When to not use neo4j? - neo4j

Neo4j is a great tool for mapping relational data, but I am curious what under what conditions it would not be a good tool to use.
In which use cases would using neo4j be a bad idea?

You might want to check out this slide deck and in particular slides 18-22.
Your question could have a lot of details to it, but let me try to focus on the big pieces. Graph databases are naturally indexed by relationships. So graph databases will be good when you need to traverse a lot of relationships. Graphs themselves are very flexible, so they'll be good when the inter-connections between your data need to change from time to time, or when the data about your core objects that's important to store needs to change. Graphs are a very natural method of modeling some (but not all) data sources, things like peer to peer networks, road maps, organizational structures, etc.
Graphs tend to not be good at managing huge lists of things. For example, if you were going to build a customer transaction database with analytics (where you need 1 million customers, 50 million transactions, and all you do is post transactions all day long) then it's probably not a good fit. RDBMS is great at that, notice how that use case doesn't exploit relationships really.
Make sure to read those two links I provided, they have much more discussion.

For maintenance reasons, any service aggregating data feeds has until now been well advised to keep their sources independent.
If I want to explore relationships between different feeds, this can be done at application level, using data tracking (for example) user preferences amongst the other feeds.
Graph databases are about managing relationship complexity, but this complexity is in many cases a design choice. Putting all your kids in one bathtub is fine until you drop the soap..


Does GraphQL negate the need for Graph Databases

Most of the reasons for using a graph database seem to be that relational databases are slow when making graph like queries.
However, if I am using GraphQL with a data loader, all my queries are flattened and combined using the data loader, so you end up making simpler SELECT * FROM X type queries instead of doing any heavy joins. I might even be using a No-SQL database which is usually pretty fast at these kinds of flat queries.
If this is the case, is there a use case for Graph databases anymore when combined with GraphQL? Neo4j seems to be promoting GraphQL. I'd like to understand the advantages if any.
GraphQL doesn't negate the need for graph databases at all, the connection is very powerful and makes GraphQL more performant and powerful.
You mentioned:
However, if I am using GraphQL with a data loader, all my queries are flattened and combined using the data loader, so you end up making simpler SELECT * FROM X type queries instead of doing any heavy joins.
This is a curious point, because if you do a lot of SELECT * FROM X and the data is connected by a graph loader, you're still doing the joins, you're just doing them in software outside of the database, at another layer, by another means. If even that software layer isn't joining anything, then what you gain by not doing joins in the database you're losing by executing many queries against the database, plus the overhead of the additional layer. Look into the performance profile of sequencing a series of those individual "easy selects". By not doing those joins, you may have lost 30 years value of computer science research...rather than letting the RDMBS optimize the query execution path, the software layer above it is forcing a particular path by choosing which selects to execute in which order, at which time.
It stands to reason that if you don't have to go through any layer of formalism transformation (relational -> graph) you're going to be in a better position. Because that formalism translation is a cost you must pay every time, every query, no exceptions. This is sort of equivalent to the obvious observation that XML databases are going to be better at executing XPath expressions than relational databases that have some XPath abstraction on top. The computer science of this is straightforward; purpose-built data structures for the task typically outperform generic data structures adapted to a new task.
I recommend Jim Webber's article on the motivations for a native graph database if you want to go deeper on why the storage format and query processing approach matters.
What if it's not a native graph database? If you have a graph abstraction on top of an RDBMS, and then you use GraphQL to do graph queries against that, then you've shifted where and how the graph traversal happens, but you still can't get around the fact that the underlying data structure (tables) isn't optimized for that, and you're incurring extra overhead in translation.
So for all of these reasons, a native graph database + GraphQL is going to be the most performant option, and as a result I'd conclude that GraphQL doesn't make graph databases unnecessary, it's the opposite, it shows where they shine.
They're like chocolate and peanut butter. Both great, but really fantastic together. :)
Yes GraphQL allows you to make some kind of graph queries, you can start from one entity, and then explore its neighborhood, and so on.
But, if you need performances in graph queries, you need to have a native graph database.
With GraphQL you give a lot of power to the end-user. He can make a deep GraphQL query.
If you have an SQL database, you will have two choices:
to compute a big SQL query with a lot of joins (really bad idea)
make a lot of SQL queries to retrieve the neighborhood of the neighborhood, ...
If you have a native graph database, it will be just one query with good performance! It's a graph traversal, and native graph database are made for this.
Moreover, if you use GraphQL, you consider your data model as a graph. So to store it as graph seems obvious and gives you less headache :)
I recommend you to read this post: The Motivation for Native Graph Databases
Answer for Graph Loader
With Graph loader you will do a lot of small queries (it's the second choice on my above answer) but wait no, ... there is a cache record.
Graph loaders just do batch and cache.
For comparaison:
you need to add another library and implement the logic (more code)
you need to manage the cache. There is a lot of documentation about this topic. (more memory and complexity)
due to SELECT * in loaders, you will always get more data than needed Example: I only want the id and name of a user not his email, birthday, ... (less performant)
The answer from FrobberOfBits is very good. There are many reasons to add (or avoid) using GraphQL, whether or not a graph database is involved. I wanted to add a small consideration against putting GraphQL in front of a graph. Of course, this is just one of what ought to be many other considerations involved with making a decision.
If the starting point is a relational database, then GraphQL (in front of that datbase) can provide a lot of flexibility to the caller – great for apps, clients, etc. to interact with data. But in order to do that, GraphQL needs to be aligned closely with the database behind it, and specifically the database schema. The database schema is sort of "projected out" to apps, clients, etc. in GraphQL.
However, if the starting point is a native graph database (Neo4j, etc.) there's a world of schema flexibility available to you because it's a graph. No more database migrations, schema updates, etc. If you have new things to model in the data, just go ahead and do it. This is a really, really powerful aspect of graphs. If you were to put GraphQL in front of a graph database, you also introduce the schema concept – GraphQL needs to be shown what is / isn't allowed in the data. While your graph database would allow you to continue evolving your data model as product needs change and evolve, your GraphQL interactions would need to be updated along the way to "know" about what new things are possible. So there's a cost of less flexibility, and something else to maintain over time.
It might be great to use a graph + GraphQL, or it might be great to just use a graph by itself. Of course, like all things, this is a question of trade-offs.

database solution for multiple isolated graphs

I have an interesting problem that I don't know how to solve.
I have collected a large dataset of 80 million graphs (they are CFG as in Control Flow Graph produced by programs I have analysed from Github) which I need to be able to search efficiently.
I looked into existing solutions like Neo4j but they are all designed to store a global single graph.
In my case this is the opposite all graphs are independent -like rows in a table - but I need to search through all of them efficiently.
For example I want to find all CFGs that has a particular IF condition or a WHILE loop with a particular condition.
What's the best database for this use case?
I don't think that there's a reason not to simply store all those graphs in a single graph, whether it's Neo4j or a different graph database. It's not a problem to have many disparate graphs in a single graph where the disparate graphs are disconnected from one another.
As for searching them efficiently, you would either (1) identify properties in your CFGs that you want to search on and convert them to some indexed value of the graph or (2) introduce some graph structure (additional vertices/edges) between the CFGs that will allow you to do the searches you want via graph traversal.
Depending on what you need to search on approach 1 may not be flexible enough for you especially, if what you intend to search on is not completely known at the time of loading the data. Also, it is important to note that with approach 2 you do not really lose the fact that you have 80 million distinct graphs just because you provided some connection between them. Those physical connections don't change that basic logical fact. You just need to consider those additional connections when you write traversals that you expect to occur only within a single CFG.
I'm not sure what Neo4j supports in this area, but with Apache TinkerPop (an open source graph processing framework that lets you write vendor agnostic code over different graph databases, including Neo4j), you might consider doing some form of graph partitioning to help with approach 2. Or you might subgraph() the larger graph to only contain the CFG and then operate with that purely in memory when querying. Both of these approaches will help you to blind your query to just the individual CFG you want to traverse.
Ultimately, however, I see this issue as a modelling problem. You will just need to make some choices on how to best establish the schema for your use case and virtually any graph database should be able to support that.

Core Data Model Design - Attributes vs Entities

I've been developing a very basic core data application for over a year now (Toy Collector, http://bit.ly/tocapp), and I'm looking at doing a redesign so that I can build in iCloud support. I figured while I'm doing that, I might as well update my core data model (if needed), and I'm having a heck of a time tracking down "best practices" for the following:
Currently, I have 2 entities:
Toy, Keywords
Toy has all the information about the object: Name, Year, Set, imageName, Owned, Wanted, Manufacturer, etc, (18 attributes in all)
Keywords has the normalized words to help speed up the search
My question is whether or not there is any advantage to breaking out some of the Toy attributes into their own entities. For example, I could have a manufacturer entity that stores the dozen or so manufacturers, instead of keeping that information in the Toy object. My gut tells me this could reduce the memory footprint (instead of 50,000 objects storing a manufacturer string, there would simple be 12 manufacturer strings in an entity with a relationship to the main Toy entity). Does that kind of organization really matter? Am I trying to overcomplicate things? I just feel like my entity has a lot of attributes, and I'm not sure if taking the time to break it apart into multiple entities would make a difference.
Any advice or pointers would be appreciated!
Your question is pretty broad, since it addresses the topic of database design. Let me say upfront that it is almost impossible to give you any sensible suggestions, since I would need to know a lot more about your app, use cases, etc. than it is possible through a S.O. question.
Coming to your concrete questions, I would say that you correctly identify one of advantages of splitting a table into multiple ones; actually, the advantage of doing that is not just reducing the database footprint, rather keep data redundancy to a minimum. Redundancy not only affects memory footprint but also manageability and modifiability of your data, and lack of redundancy could even cause anomalies or corruption. There is even a whole database theory topic which is known as database normalisation that addresses this king of concerns.
On the other hand, as it is always the case, redundancy can help performance, and this is actually the case when you can fetch your data through a simple query instead of multiple queries or table joins. There is a technique to improving a database performance which is known as database denormalization and is the exact opposite to normalisation. Your current scheme is fully denormalized.
Using Core Data, which is a relational object graph manager running often on top of SQLite, which is a relational database manager, you have also to take into account the fact that Core Data will automatically build your object graph and fetch into memory the data when you need it. This means that if you can take a smaller memory footprint on disk for granted, this might not be the case when it comes to RAM footprint of your query results (Core Data will "explode", so to say, at some moment your data from multiple tables into one object plus its attributes).
In your specific case, you should also possibly take into account the cost of migrating your existing user base (if the database is not read-only).
All in all, I would say that if your app does not have any database footprint issues at the moment; if you do not feel that creating new tables might be useful, e.g., in order to add new functionality, such as listing all manufacturers; and, finally, if you do not foresee tasks like renaming a manufacturer or such at some point, then maybe refactoring your database will not add much benefit. But, as I say, without knowing your app in detail and your roadmap for it, it is difficult to say anything really on spot. In any case, I hope this general considerations will help you take a decision.
If you want to investigate your core data performance and try to understand where the bottlenecks are, give a try to Instruments/Core Data tool (Product/Profile menu). There are a lot of things that can go bad.
On the other hand, it is really hard to help you further without having more details about the type of searches your app allows to do. One thing that is not clear to me is if your searches are slow only when they return a lot of results or they are slow even when returning a few results.
Normalizing might help performance if you only use (say, after doing a search) just one normalized entity (e.g., to display the toy name in a table). In this case all of the attributes referring to other entities would be faults (hence would not occupy memory nor take) and this might speed up things. But, if you do a search and then display the information from the other tables as well, then there might not be any advantage, quite the opposite, since the faults would have to be resolved immediately and this would produce more accesses to the database.
Also it is true that depending on how you use it, core data could not be the best way to handle your data. Have a look at this Brent Simmons' post relating his experience.

When developing web applications when would you use a Graph database versus a Document database?

I am developing a web-based application using Rails. I am debating between using a Graph Database, such as InfoGrid, or a Document Database, such as MongoDB.
My application will need to store both small sets of data, such as a URL, and very large sets of data, such as Virtual Machines. This data will be tied to a single user.
I am interested in learning about peoples experiences with either Graph or Document databases and why they would use either of the options.
Thank you
I don't feel enough experienced with both worlds to properly and fully answer your question, however I'm using a document database for some time and here are some personal hints.
The document databases are based on a concept of key,value, and static views and are pretty cool for finding a set of documents that have a particular value.
They don't conceptualize the relations between documents.
So if your software have to provide advanced "queries" where selection criteria act on several 'types of document' or if you simply need to perform a selection using several elements, the [key,value] concept is not appropriate.
There are also a number of other cases where document databases are inappropriate : presenting large datasets in "paged" tables, sortable on several columns is one of the cases where the performances are low and disk space usage is huge.
So in many cases you'll have to perform "server side" processing in order to pick up the pieces, and with rails, or any other ruby based framework, you might run into performance issues.
The graph database are based on the concept of tripplestore, meaning that they also conceptualize the relations between the entities.
The graph can be traversed using the relations (and entity roles), and might be more convenient when performing searches across relation-structured data.
As I have no experience with graph database, I'm not aware if the graph database can be easily queried/traversed with several criterias, however if an advised reader has such an information I'd really appreciate any examples of such queries/traversals.
I'm currently reading about InfoGrid and trying to figure if such databases could by handy in order to perform complex requests on a very large set of data, relations included ....
From what I can read, the InfoGrah should be considered as a "data federator" able to search/mine the data from several sources (Stores) wich can also be a NoSQL database such as Mongo.
Wich means that you could use a mongo store for updates and InfoGraph for data searching, and maybe spare a lot of cpu and disk when it comes to complex searches inside a nosql database.
Of course it might seem a little "overkill" if your app simply stores a large set of huge binary files in a database and all you need is to perform simple key queries and to retrieve the result. In that cas a nosql database such as mongo or couch would probably be handy.
Hope some of this helps ;)
When connecting related documents by edges, will you get a shallow or a deep graph? I think the answer to that question is important when deciding between graphdbs and documentdbs. See Square Pegs and Round Holes in the NOSQL World by Jim Webber for thoughts along these lines.

Achieving better DB performance

I have a website backed by a relational database comprised of the usual e-commerce related tables (Order, OrderItem, ShoppingCart, CreditCard, Payment, Customer, Address, etc...).
The stored proc. which returns order history is painfully slow due to the amount of data + the numerous joins which must occur, and depending on the search parameters it sometimes times out (despite the indexing that is in place).
The DB schema is pretty well normalized and I believe I can achieve better performance by moving toward something like a data warehouse. DW projects aren't trivial and then there's the issue of keeping the data in sync so I was wondering if anyone knows of a shortcut. Perhaps an out-of the box solution that will create the DW schema and keep the data in sync (via triggers perhaps). I've heard of Lucene but it seems geared more toward text searches and document management. Does anyone have other suggestions?
How big is your database?
There's not really any shortcuts, but dimensional modelling is really NOT that hard. You first determine a grain and then need to identify your facts and the dimensions associated with the facts. Then you divide the dimensions into tables which allow you to have the dimensions only grow slowly over time. The choice of dimensions is completely practical and based on the data behavior.
I recommend you have a look at Kimball's books.
For a database of a few GB, it's certainly possible to update a reporting database from scratch several times a day (no history, just repopulating from a 3NF for a different model of the same data). There are certain realtime data warehousing techniques which just apply changes continuously throughout the day.
So while DW projects might not be trivial, the denormalization techniques are very approachable and usable without necessarily building a complete time-invariant data warehouse.
Materialized Views are what you might use in Oracle. They give you the "keeping the data in sync" feature you are looking for combined with fast access of aggregate data. Since you didn't mention any specifics (platform, server specs, number of rows, number of hits/second, etc) of your platform, I can't really help much more than that.
Of course, we are assuming you've already checked that all your SQL is written properly and optimally, that your indexing is correct, that you are properly using caching in all levels of your app, that your DB server has enough RAM, fast hard drives, etc.
Also, have you considered denormalizing your schema, just enough to serve up your most common queries faster? that's better than implementing an entire data warehouse, which might not even be what you want anyway. Usually a data warehouse is for reporting purposes, not for serving interactive apps.
