Grails: What is the difference between extending and embedding a domain class? - grails

I'm very new to the Grails framework, so please bear with me.
Nonetheless, I am a bit confused on the functionality difference between extending a domain class and embedding objects.
From a database point of view, they both do the same thing. When embedding an object, all the properties of all the classes are stored in one table. Similarily, when extending a class (using table-per-hierarchy), all the properties of all the classes are stored in one table.
I'm sure there is a functionality difference between these two, and so I figured I ask this question.
When do you use either one?

The only technical difference is the ability to have multiple tables through the table per subclass property when extending a class. Otherwise, they are identical in use.
However, that said, by extending another class you are also modeling that within the class structure so you can make use of instanceof and polymorphic features of Java/Groovy.


Inheritance services Ruby on Rails

So I'm learning RoR and I have to 3 services that calls an API with the same structure and i want to know if i can do it with a parent class and then work with the parent class to save code.
Yes. This may work if you can define a method with fewer arguments, which builds that structure for the API call.
Approaches are:
Put that common method in a base class which the other classes inherit from.
Put that common method in a module as a mix in.
Write a class to handle the call to the API, which builds the structure.
I don't think you have an "isa" relationship from the sound of it. So unless you do, 2 is preferred to 1. You can only inherit from one class, so mixins are more flexible.
Approach 3 is a good idea. You can have internal methods for the hostname and other constants for your API call.
This can be combined with the other approaches as you can use the Aggregation pattern to aggregate the API object in the other classes. That might or might not make sense. It might be just as well as the other classes have methods which instantiate the class in approach 3 and call it.

Spring-data-neo4j-4 Relationships common properties

i'm wondering if there is a way to specify a list of common properties for relationships withou defining new RelationshipEntity every time
You can define the common properties in an abstract class, making sure that the #RelationshipEntity annotation is defined on the subclasses.
However, that still doesn't take away the fact that you could potentially have many #RelationshipEntity subclasses. I'm assuming this is what you mean, but in case not, please edit your question to add more info/an example

Project Structure in MVC design Pattern iOS

First of all i know MVC well and have been using it in project but when it comes to organizing classes and there role i am bit not sure of there proper implementation. Lets take a scenario to proceed with:
A sample which will display All Employee and Department. Data will be fetched from Web Services(Json) and will be stored as offline(Core Data).
So MVC pattern would be:
View will be my storyboard with Employee and Department UIViewController.
Controller will be EmployeeViewController.swift and DepartmentViewController.swift
Model will be Employee.swift and Department.swift
class Employee: NSObject {
var name: String?
class Department: NSObject {
var departmentName: String?
ServiceManager which will make calls to the web service.
ParseData which will parse the web service response and convert it into Employee and Department objects
CoreDataManager is singleton class to manage CRUD operation on offline DB.
Here are series of question on the above scenario which i have:
Is my understanding correct? Is the structure which i am trying to build follows proper MVC?
How the controller will interact with these components (Service Manager, ParseData, CoreDataManager). Should there be another class which will facilitate the communication between controller and data management(if controller does this then it will a tightly-coupled structure and massive as well).
Should Model be having any code other then property and initialization method as most of the model which i have seen only have property declaration?
Should there be separate UIView classes instead of storyboard to create a proper MVC structure?
Is my understanding correct? Is the structure which i am trying to
build follows proper MVC?
First I will say that "proper" MVC will depend on who you're asking. Its origin is commonly attributed to Trygve Reenskaug when he introduced this into Smalltalk in the 70's. However, his type of MVC was widely different from the bloated versions most commonly used today. The modern way of thinking about MVC is
Model = mostly a dumb class which primarily encapsulates data
View = whatever we present on the screen
Controller = the big lump of code that does almost everything,
sometimes offloaded by a manager class or two of some sort
Reenskaug, however, would have a model and a view and a controller for a button. For a label. For a field. I'm not saying that is what we should strive for, but there should be better ways to structure a project than using the Massive ViewController pattern (as it is jokingly referred to in the iOS community).
Luckily, there are.
Uncle Bob is preaching Clean Architecture. There are several implementations of this, and various people have made their own implementations of this for iOS, like VIPER and Clean Swift.
How the controller will interact with these components (Service
Manager, ParseData, CoreDataManager). Should there be another class
which will facilitate the communication between controller and data
management(if controller does this then it will a tightly-coupled
structure and massive as well).
Following the principles of Clean Architecture, you should encapsulate these functionalities into layers, in a way that enables you not just to split the code into multiple components, but also enables you to replace them with other components when that is needed. (But yes, at the very least avoid putting all of this in your controller!)
Should Model be having any code other then property and initialization
method as most of the model which i have seen only have property
Again, there is not a single answer here. Some proponents of "real" OOP will say that each object should be self-served (i.e. a model object should know how to persist itself), while others extract the knowledge of such operations into "managers". Putting code to persist an object into the object could mean littering persistence functionality into many objects, or require you to rely on subclassing or other solutions to avoid this coupling.
Should there be separate UIView classes instead of storyboard to
create a proper MVC structure?
Storyboard or not does not determine whether you're using "proper" MVC. Also, what kind of class you're choosing (UIView or UIViewController) to represent the View is also not important. Your ViewController can be dumbed down to such a degree that it contains no logic (forwarding the logic that it DOES have to another class, i.e. the Presenter in VIPER).
I would recommend reading about the Clean Architecture and maybe watch a video of Uncle Bob explaining it, read other people's reports on implementing it, and then consider whether MVC is the correct pattern for your iOS project.

Implementing a uml class diagram on rails

I'm new on rails and I want to implement this diagram in Rails. The problem is with the heritage between classes, I don't know how to do that with models/controllers. Anyone have any idea?
Rails let your share features pretty easily among your models via 2 main pattern :
STI (single table inheritence) : basically just add a type string column and inherit your model class from its parent instead of inheriting from ActiveRecord::Base
Concern : Share some features grouped into a module you defined and include it into your target model or controller's classes
On your controller side you can directly build your own inheritence chain (making sure the first ancestor is your ApplicationController), use the concern pattern or other types of goodies such as Service Objects (and much much much more;-) )

Making class out of another class smart (Obj-C)?

I have a class written in Objective-C and I want to have another similar one. Except for few details. Is there any smart way of copying class implementation and making another class? I'd like to change few things, but ctrl+c + ctrl+v sounds so unintuitive.
PS. edit: I have multiple classes to implement, also I'd like to have neat solution for future.
Use class inheritance.
Implement class A with the common functionality
Derive classes B and C from A to add functional differences.
Take a look at Classes Inherit from Other Classes.
If you like to simply add a method without subclassing, see Categories Add Methods to Existing Classes. But be aware what you shouldn't do with categories!
If you like to change values, add appropriate properties to the interface declaration.
