Get current script path or current project path using new test runner - dart

I am porting old vm unittest files using the new test package. Some relies on input files in sub directories of my test folder. Before I was using Platform.script to find the location of such files. This works fine when using
$ dart test/my_test.dart
However using
$ pub run test
this is now pointing to a temp folder (tmp/dart_test_xxxx/runInIsolate.dart). I am unable to locate my test input files anymore. I cannot rely on the current path as I might run the test from a different working directory.
Is there a way to find the location of my_test.dart (or event the project root path), from which I could derive the locations of my files?

This is a current limitation of pub run.
What I currently do when I run into such requirements is to set an environment variable and read them from within the tests.
I have them set in my OS and set them from grinder on other systems before launching tests.
This also works nice from WebStorm where launch configurations allow to specify environment variables.
This might be related

I have the following workaround in the meantime. It is an ugly workaround that gets me the directory name of the current test script if I'm running it directly or with pub run test. It will definitely break if anything in the implementation changes but I needed this desperately...
library test_utils.test_script_dir;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart';
// temp workaround using test package
String get testScriptDir {
String scriptFilePath = Platform.script.toFilePath();
if (scriptFilePath.endsWith("runInIsolate.dart")) {
// Let's look for this line:
// import "file:///path_to_my_test/test_test.dart" as test;
String importLineBegin = 'import "file://';
String importLineEnd = '" as test;';
int importLineBeginLength = importLineBegin.length;
String scriptContent = new File.fromUri(Platform.script).readAsStringSync();
int beginIndex = scriptContent.indexOf(importLineBegin);
if (beginIndex > -1) {
int endIndex = scriptContent.indexOf(importLineEnd, beginIndex + importLineBeginLength);
if (endIndex > -1) {
scriptFilePath = scriptContent.substring(beginIndex + importLineBegin.length, endIndex);
return dirname(scriptFilePath);


How can I run a script as part of a Swift Package Manager build?

I am converting existing iOS frameworks to modules using Swift Package Manager (SPM); in one case I have a script that was in the Build Phases of the original framework version, that I need to run as part of the new Swift Package Manager build process.
I have tried adding a Pre-action script to the Build portion of the scheme for the module in question (per Ben-xD's comment at, though his later comment indicates it doesn't work). I found that approach does work if I build the module directly. However, if the module is being built as a dependency of a client app or module (or even as a dependency of its unit tests) that script does not seem to get called.
I am currently relying on the Package.swift manifest file to manage all the module settings, and am using this within Xcode to build and test.
Is there a way to run scripts as part of an SPM module build, so that they will get run reliably, whether the module is built directly or indirectly as a dependency? (Possibly something that can be added to the Package.swift file?)
Update: I have done some additional searching, and came across this:
suggesting that it's not possible, but may be in the future. Until then, wondering if there is any workaround to do something as simple as take a file that is autogenerated as part of the SPM build, but rename it before adding it to the resource bundle for the package.
What you might want to try is to execute your script through command line.
this snippet could be useful for you:
import Foundation
extension Process {
public func shell(command: String) -> String {
launchPath = "/bin/bash"
arguments = ["-c", command]
let outputPipe = Pipe()
standardOutput = outputPipe
let data = outputPipe.fileHandleForReading.readDataToEndOfFile()
guard let outputData = String(data: data, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) else { return "" }
return outputData.characters.reduce("") { (result, value) in
return result + String(value)
public func launch(command: String, arguments: [String]) -> String {
let process = Process()
let command = "\(command) \(arguments.joined(separator: " "))"
return command)
By the definition of Package in Swift, there is currently no Script-related definition.

How to get a field's type by using CDT parser

I'm trying to extract c++ source code's info.
One is field's type.
when source code like under I want to extract info's Type when is called.
Info info;
//skip; //<- from here
Trough making a visitor which visit IASTName node, I tried to extract type info like under.
public class CDTVisitor extends ASTVisitor {
public CDTVisitor(boolean visitNodes) {
public int visit(IASTName node){
// this not work properly.
//result is "org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.dom.parser.ProblemType#86be70a"
return 3;
Assuming the code is in fact valid, a variable's type resolving to a ProblemType is an indication of a configuration problem in whatever tool or plugin is running this code, or in the project/workspace containing the code on which it is run.
In this case, the type of the variable info is Info, which is presumably a class or structure type, or a typedef. To resolve it correctly, CDT needs to be able to see the declaration of this type.
If this type is not declared in the same file that's being analyzed, but rather in a header file included by that file, CDT needs to use the project's index to find the declaration. That means:
The AST must be index-based. For example, if using ITranslationUnit.getAST to create the AST, the overload that takes an IIndex parameter must be used, and a non-null argument must be provided for it.
Since an IIndex is associated with a CDT project, the code being analyzed needs to be part of a CDT project, and the project needs to be indexed.
In order for the indexer to resolve #include directives correctly, the project's include paths need to be configured correctly, so that the indexer can actually find the right header files to parse.
Any one of these not being the case can lead to a type resolving to a ProblemType.
Self response.
The reason I couldn't get a binding object was the type of AST.
When try to parse C++ source code, I should have used ICPPASTTranslationUnit.
There is no code related this, I used IASTTranslationUnit as a return type of AST.
After using ICPPASTTranslationUnit instead of IASTTranslationUnit, I solved this problem.
Yes, I figure it out! Here is the entire code which can index all files in "src" folder of a cpp project and output the resolved type binding for all code expressions including the return value of low level API such as memcpy. Note that the project variable in following code is created by programatically importing an existing manually configured cpp project. I often manually create an empty cpp project and programatically import it as a general project (once imported, Eclipse will automatically detect the project type and complete the relevant configuration of CPP project). This is much more convenient than creating and configuring a cpp project from scratch programmatically. When importing project, you'd better not to copy the project or containment structures into workspace, because this may lead to infinitely copying same project in subfolder (infinite folder depth). The code works in Eclipse-2021-12 version. I download Eclipse-For-cpp and install plugin-development and jdt plugins. Then I create an Eclipse plugin project and extend the "org.eclipse.core.runtime.applications" extension point.
In another word, it is an Eclipse-Application plugin project which can use nearly all features of Eclipse but do not start the graphical interface (UI) of Eclipse. You should add all cdt related non-ui plugins as the dependencies because new version of Eclipse does not automatically add missing plugins any more.
ICProject cproject = CoreModel.getDefault().getCModel().getCProject(project.getName());
// this code creates index for entire project.
IIndex index = CCorePlugin.getIndexManager().getIndex(cproject);
IFolder folder = project.getFolder("src");
IResource[] rcs = folder.members();
// iterate all source files in src folder and visit all expressions to print the resolved type binding.
for (IResource rc : rcs) {
if (rc instanceof IFile) {
IFile f = (IFile) rc;
ITranslationUnit tu= (ITranslationUnit) CoreModel.getDefault().create(f);
index.acquireReadLock(); // we need a read-lock on the index
ICPPASTTranslationUnit ast = null;
try {
ast = (ICPPASTTranslationUnit) tu.getAST(index, ITranslationUnit.AST_SKIP_INDEXED_HEADERS);
} finally {
if (ast != null) {
ast.accept(new ASTVisitor() {
public int visit(IASTExpression expression) {
// get the resolved type binding of expression.
IType etp = expression.getExpressionType();
System.out.println("IASTExpression type:" + etp + "#expr_str:" + expression.toString());
return super.visit(expression);

How to make web_ui compile css files automatically

I'm using web_ui and whenever I change a CSS file in web/css/ it will not be compiled unless I change the web/index.html file. I guess that's because only the file 'web/index.html' is listed as entry point in build.dart.
But adding the stylesheet to the entry points list didn't work.
Is there a way to autocompile CSS files every time they are changed without having to edit the .html files?
Keep in mind that you can edit any .dart or .html file and the compiler will run; it doesn't have to be the entry point file.
Autocompilation of CSS files on change can be achieved by passing the compiler the full flag:
build(['--machine', '--full'], ['web/index.html']);
The machine flag tells the compiler to print messages to the Dart Editor console. For a full list of flags see Build.dart and the Dart Editor Build System.
This method means that every time a file is changed your entire project will be rebuilt instead of the usual incremental approach. If you have a large project this may take a while. Here is a more comprehensive build file that takes advantage of incremental compilation and only rebuilds the whole project if a css file was changed:
List<String> args = new Options().arguments;
bool fullRebuild = false;
for (String arg in args) {
if (arg.startsWith('--changed=') && arg.endsWith('.css')) {
fullRebuild = true;
if(fullRebuild) {
build(['--machine', '--full'], ['web/index.html']);
} else {
build(args, ['web/index.html']);

Copy a file to the build directory after compiling project with Qt

I have a file "settings.ini" which needs to reside next to the Qt executable.
I can add a custom build step for this in Qt Creator which calls something like this:
copy %{sourceDir}/settings.ini %{buildDir}/settings.ini
This works great so far, but I'd like to include this in the *.pro file so I can put this up in our SVN too.
How can I do this using qmake/.pro-files only?
To copy %{sourceDir}/settings.ini to the build directory without requiring to call make install use:
copydata.commands = $(COPY_DIR) $$PWD/settings.ini $$OUT_PWD
first.depends = $(first) copydata
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += first copydata
$$PWD is the path of current .pro file. If your settings.ini file is not located in the same directory than the project file, then use something like $$PWD/more_dirs_here/settings.ini
Note: I found this solution here. I recommend to read the whole article as it explains how it works.
You probably want to use the INSTALLS keyword in QMake. It will require you to run make install after your build, but it does work cross-platform.
install_it.path = %{buildDir}
install_it.files += %{sourceDir}/settings.ini
INSTALLS += install_it
for osx bundles you can handle it this way
see Resource files in OS X bundle
add this to you project file:
APP_QML_FILES.files = path/to/file1.qml path/to/file2.qml
APP_QML_FILES.path = Contents/Resources
this example copies the files to Contents/Resources
Compatible with Windows and Mac OSX Dev environments:
Change {AppName} to respective application name
# Define mac/windows specific target dirs
macx {
TARGETDIR += $$OUT_PWD/{AppName}.app/Contents/MacOS/
else {
# Directories do not exist for the first build
# Without mkdata, build is successful after 5 tries. To avoid, use mkdata
mkdata.commands = $(MKDIR) $${TARGETDIR}
copydata.commands = $(COPY_FILE) $$PWD/settings.ini $${TARGETDIR}
first.depends = $(first) mkdata copydata
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += first mkdata copydata
Happy to add Unix support if someone posts Unix solution in the comments.

how to set the path to where aapt add command adds the file

I'm using aapt tool to remove some files from different folders of my apk. This works fine.
But when I want to add files to the apk, the aapt tool add command doesn't let me specify the path to where I want the file to be added, therefore I can add files only to the root folder of the apk.
This is strange because I don't think that developers would never want to add files to a subfolder of the apk (res folder for example). Is this possible with aapt or any other method? Cause removing files from any folder works fine, and adding file works only for the root folder of the apk. Can't use it for any other folder.
The aapt tool retains the directory structure specified in the add command, if you want to add something to an existing folder in an apk you simply must have a similar folder on your system and must specify each file to add fully listing the directory. Example
$ aapt list test.apk
$ aapt remove test.apk res/drawable-hdpi/pic1.png
$ aapt add test.apk res/drawable-hdpi/pic1.png
The pic1.png that will is added resides in a folder in the current working directory of the terminal res/drawable-hdpi/ , hope this answered your question
There is actually a bug in aapt that will make this randomly impossible. The way it is supposed to work is as the other answer claims: paths are kept, unless you pass -k. Let's see how this is implemented:
The flag that controls whether the path is ignored is mJunkPath:
bool mJunkPath;
This variable is in a class called Bundle, and is controlled by two accessors:
bool getJunkPath(void) const { return mJunkPath; }
void setJunkPath(bool val) { mJunkPath = val; }
If the user specified -k at the command line, it is set to true:
case 'k':
And, when the data is being added to the file, it is checked:
if (bundle->getJunkPath()) {
String8 storageName = String8(fileName).getPathLeaf();
printf(" '%s' as '%s'...\n", fileName, storageName.string());
result = zip->add(fileName, storageName.string(),
bundle->getCompressionMethod(), NULL);
} else {
printf(" '%s'...\n", fileName);
result = zip->add(fileName, bundle->getCompressionMethod(), NULL);
Unfortunately, the one instance of Bundle used by the application is allocated in main on the stack, and there is no initialization of mJunkPath in the constructor, so the value of the variable is random; without a way to explicitly set it to false, on my system I (seemingly deterministically) am unable to add files at specified paths.
However, you can also just use zip, as an APK is simply a Zip file, and the zip tool works fine.
(For the record, I have not submitted the trivial fix for this as a patch to Android yet, if someone else wants to the world would likely be a better place. My experience with the Android code submission process was having to put up with an incredibly complex submission mechanism that in the end took six months for someone to get back to me, in some cases with minor modifications that could have just been made on their end were their submission process not so horribly complex. Given that there is a really easy workaround to this problem, I do not consider it important enough to bother with all of that again.)
