Appending line in file when changes were made - comparison

I am looking for a file comparison tool (like WinMerge) that will compare the text of the files AND on the lines that were changed let me append a comment to the end of the line such as "//changed by bob".
The file would then be saved with the changes the developer made and with the added comment on every line changed.
I have found ways to log changes to a file but not a way to append the file that is being committed.
We are using ClearCase as source control so we have access to cleartool.

I am not aware of such a tool.
The closest you might consider would be cleartool annotate (see "How to use ClearCase Annotate").
You could process the output of this command in order to regenerate the file content with the right information added to each line.


Isabelle's document preparation

I would like to obtain the LaTeX code associated with this theory. Previous answers only provide links to the documentation. Let me describe what I did.
I went to the directory of Hales.thy and executed isabelle mkroot, followed by isabelle build -D ., which generated a file named document and a *.pdf file which was suspiciously (nearly) empty. Modifications of this command by adding Hales.thy as a parameter didn't succeed.
I would appreciate if someone could describe briefly the commands needed.
As a precaution, copy the file Hales.thy into a new directory that does not contain any other files and run isabelle mkroot again.
If I understand correctly, your theory contains sorry. In this case, for the build to succeed you need to enable the quick_and_dirty mode. For this, before the first occurrence of sorry in your theory file, you need to insert declare [[quick_and_dirty=true]].
Your theory contains raw text that is not suitably formatted. Try replacing the relevant lines with the following: text‹The case \<^text>‹t^2 = 1› corresponds to a product of intersecting lines which cannot be a group› and text‹The case \<^text>‹t = 0› corresponds to a circle which has been treated before›.
Once this is done, you should be able to use the ROOT file in the appendix below. As you can see, I have specified the theory file explicitly and also added the relevant imported sessions.
session Hales = HOL +
options [document = pdf, document_output = "output"]

Is it possible to set the properties on the command line for sourceanalyzer?

I'd like to change the scan properties on only one project for our build server. I've found tons of references for what to change in the various fortify ".properties" files, but I don't want to make any changes that will be universal.
Is it possible to either define these on the command line or, even better, specify a specific .properties file to use only for the current scan?
Note, this has to be via the command line.
Yes, for any property that you want to change put it in the appropriate command line (translate vs scan) in the following format:
-D<property key>=<property value>
for example
sourceanalyzer -b mybuild *.sql

Is it possible to compare files using Plastic SCM Command Line 'cm diff' function?

I'd like to compare two files at particular changesets to see if they are identical or not.
Something like:
>> cm diff rev:Folder\ rev:Folder\
<< True
I'm getting an error (can't find revision of file I specify) and I think I might not be using diff as it's intended. I've worked around my confusion by using getfile on the particular file and changesets I'm comparing and using a python library file compare.
The Plastic SCM default diff tool will open a GUI showing you the file differences.
But you can manually configure a different one (eg. diff.exe) manually editing the "/home/user/.plastic/client.conf" or using the Plastic SCM GUI:
<string>diff.exe #sourcefile #destinationfile</string>
This way, you can run diffs through the command line and based on the output, determine if the files are identical or not.
You can use cm patch command
reference :

how to overwrite, or delete the file, used by writefile() calls?

I use the following to save screen output to a file
The above sends the output of the tex() to the file automatically. which is all and well and what I want. (side-point: It also sends an annoying NIL line each time to the file, which I had to parse put later).
Now, when running the above code again, the file is appended to, which is not what I want. I want to either overwrite the file each time, or if there is a way to delete the file, so I can call delete on it before.
I looked at help and not able to find a command to delete a file, and I also see no option to tell writefile() to overwrite the file?
Is there an option or way around this? I am on windows 7, Maxima version: 5.36.1
Lisp: SBCL 1.2.7
I guess you are trying to capture the output of tex into a file. If so, here are a couple of other ways to do it:
tex (expr, destination);
where destination is either a file name (which is appended) or a stream, as created by opena or openw and closed by close. By the way, destination could be false, in which case tex returns a string.
with_stdout (destination, tex (expr));
where again destination is either a file name (which is appended or clobbered, as determined by the global flag file_output_append) or a stream.
with_stdout could be useful if you want to mix in some output not generated by tex, e.g., print("% some commentary");.

Delphi overwrite file and wrong modified date time

I'd like to get a file last modified time in Delphi.
Normally something like FileAge() would do the trick, only the problem is: if I overwrite *File A* with File B using CopyFile, File A's modified date is not updated with current overwrite time as it should(?)
I get that: CopyFile also copy file attributes, but I really need to get the modified date that also works when a file is overwritten.
Is there such function? My whole application relies on modification time to decide whether or not I should proceed with files!
EDIT Just to clarify: I'm only monitoring the files. It's not my application who's modifying them.
The documentation for CopyFile says:
File attributes for the existing file are copied to the new file.
Which means that you cannot use base your program on the last modified attribute of the file, or indeed any attribute of the file. Indeed there are all sorts of ways for the last modified attribute of the file to change. It can in fact go backwards in time.
Instead I suggest that you use ReadDirectoryChangesW to keep track of modifications. That will allow you to receive notifications whenever a file is modified. You can write your program in an event based manner based on the ReadDirectoryChangesW API.
If you can't use ReadDirectoryChangesW and the file attributes, then you'll have to base your decisions on the contents of the file.
