For almost 4 days I searched for a command how I could add a crop-mark to my image.
I have installed ImageMagick software as well. I tried so many commands but am not able to crop with adding proper gutter and a crop mark.
My image should look like this after the conversion:
Assuming you would know the dimensions of the crop area, you would use ImageMagick's Draw commands to add trim/crop lines.
If your source image does not have a bleed region, you can generate one with an Edge virtual pixel.
convert rose: -set option:distort:viewport 90x66-10-10 \
-virtual-pixel Edge -filter point -distort SRT 0 \
+repage rose_with_bleed.png
(Note: The rose: input image is a special name, using a built-in demo image that's present in every ImageMagick installation.)
Simplest/fastest way I can think of a solution would be to..
Draw trim-lead lines first
Composite image over lead
Draw crop rectangle over image
convert -size 110x86 xc:white \
-strokewidth 1 -stroke gray \
-draw 'line 20 0 20 86 line 90 0 90 86' \
-draw 'line 0 20 110 20 line 0 66 110 66' \
rose_with_bleed.png \
-geometry 90x66+10+10 -composite \
-stroke red -fill transparent \
-draw 'rectangle 20 20 90 66' \
How do I adjust the color ratio of a gradient?
I currently use the following to create my gradient.
convert -size 200x600 gradient:none-black output.png
Although at least one acceptable solution has been provided, here are a couple other ideas...
Example 1: This command creates a red-blue gradient of the finished dimensions, crops it into a top and bottom half, resizes them to 40 and 60 percent of the input height, and appends them back to make a single image. What started as the color at the exact vertical center is now at 40% down from the top with clean gradients going up and down from there.
convert -size 200x600 gradient:red-blue -crop 1x2# \
\( -clone 0 -resize 100x40% \) \( -clone 1 -resize 100x60% \) \
-delete 0,1 -append result.png
That splits the gradient image into a top and bottom half, then inside parentheses it resizes each to the required proportion. After that it deletes the 50/50 crops from before the parentheses, appends the two resized remaining images, and writes the output.
Example 2: This next example starts by creating the red-blue gradient in the final dimensions, then sets variables to hold the top color, the exact middle color, and the bottom color.
Then inside the first parentheses it clones and crops the image to 60% its original height. It uses "-sparse-color" to fill that with a gradient from "color1" to "color2".
Inside the second parentheses it clones and crops the image to 40% its original height, and using "-sparse-color" again it fills it with a gradient from "color2" to "color3".
After creating those two gradients, delete the original, append the other two together, and write the output.
convert -size 200x600 gradient:red-blue \
-set option:color1 "%[pixel:p{0,0}]" \
-set option:color2 "%[pixel:p{0,h/2}]" \
-set option:color3 "%[pixel:p{0,h}]" \
\( -clone 0 -extent 100x60% \
-sparse-color barycentric "0,0 %[color1] 0,%[h] %[color2]" \) \
\( -clone 0 -extent 100x40% \
-sparse-color barycentric "0,0 %[color2] 0,%[h] %[color3]" \) \
-delete 0 -append result.png
Maybe you want this, where you get to the half-red/half-blue colour just 20% of the way down the height of the image. It is done by creating two gradients of different lengths and putting them back-to-back:
convert -size 100x20 gradient:red-"$midcolour" \
-size 100x80 gradient:"$midcolour"-blue \
-append result.png
Another way is to put 3 single pixels together in a row and then resize that up to what you want. I know you want the middle to be 40% red and 60% blue, but, for ease of viewing, I'll make it lime green:
convert -size 1x1 xc:red xc:lime xc:blue -append -resize 100x100\! result.png
You would change lime to something like "rgb(100,0,155)".
I am not quite sure I understand. But if you want to start with 90% transparent (10% opaque black) and end with black. You can do:
convert -size 200x600 gradient:"graya(0,0.1)-black" output.png
graya means gray with alpha. So graya(0,0.1) is gray(0) or black with 0.1 fraction opacity, so 90% transparent.
Perhaps this is what you want:
Normal 50-50:
convert -size 200x600 gradient:red-blue red_blue1.png
rr=`convert xc: -format "%[fx:0.6*255]" info:`
bb=`convert xc: -format "%[fx:0.4*255]" info:`
convert -size 200x600 gradient:"rgb($rr,0,$bb)-rgb(0,0,255)" red_blue2.png
Or perhaps this is what you want:
bb=`convert xc: -format "%[fx:0.1*255]" info:`
convert -size 200x600 gradient:"rgb(255,0,$bb)-rgb(0,0,255)" red_blue3.png
I have an Imagemagick bash shell script called, multigradient, which may do what you want. It allows you to create gradients of many colors each with stops to set where they start. For example:
multigradient -w 200 -h 600 -s "blue 0 red 80" -d to-top result.png
The first color must start at 0, but the direction can be many options. Here I go from bottom to top with pure blue at the bottom and pure red starting at 80 up from the bottom going to the top
I already have the normalized vertices of my selected bounding box (e.g xmin: 0.68, ymin: 0.47, xmax: 0.94, ymax: 0.82) and I want to save this box in an other .jpg file. Furthermore, in the original image I want to make this highlighted box all white. Is this possible using Imagemagick?
Starting with this:
and knowing the top-left corner of the monument is at 400,10 and the bottom-right is at 500,200, you can extract the monument to a file with:
magick photo.jpg -crop 100x190+400+10 extract.jpg
and overpaint in white with:
magick photo.jpg -fill white -draw "rectangle 400,10 500,200" overpainted.jpg
Or, for extra fun, overpaint in semi-transparent white with:
magick photo.jpg -fill "rgba(255,255,255,0.5)" -draw "rectangle 400,10 500,200" overpainted.jpg
You can do both operations in one go with:
magick photo.jpg \( +clone -fill white -draw "rectangle 400,10 500,200" -write overpainted.jpg +delete \) -crop 100x190+400+10 extract.jpg
Using ImageMagick version 6, the command below will create two output images. (An example command for ImageMagick version 7 is further down in the reply.)
The first output image will be cropped from the input image using the bounding box starting at w*0.68xh*0.47 and ending at w*0.94xh*0.82.
The second output will be the input with a white section corresponding to the sub-image cropped out to make the first image.
convert input.png \
-set option:distort:viewport "%[fx:(w*0.94)-(w*0.68)]x%[fx:(h*0.82)-(h*0.47)]" \
\( +clone -distort affine "0,0 -%[fx:w*0.68],-%[fx:h*0.47]" \
-write result1.png -fill white -colorize 100 \) \
-set page "%[fx:u.w]x%[fx:u.h]+%[fx:t*(u.w*0.68)]+%[fx:t*(u.h*0.47)]" \
-flatten result2.png
That starts by reading the input image and calculating the viewport, the dimensions of the sub-image to crop, according to the bounding box dimensions you've provided.
Then inside the parentheses it creates a clone and does a "-distort affine" which, in effect, crops the image and locates it properly in that viewport. It writes that result to the first output image "result1.png". Then, still inside the parentheses, it fills that cropped piece with white.
After that it sets the paging geometry so that white piece can eventually be composited back into its original location over the input image.
It finishes by flattening the white piece onto the input image, and writes the second output image "result2.png".
The same thing can be done using ImageMagick version 7 with a slightly less complicated command...
magick input.png \
\( +clone \
-crop "%[fx:(w*0.94)-(w*0.68)]x%[fx:(h*0.82)-(h*0.47)]+%[fx:w*0.68]+%[fx:h*0.47]" \
-write result1.png -fill white -colorize 100 \) \
-flatten result2.png
That does the calculations directly in the "-crop" operation, and the paging geometry is saved in the cropped piece so it can be flattened back to its original position without resetting the geometry.
Those are in *nix syntax. To make it work in Windows change the continued line backslashes "\" to carets "^", and eliminate those backslashes that escape the parentheses "\(...\)".
Here is one other variation in ImageMagick 6. It crops the image and saves it and then deletes it. Then it use -region to write white into that bounding box.
This is Unix syntax. For Windows, remove \ from parenthesis and change end of line \ to ^.
convert img.jpg \
\( +clone -crop 100x190+400+10 +repage +write result1.jpg +delete \) \
-region 100x190+400+10 -fill white -colorize 100 +region result2.jpg
Is there a way that I can use the convert from imagemagick command to create a bleed margin in a PDF or even view one?
Bleed is a very common print technique, and ImageMagick offers the concept of "Virtual Pixels" which are the pixels located on the plane outside of "Authentic Pixels".
For example...
Take the following image
convert rose: rose.png
Set new viewport, and bleed virtual pixel across edge.
convert rose.png -set option:distort:viewport 90x66-10-10 \
-virtual-pixel Edge -filter point \
-distort SRT 0 +repage output.png
I bit more creativity (and maths) to include trim lines.
convert \( \
-size 110x86 xc:white -fill none -strokewidth 1 -stroke black \
-draw "path 'M 20 0 V 85 M 89 0 V 85 M 0 20 H 110 M 0 65 H 110'" \) \
\( output.png -repage +10+10 \) -layers merge \
I have written the following script which uses the ImageMagick* convert utility to append axis labels to an existing image.
LEFT_="l -30,0 +2,+2 -6,-2 +6,-2 -2,+2 z"
RIGHT_="l 30,0 -2,+2 +6,-2 -6,-2 +2,+2 z"
convert -size 240x160 pattern:SMALLFISHSCALES \
-pointsize 16 -fill black -background white \
-gravity SouthEast -splice 0x20 \
-draw "translate 40,0 text 0,0 'Time' stroke red path 'm 5,2 $RIGHT_'" \
-gravity NorthWest -splice 20x0 \
-draw "rotate +90 translate 40,-10 text 0,0 'Value' path 'm -5,2 $LEFT_'" \
Which produces the following image:
This is almost exactly what I am after, except that the red arrow is out of place. I expected the red arrow to appear next to the Time label, since its start point is specified as a relative position in the same draw command. Unfortunately, it looks like the -gravity option is affecting the text primitive, but not the path primitive.
Is there a way to reference the SouthEast corner, or the Time text label when specifying the start position of the red arrow? I can't use absolute coordinates, because the size of the image varies.
*ImageMagick 6.7.8-9 on CentOS 7
Updated Answer
Maybe you can make Unicode text arrows like this then they will be affected by gravity...
perl -e 'binmode(STDOUT,":utf8"); print "Time ... \x{2192}\x{2191}";'|
convert -font TimesNewRoman -pointsize 36 label:#- arrows.png
Depending on your OS, the following may do as a replacement for the Perl above...
printf "%b" "\u2192" | convert ...
Original Answer
I am not at all familiar with paths, but I can suggest a way to achieve what you want that doesn't use gravity at all, and maybe that will help.
Rather than use -splice, you can clone your original image and crop it to the size you planned to splice on, and then -append the strips that label the axes. It is easier to show you the command than explain it!
convert -size 240x160 pattern:SMALLFISHSCALES \
\( +clone -crop x20+0+0 -fill blue -colorize 100% \) \
-append \
\( +clone -crop 20x+0+0 -fill red -colorize 100% \) \
+swap +append result.png
I have filled the x-axis blue, but remove that and add whatever labelling and arrows you need, and I filled the y-axis red, but likewise remove that and add labelling and arrows - rotating as necessary.
Two tricky things to note...
-append will append the second image below the first
+append will append the second image to the right of the first, so I +swap beforehand to put it on the left side.
I need to detect the biggest object from image with ImageMagick. It can be bigger or smaller, or can be in other location. It's always black, and background always white.
Like this with Connected Component Analysis
convert objects.png -define connected-components:verbose=true \
-define connected-components:area-threshold=100 \
-connected-components 8 -auto-level output.png
Objects (id: bounding-box centroid area mean-color):
0: 595x842+0+0 296.7,420.0 499414 gray(255)
7: 37x30+342+632 360.0,646.5 1110 gray(0)
3: 12x15+465+375 470.5,382.0 180 gray(0)
1: 23x12+439+332 447.9,335.4 150 gray(0)
6: 13x16+451+425 456.6,430.6 136 gray(0)
The first object listed (the first line) is a white object, because the mean-color is gray(255), and is therefore the background, so I ignore that. The second one is the largest (area=1110) and I can draw a red rectangle around it like this
convert objects.png -stroke red -strokewidth 5 -fill none -draw "rectangle 342,632 379,662" out.png
If you want to mask out all objects outside the bounding box of the largest object, you can do that like this:
convert objects.png -alpha on \
\( +clone \
-evaluate set 0 \
-fill white \
-draw "rectangle 342,632 379,662" \
-alpha off \
\) -compose copy-opacity -composite result.png
Basically the part inside the parentheses copies the original image (+clone), fills it with black (-evaluate set 0), then draws a white box over the bounding box of the biggest shape, then uses that black and white mask to set the opacity of the original image that we started off with. That leaves you with this: