unable to find reliable sock4 or 5 proxy servers - proxies

looking for a reliable source for socks4and5 proxie servers. help appreciated. I have a lot of work to do and my proxies keep getting shutdown. any help with me appreciated. thanks


Rails server status in real time

I have 10 instances running on my linux server, but i don't have any system to know that which server is gone down and which one live in real time, so i can restart the server manually/automatically(if possible?).
Anybody can help me?
You need some kind of process monitoring system.
God is one example. http://godrb.com/

TOP showing Multi Process with same name

I'm trying to figure out why in top (CentOS) There are several programs that have a lot of processes with same name , instead one single instance.
I tried to understand this clearly, I hope someone here will help with good explaination.
from Programs that i encountered with many processes with top:
nscd , php-fpm , httpd , nginx.
Thank you ,
this is because multiple instances of the same binary/process are running in parallel. for the mentioned server programs this most certainly is on purpose. it might be reconfigured per service, but then you lose all the advantages it brings, e.g. faster response times by concurrent handling of requests...

C3P0 connection Pooling issues

Every night between the hours of 12 am to 4 am the app runs out of connections. We use c3p0 to manage the connection pool. Currently have a maxpoolsize of 20. Its very intriguing that this happens only in the night. Would appreciate if someone could guide me on how can i troubleshoot this. The reason i am stumped is that why does it not happen during the day.
Here are the steps that I have either taken or in the process of taking, I will appreciate if a pro can add further to this.
Already looked at the eventViewer logs of the machine where the app is running.
Have asked for eventViewer logs of the machine where the db is running
Have asked for sqlserver logs during that time
Have asked the DBA team to provide information on any jobs that might be running during that time
What else can i do from C3P0 side, I guess I could increase the logging, is configuring C3P0 logging as simple as just adding a logger category in my log4j.xml ? I read somewhere that I could use JMX to monitor connection pooling, would that help ? Anything anyone can tell me more, would appreciate that too.
c3p0 has some facilities built-in to debug Connection pool exhaustion. please see http://www.mchange.com/projects/c3p0/index.html#configuring_to_debug_and_workaround_broken_clients

how to solve heroku/grails memory issue?

I'm having trouble when I want to deploy my grails backend to heroku. I'm getting memory issues, where I didn't get hose in the past...
What could be the reason for this?
In the image iI added, you can see an example:
I went form heroku to appfog now, because I get some more resources there.
But if anyone knows if there's anothere reason for this huge memory usage, let me know.

Do I really need to setup a mongrel cluster to handle this?

So my father runs a rather small business. I'm going to set him up with a website using RefineryCMS (that's a ror-based cms).. He will probably get less than 500 hits a month. Do I really need to set up mongrel cluster for this as about every tutorial on the web suggests?
Does anyone some good reading material for setting up a simple, small scale RoR-production environment? I want to move away from apache and try nginx or lighttpd as the server. What would be YOUR preferred setup for a site that will get between 100 and 500 hits a month?
Thanks !
Simplest answer is Passenger. If you know Apache, use it, otherwise use Nginx. It's a piece of cake to setup, and manages the processes for you. It's pretty much like setting up a PHP site. Here's a link
You could host such a setup on heroku.com free stack and not have to worry about setting up your own server.
We even have a tutorial: http://tutorials.refinerycms.org/tutorials/how-to-install-refinery-on-heroku
Even easier to run: unicorn. But probably needs nginx too to handle slow connections (over the internet).
