MVC Action link with dynamic parameters -

I am using MVC and my requirement is that i need to build a action link with dynamic action route value.
for example.
In my model i have the list<string> so action link should be.
../ActionMethodName/ControllerName? Item[0]=model.item[0]&Item[1]=model.Item[1] on.
Any Suggestion is welcome.

Several ways.
1) You can pass as array and access it.
3) You can use foreach with razor syntex to generate this type of link.

Initally , the parameter needs to be passed are hardcoded than OnClick of somthing , replace the queryString values .
#Ajax.ActionLink("Test", "actionName", "ControllerName", new { foo = "foo1", name = "ABC" }, new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "TargetName" }, new { id = "Test" })
$("#btnTest").click(function () {
// Replace the hardcoded parameter value desired one ... :)
$("#Test").attr('href', $("#Test").attr('href').replace("foo1", "XXX"))
Note:- this solution i read from forums


RouteValues without using Query String?

I have a form generated through Razor:
using (Ajax.BeginForm("SaveProfile", "Settings", new { AccountID = Model.AccountID },
new AjaxOptions { HttpMethod = "Post" }))
The RouteValues object, new { AccountID = Model.AccountID } gets shoved into the Query String, even though I don't specify to do so anywhere in my project.
How can I pass these values to my controller action without letting them show up in the URL?
MVC model-binding will recognize values passed by the query-string or the form (post) variables.
So you could include hidden inputs in the form with the var names as the name attributes and the values as the value attributes:
#Html.HiddenFor(model => model.AccountID)

Mvc: pass id but not show it in friendly url

I have a view that renders a list of news, in that i have an href tag, and i need to call a Detail method and pass it the news id, now i have a querystring in my url like that
News/Details?id=x... but i need something like News/Details/Category/Title-of-something, a friendly url with news category, name and without the id
this is my action, it works but i get that querystring
foreach (var item in Model)
Read More
I was trying with something like, with a Url.RouteUrl
name: "Details",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}/{category}/{newsName}",
defaults: new { controller = "News", action = "Details"}
but it never goes to Details actionresult, and also i need to pass the id parameter for showing some news Details, but i don't want to display it in the friendly url. Im really confused how to achieve it. Thanks in advance
Try this:
#Html.RouteLink("Read More", "Details", new { action = "Details", id = item.newsId, category = item.categoryName, newsName = item.newsName })
Use :
Read More
Make sure your route is not overridden by other route. So put your route first in RoutConfig.cs
Change your code to:
foreach (var item in Model)
Read More
}//change name=item.newsName to newsName=item.newsName
Also make sure that your controller has correct signature as per your routing details:
public class NewsController : Controller
public ActionResult Details(int id, string category, string newsName )
First URL Correct
Read More
You may Route Debugger whenever yo see issue related to routes

How can map an MVC route with more than 3 components?

I'm trying to learn mvc, and almost everywhere I see route description with three components like /Controller/Action/{anyParams}
I'd like to know if I can map a route similar to,
/Folder(or namespace)/Controller/Action/params...
or in general,
Yep the second parameter in the MapRoutes function (usually in Global.asax.cs is Url and this can be any pattern you want. something like
routes.MapRoute("MyRoute", "XYZ/Controller1/Action/{param}",
new {controller = "Controller1", action = "Action"}});
should do the trick.
You can make your routes as complex as you want.
F.e. the following route:
routes.MapRoute("some-route", "products/detail/order/{id}/{name}/",
new { controller = "Products", action = "Order" },
new { id = "^\d+" });
will route to the following function:
public class ProductsController : Controller {
public ActionResult Order (int id, string name) {
So you can specify as many parameters as you want, and they will be passed into your action as function parameters. mvc: Paging - Setting Prev/Next page values in ActionLinks?

I'm trying to implement some simple paging, based on How do I do pagination in ASP.NET MVC?
The paging works fine.
However, I'm now trying to create previous and next links, but can't figure out how to access the params:
My route looks like:
new { controller = "Controller", action = "ActionName" , pageID = 0 },
new { pageID = #"\d*"}
And my next link looks like:
<%=Html.ActionLink("next page", "ActionName", "Controller", new {pageID = pageID + 1 }, null) %>
The error I get is:
Compiler Error Message: CS0103: The name 'pageID' does not exist in the current context
How should I create the Prev/Next links (or, in this case, just the next)?
The error is occurring on the second PageID in
new {pageID = pageID + 1 }, ...
If you want to reference pageID in this way, you have to pass it in as part of your model.
Have a look at the following tutorial:
NerdDinner Step 8: Paging Support

Add option to droplist

I have a droplist, and I would like to add an All as the first one.
How is that done with mvc?
I have:
<%= Html.DropDownList("selCustomerID") %>
works great, but I don't have an empty "all-option". I populate it like this:
return View("Index", new CustomerAdminEditViewModel { selCustomerID = new SelectList(_cs.GetCustomers(), "CustomerID", "CustomerName") });
Check this link :
It is talking about an optional label parameter in the constructor.
