iOS storyboards - UINavigationBar not appearing when I add it - ios

I added a UINavigationBar to a detail controller scene, but when I run my app the UINavigationBar does not appear. Why is it doing this ? I have the custom class set to the controller I want it too, but its not appearing, here is a screenshot.
but when I run this app, I dont see the "Title" bar or anything.

To add constraints select your navigation bar and click in the icon as in the picture.
uncheck "constrain to margins" as you want the navigation bar to snap in the boards of the screen, select the up and left red dots lines and add the value 0 to the drop boxes, meaning 0 pixels from the left and top of the screen.
Select Update frames and click in add constraints.
I can see in your screenshot you have other screen with problems (red icon next to the view controller) you should also fix that, click in the icon for more details about the error/warning

I am not sure if I understand what you are trying to do, but try this,
Select the detail view and go to the xCode menu and select editor->Embed in-> Navigation Controller.
I hope it helps

Add constraints to your navigation bar. However, IcaroNZ suggested the best way for navigation


navigation bar not coming common to both screens

This is my slide menu in cyan color on the left and dark on the right is my actual window having the slide menu. i need a common navigation bar for both of them but i am not getting it.
I have attached my slide menu with a navigation bar "embed in" and which furthure is connected to swrevelviewcontroller. what should i do to get a single top navigation bar in a situation where the slide menu is visible and the screen also.
First go to storyboard select view controller then check properties from right side.
Then after you need to set UIBarButton(menu/back) manually in all view controller as per requirement. Might be your problem will solved.

iOS UITabBar position and items

I've created a view and I added a UITabBar dragged from Storyboard.
The problems I'm facing are the following. I'm trying to add more items to the UITabBar from storyboard but can't seem to find any information of how to do that. Any pointers would be appreciated
I'm not using UITabBarController.
Is it possible to decide where to place the tab bar. If I want it in the middle of the screen for testing?
here is the steps :
Add a Tab bar to your View controller .
Drag a tab bar item and add it to you tab bar like so
And you are done; By default the tab bar will be added to the bottom of the screen

Navigation bar not occupying entire screen

Im trying to create a UINavigationBar using storyboard but the UINavigationBar is not occupying the entire screen.
Following is the screen shot of my storyboard.
In storyboard, it appears to occupy full screen width but in my device, the width is not full. How can I sort this out?
select your viewController and go to XCode Menu - > Editor -> select Navigation Controller ,
for example
you get the output of
it works fine for any layout patterns
firstly you have to disable size classes and auto layout in the file inspecter for your view after then set your navigation bar property like as shown in screenshot. It will be applicable for all the devices.
1- Select your element.
2- Click triangle button at bottom right.
3- Click Add Missing Constraints
use autoresizing selecting your NavigationBar:-

Bar Button Item is not Showing

I am trying to create a bottom toolbar. So I dragged I Bar Button Item to the View Controller and it was automatically position at the bottom, see image below:
But when I run the app, it doesn't show the bar at the bottom.
I already added:self.navigationController?.navigationBarHidden = false
I think it's just only a constraints problem.
First of all check your Document Outline near to the left of your table, to see the position (toolbar is just below table):
Add your constraints and pay attention to all options as shown in the picture:
Then, take a look to the size inspector, for the table view:
And for the toolbar:
This configuration working both in portrait/landscape mode.
Drag UIToolbar controller directly instead of only UIBarbutton item.
Have you set constraints of UIToolbar? I just guess it can be one of the reasons why you cannot see your barbuttoitem.
The navigation bar and the toolbar are two different things and the toolbar is hidden by default. Try setting the toolbar hidden attribute to false.
Sometimes bar button item and bar button do not show when we present our screen. On screen we can then not see bar button item and bar button. So we need to push our screen if we want bar button item and rightBarButtonItem.

Navigation Bar is too small

I am working on an iPad app and when I try to put the navigation bar on the first view controller, it fits in the main storyboard but is too small (also comes in contact with the status bar) when I run the simulator (as seen in the picture below):
The width and height in the storyboard are set to regular, not sure if it is relevant to this question. How do I fix this?
It looks like you're just adding a navigation bar. Are you sure you don't want a navigation controller?
If you do just want the navigation bar the you need to add constraints to pin it to the left and right of the screen.
Click the "add constraints" button and pin to left right and top.
Click on your view and go to Editor > Embed in > Navigation Controller.
