and return only the items which return Some value (None values are removed, which is the filter portion). Whatever value you put inside Some is the map portion:
let getDuplicates = numbers |> List.groupBy id
|> List.map snd
|> List.choose( fun( set ) ->
if set.Length > 1
then Some( set.[0] )
else None )
We can take it one additional step by removing the map. In this case, keeping the tuple which contains the key is helpful, because it eliminates the need to get the first item of the list:
let getDuplicates = numbers |> List.groupBy id
|> List.choose( fun( key, set ) ->
if set.Length > 1
then Some key
else None )
Is this simpler than the original? Perhaps. Because choose combines two purposes, it is by necessity more complex than those purposes kept separate (the filter and the map), and this makes it harder to understand at a glance, perhaps undoing the more "simplified" code. More on this later.
Decomposing the concept
Simplifying the code wasn't the direct question, though. You asked about functions useful in finding duplicates. At a high level, how do you find a duplicate? It depends on your algorithm and specific needs:
Your given algorithm uses the "put items in buckets based on their value", and "look for buckets with more than one item". This is a direct match to List.groupBy and List.choose (or filter/map)
A different algorithm could be to "iterate through all items", "modify an accumulator as we see each", then "report all items which have been seen multiple times". This is kind of like the first algorithm, where something like List.fold is replacing List.groupBy, but if you need to drag some other kind of state along, it may be helpful.
Perhaps you need to know how many times there are duplicates. A different algorithm satisfying these requirements may be "sort the items so they are always ascending", and "flag if the next item is the same as the current item". In this case, you have a List.sort followed by a List.toSeq then Seq.windowed:
let getDuplicates = numbers |> List.sort
|> List.toSeq
|> Seq.windowed 2
|> Seq.choose( function
| [|x; y|] when x = y -> Some x
| _ -> None )
Note that this returns a sequence with [5; 9; 9], informing you that 9 is duplicated twice.
These were algorithms mostly based on List functions. There are already two answers, one mutable, the other not, which are based on sets and existence.
My point is, a complete list of functions helpful to finding duplicates would read like a who's who list of existing collection functions -- it all depends on what you're trying to do and your specific requirements. I think your choice of List.groupBy and List.choose is probably about as simple as it gets.
Simplifying for maintainability
The last thought on simplification is to remember that simplifying code will improve the readability of your code to a certain extent. "Simplifying" beyond that point will most likely involve tricks, or obscure intent. If I were to look back at a sample of code I wrote even several weeks and a couple of projects ago, the shortest and perhaps simplest code would probably not be the easiest to understand. Thus the last point -- simplifying future code maintainability may be your goal. If this is the case, your original algorithm modified only keeping the groupBy tuple and adding comments as to what each step of the pipeline is doing may be your best bet:
// combine numbers into common buckets specified by the number itself
let getDuplicates = numbers |> List.groupBy id
// only look at buckets with more than one item
|> List.filter( fun (_,set) -> set.Length > 1)
// change each bucket to only its key
|> List.map( fun (key,_) -> key )
The original question comments already show that your code was unclear to people unfamiliar with it. Is this a question of experience? Definitely. But, regardless of whether we work on a team, or are lone wolves, optimizing code (where possible) for quick understanding should probably be close to everyone's top priority. (climbing down off sandbox...) :)
Regardless, best of luck.
If you don't mind using a mutable collection in a local scope, this could do it:
open System.Collections.Generic
let getDuplicates numbers =
let known = HashSet()
numbers |> List.filter (known.Add >> not) |> set
You can wrap the last three operations in a List.choose:
let duplicates =
|> List.groupBy id
|> List.choose ( function
| _, x::_::_ -> Some x
| _ -> None )
Here's a solution which uses only basic functions and immutable data structures:
let findDups elems =
let findDupsHelper (oneOccurrence, manyOccurrences) elem =
if oneOccurrence |> Set.contains elem
then (oneOccurrence, manyOccurrences |> Set.add elem)
else (oneOccurrence |> Set.add elem, manyOccurrences)
List.fold findDupsHelper (Set.empty, Set.empty) elems |> snd
Lazy evaluation is a great boon for stuff like processing huge files that will not fit in main memory at one go. However, suppose there are some elements in the sequence that I want evaluated immediately, while the rest can be lazily computed - is there any way to specify that?
Specific problem: (in case that helps to answer the question)
Specifically, I am using a series of IEnumerables as iterators for multiple sequences - these sequences are data read from files opened using BinaryReader streams (each sequence is responsible for the reading in of data from one of the files). The MoveNext() on these is to be called in a specific order. Eg. iter0 then iter1 then iter5 then iter3 .... and so on. This order is specified in another sequence index = {0,1,5,3,....}. However sequences being lazy, the evaluation is naturally done only when required. Hence, the file reads (for the sequences right at the beginning that read from files on disk) happens as the IEnumerables for a sequence are moving. This is causing an illegal file access - a file that is being read by one process is accessed again (as per the error msg).
True, the illegal file access could be for other reasons, and after having tried my best to debug other causes a partially lazy evaluation might be worth trying out.
While I agree with Tomas' comment: you shouldn't need this if file sharing is handled properly, here's one way to eagerly evaluate the first N elements:
let cacheFirst n (items: seq<_>) =
seq {
use e = items.GetEnumerator()
let i = ref 0
while !i < n && e.MoveNext() do
yield e.Current
incr i
while e.MoveNext() do
yield e.Current
let items = Seq.initInfinite (fun i -> printfn "%d" i; i)
|> Seq.take 10
|> cacheFirst 5
|> Seq.take 3
|> Seq.toList
val it : int list = [0; 1; 2]
Daniel's solution is sound, but I don't think we need another operator, just Seq.cache for most cases.
First cache your sequence:
let items = Seq.initInfinite (fun i -> printfn "%d" i; i) |> Seq.cache
Eager evaluation followed by lazy access from the beginning:
let eager = items |> Seq.take 5 |> Seq.toList
let cached = items |> Seq.take 3 |> Seq.toList
This will evaluate the first 5 elements once (during eager) but make them cached for secondary access.
I have a csv file with the following structure :
The first line is a header row
The remaining lines are data lines,
each with the same number of commas, so we can think of the data in
terms of columns
I have written a little script to go through each line of the file and return a sequence of tuples containing the column header and the length of the largest string of data in that column :
let getColumnInfo (fileName:string) =
let delimiter = ','
let readLinesIntoColumns (sr:StreamReader) = seq {
while not sr.EndOfStream do
yield sr.ReadLine().Split(delimiter) |> Seq.map (fun c -> c.Length )
use sr = new StreamReader(fileName)
let headers = sr.ReadLine().Split(delimiter)
let columnSizes =
let initial = Seq.map ( fun h -> 0 ) headers
let toMaxColLengths (accumulator:seq<int>) (line:seq<int>) =
let chooseBigger a b = if a > b then a else b
Seq.map2 chooseBigger accumulator line
readLinesIntoColumns sr |> Seq.fold toMaxColLengths initial
Seq.zip headers columnSizes;
This works fine on a small file. However when it trys to process a large file (> 75 Mb) it blows fsi with a StackOverflow exception. If I remove the line
Seq.map2 chooseBigger accumulator line
the program completes.
Now, my question is this : why is F# using up the stack? My understanding of sequences in F# is that the entire sequence is not held in memory, only the elements that are being processed. Therefore I expected that the lines that had already been processed would not remain on the stack. Where is my misunderstanding?
I think this is a good question. Here's a simpler repro:
let test n =
[for i in 1 .. n -> Seq.empty]
|> List.fold (Seq.map2 max) Seq.empty
|> Seq.iter ignore
test creats a sequence of empty sequences, calculates the max by rows, and then iterates over the resulting (empty) sequence. You'll find that with a high value of n this will cause a stack overflow, even though there aren't any values to iterate over at all!
It's a bit tricky to explain why, but here's a stab at it. The problem is that as you fold over the sequences, Seq.map2 is returning a new sequence which defers its work until it's enumerated. Thus, when you try to iterate through the resulting sequence, you end up calling back into a chain of computations n layers deep.
As Daniel explains, you can escape this by evaluating the resulting sequence eagerly (e.g. by converting it to a list).
Here's an attempt to further explain what's going wrong. When you call Seq.map2 max s1 s2, neither s1 nor s2 is actually enumerated; you get a new sequence which, when enumerated, will enumerate both of them and compare the yielded values. Thus, if we do something like the following:
let s0 = Seq.empty
let s1 = Seq.map2 max Seq.emtpy s0
let s2 = Seq.map2 max Seq.emtpy s1
let s3 = Seq.map2 max Seq.emtpy s2
let s4 = Seq.map2 max Seq.emtpy s3
let s5 = Seq.map2 max Seq.emtpy s4
Then the call to Seq.map2 always returns immediately and uses constant stack space. However, enumerating s5 requires enumerating s4, which requires enumerating s3, etc. This means that enumerating s99999 will build up a huge call stack that looks sort of like:
(s99996's enumerator).MoveNext()
(s99997's enumerator).MoveNext()
(s99998's enumerator).MoveNext()
(s99999's enumerator).MoveNext()
and we'll get a stack overflow.
Your code contains so many sequences it's hard to reason about. My guess is that's what's tripping you up. You can make this much simpler and efficient (eagerness is not all bad):
let getColumnInfo (fileName:string) =
let delimiter = ','
use sr = new StreamReader(fileName)
match sr.ReadLine() with
| null | "" -> Array.empty
| hdr ->
let cols = hdr.Split(delimiter)
let counts = Array.zeroCreate cols.Length
while not sr.EndOfStream do
|> Array.iteri (fun i fld ->
counts.[i] <- max counts.[i] fld.Length)
Array.zip cols counts
This assumes all lines are non-empty and have the same number of columns.
You can fix your function by changing this line to:
Seq.map2 chooseBigger accumulator line |> Seq.toList |> seq
why is F# using up the stack? My understanding of sequences in F# is that the entire sequence is not held in memory, only the elements that are being processed. Therefore I expected that the lines that had already been processed would not remain on the stack. Where is my misunderstanding?
The lines themselves are not eating up your stack space. The problem is you've accidentally written a function that builds up a huge unevaluated computation (tree of thunks) that stack overflows when it is evaluated because it makes non-tail calls O(n) deep. This tends to happen whenever you build sequences from other sequences and don't force the evaluation of anything.
Just naively using Seq.length may be not good enough as will blow up on infinite sequences.
Getting more fancy with using something like ss |> Seq.truncate n |> Seq.length will work, but behind the scene would involve double traversing of the argument sequence chunk by IEnumerator's MoveNext().
The best approach I was able to come up with so far is:
let hasAtLeast n (ss: seq<_>) =
let mutable result = true
use e = ss.GetEnumerator()
for _ in 1 .. n do result <- e.MoveNext()
This involves only single sequence traverse (more accurately, performing e.MoveNext() n times) and correctly handles boundary cases of empty and infinite sequences. I can further throw in few small improvements like explicit processing of specific cases for lists, arrays, and ICollections, or some cutting on traverse length, but wonder if any more effective approach to the problem exists that I may be missing?
Thank you for your help.
EDIT: Having on hand 5 overall implementation variants of hasAtLeast function (2 my own, 2 suggested by Daniel and one suggested by Ankur) I've arranged a marathon between these. Results that are tie for all implementations prove that Guvante is right: a simplest composition of existing algorithms would be the best, there is no point here in overengineering.
Further throwing in the readability factor I'd use either my own pure F#-based
let hasAtLeast n (ss: seq<_>) =
Seq.length (Seq.truncate n ss) >= n
or suggested by Ankur the fully equivalent Linq-based one that capitalizes on .NET integration
let hasAtLeast n (ss: seq<_>) =
ss.Take(n).Count() >= n
Here's a short, functional solution:
let hasAtLeast n items =
|> Seq.mapi (fun i x -> (i + 1), x)
|> Seq.exists (fun (i, _) -> i = n)
let items = Seq.initInfinite id
items |> hasAtLeast 10000
And here's an optimally efficient one:
let hasAtLeast n (items:seq<_>) =
use e = items.GetEnumerator()
let rec loop n =
if n = 0 then true
elif e.MoveNext() then loop (n - 1)
else false
loop n
Functional programming breaks up work loads into small chunks that do very generic tasks that do one simple thing. Determining if there are at least n items in a sequence is not a simple task.
You already found both the solutions to this "problem", composition of existing algorithms, which works for the majority of cases, and creating your own algorithm to solve the issue.
However I have to wonder whether your first solution wouldn't work. MoveNext() is only called n times on the original method for certain, Current is never called, and even if MoveNext() is called on some wrapper class the performance implications are likely tiny unless n is huge.
I was curious so I wrote a simple program to test out the timing of the two methods. The truncate method was quicker for a simple infinite sequence and one that had Sleep(1). It looks like I was right when your correction sounded like overengineering.
I think clarification is needed to explain what is happening in those methods. Seq.truncate takes a sequence and returns a sequence. Other than saving the value of n it doesn't do anything until enumeration. During enumeration it counts and stops after n values. Seq.length takes an enumeration and counts, returning the count when it ends. So the enumeration is only enumerated once, and the amount of overhead is a couple of method calls and two counters.
Using Linq this would be as simple as:
let hasAtLeast n (ss: seq<_>) =
ss.Take(n).Count() >= n
Seq take method blows up if there are not enough elements.
Example usage to show it traverse seq only once and till required elements:
seq { for i = 0 to 5 do
printfn "Generating %d" i
yield i }
|> hasAtLeast 4 |> printfn "%A"