Autofac Automocking in ASP.NET MVC -

So I'm trying to use Autofac Automocking in ASP.NET MVC 5, but for some reason I can't get it to work.
Here's the test so far:
using (var mock = AutoMock.GetLoose())
const string mainUserID = "MainUserID";
const string otherUserID = "OtherUserID";
ApplicationUser user = new ApplicationUser()
Id = mainUserID,
UserName = "TestUser"
var dataProvider = mock.Mock<IDataProtectionProvider>();
dataProvider.DefaultValue = DefaultValue.Mock;
var userManagerMock = mock.Mock<ApplicationUserManager>();
The test fails when mocking the ApplicationUserManager. The error is this:
Result StackTrace:
at Autofac.Extras.Moq.AutoMock.Mock[T](Parameter[] parameters)
at AwenterWeb_NUnit.AccountControllerTest.<Deactivate_User>d__0.MoveNext() in C:\Users\Fabis\Documents\Docs\Kvalifikācijas darbs 2015\AwenterWeb\AwenterWeb-NUnit\AccountControllerTest.cs:line 51
at NUnit.Framework.AsyncInvocationRegion.AsyncTaskInvocationRegion.WaitForPendingOperationsToComplete(Object invocationResult)
at NUnit.Core.NUnitAsyncTestMethod.RunTestMethod()
Result Message: System.InvalidCastException : Unable to cast object of type 'AwenterWeb.ApplicationUserManager' to type 'Moq.IMocked`1[AwenterWeb.ApplicationUserManager]'.
The same thing happens when trying to automock the ApplicationDbContext and it has a very simple constructor, so there shouldn't even be any issues with it.
I'm new to Mocking - what should I do in this scenario?
Edit: Also kind of an unrelated question, maybe you guys know - I've noticed that when creating a Moq for a DbSet using a list created previously in the test, I have to do this:
var dbSetMock = new Mock<IDbSet<DbEntity>>();
dbSetMock.Setup(m => m.Provider).Returns(data.Provider);
dbSetMock.Setup(m => m.Expression).Returns(data.Expression);
dbSetMock.Setup(m => m.ElementType).Returns(data.ElementType);
dbSetMock.Setup(m => m.GetEnumerator()).Returns(data.GetEnumerator());
It seems really unintuitive. Is there a way to just tell the mock to take the list? So something like:
dbSetMock.Setup(m => m).Returns(data);
Or any other way to create a DbSet Moq from an existing list quickly without having to write those 4 extra lines?

If you look at ligne 73 of MoqRegistrationHandler.cs you can see that only interface is moqable using Autofac.Extras.Moq
var typedService = service as TypedService;
if (typedService == null ||
!typedService.ServiceType.IsInterface ||
typedService.ServiceType.IsGenericType && typedService.ServiceType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEnumerable<>) ||
typedService.ServiceType.IsArray ||
return Enumerable.Empty<IComponentRegistration>();
var rb = RegistrationBuilder.ForDelegate((c, p) => CreateMock(c, typedService))
You can change the code but it may be quite difficult to make it works with non parameter less dependency.
Can your dependencies be changed to use an interface instead of a concrete class ? if it is not possible and/or if it doesn't make sense, you can use the MockRepository to create your non parameter-less component and then inject it on the AutoMock class.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (var mock = AutoMock.GetLoose())
/// configure your non interface component with constructor parameters
/// if foo need more complex parameters you can get them
/// using mock.Mock<T>().Object
var fooMock = mock.MockRepository.Create<Foo>((String)null);
fooMock.SetupGet(f => f.Value).Returns("test");
// insert your instance into the container
var bar = mock.Create<Bar>();
public class Foo
public Foo(String value)
this._value = value;
private readonly String _value;
public virtual String Value
return this._value;
public interface IBar
String GetValue();
public class Bar : IBar
public Bar(Foo foo)
this._foo = foo;
private readonly Foo _foo;
public String GetValue()
return this._foo.Value;
It is not a perfect solution but without big refactoring of the Autofac.Extras.Moq project I can't see any simpler way to do it.


Moq Automapper service in testmethod returns null while mapping

I'm building a website in MVC 4 & using Automapper to map from domain objects to Viewmodel objects. I have injected Automapper as stated here
and it's working fine inside action methods while debugging, but during unit testing the action method when I inject automapper service I find that is returning null. But while debugging the mapping is fine. I'm not being able to find the reason, trying for over 4 hrs. I have a domain class called Interview & its corrosponding viewmodel as InterviewModel. I have initialized mapping as CreateMap(); in automapper profile config, that has been called from global startup method. Below is the controller & action...
public class NewsAndViewsController : Controller
private IInterviewRepository repository;
private IMappingService mappingService;
public NewsAndViewsController(IInterviewRepository productRepository, IMappingService autoMapperMappingService)
repository = productRepository;
mappingService = autoMapperMappingService;
[HttpPost, ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
public ActionResult Edit(InterviewModel interView, string userId)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var interView1 = mappingService.Map<InterviewModel, Interview>(interView);
TempData["message"] = string.Format("{0} has been saved", interView.Interviewee);
return RedirectToAction("Create");
return View(interView);
public void AddInterview()
// Arrange
var interviewRepository = new Mock<IInterviewRepository>();
var mappingService = new Mock<IMappingService>();
var im = new InterviewModel { Interviewee="sanjay", Interviewer="sanjay", Content="abc" };
mappingService.Setup(m => m.Map<Interview, InterviewModel>(It.IsAny<Interview>())).Returns(im);
var controller = new NewsAndViewsController(interviewRepository.Object, mappingService.Object);
// Act
var result = controller.Edit(im, "2") as ViewResult;
// Assert - check the method result type
Assert.IsNotInstanceOfType(result, typeof(ViewResult));
In your test you've got your Interview and InterviewModel classes crossed up in the mappingService.Setup() call (as an aside, I think you could use better naming conventions, or don't use var, to keep your objects clear - "im", "interview" and "interview1" don't make it easy to follow which is the model and which is the view object).
Try this:
public void AddInterview()
// Arrange
var interviewRepository = new Mock<IInterviewRepository>();
var mappingService = new Mock<IMappingService>();
var interview = new Interview();
var im = new InterviewModel { Interviewee="sanjay", Interviewer="sanjay", Content="abc" };
mappingService.Setup(m => m.Map<InterviewModel, Interview>(im).Returns(interview);
var controller = new NewsAndViewsController(interviewRepository.Object, mappingService.Object);
// Act
var result = controller.Edit(im, "2") as ViewResult;
// Assert - check the method result type
Assert.IsNotInstanceOfType(result, typeof(ViewResult));

How to pass Interface as parameter for Controller class in Substitute

I am new to nSubstitute. And I am writing test method for my controller class. I have a TestMethod called GetDefaultStateTest() which having Substitute class as shown below
public void GetDefaultStateTest()
var _GetDefaultState = Substitute.For<CustomerController>(ICustomer cus);
Because my controller class having parameterized constructor as below.
public class CustomerController : Controller
private readonly ICustomer _customer;
public CustomerController(ICustomer customer)
_customer = customer;
public string GetDefaultState()
// Get default state from settings table
List<tblSettings> settings = new List<tblSettings>();
// Calling service method GetSettings
settings = _customer.GetSettings();
var defaultState = from setting in settings
where setting.Desc == "DefaultState"
select setting.Settings;
string strState = "";
foreach (var oState in defaultState)
strState = oState;
return strState;
While run the test method, it raise null reference issue. Because of parameter ICustomer is null
var _GetDefaultState = Substitute.For<CustomerController>(ICustomer cus);
How to resolve this problem.
If you are testing your controller class then you do not want to substitute for it, you want to use a real one (otherwise you'd just be testing a fake object "works" :)). Where you may want to substitute is for that class's dependencies, in this case, ICustomer.
public void GetDefaultStateTest()
var customer = Substitute.For<ICustomer>();
var controller = new CustomerController(customer);
You may then want to fake out the ICustomer.GetSettings() method so you can test what your controller does with that data:
public void GetDefaultStateTestFromSettings()
var customer = Substitute.For<ICustomer>();
var controller = new CustomerController(customer);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedDefaultState, controller.GetDefaultState());
As an aside, sometimes it makes more sense to use real objects (say, a real implementation of ICustomer) rather than substitutes. This will depend on how well-defined the interactions with the dependencies are, where you want to define the boundaries of your system under test, and how much confidence the test gives you that the system under test is working correctly. Or put more simply, whatever makes it easy and reliable to test. :)
Hope this helps.

Mocking static method in ASP.NET MVC Test project

I have a method which looks like the one below
public List<Rajnikanth> GetRajnis()
string username = Utility.Helpers.GetLoggedInUserName();
return _service.GetRajni(username);
Utility.Helper is a static class,
public static class Helpers
public static String GetLoggedInUserName()
string username = "";
if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
username = ((System.Web.Security.FormsIdentity)HttpContext.Current.User.Identity).Ticket.Name;
return username;
I want to test : GetRajnis()
I want to mock : GetLoggedInUserName()
So my test method looks something like...
public void TestGetRajnis()
SomeController s = new SomeController(new SomeService());
var data = s.GetRajnis();
how do I mock the static method GetLoggedInUserName() ?
The Simplest Approach: Override the return value
If you are looking to mock a return value, then this is very simple. You can modify the Utility.Helper class to include a property called OverrideLoggedInUserName. When someone calls GetLogedInUserName(), if the override property is set, it is returned, otherwise the normal code to get the value from the HttpContext is used to get the return value.
public static class Helper
// Set this value to override the return value of GetLoggedInUserName().
public static string OverrideLoggedInUserName { get; set; };
public static string GetLoggedInUserName()
// Return mocked value if one is specified.
if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( OverrideLoggedInUserName ) )
return OverrideLoggedInUserName;
// Normal implementation.
string username = "";
if ( System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated )
username = ( (System.Web.Security.FormsIdentity)HttpContext.Current.User.Identity ).Ticket.Name;
return username;
This will effectively allow you to override the return value, which technically isn't a mock--it's a stub (according to the excellent article Mocks Aren't Stubs by Martin Fowler). This allows you to stub a return value, but won't allow you to assert whether the method was called or not. Anyhow as long as you only want to manipulate the return value this works fine.
Here is how you would use this in a test.
[ TestMethod ]
public void TestGetRajnis()
// Set logged in user name to be "Bob".
Helper.OverrideLoggedInUserName = "Bob";
SomeController s = new SomeController( new SomeService() );
var data = s.GetRajnis();
// Any assertions...
This design does have one drawback. Because it's a static class, if you set the override value, it remains set until you un-set it. So you must remember to re-set it to null.
A Better Approach: Inject the dependency
A better approach may be to create a class that retrieves the logged in user name, and pass it into the constructor of SomeController. We call this dependency injection. This way, you can inject a mocked instance into it for testing, but pass the real instance (that gets the user from the HttpContext) when not testing. This is a much cleaner and clearer approach. Plus, you can leverage all the power of whatever mocking framework you are using, since they are designed specifically to handle this approach. Here is what that would look like.
// Define interface to get the logged in user name.
public interface ILoggedInUserInfo
string GetLoggedInUserName();
// Implementation that gets logged in user name from HttpContext.
// This class will be used in production code.
public class LoggedInUserInfo : ILoggedInUserInfo
public string GetLoggedInUserName()
// This is the same code you had in your example.
string username = "";
if ( System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated )
username = ( (System.Web.Security.FormsIdentity)HttpContext.Current.User.Identity ).Ticket.Name;
return username;
// This controller uses the ILoggedInUserInfo interface
// to get the logged in user name.
public class SomeController
private SomeService _service;
private ILoggedInUserInfo _userInfo;
// Constructor allows you inject an object that tells it
// how to get the logged in user info.
public SomeController( SomeService service, ILoggedInUserInfo userInfo )
_service = service;
_userInfo = userInfo;
public List< Rajnikanth > GetRajnis()
// Use the injected object to get the logged in user name.
string username = _userInfo.GetLoggedInUserName();
return _service.GetRajni( username );
And here is a test using Rhino Mocks to inject a stub object into the controller.
[ TestMethod ]
public void TestGetRajnis()
// Create a stub that returns "Bob" as the current logged in user name.
// This code uses Rhino Mocks mocking framework...
var userInfo = MockRepository.GenerateStub< ILoggedInUserInfo >();
userInfo.Stub( x => x.GetLoggedInUserName() ).Return( "Bob" );
SomeController s = new SomeController( new SomeService(), userInfo );
var data = s.GetRajnis();
// Any assertions...
The disadvantage here is that you can't just call Helper.GetLoggedInUserName() from anywhere in your code, because it's no longer static. However, you no longer have the need to reset the stubbed username every time you finish a test. Because it's not static, it it automatically reset. You just recreate it for the next test and set a new return value.
I hope this helps.
Get rid of the static class if you are looking for testability. A simple fix for now would be to create a wrapper around the static class. Unless you use something like TypeMock or something equally as powerful, then you cannot alter the logic of a static class. Nor do I suggest it. If you have to stub a static class, it probably should not be a static class.
public class StaticWrapper
public virtual String GetLoggedInUserName()

Automapper + EF4 + ASP.NET MVC - getting 'context disposed' error (I know why, but how to fix it?)

I have this really basic code in a MVC controller action. It maps an Operation model class to a very basic OperationVM view-model class .
public class OperationVM: Operation
public CategoryVM CategoryVM { get; set; }
I need to load the complete list of categories in order to create a CategoryVM instance.
Here's how I (try to) create a List<OperationVM> to show in the view.
public class OperationsController : Controller {
private SomeContext context = new SomeContext ();
public ViewResult Index()
var ops = context.Operations.Include("blah...").ToList();
Mapper.CreateMap<Operation, OperationVM>()
dest => dest.CategoryVM,
opt => opt.MapFrom(
src => CreateCatVM(src.Category, context.Categories)
// trouble here ----------------^^^^^^^
var opVMs = ops.Select(op => Mapper.Map<Operation, OperationVM>(op))
return View(opVMs);
All works great first time I hit the page. The problem is, the mapper object is static. So when calling Mapper.CreateMap(), the instance of the current DbContext is saved in the closure given to CreateMap().
The 2nd time I hit the page, the static map is already in place, still using the reference to the initial, now disposed, DbContext.
The exact error is:
The operation cannot be completed because the DbContext has been disposed.
The question is: How can I make AutoMapper always use the current context instead of the initial one?
Is there a way to use an "instance" of automapper instead of the static Mapper class?
If this is possible, is it recommended to re-create the mapping every time? I'm worried about reflection slow-downs.
I read a bit about custom resolvers, but I get a similar problem - How do I get the custom resolver to use the current context?
It is possible, but the setup is a bit complicated. I use this in my projects with help of Ninject for dependency injection.
AutoMapper has concept of TypeConverters. Converters provide a way to implement complex operations required to convert certain types in a separate class. If converting Category to CategoryVM requires a database lookup you can implement that logic in custom TypeConverter class similar to this:
using System;
using AutoMapper;
public class CategoryToCategoryVMConverter :
TypeConverter<Category, CategoryVM>
public CategoryToCategoryVMConverter(DbContext context)
this.Context = context;
private DbContext Context { get; set; }
protected override CategoryVM ConvertCore(Category source)
// use this.Context to lookup whatever you need
return CreateCatVM(source, this.Context.Categories);
You then to configure AutoMapper to use your converter:
Mapper.CreateMap<Category, CategoryVM>().ConvertUsing<CategoryToCategoryVMConverter>();
Here comes the tricky part. AutoMapper will need to create a new instance of our converter every time you map values, and it will need to provide DbContext instance for constructor. In my projects I use Ninject for dependency injection, and it is configured to use the same instance of DbContext while processing a request. This way the same instance of DbContext is injected both in your controller and in your AutoMapper converter. The trivial Ninject configuration would look like this:
You can of course use some sort of factory pattern to get instance of DbContext instead of injecting it in constructors.
Let me know if you have any questions.
I've found a workaround that's not completely hacky.
Basically, I tell AutoMapper to ignore the tricky field and I update it myself.
The updated controller looks like this:
public class OperationsController : Controller {
private SomeContext context = new SomeContext ();
public ViewResult Index()
var ops = context.Operations.Include("blah...").ToList();
Mapper.CreateMap<Operation, OperationVM>()
.ForMember(dest => dest.CategoryVM, opt => opt.Ignore());
var opVMs = ops.Select(
op => {
var opVM = Mapper.Map<Operation, OperationVM>(op);
opVM.CategoryVM = CreateCatVM(op.Category, context.Categories);
return opVM;
return View(opVMs);
Still curious how this could be done from within AutoMapper...
The answer from #LeffeBrune is perfect. However, I want to have the same behavior, but I don't want to map every property myself. Basically I just wanted to override the "ConstructUsing".
Here is what I came up with.
public static class AutoMapperExtension
public static void ConstructUsingService<TSource, TDestination>(this IMappingExpression<TSource, TDestination> mappingExression, Type typeConverterType)
mappingExression.ConstructUsing((ResolutionContext ctx) =>
var constructor = (IConstructorWithService<TSource, TDestination>)ctx.Options.ServiceCtor.Invoke(typeConverterType);
return constructor.Construct((TSource)ctx.SourceValue);
public class CategoryToCategoryVMConstructor : IConstructorWithService<Category, CategoryVM>
private DbContext dbContext;
public DTOSiteToHBTISiteConverter(DbContext dbContext)
this.dbContext = dbContext;
public CategoryVM Construct(Category category)
// Some commands here
if (category.Id > 0)
var vmCategory = dbContext.Categories.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == category.Id);
if (vmCategory == null)
throw new NotAllowedException();
return vmCategory;
return new CategoryVM();
// Initialization
Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
cfg.ConstructServicesUsing(type => nInjectKernelForInstance.Get(type));
cfg.CreateMap<Category, CategoryVM>().ConstructUsingService(typeof(CategoryToCategoryVMConstructor));

MongoDB custom serializer implementation

I am new to MongoDB, and am trying to get the C# driver to work serializing F# classes. I have it working with the class automapper using mutable F# fields & a parameterless constructor, but really I need to retain immutability, so I started looking at implementing an IBsonSerializer to perform custom serialization. I haven't found any documentation for writing one of these so have just tried to infer from the driver source code.
I have run into a problem whereby when the Deserialize method is called on the serializer, the CurrentBsonType is set to EndOfDocument rather than the start as I am expecting. I wrote the equivalent in C# just to make sure it wasn't some F# weirdness, but the problem persists. The serialization part seems to work fine and is queryable from the shell. Here is the sample code:
class Calendar {
public string Id { get; private set; }
public DateTime[] Holidays { get; private set; }
public Calendar(string id, DateTime[] holidays) {
Id = id;
Holidays = holidays;
class CalendarSerializer : BsonBaseSerializer {
public override void Serialize(BsonWriter bsonWriter, Type nominalType, object value, IBsonSerializationOptions options) {
var calendar = (Calendar) value;
bsonWriter.WriteString("_id", calendar.Id);
var ser = new ArraySerializer<DateTime>();
ser.Serialize(bsonWriter, typeof(DateTime[]), calendar.Holidays, null);
public override object Deserialize(BsonReader bsonReader, Type nominalType, Type actualType, IBsonSerializationOptions options) {
if (nominalType != typeof(Calendar) || actualType != typeof(Calendar))
throw new BsonSerializationException();
if (bsonReader.CurrentBsonType != BsonType.Document)
throw new FileFormatException();
var id = bsonReader.ReadString("_id");
var ser = new ArraySerializer<DateTime>();
var holidays = (DateTime[])ser.Deserialize(bsonReader, typeof(DateTime[]), null);
return new Calendar(id, holidays);
public override bool GetDocumentId(object document, out object id, out Type idNominalType, out IIdGenerator idGenerator) {
var calendar = (Calendar) document;
id = calendar.Id;
idNominalType = typeof (string);
idGenerator = new StringObjectIdGenerator();
return true;
public override void SetDocumentId(object document, object id) {
throw new NotImplementedException("SetDocumentId is not implemented");
This blows up with FileFormatException in Deserialize when the CurrentBsonType is not Document. I am using the latest version 1.4 of the driver source.
I figured this out in the end. I should have used bsonReader.GetCurrentBsonType() instead of bsonReader.CurrentBsonType. This reads the BsonType in from the buffer rather than just looking at the last thing there. I also fixed a subsequent bug derserializing. The updated method looks like this:
public override object Deserialize(BsonReader bsonReader, Type nominalType, Type actualType, IBsonSerializationOptions options) {
if (nominalType != typeof(Calendar) || actualType != typeof(Calendar))
throw new BsonSerializationException();
if (bsonReader.GetCurrentBsonType() != BsonType.Document)
throw new FileFormatException();
var id = bsonReader.ReadString("_id");
var ser = new ArraySerializer<DateTime>();
var holidays = (DateTime[])ser.Deserialize(bsonReader, typeof(DateTime[]), null);
return new Calendar(id, holidays);
