CarbonKit error on iOS7 - ios

I have a small problem when use the library "" - CarbonKit. The library is excelent, but on iOS7 i have an error because a bug on iOS7 when use auto layout with tableview.
I had made a small sample project to show it:
On project page you will see the error message and the line that generate the problem.
Can anyone help me with it please?

The problem is solved and the solution is on repository.
We cannot use in iOS7 directly on TableView, we need recreate the UITableViewController using UIViewcontroller.
You can see the code on github repository.


IB Designables: Failed to render and update auto layout status (Google Maps)

From few days, I'm experiencing following issue:
Main.storyboard: error: IB Designables: Failed to render and update auto layout status for SomeViewController (BeW-27-X9H): dlopen(GoogleMaps.framework, 1): no suitable image found. Did find:
GoogleMaps.framework: mach-o, but wrong filetype
I have 28 errors like this in different view controllers, even though I only use Google Maps in few of them. Because of this issue, I cannot edit some of view controllers (they are often blank). I can edit other controllers, but often then don't update themselves (I change something and cannot see it), unless I re-open storyboard or restart Xcode.
I've read countless solutions, but none of them is working. I've read that the cause is cocoa pods, however I cannot downgrade to 1.4, because some of my pods require 1.5. post_install fixes also don't help.
I've tried cleaning build folder & derived data.
I've tried re-running pod update.
I've tried restarting XCode and Mac OS multiple times.
Still, issue persists. One time, for no reason, it disappeared for several minutes and I could easily edit storyboard. Then it came back.
If it's really an issue with cocoa pods, I've tried manual integration, without cocoa pods. Still, there's the same error.
I've also tried the following solution:
import GoogleMaps
class GoogleMapView: GMSMapView {
But the issue won't disappear. Is there anything it can be done to fix this annoying issue? It appeared out of nowhere.
It is superstupid, but sometimes I just delete #IBDesignable view from storyboard then undo.
Maybe you could make a custom view contains GMSMapView(not sub class),
and use the custom view in Storyboard instead.
I have encontre some rendering issues (with other components) on storyboard files. I haven't understood the main reason, but i think that it's related to hardware performance (not sure).
The workaround is to momentary change the class of the view causing the problem (use standard UIView) to easily edit storyboard, and undo this change after finishing updates.
Hope this helps.

IB Designables: Failed to render and update auto layout status - The agent crashed

I am working on an existing iOS Project in Xcode 10.2.1 on macOS 10.14.4. The uses mainly Objectiv-C but also some Swift Pods (v. 1.5.2). Recently I have also added the first Swift based ViewController using Swift 5.
The Problem:
When working on the XIB file of this Swift bases ViewController after a short time the following error message is shown in the Xcode sidebar:
IB Designables: Failed to render and update auto layout status for
ViewXYZ (abc-de-123): The agent crashed
As soon as there error occur no changes in the Interface Builder (added view, changed colors, text, etc.) are shown anymore. When I re-open the XIB file it only show grey view placeholders instead of the real content.
The problem can only be solved by re-starting Xcode but when working on the XIB again it shows up after again after just a few moment.
Things that did NOT work
Since the problem is realted to IB Designabales I checked these first. Within the ViewController I am using two different custom views which are implemented in Objective-C and marked as IB_DESIGNABLE.
These views have not been changed recently and it was never a problem to use them before. Removing all custom code from these views did not change the problem. Thus there seems to be nothing wrong with the implementation.
I found other topics dealing with similar issues, but none of the different solutions worked for me:
Re-starting the Mac, re-starting Xcode, cleaning the build folder or deleting ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData does NOT solve the problem
Adding this code to the pod file does NOT solve the problem
Adding all UIView constructors to the views as proposed here does NOT solve the problem.
Xcode shows that the designables are up to date and does NOT offer a debug button (as shown here)
The views do not have orphant outlets
Re-creating the XIB from scratch let to the same issue
Not using the Bundle or other device specific code within the custom views did NOT solve the problem. As described before I removed ALL custom code from the classes so that they where simple UIView subclasses without any changes.
So far nothing I tried had any effect. However, most answers I found are quite old. Are there are any new proposals to solve this issue?

swift 3.0 folding-cell library table not showing

I am using library into my Swift 3.0 projects. It works nice without any editing or changing on storyboard/auto layout changing.
I faced some issues when tried to:
Add few IBOUTLET (in DemoCell.swift)
Add Data to them (in DemoCell's didSet() method)
Now the view is blank. But i can scroll the tableview(it is just not showing), can click and can see folded cell perfectly.
I tried to add constrains as it given in documentation. I get fatal crash.
I am using Xcode 8, swift 3.0. This is happen always even when i download the fresh source code and add new uilabel or anything change on storyboard.
Does anybody tried this library recently ?
Blank Screenshot:
When click in the cell, Other cell is hidden.But clickable.
Foreground view:
It was an issue with the library. Now its solved.

Rendering Video using XCDYouTubeKit and swift

Please bear with me as I have been trying to program in iOs using swift for a week now and at the moment I am stuck on an error. I need some insight with what is wrong with what I am doing.
Screenshot of Storyboard and .swift file
Screenshot of my error
I am gonna guess you have resolved it. Usually that error comes when you deleted an IBOutlet from the interface side of code but you still have it left behind in the the storyboard. Delete the "test" IBOutlet from the storyboard and that should fix it.

xCode crashes when I drag custom object into UIScrollView

I have a custom button that is a subclassed UIButton. When I try to drag it into a UIScrollView in IB Xcode immediately crashes. What gives?
I have this custom button working inside a UIScrollView in at least one other location in my app. Any ideas?
Uncheck "Use Autolayout" in the File Inspector fixes this problem. See answer below.
I have this custom button working inside a UIScrollView in at least
one other location in my app. Any ideas?
I could crash several Java editor like this. The problem it was in my custom component code:
I have added code, which the designer ( Interface builder) have executed to show my component.
Take extra care at init, viewDidLoad methods in your Button code.
Do not know exactly, But once the same kind of issue happened with me.
My problem was that some of my drawing methods were being called recursively, causing the Xcode to crash. I handled those recursive calls and issue got fixed.
SOLUTION: Uncheck "Use Autolayout" in the File Inspector
Thanks to #BornCoder I decided to try running this on my laptop running Xcode 4.4. When I tried to build I got an error saying this version of Xcode doesn't support Autolayout. I didn't intend to use Autolayout, it looks like Xcode 4.5 does automatically. Unchecking the box fixed it.
