Are Wi-Fi Direct and Wi-Fi P2P the same? - wifi

Maybe this is a stupid question but..
Are Wi-Fi Direct and Wi-Fi P2P the same thing?
And I mean, the EXACTLY same thing?
I'm getting really confused with this two.

Wifi Direct is a technology for peer to peer connections and is very different from wifi. Wi-Fi Direct, initially called Wi-Fi P2P, is a Wi-Fi standard enabling devices to easily connect with each other without requiring a wireless access point.It is usable for everything from internet browsing to file transfer
Wifi Direct is not same as wifi . On Jelly Bean and above, when you try to use the WifiP2pManager API, WiFi-Direct is automatically enabled (as long as WiFi is on). Wifi can be switched on by calling:
WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); wifiManager.setWifiEnabled(true);
For ICS refer to this Can I turn on WiFi-Direct from code? on Android API-14 (ICS)
This is the main reason to get confused between the two.


Communicate an iOS device with a non iOS device via WIFI

I am working on a project in which I should connect an iPhone to an accessory via WIFI.
Some blogs spoke about ExternalAccessory.framework but this one is used for establishing connection via Bluetooth.
What library should I use to achieve this ? Could any one please point me to the right direction ? Thanks.
(Assuming that you don't know the ip address of the device you want to connect to)
From an iOS standpoint you want to use NSNetService to discover devices on the network which you can connect to.
This requires that your other device can use mdnsresponder to publish its details onto the network such that it can be found and connected to.
If you do know the ip address (or, once you do know it) then you can use NSURLConnection / NSStream to connect to the device (depending on what capabilities it offers).

how to connect WiFi Direct Mobile phone to WiFi phone?

I was exploring regarding Wi-Fi Direct and came accross with conclusion that WiFi -certified devices can connect one-to-one or one-to-many and not all connected products need to be Wi-Fi Direct-certified. One Wi-Fi Direct enabled device can connect to legacy Wi-Fi certified devices.So by this we can conclude like if one device is having WiFi direct and other device is having Wifi one can easily connect to it.
I have following queries please help me to resolve.
1.This Wifi Direct is there in Android ICS onwards.So i am trying to connect WiFi Direct of my Samsung Note 2 having Jelly Bean with another Samsung Mobile Galaxy Y duos having Ginger Bread that only has WiFi but i am unable to detect? Can anyone help me in finding reason for this?
2.Another thing i studied is Wifi Direct device will become as access point means it will create an Ad-hoc network ? So why another Wifi devices are not detecting it?
To find a wifi direct device in access point list of a normal wifi u need to create a wifi direct group. For this you need to first connect two wifi direct devices out of which one will act as a group owner and other as client. Once a group is created group owner act as a normal access point for legacy devices(Wifi devices).
Thus you need to create a Wifi Direct group first

Connect iPhone to local server for testing on XCode? -- without using WiFi

So I have an ejabberd (XMPP) server setup on my MacBook. Connects fine with Simulator, only intermittently on the device. The two times it hasn't connected were at cafes that had sign-on gateways for their Wi-Fi. I know nothing when it comes to networks, but I'm guessing this is a Firewall thing?
I'm supposing I can't get around the firewall without an elaborate workaround.
I've found that turning off Wi-Fi on both devices and turning on tethering so that both devices are communicating via data works. However, I'd rather not do this as my data plan is limited and I'd like to be freely internet-connected while I work.
Is there a way to setup XCode to have the phone use the USB connection to access the server on the MacBook? Or maybe some other way I'm not imagining?
Bluetooth doesn't work.
I don't believe that the problem is with some kind of firewall on the network…
Try using the local IP address instead of the hostname, It will change from network to network. To get it, you can open the network utility
In this case it would be [xmppStream setHostName:#""];

Sniff local network iOS game host

I am having a little issue right here.
I want to sniff an iOS game that makes an ad-hoc connection to another iOS device using the local network to get multiplayer, but I am unable to sniff these packets, I've tried with Wireshark but no luck (I think I am doing it wrong).
What can I do to intercept the connection between these two devices?
If it's on a WPA network, I think you need to do the sniffing on the AP. Alternatively, put all three devices on an ad-hoc WEP network.
There's also peer-to-peer bluetooth. I'd avoid that by turning it off, instead of trying to sniff a bluetooth key exchange.

GameKit peer to peer wifi without wireless router?

Thanks in advance for any thoughts about this. I'm looking for a way to do realtime inter-app communication in iOS via wi-fi (I need about 150 ft range and don't think bluetooth offers this) and wonder about the peer-to-peer connectivity offered by GameKit which, apparently offers both bluetooth and wi-fi connectivity. My question is: must participating devices be members of an available wireless network (via a wireless router) or is this connectivity truly peer-to-peer requiring no router?
I understand Wi-fi Direct is coming and would likely be an option. Just wondering if I can do this utilizing services available in iOS today.
A router is required for Wi-Fi connectivity. Bluetooth connectivity does not need one.
