Create a particular JSON Structure in Swift - ios

I'm having trouble creating a specific structure in JSON with Swift. I use Swifty JSON for parsing but I can't figure out how to create one.
I have this array which is filled by Id's and quantity Ints of products in a shopping basket . I need to get the array into my JSON but I don't know how.
If you could help me with this I would be very glad :)
var productArray = Array<(id: Int,quantity: Int)>()
let jsonObject: [String: AnyObject] = [
"order": 1,
"client" : 1,
"plats": [
for product in productArray
"quantity": product.quantity

You can't just start looping through stuff while defining your dictionary. Here's another approach.
First, create your array:
var productArray = Array<(id: Int,quantity: Int)>()
Add some products (for testing):
productArray += [(123, 1000)]
productArray += [(456, 50)]
Map this array into a new array of dictionaries:
let productDictArray = { (product) -> [String : Int] in
"quantity": product.quantity
Use the new mapped array in your JSON object:
let jsonObject: [String: AnyObject] = [
"order": 1,
"client" : 1,
"plats": productDictArray

You are not supposed to do any kind of looping/condition making block of codes while creating Array's or Dictionary. For that you need to execute that piece of code outside, create a variable and use it.
Do try this way.
var productArray = Array<(id: Int,quantity: Int)>()
var prods = [[String:Int]]()
for product in productArray
var eachDict = [String:Int]()
eachDict["id"] =
eachDict["quantity"] = product.quantity
let jsonObject: [String: AnyObject] = [
"order": 1,
"client" : 1,
"plats": prods


Can't log multiple items in Analytics Events E-commerce

I need to log items in carts but I can't figure out how to do that. In Swift it is not allowed to use append() function, so I tried to create a dictionary inside an array but with this method it does not work properly, I got an error in Firebase Debugview. Here is my codes: (Swift, iOS)
func logViewCart(items: [CartItem]){
var itemList : [[String : Any]] = []
for item in items{
var itemParams : [String : Any] = [
"item_name": item.product?.name,
"item_category": item.product.category,
"price": item.price
var itemTest : [String : Any] = [:]
for i in itemList {
itemTest[AnalyticsParameterItems] = [i]
Analytics.logEvent("view_cart", parameters: [
"items": [itemTest]
Thanks in advance
There's several ways for the error you are getting, you can start by typing the log message or the behaviour.
I'll go first for the basics on login an event, make sure you have this property set -FIRAnalyticsDebugEnabled on your scheme like so
With that should popUp like in 3~6 seconds on the debug viewer, then make sure you have the parameters right.
I found the solution. Instead of declaring a dictionary inside an array, declaring another array variable with [Any] type solve the problem.
var itemList : [Any] = []
for item in items{
let variantIndex = item.product?.attributes?[1].listValueLabel?.count ?? 1
var itemParams : [String : Any] = [
"item_id": item.itemID,
"item_name": item.product?.name
Analytics.logEvent("view_cart", parameters: [
AnalyticsParameterItems: itemList

Adding to dictionary dynamically

I 'm having an array of dictionary like so...
"id" : "3",
"sellingPrice" : "520",
"quantity" : "15"
"id" : "5",
"sellingPrice" : "499",
"quantity" : "-1"
"id" : "8",
"sellingPrice" : "500",
"quantity" : "79"
Now I want to add to the dictionary another key called remaining_balance with a value of 420,499 & 500 respectively. How can I achieve this..? Hope somebody can help...
It seems like you want to add a value to your dictionary that is an array:
var arrDict = Array<Dictionary<String,Any>>() //Your array
let arrValue = ["420","499","500"] //Your remaining value in array
print("Before ",arrDict)
for (index,dict) in arrDict.enumerated() {
var dictCopy = dict //assign to var variable
dictCopy["remaining_balance"] = arrValue[index]
arrDict[index] = dictCopy //Replace at index with new dictionary
print("After ",arrDict)
If you are able keep an index of an array it would be possible,
Assuming that you have the index of an array
var dictCopy = arrDict[index]
dictCopy["remaining_balance"] = "666" //Your calculated value
arrDict[index] = dictCopy //Replace at index with new dictionary
var newKV = [["remaining_balance": "420"],["remaining_balance": "490"],["remaining_balance": "500"]]
let array = [["id":"3", "sellingPrice":"520", "quantity":"15"], ["id":"5", "sellingPrice":"520", "quantity":"15"], ["id":"8", "sellingPrice":"520", "quantity":"15"]]
let newArray = array.enumerated().map { (index : Int, value: [String: String]) -> [String: String] in
var dic = value
dic.merge(newKV[index]) { (_, new) -> String in
return dic
You could achieve it by mapping your array:
var myArray = [["id": "3", "sellingPrice": "520", "quantity" : "15"], ["id": "5", "sellingPrice": "499", "quantity" : "-1"], ["id": "8", "sellingPrice": "500", "quantity" : "79"]]
[["id": "3", "sellingPrice": "520", "quantity": "15"],
["id": "5", "sellingPrice": "499", "quantity": "-1"],
["id": "8", "sellingPrice": "500", "quantity": "79"]]
var remainingBalanceDesriedValue = 420
myArray = { (dict: [String: String]) -> [String: String] in
var copyDict = dict
copyDict["remaining_balance"] = "\(remainingBalanceDesriedValue)"
remainingBalanceDesriedValue = (remainingBalanceDesriedValue == 420) ? 499 : (remainingBalanceDesriedValue == 499) ? 500 : 420
return copyDict
[["sellingPrice": "520", "quantity": "15", "id": "3", "remaining_balance": "420"],
["sellingPrice": "499", "quantity": "-1", "id": "5", "remaining_balance": "499"],
["sellingPrice": "500", "quantity": "79", "id": "8", "remaining_balance": "500"]]
Let's assume you have an array of dictionaries like so:
var arrayOfDictionaries = [
"id": 3,
"sellingPrice": 520,
"quantity": 15
It is important that arrayOfDictionaries is not a let constant, otherwise it is considered immutable and you can not call append on it.
Now you init a new dictionary like:
let newDictionary = [
"id": 10,
"remaining_balance": 420,
"quantity": 15
Now add the newDictionary like
If the order is important
If the order is important there are a couple of ways to go about that.
When calling append the new value (in this case the new dictionary) will always be inserted at the bottom of the array.
If for some reason you can not call append in the correct order you could use insert, which inserts your dictionary at a specific position.
Yet another way is to append the values wildly and after you are done, call sort on the array.
Improvement Tips
Notice that for the values I did not use strings, as you only have numbers like "id" : 30.
Also, if you want the second key to be called remaining_balance you should call the first key selling_price instead of sellingPrice. Because of conistency.
Alternative approach
As far as I have understood you are trying to implement some software that is responsibly for selling some products.
I think you are tackling this problem from a completely wrong side.
I think you should read about database relationships. Selling products actually is a very common problem.
Maybe this will help you. I would offer a possible solution myself, but I think this misses the point of your question.
If you decide to use the database approach, you won't necessarily have to use a database. You can take the approach and implement it using simple structs/classes/arrays.
I noticed this question lacks an extension answer, yes.. I'm gonna be that guy, so here it is. This could be made more generic by supporting other types of dictionaries, feel free to pitch in ;)
Inspiration from #eason's answer.
var newKV = [["remaining_balance": "420"],["remaining_balance": "490"],["remaining_balance": "500"]]
var array = [["id":"3", "sellingPrice":"520", "quantity":"15"], ["id":"5", "sellingPrice":"520", "quantity":"15"], ["id":"8", "sellingPrice":"520", "quantity":"15"]]
extension Array where Element == [String: String] {
enum UniquingKeysStrategy {
case old
case new
mutating func merge(with target: Array<Element>, uniquingKeysWith: UniquingKeysStrategy = .new) {
self = self.merged(with: target)
func merged(with target: Array<Element>, uniquingKeysWith strategy: UniquingKeysStrategy = .new) -> Array<Element> {
let base = self.count > target.count ? self : target
let data = self.count > target.count ? target : self
return data.enumerated().reduce(into: base, {
result, data in
.merge(data.element, uniquingKeysWith: {
old, new in
if strategy == .new { return new }
return old
let mergedArrays = newKV.merged(with: array, uniquingKeysWith: .old)
array.merge(with: newKV)
Happy Coding :)

How do I sort an array of dictionary according to an array contents in Swift

I have an array of dictionary. I need to sort that array. The sorting shouldnt be like ascending or descending but it should be based on an another array contents.
EX: Lets say I have an array nammed array_unsorted and that array contains a lot of dictionary objects like d1, d2, d3, d4 etc. Each of the dictionary object has a key called key1 and each dictionary object has different value for that key such as Kammy, Maddy, Jessy. Lets say I have anohter sorted array which Maddy, Kammy, Jessy. Now the dictionary should be sorted in a way that the first element should the dictionary object in which the value for key1 should beMaddy`.
I cannot use SortDescriptor, because this will sort as an ascending or descending order based on the key passed to it.
I have tried my solution but I am ended up using so many nested loops. I feel like the solution I made so so pathetic that I dont even want to post the code here.
Any help would be so much appreciated.
EDIT: There can be multiple sorting arrays but as of now I am considering only one sorting array and then I can write the code for multiple sorting arrays.
How about this:
Create a new, empty dictionary with a String key, and a value of type Dictionary. Call it sourceItemsDict.
Loop through the dictionaries in your source array, and add each entry to your new dictionary, using your sort key as the dictionary key, and put the array entry as the value.
Create a new, empty array of dictionaries for your sorted results. call it sortedArray.
Now loop through your array that has the desired order in it. Fetch the item with that key from sourceItemsDict and append it to the end of sortedArray.
That should do it, and it should perform in O(n) time.
Try this:
func sort<T: Equatable>(arrayOfDict arr: [[String: T]], by key: String, order: [T]) -> [[String: T]] {
return arr.sorted {
guard let value0 = $0[key], let value1 = $1[key] else {
return false
guard let index0 = order.index(of: value0), let index1 = order.index(of: value1) else {
return false
return index0 < index1
let array_unsorted = [
["name": "Kammy", "city": "New York"],
["name": "Maddy", "city": "Cupertino"],
["name": "Jessy", "city": "Mountain View"]
let sortedByName = sort(arrayOfDict: array_unsorted, by: "name", order: ["Maddy", "Kammy", "Jessy"])
let sortedByCity = sort(arrayOfDict: array_unsorted, by: "city", order: ["Cupertino", "Mountain View", "New York"])
Your question leaves a couple of unresolved scenarios:
1: What if the key is missing from a dictionary?
let array_unsorted = [
["name": "Kammy", "city": "New York"],
["city": "Las Vegas"],
["name": "Maddy", "city": "Cupertino"],
["name": "Jessy", "city": "Mountain View"]
let sortedByName = sort(arrayOfDict: array_unsorted, by: "name", order: ["Maddy", "Kammy", "Jessy"])
Should Las Vegas appear at the beginning or end of the sorted array?
2: What if you don't specify an order for a value?
let array_unsorted = [
["name": "Amy"],
["name": "Kammy", "city": "New York"],
["name": "Maddy", "city": "Cupertino"],
["name": "Jessy", "city": "Mountain View"]
let sortedByName = sort(arrayOfDict: array_unsorted, by: "name", order: ["Maddy", "Kammy", "Jessy"])
Now where should Amy be placed?
Check out this example:
let dic1 = ["name" : "a"]
let dic2 = ["name" : "b"]
let dic3 = ["name" : "c"]
let dic4 = ["name" : "d"]
let dic5 = ["name" : "e"]
let unsorted_array = [dic2,dic5,dic1,dic4,dic3]
func sortArrayByName(_ array:[[String:String]])->[[String:String]]{
var sortedArray:[[String:String]] = [[String:String]]()
var sortingOrder:[String] = [String]()
for eachDic in array{
if let name = eachDic["name"]{
sortingOrder.sort() // sorting logic here
if sortedArray.isEmpty{
} else {
let index = sortingOrder.index(of: name)!
sortedArray.insert(eachDic, at: index)
return sortedArray
let sorted_array = sortArrayByName(unsorted_array)

Swift access fields in nested dictionary

I've got to deal with a Dictionary like this, or more nested.
How can I access fields like "twotwo" ? Or is there any better possibility to model such structure?
let nestedDict = [
"fieldOne": "name",
"fieldTwo": "name",
"twoOne": "some text",
"twoTwo": true,
"twoThree": 1e-40
"twoOne": "some text",
"twoTwo": true,
"twoThree": 1e-40
nestedDict is a Dictionary, you get fieldThree with
let fieldThree = nestedDict["fieldThree"] as! [[String:Any]] // [[String:AnyObject]] in Swift 2 and lower.
fieldThree is an Arrayof [String:AnyObject] dictionaries, you get the value of twoTwo of the first array item with
let twoTwo = fieldThree[0]["twoTwo"] as! Bool
You can even retrieve all values of key twoTwo in the array
let allTwoTwo = { $0["twoTwo"] as! Bool }

swift: Add multiple <key, value> objects to NSDictionary

I'm trying to add multiple objects to NSDictionary, like
var myDict: NSDictionary = [["fname": "abc", "lname": "def"], ["fname": "ghi", "lname": "jkl"], ...]
Is it even possible to do this? If not, please suggest a better way. I actually need to convert this NSDictionary to JSON string and send that to the server, so I need multiple objects in NSDictionary.
You can definitely make a dictionary of dictionaries. However, you need a different syntax for that:
var myDictOfDict:NSDictionary = [
"a" : ["fname": "abc", "lname": "def"]
, "b" : ["fname": "ghi", "lname": "jkl"]
, ... : ...
What you have looks like an array of dictionaries, though:
var myArrayOfDict: NSArray = [
["fname": "abc", "lname": "def"]
, ["fname": "ghi", "lname": "jkl"]
, ...
To get JSON that looks like this
{"Data": [{"User": myDict1}, {"User": myDict1},...]}
you need to add the above array to a dictionary, like this:
var myDict:NSDictionary = ["Data" : myArrayOfDict]
List item
Frist of all you can create NSArray and Then you can Set Array in NSMutableDictionary using setvalue(forKey:) default method.
var arrFname : NSArray!
arrFname = ["abc","xyz","mno"]
var arrLname : NSArray!
arrFname = ["tuv","xuv","swift"]
var dicSet : NSMutableDictionary!
dicSet.setObject(arrFname, forKey : "Fname")
dicSet.setObject(arrLname, forKey : "Lname")
var tempDict = NSMutableDictionary()
tempDict.setValue("sam", forKey : "one")
print(tempDict["one"] ?? "1")
