tableview from multiple core data entities swift - uitableview

I am struggling with something I think should be basic but cannot figure out. I have two entities in core data with a one to one and one to many relationship. They are Company which can have multiple Opportunities.I want to load a table view listing the opportunities (sorted by name) with their associated companies. Can this be done by simply accessing the Opportunity entity? If so, how do I access company? The Opportunity class references it as a "Company" type and so I tried to go using dot notation through to company.companyName but it failed on that, and if I change it to simply company (of type Company) it does show .Company: and other reference data but not the simple name field I am looking for. This seems as if it should be simple but...........

This was simple and I was overlooking the ability to load the fetchedresultscontroller with the right type (in my case the Opportunity class) and then use dot notation from there. I was trying to do it with key value access which did not work. Cheers


back4app data model relationship filtering

I use back4app as my backend environment which is almost similar to Parse.
I would like to ask a few questions regarding organising data models relationships. Let me add a few words about my structure:
I have a User data model and a Project data model. Project can contain many User records. When I want to put a user to a project I wrap it to another data model called ProjectUser. I need this for separating levels when a User can be a part of entire system and when a User can be just a part of smaller things such as Project component I've described.
ProjectUser class has a User and Project as Relation (not sure do I need to use Pointer here):
So now looks like I can filter ProjectUser using Project key and get all needed users in appropriate project.
My question do I need to use such approach with filtering or do I need to add a new column to Project class with Array type and append this array every time I put new ProjectUser to a destination project? Can my Project class just contain array of another custom classes?
To summarise:
Do I need to use pointers instead of relations?
Is this better to create additional object with two custom classes in it (ProjectUser) or it's ok to use an array in Project data model to retrieve all Users or ProjectUsers.
Faced the same question
have back4app as backend ad table to filter by related object (User).

CoreData mark one record as favourite (mutually exclusive)

I have an iOS app that uses CoreData
There is an entity called Animal
It has a set of records Lion, Tiger and Elephant
I would like to mark only one of the records as favourite.
Similar entities with the same approach:
Similarly I could have other entities such as Car, Bike.
Each entity would have a set of records.
Again each entity should only have one favourite record
App has an option to create a new document
When the new document is created, it would be populated with default values for each entity (by selecting the favourite record of each entity)
Note: Only one record can be marked as favourite at a given time
Possible models I thought of:
1. Field called isFavourite
Create a field in Animal called isFavourite.
Mark only one of the rows as isFavourite as true.
Much of the logic to maintain isFavourite is managed in code.
2. Separate entity called Favourite
Create a separate table called Favourite and have a dummy row in it.
Establish a relationship from Favourite to Animal called animal.
This will point to the favourite record.
What is the preferred approach to tackle this problem ?
Are there any other alternatives ?
Go with option 2, maybe call it Config. If you want to ensure it is just a singleton add a attribute that is unique and can only be zero.
You can write a helper computed var returning true if the reverse relationship is non-nil.
Main advantage of option 2 is the simplicity of changing the favourite, you don't have to scan through all the items to to set them non-favourite just change it on the singleton config.
Give some thought to other parts of the app and to what you might want to do in the future.
Adding a field: Works OK but requires some code to maintain, which might be error prone. On the other hand maybe one day the app might allow multiple favorites, and this will just work with that.
Using a separate entity: Also works OK but adds a whole new entity where you'll only have a single instance. In general, if you have an entity where you only ever want one instance, you're doing it wrong. On the other hand this also works well with the potential for multiple favorites.
A third approach is to save the objectID for the favorite animal somewhere outside of Core Data, like UserDefaults. Save it, and then find the favorite by using NSManagedObjectContext's existingObject(with:) method. You can't save the NSManagedObjectID directly but you can get its uriRepresentation() and save that.
I'd probably go with #1 in most cases but it depends what else I need in the app.

Does ID belongs to view model

After working with MVC for a long time, I decided to go with MVVM. I understood the basics of the pattern and got through multiple articles that explain that MVVM is waaay better then MVC any day. And I am okay with that.
I decided to make my own app in order to set my mind correctly for logic behind MVVM. So I created basic app that does follow MVVM principles and after a while I found the problem that you see in the title.
So, basically, this is the problem. Let's say that I have one object, call it Person. Person have name and surname. But when I want to show details about that person, I will have address, phone numer etc. Because one person can have many phone numbers I will have something from API that link to the user ID.
So we came to my question. If I have some basic information about some model, and want to have detail information about that same model, where do I keep ID (or link) for that detail information? Do I have to keep it inside view controller, which would be just wrong? Or do I keep it inside view model, even if I don't use it really on user interface?
The ID also belongs to the model class. ie If you have an object Person then simply create a data class Person, which will obviously include all the members say ID, Name, Address, Number and so on. You can identify each person using the same ID as well.
The View Model need not always know about the ID. If you have a list of Person objects in view model, then you could easily map each item using the ID. Additionally if you want to have currently selected item or something, you could map it to viewmodel property of that object type ie Person. So you need not keep a PersonID field in ViewModel unless it is absolutely required for some rare cases.
Sorry, but I did not understand this : So basically in prepareForSegue method I could say something like give me from current VM object at particular index and create VM for new view that I will actually send ?
As far as simple applications are concerned, the above approach is more than enough. But in some rare cases, you may need to keep the current selected item's ID in the view model. So if you're using a list and keeping a property for selected item, it may not be the type of that list ie Person. Instead it could be the ID alone.
Hope you got the point.

Core Data difference between parent/child and to-one/to-many inverse relationships

I've looked all over SO, youtube, and the Apple docs and am having real trouble understanding the distinction--if any--between parent/child and to-one/to-many inverse relationships in Core Data. Nothing I've found appears to address the subject directly and explicitly.
I need to know this because I want to load a table view with data from one entity, called ListActivity, grouped into sections defined by another entity called ListCategory, as shown here. Also not real confident of my naming convention:
Can someone please clearly explain the difference--and when to use each case--or point me to something that can?
Edit for clarification:
For comparison, here is a screenshot of my entities with ListCategory specified via the menu in the Data Model Inspector as the Parent Entity for ListActivity:
Relationship is used go down in an object graph (i.e activities in a category) while an inverse relationship is used to go up in an object graph (i.e category to which an activity belong to).
While naming convention looks fine. better use "activities" instead of "listActivities" and "category" instead of "toCategory".
Generate classes for them and you'll better know how these will work out.

How can a user add a new field to a table by creating a new attribute

I'm new to Core Data and I got stuck at this part of my xCode project.
I have created a core data entity "Person" and this entity has the following attributes:
and this attributes are getting displayed in a tableview. So far so good.
My problem is that I want the table to have an "Add Field" or "Add Row" cell so when the user wants to add more information in addition to these already created attributes he just clicks the cell and chooses the field name and type.
For example if he wants the person's "phone number" in the detail view of the table he names the new field "phone number" and chooses its type "number". Then he has an extra field where he can add the person's phone number.
How can I do this in core data? Is there a way for a user to manually add a new attribute to an entity and choosing its format? What is the best approach? Thanks.
You can't do exactly what you want with Core Data. Core Data can't change structure except if you make a new version of your design, but you do that in xcode.
But you can easily add another table called f.ex. information, which links to the person single connection and has the person linking back many to the information table.
This way, you can add as many fields and values as you want, of course all the extra fields you add would follow the same person, so if you want to use cellPhone field, you must add that to all.
I would recommend that you use direct SQL, and don't use Core Data. Core Data is not a database, it is an object store, and when you get better at iOS development, you will understand the difference, it is much bigger than you might think at first.
There is an excellent high level library for SQLite, called FMDB, you can find it on github here :
Here you can do direct SQL queries like "Alter Table" and more on the fly, though what you are after isn't very simple, it could be real fun project to do.
Good luck with this.
I don't think this is directly possible in Core Data because its purpose is object persistence and you can't add new properties to objects dynamically. It could be faked to some degree using a to-many relationship to an "extra property" entity that had name, value (as string), and data type fields.
I believe your best option would be using SQLite in order to modify the table structure on the fly. (
My last company did something like this, but its not trivial. I don't have access to the code so this is more or less going to be from memory.
you provide transformable property in your entity (which will be a dictionary)
the model object has to provide the getter and setter for this that in turn drive the primitive methods to set/get an attribute
you provide a getter/setter along the lines of -objectForKey and -setObject forKey, which read and write values
when you are told to 'fault', you update the dictionary in the entity
In summary, maintain a dictionary of key value pairs. Perhaps you maintain a shadow dictionary that gets initialized and updated as needed. Its been around 4 years since I last saw this code so a little fuzzy on it. But you should get the idea. It was like magic - you can arbitrarily set any key/value pair (assuming string keys and NSCoding compliant values), and can always ask for the keys by asking the dictionary for its current set of keys.
